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Sample form, not for off line completion.

03 Senior Student
JCs, Polytechnics, ITEs

Name of Invention

The “Zlatan”
Have you participated in TKK YIA before?


I am eligible to enter the applicable Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors' Award categrory.

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions in ht t ps:/ / singaporet k k f.com.sg/ y ia/

You are encouraged to credit all members of the team that contributed to this entry.

1. Please be sure to spell names correctly and include your FULL name (the names entered on this form will reflect the
names on your certificates)
2. Enter your mentor's details if you have any


National Junior College


If you do not belong to a school/institution OR do not wish to represent your school, please indicate as "Self". If your school/institution
cannot be found in the list, please specify in "Others".

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Do you have a mentor for this project?

✔ Yes

How many members are there in your team? (including yourself)


4 (Only for Open Section)

5 (Only for Open Section)

If you are the registrant, please make sure to count yourself in this section.

My team members and I are all Singaporean / PR.

✔ Yes

Please select 'No' if you have a team member who is a foreigner.

Name of Team Member (2)

Nicholas Tan Jin Wei, Anbu Kritikka Anbalagan , Ho Yoon Sim

Date of Birth (2)

30/5/2023, 19/03/06, 07/03/06

Member's Email Address (2)

Nicholas_tan_jin_wei@students.edu.sg, kritikkanbu@gmail.com, Ho.Yoon.sim@gmail.com

Member's Contact Number (2)

93802857, 88223358,90471510
This information will be kept confidential.

I confirm that I have registered all the contributors to this project. I understand that having unregistered members can lead

to disqualification.

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Field of Invention (ONLY select up to 3)

Electrical / Electronic

✔ Building





Health Care

✔ Science

Others (to specify)

Choose the field(s) that best describes your invention. You can ONLY select up to 3 options.

Your invention is
A new product

✔ An adaptation of an existing product

An improvement on a past YIA submission

Summary of Invention 150 words

Our shelf aims to address the issue of clutter and inaccessibility storage. Secondly, it maximises the space in the classroom. Thirdly, it makes great home for all sorts of things. Lastly, it reduces
clutter on the floor and front table. It neatens the classroom and provide a more conducive study environment.

Write a summary of your invention.

Details of Project
Our invention displays the essentials that students need to keep track of, elevates items off the ground allow students to walk around without obstructions, Provides
shelving levels to categorise items and helps in customising the number of levels on the shelf depending on each class's needs.

Describe how your invention works. E.g. What is the purpose of your invention? Where is the novelty in it?

Target Users and Benefits

They stay in their homerooms at least 6 hours everyday. Learning new knowledge and sharing fresh conversations, this room facilitates it all. So it’s important to maintain the aesthetics of the classroom to help create a conducive and comfortable
learning environment. By creating this shelf, it addresses the issue of clutter and inaccessibility storage. The shelf maximises the space in the classroom, makes great home for all sorts of things and reduces clutter on the floor and front table.

Who are your targets users and how would they benefit from your invention?

Describe Experience
It was a circuitous journey filled with different obstacles that we managed to successfully navigate. Before deciding on or even brainstorming about the invention, we were involved in a long process of collecting primary and secondary data. The process was rather challenging as we’d often find contradicting opinions from those we conducted interviews from and had to increase the sample size to
combat that. After the initial data collection phase, despite deciding on the problem we wanted to tackle, the endless possibilities and ways to contribute to the resolution of the problem was certainly daunting. Our limited resources also put us in a tough spot as it meant we’d have to work wisely to utilise what we had to invent something substantial. It was quite stressful coming up with a practical
solution but once we decided on the shelf, things fell into place for a bit before we realised that our design had issues. Learning from the mistakes of our previous prototypes and constantly inquiring with those around us, we were able to successfully remodel and constantly redesign our prototype until we were certain we made our vision a reality. Despite struggling at times, we certainly bonded
over the mutual confusion and challenges we faced. The Road definitely wasn’t a short or smooth one but I’m glad we managed to safely and successfully get to our desired destination.

What was your experience as you created this invention?

Other Aspects to Highlight (optional)

What makes our invention unique is that it is made of boards that can be easily assembled together and also be dismantled to save space when not being used. Each board is designed like a jigsaw puzzle piece which makes it easy and simple to assemble together. It works by simply fitting
each jigsaw piece together to form any shape of shelf which is preferred, then inserting the support stick down the slot. This makes it convenient, safe and simple to construct. Additionally, it Displays the essentials that students need to keep track of, Elevates items off the ground allow students
to walk around without obstructions , Provides shelving levels to categorise items and allows for the number of levels on the shelf depending on each class's needs. Making it an efficient way to neaten the classroom and provide a more conducive study environment

Is there anything else you would like to highlight about your invention?

✔ I declare that the submitted information is true to the best of my knowledge.

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Any patents?

✔ No

Awards from other competitions?


✔ No

External resources / assistance for product completion


✔ No

Material may be supplied as follows:

Upload only JPEG, PNG, MP4 or PDF files. Maximum file size limit is 5MB per file. You can also attach a URL.
You can upload a maximum of 5 attachments.
Verify that your link/URL attachments can be accessed without any restrictions.
You are required to attach the following:

1. A PDF with at least 1 image of your prototype with brief image description.
2. Additional supporting documents (optional) (E.g. PowerPoint slides, video or poster, etc.)

Maximum of 5 attachments

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