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Covariant quantum field theory of tachyons

Jerzy Paczos,1 Kacper Dębski,1 Szymon Cedrowski,1 Szymon Charzyński,2

Krzysztof Turzyński,1 Artur Ekert,3, 4, 5 and Andrzej Dragan1, 3, ∗
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics,
University of Warsaw, Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 2, 117543 Singapore, Singapore
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG, United Kingdom
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
(Dated: August 2, 2023)
Three major misconceptions concerning quantized tachyon fields: the energy spectrum unbounded
arXiv:2308.00450v1 [quant-ph] 1 Aug 2023

from below, the frame-dependent and unstable vacuum state, and the non-covariant commutation
rules, are shown to be a result of misrepresenting the Lorentz group in a too small Hilbert space.
By doubling this space we establish an explicitly covariant framework that allows for the proper
quantization of the tachyon fields eliminating all of these issues. Our scheme that is derived to
maintain the relativistic covariance also singles out the two-state formalism developed by Aharonov
et al. [1] as a preferred interpretation of the quantum theory.

—Introduction. Tolman’s hypothesis [2] that superlumi- “negative mass square”, i.e., tachyon fields, constitute an
nal particles lead to causality paradoxes [3–11], has re- integral part of models of spontaneous symmetry break-
cently been challenged by Dragan and Ekert [12] who ing, such as the Higgs mechanism [87].
showed that the tachyons do not create logical paradoxes, Unfortunately, all attempts for further discussion
but only disturbances of causality akin to those known about tachyons are held by serious mathematical difficul-
in quantum theory. An important mathematical diffi- ties that prevent their covariant description within the
culty, which prevented the extension of special relativity framework of quantum field theory (QFT). Since the ear-
to include superluminal phenomena in spacetimes of di- liest attempts [22–25], at least three such problems re-
mensions greater than 1+1 [13], was also recently over- main unsolved: the energy spectrum is unbounded from
come [14], catalyzing the discussion around the claim below, Lorentz boosts modify an unstable vacuum and
that tachyons, being the enfant terrible of physics, are the commutation rules are not covariant with respect to
not definitively ruled out from its domain [15–21]. Lorentz boosts.
Since the 1960s, physicists have attempted to propose In this work, we show that all these problems are a con-
a quantum theory of tachyons [22–25] and to search for sequence of the improper representation of the Lorentz
them experimentally [26–31]. Chodos and Kostelecky group in a too small Hilbert space. After a natural ex-
[32] even suggested that at least one known neutrino tension of this space, problems with the quantization
species might be a tachyon, which lead to experimental of tachyon fields disappear and it is possible to con-
tests and further studies [33–43], in particular after the struct a theory with a stable and relativistically invariant
now infamous evidence for a faster-than-light neutrino tachyon vacuum and a lower-bounded energy spectrum.
in the OPERA experiment [44]. Within the framework Interestingly, our conclusions are consistent with the in-
of string theory, the existence of tachyons is also well- terpretation of quantum mechanics, known as the two-
recognized, though they are typically regarded as unwel- state formalism, introduced by Aharonov, Bergmann,
come artifacts [45–50]. Tachyons have also been studied and Lebowitz [1] to guarantee time-reversibility of the
in the context of the Casimir effect [51, 52], statistical me- measurement process. While this formalism was only an
chanics and thermodynamics [53–59]. Investigations into exotic interpretation of non-relativistic quantum mechan-
the potential applications of the tachyon field in cosmol- ics, in quantum field theory of tachyons, a similar ap-
ogy have revealed a plethora of possibilities [60–66], in proach turns out to be a necessary element guaranteeing
particular, in the so-called “rolling of the tachyon” mech- the relativistic invariance.
anism for inflation [67–74] or “transient tachyonic insta- So far all the other attempts to quantize tachyons have
bilities” enhancing the amplitude of cosmological pertur- proven unsuccessful. An early study by Tanaka [88] on
bations. The presence of tachyons is also often associated virtual tachyons lacked a complete covariant description.
with instabilities, as highlighted in several studies [75–77], The subsequent approach to the problem, articulated
in particular, in “tachyonic preheating”, the phenomenon by Feinberg [22], proposed preserving relativistic covari-
of rapid energy transfer due to tachyonic instability [78– ance by swapping the scalar theory’s commutation re-
86]. It has also been pointed out [14] that fields with lations with anti-commutation relations. Unfortunately,
Arons and Sudarshan [23], through an explicit deriva-
tion of the Bogolyubov transformation of the vacuum
state, demonstrated that Feinberg’s attempt did not suc-
∗ Electronic address: ceed and that Lorentz invariance was still compromised.

Arons, Sudarshan, and Dhar [23, 24] proposed their own ct a) ct′ b)
remedy, maintaining the Lorentz-invariance but adding
a frequency index to the annihilation operators, which Λ
caused some annihilation operators to function as cre-
ation operators. However, they also required the vacuum
state to be ’annihilated’ by these effective creation oper-
ators, which is mathematically impossible. As a result, x x′
their entire construction hinged on self-contradictory as-
sumptions. Among other endeavors to construct a the- FIG. 1: An emission of a positive-energy tachyon (a) in one
ory of tachyons, Schwartz [89] suggested a novel quanti- reference frame is Lorentz-transformed by a boost Λ into
zation method for the tachyonic field by distinguishing an emission of a negative-energy tachyon (b) backward in
two space-like directions and treating a third one as a time, which can be reinterpreted as a regular absorption of
function of frequency. He also made another observa- a positive-energy antitachyon forward in time, in the boosted
tion [42] analogous to Sudarshan’s reinterpretation of the reference frame. The worldlines of tachyons are shown as
emission/absorption process [90] that the space of single- dashed lines.
particle states is not Lorentz-invariant and should be en-
larged. We also consider this observation as our starting space of input states F , which is not invariant under
point, but we approach it more rigorously, making it the boosts. Instead, the Lorentz group should be represented
foundation of our relativistically invariant framework of in the twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ , containing both input and
quantum field theory of tachyons and their interactions output states (with F ⋆ denoting the space dual to F ).
with other fields. This twin space characterizes both the past and the fu-
—Lorentz covariance of quantum tachyonic fields. The ture of the field and is the smallest Hilbert space that
action of the Lorentz group for standard quantum fields is preserved under the action of the Lorentz (as well as
is represented in the Fock space F constructed as a direct Poincare) group for the case of tachyons. It appears that
sum of definite particle number subspaces: previous issues with the covariance of the quantum field
∞ theory of tachyons were a consequence of representing
the Lorentz group in a too small space F , instead of in
S H⊗n ,

F≡ (1)
F ⊗ F ⋆.
Delving further into the detailed formulation of our
where H is a one-particle Hilbert space and S is the sym- proposal, we consider a real scalar tachyon field charac-
metrization operator. A representation of the Lorentz terized by the Klein-Gordon equation with a “negative
group can be characterized by defining the action of the square mass” term:
group elements on the one-particle subspace H only be-
 − m2 φ = 0,

cause Lorentz boosts do not change the number of parti-
cles, thereby keeping H invariant. with the standard mode solutions:
Contrarily, the case of tachyons differs. Classically, a
tachyon is a particle moving along a space-like trajec- uk (t, r) ≡ ei(k·r−ωk t) , (3)
tory and characterized by a space-like energy-momentum (2π)3 2ωk
four-vector tangent to that trajectory [14, 91]. There- orthonormal according to the Wronskian (ψ, ϕ) =
fore, a Lorentz boost can transform a positive-energy ←→
(ϕ, ψ)∗ = −(ϕ∗ , ψ ∗ ) ≡ i t=0 d3 r ψ ∗ ∂t ϕ. Note that the
tachyon moving forward in time into a negative-energy
tachyon moving backward in time. This elementary fact dispersion relation ω 2 = k2 − m2 dictates that the wave
has far-reaching consequences for the quantum theory of vectors k must satisfy the condition |k| > m. This re-
tachyons. To illustrate this point, consider a hypothetical quirement mirrors the classical case, in which a tachyon’s
process of a subliminal particle emitting a positive-energy momentum p must satisfy the condition |p| > m [14].
tachyon as depicted in Fig. 1a). There exists another in- Feinberg pointed out that such an incompleteness of
ertial observer, for whom the same process involves the modes affects the commutation relations of the field op-
emission of a negative-energy tachyon moving backward erator [22], which will be discussed later.
in time, as shown in Fig. 1b). In this reference frame, Associated with each mode solution uk (t, r) is an anni-
the process can be reinterpreted as an absorption of a hilation operator âk acting in F and satisfying the stan-
positive-energy anti-tachyon moving forward in time [23]. dard commutation relations:
As a result, both the number of tachyons in the input [âk , â†l ] = 2ωk (2π)3 δ (3) (k − l). (4)
state and the number of tachyons in the output state
turn out to be frame-dependent. In the orthodox QFT all of these annihilation operators
This scenario indicates that a Lorentz boost can trans- give rise to the field operator:
form an output state of the tachyon field into an input Z  
state (and vice-versa). Therefore the Lorentz group’s ac- φ̂(t, r) ≡ d3 k uk (t, r) âk + u∗k (t, r) â†k , (5)
tion for tachyonic fields should not be represented in the |k|>m

which is a relativistic scalar for normal particles, but fails with l′ being the spatial part of the four-vector −Λk.
to a be a scalar for the case of tachyons. A Lorentz boost This time the the operators on both sides of (12) com-
Λ that changes the sign of energy k 0 of a space-like four- mute with their hermitian conjugates, so the commu-
energy k, according to sgn(Λk)0 = − sgn k 0 , transforms tation relations are preserved by the transformation.
the mode solutions in the following way: This implies (8), because the alternative transformation
Λ âk ⊗ 1̂ â†l′ ⊗ 1̂ would again violate the commutation
uk (t, r) u∗l′ (t′ , r ′ ), (6) relations.
Our extension of the Hilbert space, in which the
with l′ being the spatial part of the four-vector −Λk.
Lorentz group is represented, defines a theory that does
Such a Bogolyubov transformation acts on the annihi-
not change the field operator (11), preserves the commu-
lation operators according to âk â†l′ in a way that tation relations, and leaves the vacuum state invariant
violates their commutation relations (4). For this reason under the group action. This Lorentz invariance resolves
the field operator φ̂ is not a valid relativistic scalar. a number of problems encountered in previous attempts
In order to restore covariance of the theory and rep- to formulate a relativistic quantum theory of tachyons
resent the action of a Lorentz boost Λ that changes the [22–24]. Such theory involves field operators φ̂ that do
energy sign, it is essential to consider states belonging to not commute outside of the light cones [22], but it is not
the twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ . Focusing on the scenario por- immediately clear whether this leads to the possibility
trayed in Fig. 1 we expect such a boost Λ to lead to the of superluminal signaling. This is because the mode de-
following transformation of single-particle states of the composition is incomplete and it is not possible, even in
F ⊗ F ⋆ twin space: principle, to construct compactly supported wavepackets
that could be used for such “signaling”.
Λ —Quantum field theory in twin space. We now direct
|1k i ⊗ h0| |0i ⊗ h1l′ |. (7)
our focus towards the formalism and properties of the
This transition corresponds to a similar transformation tachyon quantum field theory operating in the Hilbert
for creation operators on F ⊗ F ⋆ : space F ⊗ F ⋆ . Our primary goal is to calculate the prob-
ability amplitudes for scattering processes. For this pur-
â†k ⊗ 1̂
1̂ ⊗ â⋆l′ , (8) pose, we need a c-number valued functional on the twin
space. There is a canonical isomorphism of F ⊗ F ⋆ with
where the star represents a dual operator, which acts on the algebra of Hilbert-Schmidt operators, so at least on
the dual space as follows: â⋆l′ h0| ≡ h1l′ |. Notably, the its sub-algebra of trace-class operators, a good candidate
transformation (8) preserves the commutation relations, is the trace: Tr : F ⊗ F ⋆ → C. For separable twin states
because: of the form |ψi ⊗ hξ| ∈ F ⊗ F ⋆ it yields:

[â⋆† ⋆ 3 (3)
k , âl ] = 2ωk (2π) δ (k − l). (9) Tr (|ψi ⊗ hξ|) = hξ|ψi. (13)

Moreover, all Lorentz boosts Λ also preserve the twin Given operators Ô1,i and Ô2,i on F we construct an op-
vacuum state |0i ⊗ h0| ∈ F ⊗ F ⋆ of such a theory, defined †⋆
erator Ô on F ⊗ F ⋆ by setting Ô = i Ô1,i ⊗ Ô2,i
. The
as: corresponding amplitudes are then computed using the
âk ⊗ 1̂|0i ⊗ h0| = 0 = 1̂ ⊗ â⋆†
k |0i ⊗ h0|. (10)
This is ensured by the transformation law (8). The obser- †⋆
X X †
Tr Ô1,i ⊗ Ô2,i |ψi ⊗ hξ| = hξ| Ô2,i Ô1,i |ψi.
vations outlined above can be formalized through an ex- i i
plicit unitary representation U : SO+ (1, 3) → U(F ⊗ F ⋆ ), (14)
which relates the tachyonic twin states in different frames
of reference, detailed in the appendix. This implies that the action of any operator Ô on sepa-
A relativistically covariant scalar field Φ̂ acting in the rable states of the twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ can be effectively
Hilbert twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ has the form: represented using the following operator acting on the
Fock subspace F :
Φ̂(t, r) ≡ φ̂(t, r) ⊗ 1̂ + 1̂ ⊗ φ̂⋆ (t, r) . (11)
2 †⋆
X X †
Ô1,i ⊗ Ô2,i → Ô2,i Ô1,i . (15)
Under the Lorentz group’s representation U , it satisfies: i i
Φ̂(Λ−1 x) = U (Λ)−1 Φ̂(x)U (Λ). In effect, this implies
Our approach, which is deduced from the requirement
that in the scenario where sgn(Λk)0 = − sgn k 0 , we have
of Lorentz invariance of QFT of tachyons, bears a re-
(see the appendix):
markable resemblance to the two-state vector formal-
† ism in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, developed by
U (Λ) âk ⊗ 1̂ + 1̂ ⊗ â⋆k U (Λ)−1 = âl′ ⊗ 1̂ + 1̂ ⊗ â⋆l′ ,

Aharonov, Bergmann, and Lebowitz [1]. This formal-
(12) ism describes quantum processes and measurements in

a time-symmetric manner, utilizing states that were pre- ial, as no Lorentz transformation can shift states between
pared both in the past and in the future. As shown in F and F ⋆ . In this case, we simply end up with two copies
[1], the quantum theory can be reinterpreted using this of the theory: one for pre-selected states and another for
paradigm, which we will adapt to interpret the states of post-selected states.
the twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ . Having discussed the concept of the twin space of
The two-state vector formalism offers a useful guiding a free QFT of tachyons, we can now go back to our
principle for understanding the twin space. According starting heuristics to better understand the twin vacuum
to that approach, F contains information on pre-selected |0i ⊗ h0| ∈ F ⊗ F ⋆ . This relativistically invariant twin
quantum states, i.e., states prepared in the past, while state describes a situation where no tachyons are pre-
the factor F ⋆ corresponds to post-selected states prepared pared in the past, nor are there any tachyons detected in
in the future. In the interaction picture of a free quantum the future. In contrast, neither of naive vacuum states,
theory in a given reference frame, this correspondance be- |0i ∈ F and h0| ∈ F ⋆ , independently admits a relativistic
comes an equivalence, allowing the pre- and post-selected description.
states to be identified with the ‘in’ and ‘out’ states, re- —Interacting theory. In order to consider an interacting
spectively. theory, we need to deal more seriously with time evolu-
The free QFT of tachyons considered in the twin space tion and to calculate S-matrix elements. To this end, we
becomes even more interesting when we apply this formal- define two operators:
ism to non-separable twin states, which have no straight-
forward analogue Ĥ± = Ĥ ⊗ 1̂ ± 1̂ ⊗ Ĥ ⋆ , (18)
Pin conventional QFT. For the most gen-
eral twin state j αj |ψj i ⊗ hξj | ∈ F ⊗ F ⋆ , we find:
  with Ĥ and Ĥ ⋆ being the single Fock space Hamiltoni-
ans acting in F and F ⋆ , respectively. The operator Ĥ−
Tr  Ô1,i ⊗ Ô2,i αj |ψj i ⊗ hξj | generates the time evolution of both parts of the twin
i j state in the same direction, i.e., e−iĤ− t |ψ(0)i ⊗ hξ(0)| =
X X † |ψ(t)i ⊗ hξ(t)|, so it leaves the amplitudes computed as
= αj hξj | Ô2,i Ô1,i |ψj i. (16)
in (13) invariant.
j i
In contrast, the operator Ĥ+ generates the time evolu-
This expression cannot be represented in the conventional tion of both parts of the twin state in opposite directions,
form given by the right-hand side of (14) for any states i.e., e−iĤ+ t |ψ(0)i⊗hξ(0)| = |ψ(t)i⊗hξ(−t)|, thus allowing
hξ| and |ψi. Notice that if separable states in the space a construction of an ’in-out’ state |αin i ⊗ hβout | from the
F ⊗ F ⋆ become non-separable during evolution, such evo- eigenstates of the free Hamiltonian |α0 i ⊗ hβ0 |. Indeed,
lution would be non-unitary within the single space F . In we have
general, it would be represented by a completely positive
map. |αin i ⊗ hβout | = lim e−iĤ+ T eiĤ0+ T |α0 i ⊗ hβ0 |, (19)
The possibility of states analogous to our non- T →∞

separable states within the two-state vector formalism

where Ĥ0+ denotes the operator corresponding to the free
has already been explored by Aharonov and Vaidman
[92, 93]. Nevertheless, in a Lorentz-invariant QFT the Hamiltonian Ĥ0 . With this, we can write the S-matrix
existence of such non-separable states in F ⊗ F ⋆ is not element Sαβ = hβout |αin i, in the following way:
merely a mathematical curiosity; instead, they must be  
acknowledged as physically accessible twin states, as Sαβ = lim Tr e−iĤ+ T eiĤ0+ T |α0 i ⊗ hβ0 | . (20)
T →∞
shown in the following example.
Consider a pair of ‘out’ states: hξ1 |, hξ2 | ∈ F ⋆ , such The above formula allows us to compute the S-matrix
that under the representation of a certain Lorentz boost elements within the twin space formalism along the same
Λ, the first state remains in the space of ‘out’ states hξ1′ | ∈ lines as in standard QFT.
F ⋆ , while the second one is transformed onto an ‘in’ state A few remarks are now in order. First, it follows from
|ξ2′ i ∈ F . Then, consider the superposed state: |0i ⊗ (14) and (15) that:
√1 (hξ1 | + hξ2 |), which is separable in F ⊗ F ⋆ . Under
2 N
! N
the action of the Lorentz boost representation this state Tr
Φ̂i |αi ⊗ hβ| = hβ|
φ̂i |αi , (21)
becomes non-separable:
i=1 i=1
1 U(Λ) 1
|0i ⊗ √ (hξ1 | + hξ2 |) 7−−−→ √ (|0i ⊗ hξ1′ | + |ξ2′ i ⊗ h0|) . where Φ̂i are twin fields of the form (11). Hence, as long
2 2
(17) as we restrict our considerations to separable twin states
This example highlights that non-separable states are and apply our formalism to calculating amplitudes Sαβ ,
physically significant, and their inclusion in the theory is it makes no difference if we use Ĥ+ of the form (18), with
absolutely necessary to retain its relativistic invariance. Ĥ expressed as a product of component fields, or if we
Of course, the above construction can be extended to take Ĥ+ as a product of the corresponding twin fields.
the QFT of subluminal particles, but it is somewhat triv- In these applications, introduction of the twin space is

merely a way of keeping track of the Lorentz covariance result, the conditions of momentum conservation at each
of the theory. Hence, we can use the standard toolkit vertex transform covariantly between all inertial frames.
of QFT in F and F ⋆ separately, in particular to include
interactions in the perturbative way. —Discussion and Conclusions. We showed how to co-
Second, the main change to the Feynman rules derived variantly quantize a tachyonic field while maintaining
within the QFT of tachyons is a modification of the Feyn- the positive-energy spectrum and preserving a stable,
man propagator due to the condition |k| > m: Lorentz-invariant vacuum state. Unlike Feinberg [22],
Arons, Sudarshan, and Dhar [23, 24], Schwartz [89], as
d4 k ie−ik(x−y) well as others, but similar to Schwartz [42] we proposed
∆F (x − y) = . (22) to solve this problem by extending the Hilbert space to
|k|>m (2π)4 k 2 + m2 + iǫ
F ⊗ F ⋆ . We developed an explicitly covariant frame-
Notice that, since d4 k, k 2 , and k(x − y) are each Lorentz work that keeps the commutation relations the same in
invariant, the propagator (22) is also Lorentz invariant all reference frames, and it ensures the dynamical stabil-
even though the field operator (5) is not. ity and relativistic invariance of the vacuum state. We
As an illustrative example, let us consider the process also applied our framework to account for interactions
depicted in Fig. 1, where a tachyon is emitted by a sub- with other fields.
luminal particle governed by the scalar Yukawa Hamil-
tonian. In our analysis, we focus on the corresponding Our results point out at the existence of a new cat-
S-matrix element. egory of quantum states that bear resemblance to the
Within the framework of first-order perturbation the- generalized two-state vectors discussed by Aharonov and
ory, the matrix element for this process is given by: Vaidman in [92, 93]. But these non-separable states in
the twin space F ⊗ F ⋆ are not merely mathematical cu-
−ig(2π)4 δ (4) (k − l − p), (23) riosities. These states are physically accessible because
they can be generated by Lorentz-boosting the conven-
where g denotes the coupling constant, and k, l, and p tional, separable states. We argue that our framework
represent the four-momenta of the subluminal particles singles out the two-vector formalism as a preferred inter-
in the initial and final states, and the emitted tachyon, pretation of the quantum theory.
To investigate the relativistic properties of this process, Numerous topics require further exploration. The non-
we examine it in a boosted inertial frame as depicted separable states that emerge within the structure of the
in Fig. 1. Under the Lorentz transformation U (Λ) the F ⊗ F ⋆ space bear a striking resemblance to indefi-
outgoing tachyon with four-momentum p is transformed nite causal structures [94] studied in the context of non-
into an incoming tachyon with four-momentum p′ = −Λp. classical gravity [95] and relativistic motion [96, 97]. Fur-
Similarly, the four-momenta of the subluminal particles thermore, it is tempting to investigate, if our framework
are boosted to k ′ = Λk and l′ = Λl. can be formulated in superluminal frames of reference
Performing the calculations in this boosted frame, we [91] which may turn out more natural to describe the
find that the transformed matrix element takes the form: physics of tachyons. Finally, an important question that
remains unanswered is, whether the Higgs field, which
−ig(2π)4 δ (4) (k ′ − l′ + p′ ) ≡ −ig(2π)4 δ (4) (Λ(k − l − p)), can be formally regarded as a tachyon field for small val-
(24) ues of the field, can be described within the framework
which demonstrates the covariance of the scattering pro- introduced in this study. Further investigation is needed
cess. to explore this idea.
Similar reasoning can be carried out for other types of
covariant interactions. Even if some tachyons are boosted —Acknowledgments. We thank Iwo Białynicki-Birula and
from the initial to the final states, this change is compen- Piotr Chankowski for valuable discussions, and Paweł
sated by the minus sign of the boosted momentum. As a Jakubczyk for irritatingly useful comments.

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Appendix: Representation of Lorentz group on twin space

Let us begin by considering a general form of a field operator:

Φ̂(t, r) = d3 k uk (t, r)ĉk ± u∗k (t, r)ĉ†k , (A.1)

where ĉk are arbitrary operators acting on the Hilbert space V . This expression can be rewritten as:

d4 k −ikx 2
δ(k + m2 ) θ(k 0 )ĉk ± θ(−k 0 )ĉ†−k .

Φ̂(t, r) = e (A.2)
|k|>m (2π)3

However, since the function under the Dirac delta does not have any zeros in the region |k| < m, the integration
domain in (A.2) can be extended to the whole R1,3 space. Thus, the field operator can be written in momentum space

Φ̂(k) = 2πδ(k 2 + m2 ) θ(k 0 )ĉk ± θ(−k 0 )ĉ†−k .


We will assume the field to be a Lorentz scalar, which is to say that it transforms trivially under a unitary representation
U : SO+ (1, 3) → U(V ): Φ̂(Λk) = U (Λ)Φ̂(k)U (Λ)−1 . From this, it follows that:

θ (Λk)0 ĉΛk ± θ − (Λk)0 ĉ†−Λk = θ(k 0 )U (Λ)ĉk U (Λ)−1 ± θ(−k 0 )U (Λ)ĉ†−k U (Λ)−1 .

This implies that for Lorentz boosts satisfying sgn(Λk)0 = sgn k 0 , the operators ĉk transform as:
(†) (†)
ĉΛk = U (Λ)ĉk U (Λ)−1 . (A.5)

However, for boosts obeying sgn(Λk)0 = − sgn k 0 , we obtain the transformation laws:

ĉ†−Λk = U (Λ)(±ĉk )U (Λ)−1 , (A.6)

ĉ−Λk = U (Λ)(±ĉ†k )U (Λ)−1 . (A.7)

Considering V ≡ F ⊗ F ⋆ and ĉk ≡ âk ⊗ 1̂ + 1̂ ⊗ â⋆k , we derive the transformation rules given by (12) with l′ being
the spatial component of the four-vector −Λk. When a boost flips the sign of a tachyon’s energy, we also need to flip
its 3-momentum sign [14, 91]. This lets us see the tachyon as a particle with positive energy [23, 90].

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