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Irrigation Engineering (BEG363CI)


Morgan Engineering College Prepared By: Subash Dhakal

A canal is an artificial channel that is constructed to carry water to the fields to
perform irrigation. The water is taken either from the river, tank or reservoirs.
The canals can be constructed either by means of concrete, stone, brick or any
sort of flexible membrane which solves the durability issues like seepage and

Components of Canal System:

Whatever be the irrigation scheme i.e direct irrigation using weir or a barrage
and storage irrigation scheme like dams or reservoir, both demand a network of
irrigation canals of various sizes and capacities. Hence the canal system
comprises of:

1. Main Canal
2. Branch Canal
3. Distributaries or major distributaries
4. Minors or minor distributaries
5. Watercourses or Field Channel.

Components of Canal System:

Components of Canal System

Main canal:
The main canal takes off directly from a river or reservoir. It carries water in large
amounts to feed the branch and distributary canals. Due to conveying of very high
discharge through the main canal it is not recommended to do direct irrigation from
Components of Canal System:
2. Branch Canal:
The branch canal takes off from main canals at regular intervals. These canals supply
water to major and minor distributary canals. The discharge of the branch canal is
generally over 5 m3/sec. In the case of branch canals also, direct irrigation is not
recommended unless their water carrying capacity is very low.

3. Major Distributary Canal:

Major distributary canal takes off from the branch canal or in some cases from the main
canal. They supply water to minor distributaries and field channels. A canal is said to be
major distributary when its discharge lies between 0.25 to 5 m3/sec.

4. Minor Distributary Canal:

Minor distributary canal takes off from major distributaries and sometimes directly
from branch canals depending upon the discharge of canals. Their discharge is generally
below 0.25 m3/sec. These canals supply water to the field channels.

5. Field Channels:
Field channels also known as watercourses are small channels excavated by cultivators
in the irrigation field. These channels are fed by the distributary canals and branch
canals through canal outlets. 4
Classification of canals according to function, discharge, alignment
Canals are classified into different types based on factors which are as follows :

1. Based on Function
2. Based on Discharge
3. Based on Alignment of Canal

1. Based on Function
1. Irrigation canal
2. Power canal
3. Feeder canal
4. Carrier canal
5. Navigation canal

Irrigation canal
A canal aligned along the boundaries of cultivatable areas in order to supply water for the
purpose of agriculture is said to be an irrigation canal.

Power canal
A canal constructed especially for the generation of hydraulic power is termed as power

Feeder canal:
As the name says, a feeder canal is constructed to feed two or more other canals or
branch canals.

Carrier canal
A carrier canal is multi-function canal which serves the purposes of both irrigation
canal and feeder canal. It means the carrier canal feeds the other canals as well as
provides water for direct irrigation.

Navigation canal:

A canal which is constructed especially for navigational purposes is known as

navigation canal. The water level required in a navigation canal is generally a lot higher
to accommodate large ships, vessels, etc.

2. Based on Discharge: 3. Based on Type of Boundary Surface
1. Main canal of Canal:
2. Branch canal 1. Alluvial Canal
3. Major distributary canal 2. Non-Alluvial Canal
4. Minor distributary canal 3. Rigid Surface Canal
5. Field canal

4. Based on the Nature of Supply Source

1. Permanent Canal
2. Inundation Canal

6. Based on Canal Alignment 5. Based on Financial Output:

1. Ridge canal 1. Protective Canal
2. Contour canal 2. Productive Canal
3. Side-slope canal

Based on Canal Alignment

Ridge Canal/ Watershed Canal

A canal aligned along the ridgeline or watershed line of an area is said to be ridge
canal or watershed canal. Since it is running at the peak altitude of the area,
irrigation on both sides of the canal up to a larger extent of the area is possible.
There is no interception of natural drains on ridge lines hence, no cross drainage
works are required for this type of canal.
This canal supply water on both side and thus large area may be taken under
cultivation. It is the best irrigation canal and most economical .
Suitable only for plain area not for hilly area.

Figure :Ridge canal 8

Based on Canal Alignment
Contour Canal:
A canal aligned roughly parallel to the contours of the area is called a contour canal.
This type of canal can be seen in hilly regions. Since it is parallel to the contour line,
the ground on one side of the canal is higher and hence irrigation is possible only on
the other side of the canal. A contour canal has to pass the drainage and hence cross
drainage works are required to be provided.

• Low initial cost.
• Discharge capacity increases as rain
water from higher side is collected
in the canal

Disadvantages :
It can only irrigate one side.

Side-slope canal:
The is a canal which is aligned roughly at right angle to contours of the country but
not on watershed or valley. The canal thus runs roughly parallel to the natural
drainage of the country cross drainage works are avoided. The side slope channel has
the advantage of not intercepting cross drainage works but its course must follow the
shortest route the nearest valley and such channel shall be along a line of steepest
possible slope except in very flat areas.

Construction of cross drainage work
is not necessary.

• It can irrigate only one side.
• Slope is more if it is unlined
canal erosion will takes place.

Figure: Side-slope canal

Canal alignment
A canal has to be aligned in such a way that it covers the entire area proposed to be
irrigated, with shortest possible length and at the same time its cost including cost of
drainage works is a minimum.
Factors to be considered for the alignment of a canal:
1. An irrigation canal should be aligned in such a way that maximum area is irrigated
with least length of canal.
2. Cross drainage works should be avoided as far as possible, such that the cost is
3. The off taking point of the canal from the source should be on a ridge, such that the
canal must run as a ridge canal and irrigate lands on both sides.
4. Sharp curves in canals must be avoided.
5. In hilly areas, when it is not possible to construct ridge canals, the canal must be
made to run as a contour canal.
6. The canal should be aligned such that the idle (blind) length of the canal is
7. The alignment should be such that heavy cutting or heavy filling are avoided. If
possible balanced depth of cutting and filling is achieved.
8. It should not be aligned in rocky and cracked strata.
9. The alignment should avoid villages, roads, places of worship and other obligatory
points. 11
Canal Losses
Losses of water in canals may be defined as the process in which a considerable
amount of water is lost as it passes through the canal from the starting of the
headwork to the final point where it is supplied to the agricultural field or
The loss of water in canals is also commonly referred to as transit loss or
transmission loss.

Losses in canal Occurs in the following components of canal

1. In Canal System
i). Canals ≈ 17% (vary between 15-20%)
ii). Distributaries ≈ 8% (vary between 6-8%)
2. In water courses ≈ 20% (vary between 17-22%)
3. In the field ≈ 27%

Types of Losses of Water in Canals

The major types of canal losses are listed as follows:

1. Evaporation Losses in Canal
2. Seepage Losses in Canal
3. Transpiration Losses in Canal 12
Evaporation Losses in Canal
• Evaporation loss in the canal is inevitable as the water flowing through any canal
is exposed to the atmosphere.
• According to the statistical records, evaporation losses constitute 0.25% to 1% of
the total canal discharge and constitute 2 to 3% of the total water losses in the
water canal.
• Evaporation losses are less than the seepage losses in the canals.
• Evaporation losses in canals depend mostly upon the climatic conditions of the
area. Such losses depend directly on the area of exposure of the surface of the
water and inversely on the depth of water in the canal.
• Thus, the major factors that affect the rate of losses due to evaporation in the
canals can be listed as follows:

1. Temperature

2. Wind Velocity

3. Humidity

4. Area of water that is exposed to the atmosphere

Seepage Loss in Canal
The seepage loss in the canal is the most significant loss of water in the canals.
Such loss mainly depends upon the following factors:
1. The porosity of the soil.
2. Existing underground water table conditions.
3. The existing condition of the canal system.
4. Physical properties of the water canal such as turbidity of water.
5. Amount of silt carried by the water.
Types of seepage losses are:
a. Seepage Losses due to Percolation
• It is the seepage loss in a canal in which the water is lost through a continuous zone
that is formed between the canal and the water table. Such a zone that is formed
consists of fully saturated soil that is capable of establishing continuity in the flow
of water from the canal to the
underground reservoir.
• The loss of water through percolation
is greatly affected by the difference
in level between the top water surface
level of the channel to the water
table level.
Figure: Losses due to Percolation
b. Seepage Loss due to Absorption
In the canals, usually, a zone of saturation is present below the canal that is
accompanied by a zone of soil with decreasing saturation which is further bounded by a
zone that is saturated by the capillary action of water rising from the adjacent water
table level.

As shown in the figure, two zones of saturated soil bind the unsaturated zone of the soil.

Figure: Seepage Loss due to Absorption

Let H be the seepage head, h be the distance between the water surface level of the
canal and the bottom of the saturated zone, hc be the capillary head, then the rate of loss
of water due to absorption depends upon (h + hc). 15
Types of Losses of Water in Canals
Transpiration Losses in Canal
Some amount of water flowing through the canals is lost by the process of transpiration.
The plants, grasses, weeds, or other vegetation that grow on the banks of the canal
undergo transpiration thereby resulting in loss of water from the canal.
Transpiration losses are very less in comparison to the other two losses in the canal.

Preventive Measures to Reduce Canal Losses

Some of the preventive measures to reduce canal losses are:
1. Canal Lining: Canal lining is the process of making the bed and sides of the canal
impervious to reduce canal losses.
2. Increasing the height of the canal despite width. This reduces evaporation and
percolation losses.
3. Provision of proper slope gradient to the canal to increase the velocity of the
4. Removal of vegetation from the canal and its sides.

Irrigation Water Requirement in Canals
Effective Rainfall (Re):
Precipitation falling during the growing period of a crop that is
available to meet the evapotranspiration needs of the crop is called
effective rainfall. It is that part of rainfall which
is available to meet ET needs of the crop.
𝑅𝑒 = 𝑅 – 𝑅𝑟 – 𝐷𝑟
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝑅 = 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑅𝑟 = 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑜𝑓𝑓
𝐷𝑟 = 𝐷𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Generally a percentage of total rainfall

is taken as effective rainfall.

Irrigation Water Requirement in Canals
Operational water requirement:
It is the water used for land preparation, percolation losses in flooded paddy fields.
For irrigation water requirement, it must be supplied in addition to the crop water
Field water requirement:
It is the sum of crop water requirement and the operational water requirement.

Consumptive Irrigation Requirement (CIR):

It is defined as the amount of irrigation water that is required to meet the
evapotranspiration needs of the crop during its full growth.

CIR = Cu – Re , where Cu is the consumptive use of water.

Net Irrigation Requirement (NIR):
It is defined as the amount of irrigation water required at the plot to meet the
evapotranspiration needs of water as well as other needs such as leaching etc.

NIR= Cu - Re + Water lost in deep percolation for the purpose of

leaching etc.
Irrigation Water Requirement in Canals
Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR):
It is the amount of water required, to meet net irrigation requirements, plus the water
lost in percolation in the field water courses, field channels and in field applications
of water.
FIR = NIR + water application losses = NIR/ηa

where ηa is the water application efficiency.

Gross Irrigation Requirement (GIR):

It is the sum of water required to satisfy the field irrigation requirement and the
water lost as conveyance losses in distributaries up to the field.

GIR = FIR + Conveyance loss =FIR/ηc

where ηc is the water conveyance efficiency.

Command Area in Irrigation:
The design of irrigation canal system requires the knowledge of some of the important
terminologies and definitions associated with the command area of irrigation, the
irrigation intensity and the intensity of cropping.
Gross Command Area (G.C.A):
The gross command area is the total area bounded within the irrigation boundary of the
project that can be irrigated economically without bothering about the limitation of
quantity of water available.

The gross command area includes the cultivable area and un-cultivable area.
The examples of the un-cultivable area include ponds, residential areas, reserved forests
and roads
Cultivable Command Area (C.C.A):The cultivable command area is also called a
culturable command area. This is defined as the cultivable part of the gross command
area. This is that area where cultivation is possible. Pastures or fallow lands that can
be converted into cultivable land comes under this category. C.C.A does not include
un-cultivable land mentioned before.

It is not necessary that 100 percent of C.C.A is cultivated. C.C.A is generally taken as
80 percent of GCA if adequate data is not provided.
Command Area in Irrigation:
Hence C.C.A can be classified as:
1. Cultivated Portion of CCA
2. Cultivable but not cultivated Portion of CCA.

Intensity of Irrigation:
The intensity of irrigation of a particular land area can be defined based on a particular
season or annually. Hence, the intensity of irrigation of a season or seasonal intensity of
irrigation is defined as that percentage of cultivable command area (CCA) that is
proposed to be irrigated in a given season.

The percentage of C.C.A which may be irrigated annually is called as the annual
intensity of irrigation (AII). This may include the irrigation of two or more crops.
AII = Gross Irrigated Area/CCA

Gross Irrigated area = Total area irrigated once in a year + area irrigated more than once
in that year
or AII = Sum of total of intensities of irrigation of all the seasons of the year

Command Area in Irrigation:Chapter-1

Area to be Irrigated:
The area to be irrigated is the area proposed to be irrigated in a year or that season. It is
obtained by multiplying the CCA with the annual intensity of irrigation or seasonal
intensity of irrigation.

As the water requirement for each crop varies with season, the area to be irrigated is
calculated for each crop season.

Relation between Duty, Delta and Crop Periods
Crop Period and Base Period:
The time period that start from the instant of its sowing to the instant of its harvesting is
called the crop period.
The time between the first watering of a crop at the time of its sowing to its last
watering before harvesting is called the base period.

The crop period is the total

period during which the crop
remains on the field, whereas
the base period is the total
period during which irrigation
is done. Generally crop period is
slightly greater than the base

Kor Watering, Kor depth and Kor Period:
• The distribution of water during the period of crop is not uniform. Crops require
maximum water during first watering after the crops have grown few centimeters.

• During the subsequent watering the quantity of water needed by crops gradually
decreases and is least when crop gain maturity.

• The first watering is known as kor watering, the depth applied is known as kor
• The portion of the base period in which kor watering is needed is known as kor

Duty and Delta of a Crop:

Delta: The total quantity of water required by the crop for its full growth may be
expressed in hectare/meter or It is defined as the total quantity of water supplied to
irrigate certain area to obtain maximum yield .

This total depth of water is called delta (Δ).

Its unit is ‘m’ or ‘cm’.
Duty (D):
• It may be defined as the number of hectares of land irrigated for full growth of a
given crop by supply of 1 𝑚3 /s of water continuously during the entire base period
of that crop. Its Unit is hectare/cumecs
• Duty is the capacity of water to irrigate land.
• Simply we can say that, the area (in hectares) of land can be irrigated for a base
period (in days) using one cumec of water. Its unit is hectare/cumec.

Paleo Watering : Sometimes in initial stages ,before the crop is sown the land is very
dry. In Such Cases, the soil is wetted with water , so as the help in sowing of crop, such
irrigation is known as paleo Watering.
Outlet factor
The duty of water at the outlet is known as the outlet factor.
Capacity factor
The is the ratio of the mean supply discharge to the full supply discharge of a canal.

Time Factors: The ratio of no of days canal has actually run to the no of days of
irrigation period.
For example, if the no of days of irrigation period is = 12 days and canal has run for 5
days only, the time factor = 5/12
( Note: A day has a period of 24 hours, ) 25
Relation between Duty Delta and Base Period.
Let us consider a crop having a base period of B days. Assume that 1 cumec of water is supplied
to this crop for B days to provide delta Δ m depth of water.

Now the volume of water supplied by unit discharge to this crop during B days is given by:

V=Q (m³/s)*B (days) = 1*24*60*60*B m³

V=8.64*10000 m³ …(1)

Also, the volume of water applied to the field can be calculated as: V=Area of land irrigated by
unit discharge*depth of water applied

V=D(ham)*Δ (m) , V=D * Δ *10000 (m³) ….(2)

From Eqn (1) and (2), we get



𝚫 = 𝟖. 𝟔𝟒 ∗ 𝑩/𝑫

Calculate delta based on the following data

Base period=110 days, Duty=1400ha/cumec . Delta=?


𝚫 =𝟖.𝟔𝟒∗𝑩/𝑫

Δ =8.64*110/1400


Δ =68cm

Example 1:
If rice requires about 10 cm depth of water at an average interval of about 10 days and the
crop period for rice is 120 days, .Find out the delta for rice.
Water is required at an interval of 10 days for a period of 120 days.
Hence. No. of required waterings= 120/10 =12.


Total depth of water required = No. of waterings x Depth of watering

=12 x 10cm= 120 cm .

Hence ∆ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 = 120 𝑐𝑚. Ans.

Example 2:
If wheat requires about 7.5 an of water after every 28 days. and the bare period for wheat is
140 days, find out the value of delta for wheat.
No. of required waterings = 140/28 = 5
The depth of water required each time = 7.5 cm.
Total depth of watering required in 49 days = 5 x 7.5 cm = 37.5 cm

∆ for wheat = 37.5 cm Ans. 28

Example 3 :
An irrigation canal has gross commanded area of 80,000 hectares out of which 85% is
culturable irrigable. The intensity of irrigation for Kharif season is 30% and for Rabi
season is 60%. Find the discharge required at the head of canal if the duty at its head is
800 hectares/cumec for Kharif season and 1700 hectares/cumec for Rabi season.

Gross culturable area = GCA = 80.000 hectares
Culturable commanded area = CCA = 0.85 x 80,000 = 68,000 hectares
Area under Kharif season = 68,000 x 0.30 = 20,400 hectares
Area under Rabi season = 68,000 x 0.60 = 40,800 hectares
Water required at the head of the canal in Kharif = Area/duty = 20,400/800 = 25.5 cumecs
Water required at the head of the canal in Rabi = Area/duty
= 40,800/1700 = 24.0 cumecs
Since water requirement in Kharif is more so the canal may be designed to carry discharge
of 25.5 cumecs

Example 4:
A watercourse has a culturable commanded area of 2600 hectares. out of which the
intensities of irrigation for perennial sugar-cane and rice crops are 20% and 40%
respectively. The duty for these crops at the head of watercourse are 750 hectares/cumec and
1800 hectares/cumec respectively. Find the discharge required at the head of watercourse if
the peak demand is 20% of the average requirement.
Culturable commanded area = CCA = 2,600 hectares
Area under sugar-cane = 2600 x 0.2 = 520 hectares ,
Area under rice = 2600 x 0.4 = 1040 hectares
Water required for sugarcane = Area/duty = 520/750 = 0.694 cumecs
Water required for rice = Area/duty = 1040/1800 = 0.577 cumecs
Since sugar-cane is a perennial crop, it will require water throughout the year.
Hence. Watercourse must carry a total discharge = 0.694 + 0.577 = 1.271 cumecs

Therefore the discharge to meet the peak demand. will be 1.271x 1.20 = 1.52 cumecs. 30
Example 5:
A minor commands 400 ha of irrigation area. It is proposed to consider wheat crop in the
whole commanded area. The Kor period for wheat is considered 3 weeks. The Kor depth
has been assumed to be 10 cm. In this period 2.75 cm of rainfall is normally expected with
such intensity that 50% of this could be taken as superfluous (surface run off). Considering
10 % conveyance loss find out (a) duty of canal water at the field head and (b) discharge of
minor at upstream head.

Given that;
Commanded area =400 ha
Kor period so 3 weeks = 21 days
Kor depth = 10 cm
Water available from rainfall = 50% of 2.75 cm = 1.375 cm
Depth of irrigation water = 10 -1.375 = 8.625 cm= 0.0862 m

𝐵 21
Duty of water on field = 8.64 × = 8.64 × = 2104.87 ha/cumec
∆ 0.0862

Here, conveyance loss is 10%. So, a discharge of 1 cumec at the head of water course, 0.9 cumec
at the field.
Duty at head of water course = 2104.87 / 0.9 = 2338.74 ha/cumec

Discharge required= 400/2338.74 =0.171 cumec 31

Example 6:
A field channel has culturable command area of 2000 ha. The intensity of irrigation for
gram is 𝟑𝟎%, and that for wheat is 50%. Gram has a Kor period of 18 days and Kor depth
of 12 cm. While wheat has Kor period of 15 days and Kor depth of 15 cm. Calculate the
discharge of the field channel.
Given that;
Culturable commanded area (CCA) = 2000 ha.
Intensity of irrigation for wheat = 50%
Intensity of irrigation for gram = 30%
Kor period for gram = 18 days
Kor period for wheat = 15 days
Kor depth for gram = 12 cm
Kor depth for wheat = 15 cm
Duty for gram = 864 𝑥 18/ 12 = 1296 ha/cumec
Duty for wheat = 864 𝑥 15/15= 864 ha/cumec
Area of gram irrigation = 2000 x 0.3 = 600 ha
Discharge for gram = = 600/1296=0.46 cumec
Area of wheat irrigated = 50% x 2000 = 1000 ha
Discharge for wheat = 1000/864= 1.16 cumec

Total discharge required = 0.46 + 1.16 = 1.62 cumec

Example 7 : For distributary, GCA is 500 ha, CCA is 80%, intensity of irrigation is 305%
for wheat and 20% for rice. The kor period is 3 weeks and 2.5 weeks for wheat and rice
respectively. Calculate the outlet discharge and also determine the capacity of canal
considering 10% loss in distribution.
Here, Gross commanded area (GCA) = 500 ha
Culturable commanded area (CCA) = 80% of GCA = 0.8 x 500 = 400 ha
Area to be irrigated under wheat = 400 x 30/100 = 120 hectares
20 Area to be irrigated under rice = 400 x 20/100= 80 hectares
, kor depth of wheat and rice is not given, so assuming: Kor depth for wheat = 13.5 cm, Kor
depth for rice = 19 cm
Kor periods for wheat = 3 weeks = 21 days
Kor periods for rice = 2.5 weeks = 17.5 days
Duty for wheat = 864 × 𝐵/∆= 864 × 21/13.5= 1344 ha/cumec
Duty for rice = = 864 × 𝐵/∆= 864 × 17.5/19= 795.79 ha/cumec
Again, Outlet discharge required for wheat = Area/ Duty =120/1344= 0.089 cumec
Outlet discharge required for rice = Area/ Duty =80/795.79 = 0.1 cumec

Considering 10% loss in distribution; we have,

Capacity of canal = 0.089 + 0.1 /0.9 = 0.21 cumec
Example 8:
A watercourse commands an irrigated area of 600 hectares. The intensity of irrigation of
rice in this area is 60%. The transplantation of rice takes 12 days and total depth of water
required by the crop is 0cm on the field during the transplantation period. During the
transplantation period, the useful rain falling on the field is 10 cm. Find the duty of
irrigation water for the crop on the field during transplantation, at the head of the field,
and also at the head of the distributary, assuming losses of water to be 20% in the
watercourse. Also calculate the discharge required in the watercourse.

• Rice seed is initially germinated in separate seed beds.
• Afterwards, Seedlings (young plants) of rice are thrust (transplanted) by hand in another
previously prepared land.
• Preparation of land for rice crop includes its thorough saturation before ploughing, so as to
puddle and soften the surface soil.
• Transplantation takes about 10-15 days; requires large quantity of water, i.e. 30-60 cm on the
We know that
∆= 8.64 𝐵 / 𝐷

Where B = transplantation period = 12 days,

∆ = Depth of irrigation water actually applied in the field = 50 - 10 = 40 cm = 0.40 m
D = Duty of the irrigation water on the field in hectares/cumec

𝐷 = 8.64 𝐵/∆ = (8.64 x 12)/ 0.40 = 259.5 hectares/cumec

This duty is on the field.

Since the losses in the canal are 20%, 1 cumec of water discharge at the head of
watercourse will become 0.8 cumecs at the head of field and hence will irrigate 259.5 x
0.8 = 207.6 hectares only.

Hence the duty of water at the head of watercourse will be 207.6 ha/cumec.
Now total area under rice plantation = 600 x 0.6 = 360 hectares
Discharge at the head of watercourse = 3601207.6 = 1.735 cumecs

Example 9 :
Table below gives the necessary data about the crop, their duty and the area under
each crop commanded by a canal taking off from a storage reservoir. Taking a
time factor for the canal to be 13/20. calculate the discharge required at the head
of the canal. If the capacity factor is 0.8, determine the design discharge.

Crop Base Period (days) Area(hectares) Duty at head of

Sugar cane 320 850 580
Overlap for 90 120 580
Wheat(rabi) 120 600 1600
Bajri(Monsoon) 120 500 2000
Vegetable( Hot 120 360 600

Discharge required for crops: Discharge for sugar-cane = 850/580 = 1.465 cumecs
Discharge for overlap sugar-cane = 120/580 = 0.207 cumecs
Discharge for wheat = 600/1600 = 0.375 cumecs
Discharge for Bajri = 500/2000 = 0.250 cumecs
Discharge for vegetables = 360/600 = 0.600 cumecs
Since sugar-cane has a base period of 320 days, it will require water in all seasons i.e.
Rabi, Monsoon & Hot weather.
Discharge required in Rabi = 1.465 + 0.375 = 1.84 cumecs
Discharge required in Monsoon = 1.465 + 0.25 = 1.685 cumecs
Discharge required in hot weather = 1.465 + 0.207 + 0.600 = 2.272 cumecs
Thus the maximum demand of 2.272 cusecs is in the hot weather.
The time factor = 13/20
Therefore, Full supply discharge at the head of the canal will be
= 20272 x 20/13 = 3.32 cumecs
Since, Capacity factor = 0.8
Design discharge = full supply discharge / capacity factor
= 332 / 0.8
= 4.15 cumecs


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