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Discuss the matters and issues regarding the assigned topic in each group.

Group A- Rising Food Prices and Poverty

Rising food prices, along with other shocks such as droughts, floods and economic crises, can have a significant impact
on food and nutrition security, pushing the most vulnerable households into poverty and weakening their livelihoods and
the ability to have access on adequate food. These hardships can force poor families to sell off assets or go without other
essentials, creating a long-lasting poverty trap from which it is increasingly difficult to escape. In children in particular,
even a short-term deterioration in nutrition can lead to permanent impairments

Group B- Population Growth and Urbanization

Urban statistics may show that people's health and economic conditions are better in towns and cities than in the
countryside, but such statistics mask the widespread poverty and poor health conditions that prevail in urban slums and
communities. Squatter In many countries, the urban poor live in unsanitary and dangerous conditions, without water,
sanitation, garbage and waste collection, and access to medical facilities. Your situation is dire is often emphasized in
contrast to the wealth and conspicuous consumption of those around them. Ironically, the perceived difference between
rural and urban areas continues to attract more immigrants to urban areas. Previous attempts to control this immigration
have generally been unsuccessful. Effective family planning policies and programs are needed to stem the growth of
urban populations. Fertility control in urban areas is related to several factors, such as higher income, better employment,
literacy and education (especially for women), better nutrition, access to health services, better availability of
contraceptives, and closer collaboration between the health system and communities. And people Health and social
services, including family planning, need to reach specific groups such as young people, women and the underserved and
disadvantaged. Inter-agency coordination is extremely important to succeed in health and healthcare family planning. The
full cooperation of the people in their local communities is also a prerequisite for the success of the program.

Group C- Rising Income and Changing Diets

Diets are changing with rising income and urbanization: people are consuming more foods of animal origin, sugars, fats
and oils, refined grains and processed foods. This “dietary shift” is leading to an increase in overweight and obesity, as
well as diet-related diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. City dwellers are accelerating dietary change, but it's
also happening in rural areas. Urban food environments with supermarkets, food vendors, and restaurants make easier
access to unhealthy diets, but they can also increase access to nutritious food for people who can afford it. For the urban
poor, the most readily available and affordable foods are often unhealthy.

Group D- Biofuel Production, Land Use Change and Access the Land

Despite the intention to produce biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuel sources, their sustainability has often been
criticized. In this context, land use change is an important issue. In fact, given the yields of traditional energy crops, large
amounts of land and water would be required to produce enough biomass to significantly reduce dependence on fossil
fuels. There is also a wide debate about the increasing demand for biomass for the energy market, which could lead to
dangerous competition for the food needs of mankind as well as rising food prices. Second and third generation raw
material sources as well as improved sustainable production of first generation biofuels, for example from non-edible
plants, are some of the areas or research being carried out to combat the negative environmental impacts of biofuel
production on land use. Agricultural management determines which crops are grown and how they are grown: it can have
far-reaching impacts on soil quality, water quality, climate change and biodiversity. The importance of agronomic
management could become even greater as farmers, spurred by high energy crop prices, would seek to increase soil
productivity, increase the total amount of cultivated area and expand cultivation to less productive areas.

Group E- Climate Change

The climate crisis is not an immediate threat; people are now living with the consequences of centuries of greenhouse gas
emissions. Unless urgent action is taken now, development gains for the poorest and most vulnerable in society will be
wiped out, biodiversity will be eroded, difficulties in providing food and shelter will increase, and entire countries may be
lost to the impacts of climate change. A approach to tackling climate change means not only enabling the most
vulnerable to participate fully in efforts to address the climate crisis; Rather, richer countries are helping poorer countries
adapt to the effects of climate change by doing more to develop low-carbon solutions and providing funding and access to
this technology.

You may answer the guide questions below as you discuss your assigned topic by filling out the Analysis Matrix.

1. How does this trend affect the food system locally and globally?

2. How can this trend be remedied for a long-term sustainability?

3. How does this trend shape global food security?


Rising Food Prices and The combination of climate The ways we are currently Domestic production,
Poverty change, global conflict, high eating are harming both import capacity, food
food prices and people and the planet and reserves, and food aid all
underinvestment in agriculture we must act before it is too influence food availability.
in food-insecure countries can late. You might think there Food access is determined
push millions more into isn't much we can do about by poverty levels,
hunger. In addition, there are it because we all depend household purchasing
rising costs for the energy on food. But we could feed power, pricing, and the
supply, which can lead to more people while availability of
further bottlenecks in drastically reducing food- transportation, market
production and also in the related emissions and land infrastructure, and food
transport sector. In countries use. There are many bright delivery systems.
already affected by climate minds working on solutions
catastrophes and conflicts, to reduce the negative
there is a greater likelihood of effects of food. There are
further price increases, as already large projects to
value chains are more easily produce food in a more
disrupted there. climate-friendly way,
eliminate food waste and
promote more sustainable
diets such as veganism.
Population Growth and The Rapid growth in One of the most powerful Reduced birth rates, as
Urbanization population can lead to answers to our largest well as better management
inefficient farming practices environmental and social of land and water
that deplete and erode soil, issues is to advance the resources, are required to
diminish vegetation, overuse rights of women and girls. avoid persistent food
and misuse agrochemicals, Working with men and shortages.
and stymie water resource women to improve
management. Such methods attitudes around
result in serious land contraception and family
degradation. size has been an important
component of a successful
family planning program.
One of the most powerful
levers for sustainable
development is ensuring
that every child obtains a
high-quality education.
Climate Change More heat waves, droughts, Change our primary For environmental
floods, cyclones, and wildfires energy sources to clean sustainability and
will occur as global and renewable sources. development, mitigation
temperatures and sea levels Solar, wind, geothermal, and adaptation methods
rise. These conditions make it and biomass energy may must be effective,
difficult for farmers to grow be the answer. Our inexpensive, and suitable.
food and for hungry people to transportation methods This review calls for the
obtain it. must be environmentally integration of traditional
friendly and minimize your agricultural knowledge with
carbon footprint. From the conventional agro-science-
design stage, we must based systems in order to
rethink our transportation decrease the severity of
techniques in the direction climate change and its
of more environmentally impact on food security
friendly modes of and livelihood
transportation. There are sustainability.
numerous strategies for
preventing, controlling, and
mitigating air pollution,
including lowering fossil
fuel consumption and
regulating emissions from
industry and garbage.
Changing our production
practices and consumption
patterns to reduce waste.
The recycling process
must also be considered in
our purchasing habits. It is
now critical to reduce
overfishing, unsustainable
coastal development, and
consumption of
ecologically friendly items.

Journal Writing

Can you name the threats of food system in the Philippines? What should we do to hurdle such challenge?

The main threats to food security are

(1) population growth

(2) the increase demand for food

(3) food price

(4) the disappearance of the variety of agricultural plant species

(4) climate change

(5) the food losses and food waste.

There are some answers to the food scarcity problem. Through concentrated and individual efforts, there is a need to
minimize carbon emissions and pollution in order to reduce the resulting climatic change. There is a need to invest in
clean energy in homes and companies, such as solar, nuclear, and geothermal power, because they have no negative
environmental effects (Kamdor, 2007). Rich countries should assist poor countries in developing and utilizing clean and
renewable energy in order to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere (Watson, nd). To engage in
programs supporting a green environment, governments must collaborate with climatic agencies, the World Bank, and the

In a short bond paper, enumerate and explain the four pillars of food security.


The physical presence of food is referred to as availability. Domestic food production, commercial food imports and
exports, food aid, and domestic food stocks all contribute to national food availability. Food for the home could be grown
in-house or purchased from local markets.


When all homes have adequate means to access food in sufficient quantity, quality, and variety for a nutritious diet, this is
ensured. This is primarily determined by the amount of household resources and prices. Furthermore, accessibility is
influenced by the physical, social, and policy environments.


The socioeconomic components of household food and nutrition security, as determined by knowledge and habits, are
referred to as usage. Assuming that nutritious food is available and accessible, the household must decide what food to
buy, how to prepare it, and how to consume and distribute it within the household.


Describes the temporal dimension of food and nutrition security, or the time frame in which food and nutrition security are
examined. Stability is achieved when household supply is constant throughout the course of the year and over the long
term. This comprises food, income, and economic resources.

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