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Chapter 3

This research presents the methodology that will be used in this study. It begins with
a description of the research design, setting, participants, measures, ethical
considerations, proced5,data analysis and scope and limitations of the study.

Research Design
This study will employ a descriptive correlational research design
that will determine the relationship between Overseas parents employment and the
academic performance of students of San Jose National High School. It will also
determine the influence of parents being overseas employed to their children’s
academic performance. This research will underline three premises in gathering
necessary data. First, information for the Overseas parents employment and the
academic performance of students will be collected, average, and synthesized.
Second, after determining the weighted mean for each main variable and it’s
indicators , the level to which variables and indicators’ scores using the set criteria
for each variable will be determined. Third, inferential statistics will be utilized to
determine if there is a significant difference of overseas parents employment and the
academic performance of their children when grouped according to their
demographic profile and finally to examine the relationship of the Overseas parents
employment and the academic performance of students.

This study will be conducted at San Jose National High School in the
Municipality of Banga , City of Koronadal , Region XII. There are 23 rooms such as
Room A, Room B, Room C, Room D, Room E, Room F, Room G, Room H, Room I,
Room J, Room K, Room L, Room M, Room N, Room O, Room P, Room Q, Room S,
Room T, Room U, Room V, Room W.
Map of San Jose National High School where the study will be conducted is
presented in Figure 2.
San Jose National High School where the study is conducted. Figure 2. Site Map
The respondents of this study are the students that have overseas employed parents
of San Jose National High School of the Municipality of Banga , City of Koronadal,
Region XII. They are the chosen of the study since they are the one who is
experiencing the situation of being a student with a parent who is overseas
A stratified random sampling technique will be used for selecting the participants of
the study. This procedure will be employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of
students per grade level to really get the general responses of the students as to
their parents. Then , simple random sampling will be used to determine the actual
participants of the study. There 92 students who have overseas employed parents
in San Jose National High School. Using random sampling, a sample of 48 students
are expected.

Table 1. Number of Students and Sample per grade level.

Grade level Number of Students Sample Percentage
who Have OFW (%)
Grade 7 15 8 16.48
Grade 8 19 10 20.88
Grade 9 12 6 13.18
Grade 10 22 11 24.17
Grade 11 9 5 9.89
Grade 12 14 8 15.38
Total 91 48 99.98

Adopted research tool will be used in this study.
Ethical Considerations
In the conduct of the study, the researcher will comply all requirements particularly
ethical considerations. Before the conduct of the study, this will undergo ethical
ethical review and approval by the concerned authorities and individuals.
After incorporating all the necessary comments and suggestions of the panelists
during the outline defense, permission from the schools principal will be secured.
Informed Consent. The respondents will be informed about purpose, expected
duration, and the benefit of the research. Systematic random sampling will be
employed to get accurate representatives of the population. If there will be
respondents who will decline or withdraw their participation in research process,
another simple random sampling will be considered in order to not affect the number
of respondents needed in this study. Reasonably foreseeable factors that may
influence the participants willingness to participate such as potential risks, discomfort
or adverse effects will be explained during the orientation of the respondents. It will
be stated in consent form that the respondents contribution will be completely
voluntary. With this, the respondents will opt to refuse answering the items they will
not feel comfortable to answer or if they will not be willing to take part in this study.
Recruitment of the Respondents. Recruitment of the respondents will be carefully
planned and handled in an ethical manner. Except in unusual circumstances, the
researcher should not directly ask the students to be one of the respondents, as it
may be hard to refuse such request.

Respondents Rights. In this study, protection of respondents human right will be

the top consideration. The researcher will ensure that all research activities
particularly in gathering data such as face to face distribution of the survey
questionnaire will conform to the highest degree of protecting human rights and
safety. Protecting the rights and welfare of those who will willingly participate in this
research will be a fundamental tenet of this ethical consideration. The researcher will
guarantee that respondents will be protected from unintended harm, especially in the
areas of confidentiality and informed Consent. She will assist the respondents in
avoiding errors or oversights that can result in justifiable actions. Human dignity,
inherent to all respondents irrespective of place of residence, gender, ethnic origin,
religion, language, or any status, will be carefully safeguarded.
Privacy and Confidentiality. In some cases, simply being invited to a study may
involve time consumption and privacy concerns. For instance, sending a formal
letter inviting the students to take part in the study will be done . Recruitment
methods must take into account of private concerns. No students will be surprised
that he or she will be one of the respondents study. Prior notice will be sent through
letter by the schools principal. The respondents will be approach by the researcher in
their most convenient time. The researcher will look into the situation in which
students will not so busy in doing their responsibilities as students. That will be the
time that their consent to participate in the study will be asked from them. The
researcher will look into the time where the respondents are not busy to accurately
give their insights and opinions about the Overseas parents employment. She will
facilitate and analyze the research procedures of this study and take hold of the
documents for confidentiality. Subsequently, disclosing information and revealing
secrecy of conversations will be tantamount, and this speaks the integrity and ethics
that the researcher is keeping. The names and details of the respondents will be
dealt utmost confidentiality. In particular, the researcher will never mention their
names in the context of the data presentation and analysis.
Data Handling and Storage. The researcher herself is the custodian of the research
data and is responsible for data handing and storage. It is ensured that physical
access to the data are strict confined only to the researcher. No one will be given
granted to have an access to the data. Strict protocols you the unauthorised access
of all physical location where the data are stored will be ensured. The researcher will
ensure that data will be handled with utmost confidentiality and will never be
exposed to anyone else. A month after the researcher’s graduation, the data will be
destroyed and discarded. The survey answered questionnaire will be destroyed in
such a way that no more data will be exposed from the answered research too to
ensure that the data will no longer be accessed. The researcher will do everything to
protect their privacy.
Accuracy of Results. Before the limited face to face distribution of the survey
questionnaire, content validity, acceptability and reliability tests will be conducted to
ensure the accuracy of the result that will be taken from the respondents responses.
Limited face to face orientation before distributing the survey questionnaire will be
conducted to explain the all the variables, indicators and items of the survey
questionnaire. Tabulation of data will be strictly done so that no responses of the
respondents will be changed. Statistical treatment of data will be done in Jamovi app
and Microsoft Excel and to be checked using scientific calculator so that no error will
be committed for computation. Results will be balanced and free of misleading
emphasis that will make the study excessively attractive. Expected benefits will not
be overstated. No manipulation of data will be done. All discussions will be based
from the result of the survey questionnaires. Making the research result attractive will
solely be done through accurate data or information.
Research Misconduct. The researcher will ensure that research Misconduct which
includes fabrication, falsification, alterations, misinterpretation, concealing of finding,
biased or subjective language, labelling people or singling out a group.
The following steps will be followed by the researcher in conducting this descriptive
correlational study:
1. The researcher will secure permission to conduct the study from the school
principal of San Jose National High School.
2. After the permission will be granted, survey questionnaire will be formulated.
Consequently, it will undergo validation process of our Subject Teacher.
3. Afterwards tithe researchers will go to each room to get names of the students
who have parents that are overseas employed;
4. And then researchers will do random sampling to get the chosen
respondents .
5. After that standardise questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents.
Students will be given ample time to answer the questionnaire in their most
convenient time. Researchers will be back to retrieve the survey based from
the scheduled by each respondents.
6. Upon the retrieval of the survey questionnaire from the respondents,
tabulation of data will be the next step.
7. All gatherer data will be encodes in a Microsoft Excel and will be subjected to
statistical computation with the help of the Jamovi app
8. Then presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data will be the last step
in data gathering procedures.
Statistical Tools
The following statistical tools will be employed in this study:
Frequency and Percentage. These will describe the demographic profile of the
T- test. This will show the difference between the academic performance of
students that have OFW parents to the students who don’t have OFW parents.
Correlation- This will describe the relationship between parents overseas
employment and academic performance of students.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study focused on determining the relationship of overseas parents
employment and the academic performance of students of San Jose National
High School. The study will employ a descriptive correlational design. The
respondents will include fourth eight(48) students who will be proportionally
chosen from each grade levels of San Jose National High School.
Jamovi app will be employed to compute for the total number of samples.
Proportional allocation formula will be applied to determine the sub-sample per
grade level. Simple random sampling using bowl fish method will be used to
select individual respondents of the study.

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