First Quarter Exam

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Rizal Avenue, Digos City

First Quarter Examination in Pre-Calculus

Name: ______________________________________________________ Score:

Section: ________________________ Date:__________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

____1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about an ellipse?

A. A set of points whose distances from two fixed points called the foci add up to a certain constant.
B. A set of points whose distances from two fixed points called the foci differs by a certain constant.
C. A set of points whose distance from a fixed point called the center is a certain constant.
D. A set of points whose distances from a fixed point called the focus and a fixed line called the
directrix is a certain constant.

____ 2. According to Apollonius’ study, what curve is formed by the intersection of a plane and a double
right circular cone?
A. cubic B. polynomial C. conic D. rational

____ 3. What conic section is illustrated by food items like carrot and cucumber if cut parallel to its base?
A. circle B. ellipse C. hyperbola D. parabola

____ 4. What conic section is illustrated by the headlight reflectors and satellite dishes?
A. circle B. ellipse C. hyperbola D. parabola

____ 5. When the plane figure is tilted and cut only one cone, it forms a
bounded curve that is best represented by the orbits of the
planets in the solar system. What conic does it generate?
A. circle C. hyperbola
B. ellipse D. parabola

____ 6. Which among the following is defined as the set of all points
equidistant from a fixed point?
A. circle B. ellipse C. hyperbola D. parabola

____ 7. Which among the following cases shows a horizontal ellipse?

A. One focus at (-1,-1) center at (-1,1)
B. Vertices located at (±5, 0), foci at (±3,0)
C. Vertices located at (0, ±5), foci at (0, ±3)
D. Covertices located at (±4,0), foci at (0, ±3)

____ 8. Which of the following equations defines an ellipse with center located at (-2, 3) whose major axis is
parallel to x-axis?
A. ¿ ¿ ¿ C. ¿ ¿ ¿
B. ¿ ¿ ¿ D. ¿ ¿ ¿

_____ 9. What is the standard equation of an ellipse with foci at (±4,0), and the length of major axis is10
x2 y 2 x2 y2
A. + =1 C. + =1
9 25 25 9
x2 y 2 x2 y2
B. + =1 D. + =1
9 16 25 16
____ 10. What is the standard equation of an ellipse with center at (-2,2), a vertex at (-2,4), a focus at (-2,3)?
A. ¿ ¿ C. ¿ ¿
( x +2)
B. +¿ ¿ D. ¿ ¿

_____ 11. Which of the following equations define a circle? y

A. x 2+ y 2=0
B. x 2+ y 2=¿ -5
C. x 2+ y 2=x 2−1
D. x 2+ y 2=¿ x + √17

_____ 12. What is the equation of the ellipse given the graph at the right?
A. ¿ ¿ C. ¿ ¿
B. ¿ ¿ D. ¿ ¿

_____ 13. What is the center and radius of the circle defined by the equation,
10x2 + 10y2 -100=0?
A. Center: (10,10), radius: 10
B. Center: (10,10), radius: √ 10
C. Center: (0,0), radius: 10
D. Center: (0,0), radius: √ 10

______ 14. Find the equation of the circle with the given center C(1,-2) and radius √ 5.
A. (x−1)2+( y +2)2= √ 5 C. (x +1)2 +( y−2)2=√ 5
B. (x−1)2+( y +2)2=5 D. (x +1)2 +( y−2)2=5

______ 15. Which of the following equations will create a circle?

A. x 2+ y 2+2 x−8 y +26=0 C. x 2− y 2−6 x−8 y−32=0
B. x 2+ y 2+ 9=4 x−10 y D. x 2+ y 2+ 8 x +14 y +65=0

______ 16. A line tangent to a circle intersects the circle at exactly one point. What is the equation of the
circle with a radius of 6 units and is tangent to the line y=1 at (10, 1).
A. ¿ C. ¿
B. ¿ D. ¿

For items 17-19,

A parabola is defined by the equation ( x +4 )2 =−12( y−2).

______17. Where is the opening of the parabola?

A. upward B. downward C. left D. right

______ 18. What is the axis of symmetry of the parabola?

A. x=2 B. x=−4 C. y=2 D. y=−4

_______19. What are the endpoints of the latus rectum of the parabola?
A. (−10 , 2 ) and (2 , 2) C. (−1 ,−4) and (−1 , 8)
B. (−10 ,−1 ) and (2 ,−1) D. (−7 ,−4 ) and (−7 , 8)

_______20. What is the length of the latus rectum of the parabola, y 2=16 (x−2)?
A. 32 B. 16 C. 8 D. 4

_______21. Which of the following is the equation of the parabola with vertex at (-3, -2) and directrix y = 3.
A. ( x +3)2=( y +2) C. (x +3)2=−1( y +2)
B. (x +3)2=20( y +2) D. (x +3)2=−20( y +2)

_______22. Which of the following defines a hyperbola with conjugate axis parallel to x-axis and is longer
than the transverse axis?
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
x y x y y x y x
A. − =1 B. − =1 C. − =1 D. − =1
12 16 16 12 12 16 16 12
_______23. Which of the following is TRUE about a parabola?
A. It is locus of points such that the distance from a point to a center is equal to the distance from
the same point and the directrix.
B. It is locus of points such that the distance from a point to a focus is equal to the distance from
the same point and the directrix.
C. It is locus of points such that the distance from a point to a focus is equal to the distance from
the same point and the latus rectum.
D. It is locus of points such that the distance from a point to a latus rectum is equal to the distance
from the same point and the directrix.
2 2
x y
_______24. What are the vertices of the hyperbola defined by the equation − =1?
4 16
A. (-2, 0) and (2, 0) C. (-8, 0) and (8, 0)
B. (-4, 0) and (4, 0) D. (-16, 0) and (16, 0)

For items 25-27,

The hyperbola is defined by the equation, ¿ ¿?
_______ 25. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The orientation of the parabola is vertical.
B. The equations of the asymptotes are y= x.
C. The length of the transverse axis is 9 units.
D. The length of one of the latera recta is .

_______26. Locate the center of the hyperbola.

A. (-1, -3) B. (1, 3) C. (-3, -1) D. (3, 1)

______ 27. What are the coordinates of the foci of the hyperbola?
A. (8, 1) and (-2, 1) C. (8, 1) and (2, 1)
B. (3, 6) and (3, -4) D. (3, 6) and (3, 4)

______ 28. The transverse axis of a hyperbola is 6 units and is parallel to x-axis. If its center is at the origin,
and the foci are located at (± 7,0 ¿, how long is its conjugate axis?
A. 2 √ 10 B. 3 √ 10 C. 4 √ 10 D. 5 √ 10

______ 29. Determine the equation of a horizontal hyperbola with center at the origin whose equations of
the asymptotes are y=± x and one of the foci is located at (5, 0).
x2 y 2 x2 y 2 x2 y2 x2 y2
A. + =1 B. − =1 C. + =1 D. − =1
9 16 9 16 16 9 16 9

For items 30-32, refer to the given equations below:

y2 x2 x2 y 2
i. − =1 ii. − =1 iii. ( x−h)2 +( y−k )2=r 2 iv. (x−h)2=4 py
a2 b 2 a2 b2
_____ 30. Which of the equations would generate a circle?
A. i only B. i and iii C. iii only D. iii and iv

_____ 31. Which of the equations would generate a hyperbola?

A. i only B. ii only C. i and ii only D. ii, iii and iv

_____ 32. Which equation/s would generate a conic section?

A. i and ii only C. none of these
B. iii and iv only D. all of these

_____ 33. What value of k will make the equation 4 x2 + ky 2−4 k=0 an ellipse with vertical orientation?
A. -6 B. -2 C. 3 D. 5
_____ 34. The conic is defined by the equation x 2−2 y 2−10 x−5=0. Which conic section will be formed
and why?
A. Parabola, because the linear term in y is missing.
B. Ellipse, because the coefficients of x 2 and y 2 are not equal.
C. Hyperbola, because the coefficients of x 2 and y 2 have opposite signs.
D. Circle, because the coefficients of y 2 is greater than the coefficients of x 2.

For item 35-37, refer to the problem below.

The cables of a horizontal suspension bridge are supported by two towers 120 feet apart (the
length of the latus rectum) and 40 feet high. If the cable is 10 ft. above the floor of the bridge at the
center, find the equation of the parabola using the midpoint of the bridge as the origin.

120 ft.

10 ft


_____ 35. Locate the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola?

A. (10, 0) B. (0, 10) C. (-10, 0) D. (0, -10)
_____36. What is the equation of the parabola?
A. x 2=120 ( y +10 ) C. y 2=120 ( x +10 )
B. x 2=−120 ( y +10 ) D. y 2=−120 ( x +10 )
_____ 37. How far is the vertex of the parabola from its focus?
A. 10 ft. B. 20 ft. C. 30 ft. D. 40 ft.

For item 38-39, refer to the problem below.

A radio signal can transmit messages up to a distance of 5 km radius. On a map, the radio
signal’s origin is located at the point whose coordinates are (-2, 7).

_____ 38. What is the equation of the circle that defines the boundary up to which the messages can be
A. (x−2)2+( y +7)2=25 C. (x +2)2 +( y−7)2=25
B. (x−2)2+( y +7)2=100 D. (x +2)2 +( y−7)2=100

_____ 39. Which of the following stations with the respective coordinates can the radio signal be
Pag-asa: (-1, 10) Tahimik: (-2, 11) Maligaya: (-8, 7)

A. Pag-asa and Tahimik C. Tahimik and Maligaya

B. Pag-asa and Maligaya D. All of these

_____ 40. The equation that represents the transmission boundaries of a cellular phone tower is
2 2
x + y −10 x+2 y−199=0. What is the greatest distance, in kilometers, can the signal of the tower
be transmitted?
A. 22 ft B. 25 ft. C. 28 ft D. 30 ft

Reviewed by:


MT II, Subject Coordinator MT I, OIC-Math Dept.

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