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Speak English With Vanessa

Free PDF Worksheet

Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently with these English expressions. I recommend reading these
sample sentences out loud and using the blank space on the last page to answer my challenge
question using the vocabulary. Thanks so much for learning English with me!

Your teacher,

Questions About Music

Whatcha listenin’ to? to ask what someone is listening to

Note: if someone has their earbuds in/headphones on, they may not want to be

I heard your music playing in your car. Whatcha listenin’ to?

Who is this? to ask who the singer or group is

I like this song–who is this?

What style of music is your favorite? a better question than “What genre of music do
you like?”

I asked my dad what style of music was his favorite and he said rock and roll.

Did you make this playlist? a collection of songs

Did you make this playlist? My son loves it!

What station is this? a station on the radio plays a certain style of music

I love this music! What station is this? 1
Have you ever seen them live? to see a concert

Have you ever seen the Rolling Stones live? Now that’s a rock concert!

Have you heard the new ___ song? a new song from a specific artist

Have you heard the new Taylor Swift song? It’s so good!

I like __ music. Do you have any recommendations? a great question to ask!

I like folk music. Do you have any recommendations?

Common Phrases About Music

​Pop/ Indie/ Rock/ Alternative/ Country/ Folk/ Classical/ Jazz

​ I grew up listening to country and rock, but now I listen to pop, indie, and folk.

​I like music that is ______, like ___.

​ ome descriptions include: soulful, energizing, has got a good beat, easy to dance to,
relaxing, etc.

​ hen I am working on the computer, I like music that is relaxing and helps me
focus, like classical.

​Turn it up!

​ I love this song! Turn it up!

​That’s my jam.

​ Have you heard Adelle’s new album? That’s my jam. She’s such a great artist.

​It’s so catchy!

​ The new Maroon 5 song is so catchy! 2
​It’s got a great beat.

​ What song is this? It’s got a great beat!

​It gets stuck in my head.

​ My son’s favorite song always gets stuck in my head.

​I have it on repeat.

​Note: the word “repeat” is pronounced “RE-peet” in this phrase

​ n cold winter days, I have The Beatles’ song “Here Comes the Sun” on repeat
because it makes me feel warm and happy.

​It makes me wanna dance.

​I can’t understand the words to this song, but it makes me wanna dance!

The following statements are used if you play a musical instrument or want to learn to
play. In each sentence, you say what instrument you play and then a famous musician
that you look up to and want to play like.

I play the ___ so I’ve always looked up to ____.

I play the piano, so I’ve always looked up to Ray Charles.

I really want to learn to play the ____ like _____.

I really want to learn to play the guitar like Jimmy Hendrix.

I love ___ music, so I would love to learn to play the ___ like ____.

I love jazz music, so I would love to learn to play the trumpet like Louis
Armstrong. 3
Sample Conversation

​Vanessa: Hey Dan! Whatcha listenin’ to?

​Dan: Oh hey Vanessa! It’s King Gizard and the Lizard Wizard, my new favorite group. I
saw them live last weekend and now I can’t get their songs out of my head. Here,

​Vanessa: Oh wow! I like that. It's so catchy. It’s got a great beat.

​ an: I know!

​Vanessa: Have you heard the new Fleet Foxes song? It’s been stuck in my head all
day today.

​Dan: I have. It’s been on repeat all weekend. Have you added any of their songs to a

​ anessa: Yeah, I can send you a link if you want.

​Dan: That would be great. Thanks!

​ anessa: No problem, happy to share music suggestions. See you around!

​Dan: Later!

Your Conversation

​Vanessa: Hey, I’m making a playlist, do you have any music recommendations or a
favorite song you think I should add?

​Student: [Your response] ____________________________________________

​Vanessa: That’s interesting. What type of music do you like?

​Student: [Your response] ____________________________________________

​Vanessa: Very cool. Why do you like that type of music?

​Student: [Your response] ____________________________________________

​Vanessa: That’s awesome. Well, thanks for the new music recommendations. I can’t
wait to listen to it. See you later! 4
Vanessa’s Challenge Question

Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: What is your
favorite style of music to listen to? Have you ever seen that type of music live?

Sample answer: I love listening to folk or bluegrass music, especially when it’s played live.
Where I live, there are a lot of bars and restaurants that have live folk music, so I enjoy going to
places like that. Usually the musicians are energetic when they play, and it makes me want to

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