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In our day to day practice we often come across children being very

naughty always on the move or loaded with motor driven energy . When
parents enquire about the behavior , we may get confused whether to label
it as normal hyperactive for the age or a state to refer for evaluation. Be-
cause a simple hyperactivity doesn’t need an evaluation or therapy as it
used to be age related development .
We all agree that children with simple hyperactivity , Attention deficit hy-
peractivity disorder  (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder can look a lot
like one another other in the hyperactive behavior and it will be difficult
to differentiate in the 5 to 10 minutes consultation time .
In view of this in this article we will have some idea about all the three
things . Any child under the age of 3 to 3.6 years can have hyperactivity
provided they don’t have any speech delay or communication delay as
well as no disruptive behavior leading to affect their normal acitivities of
daily living ( ADL).
In the other way children with ADHD and ASD or with either condition
can have problems focusing. They can be impulsive or have a hard time
communicating. They may have trouble with schoolwork and social rela-
Both conditions share many of the same symptoms even though they are
two distinct conditions.
Autism spectrum disorder is a communicative behavioural disor-
der with deficit in communication / language skills, behavior, socializ-
ing, and the ability to learn.
ADHD is a condition with deficit in attention or focus and hyperactivity
with difficulty in completing a task .

The correct diagnosis of ASD or ADHD or ASD with ADHD at an early

stage helps children get the right treatment so they don't miss out on im-
portant development and learning. People with these conditions can have
successful, happy lives if managed properly on time .
We will discuss how to differentiate theASD and ADHD.
Look at the child’s attention or focus on any task .Children
with autism struggle to focus on things that they don't like, such as reading
a book or doing a puzzle but at the same time they may fixate on things
that they do like, such as playing with a particular toy.
Children with ADHD often dislike and avoid things they'll have to con-
centrate on.
Children with either condition may struggle to interact with other people,
those with autism can have less social awareness of others around them.
They often have a hard time putting words to their thoughts and feelings.
And they may not be able to point to an object to give meaning to their
speech. They find it hard to make eye contact.
A child with ADHD, on the other hand may be talkative . They try to inter-
rupt when someone else is speaking or butt in and try to monopolize a con-
Here a point to be noted is some children with autism also look talkative ,
they can talk for hours but only about a particular topic that they're in-
terested in.A child with ADHD will stop when asked a pond attempt to
restart the discussion process but can understand and follow the instruc-
tions where as a child with ASD won’t be able to understand the need to
stop on request they will stick on to their idea and keep on saying about it .
A child with autism usually loves order and repetition. But a child with
ADHD find it difficult , even after knowing it helps them.
A child with autism might want the same type of food at a favorite restau-
rant, for instance, or become overly attached or over focused to one toy or
shirt or any material . They can become upset when routines change.
A Child with  ADHD on the other way doesn't like doing the same thing
again or for long times.
How Are They Diagnosed?
The greatest challenge in diagnosis of either condition is when
they coexist as a comorbid condition.

Being distracted or forgetful
Not following through
Having trouble waiting for a turn
Fidgeting or squirming

Can You Have ADHD and Autism?
Yes, it’s possible to have both conditions. 
It’s common for children with an autism spectrum disorder to also have
signs of ADHD. Also, some kids who’ve been diagnosed with ADHD may
also have a history of autism, with symptoms like trouble with social skills
or being extra sensitive to textures of clothes.

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