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Dearest Aymoon, my coolest student 😎

To that one student I genuinely thought hated me first week of school.

I remember when I first started teaching you guys, you were always sitting at the

back (Mostafa’s current place) and always participating in my sessions with such

impressive answers. I didn’t tell you but every time I finished the session, I went to

the staff room and kept talking non-stop about a brilliant student I had in my class

called Ayman Ramy.

As days went by, and I got to see your cool, laid-back personality, I was TOO happy

to get to know you better and enjoy your fun company and presence in my sessions.

I just want you to know that I consider myself lucky to have taught you and known

you as well <3

You’re such a great student and person and you’re definitely one of the closest

people to my heart.

Don’t you dare forget about me being a favourite teacher of yours!!!!!! (jk jk you

may) (no you may not)


Ms. Habiba, bibo, katkoot, the definitely not colour-blind teacher <3

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