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Phase Activities Terrain Muliplier Type Effect

Pace Distance x Effect
Cautious x 1/2 1 asset on Eyes rolls Road or Highway x1 Clear terrain means there’s plenty of light and not
Fast Turns Use an Action OR Move up to your Speed.
Road, damaged x 3/4 Clear enough stuff floating in the air to interfere with your
Slow Turns Use an Action AND Move up to your Speed. Normal x1 - sight. Clear terrain is the default.
Rushed x 1-1/2 1 complication on Eyes rolls Desert x 1/2
End of Round Resolve Effects Rain, light snow, fog, and shadows partially obscure
Forest x 1/2 Partially their areas, making it hard to spot fine detail. Such areas
ACTIONS MOVEMENT BASIC TRAVEL DISTANCE Hills x 1/2 Obscured impose 1 complication on attribute rolls that involve
Activity Pg Activity Pg sight.
Mode Miles per Hour Miles per Day Jungle x 1/4
Heavy rain, snow, and thick fog heavily obscure their
Attack 44 Balancing 34 Mountains x 1/4
Foot 3 24 Heavily areas, making everything in them faintly visible. Heavily
Charge 46 Climbing 34 Plains x 3/4 Obscured obscured areas impose 2 complications on attribute
Horse 6 48
activity rolls that involve sight.
Concentrate 44 Crawling 34 Swamp x 1/2
Cart or Wagon 2 16
Darkness, curtains, whiteout snow conditions, or
Defend 44 Driving 34
Boat 2 16 anything else that fully blocks sight totally obscure their
Disarm 46 Falling 34 areas. Nothing is visible in these areas and creatures
Car or Truck 40 320 Obscured
inside them are blinded for as long the conditions
Escape 46 Flying 35
Feint 46 Jumping 35
First Aid 44 Riding 35 - Team Size -
Grab 46 Sneaking 35 Tier Three Four Five Six +
Help 44 Squeezing 35 Starting 8 10 12 15 OBJECT HEALTH
Hide 44 Swimming 35 Novice 30 40 50 60 Composition Health
Hinder 46 Expert 60 80 100 120 Cloth 1
Knockdown 46 Master 150 200 250 300 Plaster 3
Recover 45 Glass 5
Retreat 45 Wood 10
Rush 45 Tier Easy Average Hard Lethal Holy shit, man, did you fuck up! Not only did you
Concrete 15
ruin the salvage you were using, but you also blew
Starting 1/4 1/2 3 5 1-5
Taunt 46 Stone 20 yourself up. You take or start the next mission with 1d6
Novice 1 2 5 10 + 3 damage.
Use an Attribute 45 Reinforced Concrete 25
Expert 2 5 10 25 You tried to make it work, but you couldn’t figure it
Use an Item 45 Metal 50 6-10 out. You lose half the salvage (minimum 1) you used
Wrestle 46 Master 5 10 25 50 for this project.
You make the item, but each time you use it, roll a d6.
REPAIRING OBJECTS 11-15 On a 1–3, the item takes damage equal to its Health
Total Result
Total Result You fucked up! The object winds up cutting, shocking, or burning You make the item and it works for the remainder
0 or less you. The object takes damage equal to its Health and you take 16-20 of the mission or the next mission and then takes
You fucked up! The object winds up cutting, shocking, or burning you. You ruin all the potential salvage 2d6 damage. damage equal to its health and breaks.
0 or less
and take 2d6 damage for your effort.
1-5 You break the object. The object takes 1d6 damage. 21-25 You make the item.
1-5 You mess up so bad, you destroy any salvage the object contained.
You fail to make any repairs. You can try again in downtime or You make the item and have 1 salvage left over; you
No dice. You fail to extract any salvage from the object. Someone else can give it a try, but you can’t 6-9 26-27
6-9 during your next mission. must still spend at least 1 salvage to make the item.
until after you complete your mission.
You remove 1d6 damage from the object, but you then reduce its Your workmanship shows in the item you create.
10-15 You get 1 piece of salvage from the object. 10-15
Health by 1d6. Reduce the amount of salvage used to create the item
16-19 You get a number of pieces of salvage from the object equal to its size (minimum 1). 28 or more by 1 (minimum 1). In addition, if you created a weapon,
You remove 2d6 damage from the object, but you then reduce its
16-19 the weapon deals +1 damage. If you created armor, it
You get a number of pieces of salvage from the object equal to twice its size (minimum 1). Health by 1d6.
20 or more grants a +1 bonus to Defense. Congratufuckinglations!
Congratufuckinglations! 20 or more You remove 3d6 damage from the object. Congratufuckinglations!
Affliction Effect d6 Effect
When you’re blinded, you can’t see. Duh. You treat everything as being totally obscured from you. Furthermore, 1 You do nothing but scream, rock, and cry.
you grant 1 asset on rolls made to hit you and you automatically fail any roll that relies on sight.
2 You must use your action to rush and then move in a random direction.
You have a hard time making sense of what’s going on when you’re confused. While confused, you make attribute
Confused 3 You use an action to harm yourself, taking 1d6 damage.
rolls with 1 complication.
4 You use an action to attack a randomly determined target using the best means at your disposal.
You are tired and physically drained while you’re fatigued. Being fatigued imposes 1 complication on all of
your attribute rolls. If you are already fatigued and would become fatigued again, you increase the number of 5 You act normally, but you make all attribute rolls with 3 complications.
Fatigued complications fatigue imposes by 1. If you would increase the number of complications to 4, you fall prone and 6 You act normally. (Dumb fucking luck!)
become unconscious for 1d6 hours. Hours spent unconscious in this way do not count toward the hours you need
to spend in order to complete a rest. FALLING DAMAGE
You are frightened when something makes you afraid. While you are frightened, you make all attribute rolls with 1 AVERAGE DAMAGE Distance - Roll Result -
complication, and roll to hit while you can still see the source of your fear with 2 complications. PER ROUND Fallen (ft) 20+ Success Failure 0 or less
When you are immobilized, you can’t move under your own power. Your Speed drops to 0 and you grant 1 asset on Difficulty Damage per Round
Immobilized 0-5 - - Prone 1d6
rolls to hit your Defense. You’re a lump, friend. 1 1d6
6-25 - - 1d6 2d6
Any number of things can cause you to become impaired. You might suffer from pain, be tangled up in a net, or 5 2d6
Impaired 26-50 - 1d6 2d6 4d6
have a hard time seeing. Being impaired imposes 1 complication on your attribute rolls.
10 3d6
When you go insane, you lose control and you behave in an erratic and unpredictable way. While you are insane, 51-100 1d6 2d6 4d6 8d6
25 4d6
Insane you cannot take Fast turns. In addition, at the end of each round you’re still insane, roll a d6 and consult the 101-250 2d6 4d6 8d6 16d6
Insanity table to find out what you do during the next round. 50 5d6
251-500 4d6 8d6 16d6 Death
You’re on the ground when you’re prone. While prone, you can move by crawling or you can move to stand up. 100 6d6
501+ 8d6 16d6 Death Death
Being prone imposes 1 complication on your Muscles, Hands, and Feet rolls. You also grant 1 asset on rolls to hit 250 7d6
Prone Land Prone: If you take any damage, you also fall prone.
your Defense to creatures who can reach you and impose 1 complication on rolls to hit 500 8d6
your Defense from all ranged attacks. Fragile Surface: If you fall onto a fragile surface, such as one made
1000 10d6 of glass or cloth, you pass through it, possibly taking damage, and
You’re sickened while affected by some foul odor, toxin, disease, venom, or poison. Being sickened imposes 2 then continue your fall. When you land, you halve the distance you fell
complications on all your attribute rolls. Try not to puke on your teammates, bud. before the first impact for the purpose of determining how much you
RANDOM PERILS take on landing. You then continue falling and calculate the effect of
Something keeps you from moving at full speed. Being slowed prevents you from taking fast turns, drops your
Slowed d6 Perils landing from the first point of impact.
Speed to 2 if it’s not already lower than 2, and imposes 1 complication on all your attribute rolls.
1 Shit weather Liquid Landings: If you land on a liquid surface, you make the Hands
When you’re stunned, you are physically and mentally overwhelmed. You drop whatever you are holding, and you
roll with 1 asset.
can’t use reactions. You grant 3 assets on rolls to hit you and you make all attribute rolls with 3 complications. 2 Hazardous terrain
Furthermore, when you take your turn, you must succeed on a Guts roll or forfeit your action and your Speed Landing on Other Creatures: If you would land on another creature,
3 Easy encounter
drops to 0 until the end of the round. the creature on which you would fall can roll Feet if it is aware of you.
4 Average encounter On a success, the creature dives out of the way. On a failure, you strike
You’re insensate, knocked out. You drop whatever you are holding and fall prone when you become unconscious. the creature and you each take half damage from the landing. Splat,
5 Hard encounter
While unconscious, you can’t use actions or reactions. Your Speed is 0 and you cannot benefit from increases to motherfucker!
Speed. You cannot perceive your surroundings. Rolls made to hit you automatically succeed and you fail all rolls 6 Deadly encounter
made to resist attacks. You’re probably toast unless your companions come to your rescue. SHIT WEATHER HAZARDOUS
3d6 Weather TERRAIN
You are incapacitated when your damage total equals your Stabilized indicates you are no longer in You are injured while your damage total equals
4-5 Strong winds 1 Biological contamination
Health score. If your character becomes incapacitated, risk of immediately dying but aren’t yet half your Health score. You suffer from the impaired
you fall prone and are unconscious until you are no able to get up and move around. When you condition while you are injured. 6-8 Thunderstorm 2 Radioactive waste
longer incapacitated. At the end of any round you are become stabilized, you immediately heal 1
9-12 Cold snap or heat wave 3 Burning landscape
incapacitated, roll a d6. If the number rolled is lower damage and gain the unconscious affliction DEATH
than your Grit, you can spend 1 Grit to heal damage. If the for 1d6 hours. If you heal damage enough When you die, you become an object with a Health score determined 13-15 Radioactive precipitation 4 Landmines
number rolled is greater than your Grit, you lose 1 Grit or to no longer be injured, you remove the by its size. Your corpse eventually rots away until nothing remains, or
16-17 Hail storm 5 Toxic atmosphere
you die if you have no grit left to lose. If the number rolled is unconscious affliction. Time spent stabilized if you’re just left there, something or someone will most likely come
equal to your Grit, you become stabilized. counts toward resting. along and eat you. You’re dead, so what do you care? 18 Acid rain 6 Mutant plants
Name Dmg Price Properties Name Dmg Price Range Properties Name Properties (p.77-78)
Axe 1d6+1 5 - Firearm, burst fire, full Attacks made using this weapon count as area attacks, dealing the
Automatic rifle 2d6 50 300
auto 10, unreliable listed damage to everything inside the described area. Unless the
Chain 1d6 5 Finesse, special Area Attack description says otherwise, creatures in the area can roll Hands and
Area attack (5-yd
Club 1d6 3 - take half damage on a success, or no damage if the total of the roll
Blunderbuss 1d6 25 - cone), unreliable,
was 20 or higher.
Hammer or Wrench 1d6 5 Range 5, thrown, finesse special
A weapon with this property can fire bullets in short bursts. To use
Improvised 1 - Shitty Bow 1d6 20 30 -
Burst Fire this property, you must spend 5 bullets, but the attack deals 1d6 extra
Knife 1d6 5 Range 5, thrown Boomerang 1d6 5 30 Special damage.
Knuckledusters 1d6 5 Finesse Crossbow 1d6+2 30 50 Reload The weapon’s size or weight imposes 1 complication on rolls made to
attack with it unless you use it with two hands.
Nunchucks 1d6 5 Finesse Grenade Firearm, reload,
varies 250 200
launcher special, unreliable While you’re equipped with this weapon, you have a +2 bonus to
Shield 1d6 5 Defensive
Defensive Defense. If you attack with this weapon, you lose this bonus until the
Firearm, burst fire, full
Spiked Club 1d6+1 4 - end of the round.
Machine gun 3d6 200 400 auto 20, cumbersome,
Unarmed 1 - - special, unreliable When you roll to hit with this weapon, you can use Hands in place of
Whip 1 5 Finesse, reach Firearm, burst fire, full
Machine pistol 2d6 100 30
auto 5, unreliable This weapon counts as a firearm, a weapon that uses bullets. You
can keep your bullets loose or in extra clips or magazines. You must
Firearm, burst fire, Firearm
have at least 1 bullet to attack with this weapon and you reduce your
Name Dmg Price Properties number of bullets by 1 each time you fire the weapon.
Firearm, reload,
Bludgeon 1d6+2 10 - Revolver 1d6+3 20 25 A weapon with the full auto property can produce continuous fire. You
special, unreliable
must spend 20 bullets to use full auto. When you do, you fire the bullet
Flail 1d6+1 10 Special
Rifle 2d6 30 300 Firearm, unreliable into a cone-shaped area that extends from a point you can reach out
Improvised 1d6 - Shitty to a number of yards equal to the full auto number shown. (Obviously,
Area attack (10-yd
Rocket Full Auto # bullets fly farther, but you lose accuracy beyond this range.) As with
Katana 1d6+2 30 Finesse 6d6 100 100 radius), special,
launcher other area attacks, a creature in the area when you go full auto or that
Machete or Sword 1d6+2 10 - enters it takes the damage. A creature that would take this damage
Shotgun (slug) 2d6 30 50 Firearm, unreliable can roll Feet, taking half damage on a success, or no damage if the
Spear 1d6 5 Finesse, range 10, thrown
total of the roll is 20 or higher.
Firearm, area attack
Shotgun (shot) 1d6 - -
(20-yd cone) When you attack with this weapon, you can choose any target within
HEAVY MELEE WEAPONS TWO HANDS the listed number of yards. You can also attack a target beyond this
Slingshot 1d6 5 20 - Range #
Name Dmg Price Properties distance, up to twice the listed range, but you make your roll to attack
Speargun 1d6 30 10 Reload, special with 2 complications.
Improvised 1d6+2 - Shitty
When you would attack with this weapon, your reach increases by 1
Mattock, Pickaxe, Reach
2d6 20 Cumbersome yard.
Sledge Hammer
Before you can fire a weapon with this property, you must use an
Staff 1d6 5 Finesse Reload
action to load it.
This item was not intended for use as a weapon and it imposes 1
CLOTHING complication on rolls made to hit with it.
Properties Special The weapon has a special rule, which is detailed in its description.
Clothing Defense Price Clothing Defense Price Properties (p.76)
Thrown You can make a ranged attack with this weapon by throwing it.
Clothes - 5 - Light Armor 12 25 -
Whenever you attack with this weapon, roll a d6. If you roll a 1, the
Camouflaged Clothes - 10 Special Bulletproof Vest +1 50 Special weapon explodes and deals 2d6 damage to you. If you roll a 2, the
Gas Mask - 5 Special Medium Armor 14 50 1 complication on Feet rolls Unreliable weapon misfires and you must spend 1d6 + 1 rounds using tools to
fix the weapon before you can use it again. Rolling any other number
1 complication on Hands and Feet means the weapon fires normally.
Environmental Suit - 50 Special Heavy Armor* 16 100
*This item counts as 3 items. © 2020 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC

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