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My ability to identify community problems, assemble teams and initiate solutions define me

as a self-driven and compassionate leader. As a banker in 2014, I founded the Maragua

Mentorship Program in response to the dwindling motivation among primary school pupils
leading to low performance. I used my story of rising from humble beginnings, struggling with
school fees and growing up as an orphan to inspire them so they could excel in academics. I
started with five members and later expanded as mentors could refer others. I also designed
a Google form and posted it on my personal Facebook account inviting young professionals
and university students who could mentor pupils to join. Later, we identified gaps in school
materials and mobilized funds for buying geometrical sets and revision textbooks. As of June
2018, over fifty public primary schools had permanent mentors who broadened their
activities to financially supporting bright but needy pupils joining secondary schools. The
success of this program led to my nomination to the Board of Management of Sabasaba
Secondary School by the County Education Board in 2015, a position I still hold. The
volunteers derived value in giving back to the communities and the initiative has spread to
other sub-counties.

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