BOSH-ACT-10 - (1) GG

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NAME: __________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________

Directions: Identity what is being asked on the following question.

______________1.) It is represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives
financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company.
______________2.) It is a non-technical term used to describe insurance brokers and providers
and the insurance products they offer buyers.
______________3.) It is used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small,
that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or injury
caused to a third party.
______________4.) It is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an
organization's capital and earnings.
______________5.) It ensures risks of a high priority are dealt with as aggressively as possible.

Directions: Enumerate the following:

1. List the four (4) risk management process
2. List the five (5) role of risk management
3. List the four (4) responsibility of risk management

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