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Hypertension and kidney

problems Counseling
Recommendations and tips to
improve your nutrition

When left untreated,
Hypertension, also called hypertension can
high blood pressure occurs damage the blood vessels
when the force of your that carry blood
blood pushing against the throughout the body,
wall of blood vessels is 02 including the kidneys.
consistently high.

Hypertension is the second leading

cause of kidney disease,


Ways to help you improve your lifestyle

Includes a
variety of foods Be sure to include fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy in your
daily diet. This will provide you with the
necessary nutrients to maintain your health. 02

Control the
It is important to eat adequate portions to avoid
excess calories. Use smaller plates, read food labels,
and familiarize yourself with the recommended
servings for each type of food.

Drink enough
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water
throughout the day. Avoid sugary drinks and
opt for water, tea or unsweetened infusions. 04
consumption of
Highly processed foods are typically high in saturated fat,
processed foods
added sugars, and sodium. Try to limit your consumption
and opt for fresh and natural foods whenever possible.

Reduce the
consumption of
sugar and salt
Excess sugar and salt in the diet can be harmful to health.
Limit consumption of sugary foods and drinks, as well as
processed foods that contain high levels of salt.
Avoid Alcohol
Smoking and drinking at the same time can have
several negative health effects, both physically and
mentally. The combination of the two can increase the
risk of certain cancers, such as lung cancer, throat
cancer, and mouth cancer. It can also lead to an
increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and liver
07 disease.

Maintain healthy
weight with exercise

Excess sugar and salt in the diet can be harmful to

health. Limit consumption of sugary foods and drinks, as
well as processed foods that contain high levels of salt.

Nutrition And Diet Therapy

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