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Verbs that have the same structure

aburrir (to bore)
Me aburren las pelis de acción. (Action films bore me.)

caer bien/mal (to like/dislike someone)

Caigo mal a mi profe de castellano. (My Spanish teacher doesn’t like me.)
encantar (to love/enchant)
Me encanta aprender nuevos idiomas. (I love to learn new languages.)
doler (to hurt)
Me duelen los pies de tanto bailar. (My feet hurt from dancing so much.)
nteresar (to interest)
No nos interesan las mismas cosas. (We’re not interested in the same things.)
molestar (to bother)
Le molesta la contaminación. (Pollution bothers her)
parecer (to seem/resemble)
¿ Os parece una buena idea? (Does it seem like a good idea to you?)

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