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Some suggest that young people should take a job for a few years between school and

university. Discuss what the advantages and disadvantages might be for people who do this.
Many people believe that it will be better for students to get a job after school for a few years
before starting university. There are some benefits and drawbacks to this view, which will be
On the one hand, there are numerous advantages to pausing to study and getting a job after
finishing school. Firstly, It allows the students free time in which to carefully think about their
next educational career. Secondly, by doing this, the students are supported financially, which
make them independent. Finally, doing work can enhance their experience, which helps them in
permanent job seeking after study completion.
On the other hand, there are also several downsides to a discontinued study. One of the most
obvious drawbacks is that the individual is discouraged and is likely to leave the study. Another
disadvantage is that if a student has not joined any job in their break from study, it has
ramifications for finding a job because the company person will hire a more experienced person
than you.
In conclusion, the study gap has both pros and cons. From my perspective, the benefits of
starting a job after school and resuming study after a few years outweigh the drawbacks.

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