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Paragraph 1.

EMPRICO para buena parte de la

filosofa moderna, la razn no puede exceder de los lmites de la experiencia: slo lo emprico es cognoscible>

Empirical- Originating in or based on observation or experience


sintetizar<en este disco se sintetizan todos los procesos de investigacin, recuperacin y hallazgos efectuados durante aos de pesquisas sobre el rico mosaico folclrico indgena sudamericano>

E=MC2- the amount of energy something has is equal to its mass that the speed of light in a vacuum. Synthesize-to combine or put together. Phenomena-an observable act or event. Ex. Lightning or earthquakes Grander- having more importance than others Pithy: being short and to the point Fundamental; being of central importance, being or forming a foundation. Empirical- Originating in or based on observation or experience Replicate- to duplicate or repeat electron microscope: an instrument in which a beam of electrons is used to produce an enlarged image of a very small object. evolution : a theory that the various kinds of plants and animals are descended from other kinds that lived in earlier times and that the differences are due to inherited changes that took place over many generations Postulates- to claim as true big bang theory: the theory that an explosion caused the beginning of the universe. Encompassing- to include Astronomical- extremely or unbelievably large Recession- the act of receding or withdrawing n/a Heliocentric- having or relating to the sun as the center. (a heliocentric solar system) Elliptical- having the shape of an ellipse (oval) Orbital period- the time it takes for an object/ planet to make one fullorbit around the sun Satellite- a man-made object or vehicle

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intended to orbit, the earth moon or other celestial bodies. Vector- an object with bother force and magnitude that is represented by a line segment Thermodynamics-a branch of physical science that deals with the relationships and conversions between heat and other forms of energy. Conserved-to avoid wasteful or destructive use Entropy- the amount of disorder or chaos in a system. Buoyancy- the tendency of a body to float or rise in a fluid. Displace: to physically move out of position. Fundamental; being of central importance, being or forming a foundation. Evolve: to change Species: a class of things of the same kind with the same name. ex. Homo sapiens Populations- a group of one or more species living in one area Mechanisms-the process involved in or responsible for a natural occurrence. Conceptualize: something conceive in the mind Spherical- sphere or round like shape Implications: the conclusions that can be drawn from something that is not implicitly stated. Cosmology- the branch of physics that deals with the space-time relationship Precision: exactness, consistency, reproducibility Momentum-strength or force gained by motion Particle- a relatively small portion of something Duality- a dual state or quality.

Text-Mark Mark the text as either fact or opinion

Directed Note-taking Paragraph Statement Astronomy, Oceanography, Meteorology, Environmental science, geology, Other sciences Astronomy all

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how the universe arrived at its present state, A scientific law can be reduced to a mathematical statement. A scientific theory seeks to synthesize a body of evidence


Laws and theory are alike/not alike Three reasons Three piece of evidence(facts) from the article Write an essay comparing and contrasting theories and laws

Generating Question: Come up with a question for each paragraph. Mark the category 1 2 3 What is the difference between a law and a theory How is a scientific theory usually recognized What is empirical evidence? All sciences All

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