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Daniel Nelson


DESN3947 Graphic and Communication Media

Brief 2

Challenge: “Leverage a beverage icon as a catalyst for connection, across boundaries and borders to
inspire togetherness and joy”.

Audience: ”Young people who are determined to reinvent the world but don’t know where to start, both
Gen Z and Millennials”.

1. Ageism is preventing a fresher world. Many young people hold negative attitudes towards elderly
people, preventing them from connecting.
2. Young people are suffering from a ‘quarter-life crisis’ and can benefit from talking to elderly people who
have been in their position.

Mission: Change young peoples perspective of the elderly and get them to discover the benefits of
connecting with older people.

Solution: A campaign that connects young and old people by encouraging young people to anonymously
write to elderly people through a message in a bottle system. This gives young people a chance to get
advice on life, opening their mind to the benefits of connecting with the elderly as well as help to change
their perspective on the elderly.
Initial Mind-mapping
The project began with the creation of
various mind-maps to identify the key
elements from the brief and gain an
understanding of Heineken as a company.

Key insights found:

Heineken want to be seen to ‘refresh’

people’s views and offer them ‘fresh
perspectives’ to keep their mind open.

We live in an isolated society with more

division than ever. Heineken want to
create a ‘fresher world’ and create a more
connected society.

Young people are determined to change

the world but are confused and don’t know
where to start.
Identifying an Area of Division
After identifying the key themes of the brief, it was important to identify an existing
area of division which Heineken could try to tackle to help connect people together
and ‘refresh’ their views to create a ‘fresher world’. Mind-mapping was done to
generate ideas and interviews with Gen Z were done to gain an understanding of
the target audience and identify an area they feel society is divided.

Key Insights:
A disconnect between elderly people and young people was found. Ageism
was identified as a big issue present in society with 1 in 2 people believed to hold
ageist attitudes. Interviews with Gen Z discovered a common confused feeling
among young people, not knowing what to do in life and nervous for the future.

Every second person in the world is believed to hold ageist Interviews with Gen Z
attitudes – leading to poorer physical and mental health
Name: Laurie Name: Emily
and reduced quality of life for older persons, costing Age: 23 Age: 27
societies billions of dollars each year, according to a United What does a “Fresher World” means to you? What does a “Fresher World” means to you?
Nations report on ageism. An estimated 6.3 million cases
Name: Matt A fresher world would be a world where everyone is A fresher world would be one where we take better care
of depression globally are estimated to be attributable to Age: 21 treated equally and with respect, no matter their race, of the environment and prioritize sustainability. It would
ageism. gender, age or anything else. It would be a place where be a place where we work to preserve natural resources
What does a “Fresher World” means to you? people can live their lives freely without worrying about and protect the planet for future generations.
discrimination or persecution.
Ageism costs our societies billions of dollars. In the USA, A fresher world would be one where everyone has access What do you consider a fresh connection is?
to education, healthcare, and all the basic necessities. What do you consider a fresh connection is?
a 2020 study showed ageism in the form of negative age A fresh connection, to me, is a connection with someone
What do you consider a fresh connection is? To me, a fresh connection is a new connection with I wouldn’t normally connect with. It could be someone
stereotypes and ‘self-perceptions’ led to excess annual someone I’ve never met before. It could be someone you who has different interests or values, or someone who is
costs of $63 billion for the eight most expensive health I think a fresh connection is a connection with someone meet at a party or event, or someone you meet through a
mutual friend.
just outside my usual social circle. I think it’s important to
from a different background or culture. I think it’s really be open to new connections and not be too closed off to
conditions. This amounts to US$1 in every US$7 spent on interesting to learn about how other people live and people who are different from us
think, and I love meeting people who can teach me Would you say you connect with all groups and types
these conditions for all Americans over the age of 60 for something new. of people? Would you say you connect with all groups and types
one year (see note to editors). of people?
Would you say you connect with all groups and types I would say that I do connect with all groups and types of
of people? people. I’m open to meeting and getting to know anyone, I don’t necessarily connect with all groups and types
regardless of their age, background, or interests. I think
“Ageism harms everyone – old and young. But often, it is so I tend to connect more with people my own age and my it’s important to be open-minded and curious about
of people. I tend to gravitate towards people who have
similar hobbies or music tastes as me. I find it easier
widespread and accepted – in our attitudes and in policies, family. I have a lot in common with them and we share other people. to connect with people who share my interests and
similar experiences and values. But I’m also open to passions.
laws and institutions”. connecting with people from different backgrounds and What is your opinion on elderly people? Do you
with different interests. connect with them? What is your opinion on elderly people? Do you
connect with them?
Ageism arises when age is used to categorize and divide What is your opinion on elderly people? Do you I don’t have any particular opinion on elderly people.
connect with them? I think they’re just like anyone else, with their own I respect and appreciate elderly people and their
people in ways that lead to harm, disadvantage, and unique experiences and perspectives. I don’t have experiences, but I don’t necessarily connect with
injustice. It can take many forms including prejudicial I don’t think I have much in common with elderly people, many interactions with elderly people outside of my them on a personal level. I don’t think I have much in
so I don’t connect with them very often. I find it a little grandparents, so I don’t really connect with them on a common with them and I find it difficult to find topics of
attitudes, discriminatory acts, and institutional policies and difficult to talk to them because we come from such regular basis. conversation that we both enjoy.
practices that perpetuate stereotypical beliefs. different generations and have different life experiences.
How you feel about where you are in life at the How you feel about where you are in life at the
How you feel about where you are in life at the moment? moment?
One in three people in the UK report experiencing age I feel a little lost and confused about where I am in life I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and uncertain about where
prejudice or age discrimination. I’m feeling a bit stuck at the moment. I don’t know what I right now. I’m not sure what I want to do for a career and
I’m worried about letting my parents down. I don’t want
I am in life. I just graduated from uni and I’m trying to
want to do with my career and I’m feeling pressure from figure out what to do next. I don’t want to rush into a
my family to make a decision. I’m scared of making the to end up in a boring office job, but I’m not sure what decision, but I also don’t want to waste time not moving
wrong choice and ending up unhappy in my work. other options are out there for me. forward.
Further Research
This report on ageism provided valuable insights which
inspired this project. The report found older people
After identifying a potential an area of division in society it was
are widely mocked, patronised and demonised by the
important to do more research to gain a better understanding
rest of society. They are seen as incompetent, hostile or
of the issue of ageism. Research was also done into the a burden on others consuming too many of society’s
‘quarter-life crisis’ and how connecting the elderly and young New survey research from BayShore HealthCare found a resources. Ageism is prevalent in the UK, with one in
people can have benefits. quarter of 18 - 34 year-olds respondents would switch three people reporting experiencing age prejudice
checkout lines if they were behind an elderly person or age discrimination. Ageism can have negative
Key insights : and a third stated that they don’t believe the aged consequences on physical and mental health, and can
deserve special treatment in society. influence the treatment that older patients receive. The
Ageism is a common issue with one in three people report offers recommendations for tackling ageism
reporting they have experienced age prejudice or age and promoting a more positive view of old age and
discrimination. Additionally, one third of 18-34 year olds ageing in society, including: challenging negative
stated that they don’t believe elderly people deserve special language and stereotypes, promoting positive role
treatment in society. models of older age, and supporting older people to
- Older people can offer wise words and sage advice participate fully in society.
86% of the young people have experienced a ‘quarter-life on enjoying life to its fullest.
crisis’ meaning they feel under pressure to succeed in their - Older people understand that adversity is a part of life
and that it is important to be courageous in the face of it. Ted Talk: The connection between the
relationships, finances and jobs before hitting 30.
- Elderly people are still part of the family and it is Young and the Old is worth gold by Jort
important to visit them and learn about their lives. Verhage (2021)
There are lots of benefits of connecting young and elderly
- Older people understand that criticism and
people together. Elderly people can give them advice and In this Ted Talk the benefits of connecting young
disagreements do not have to be held onto or lead to
share wisdom to help with their quarter-life crisis. and old people is discussed. Jort Verhage argues
- Love is a powerful healing force and it is never too late that connection between the two groups is hugely
The song Help The Aged by Pulp inspired the idea young and to reach out to loved ones. beneficial to both parties. He talks about the value of
old people can connect based off the idea “one time they - Laughter is a great way to cope with difficult times and intergenerational connections, and the role that older
were just like you” and are more similar than you might is something that all generations can learn from. people can play in helping young people pursue their
think. - Older people understand the importance of making dreams and find their own sense of purpose.
time for what is truly important in life.

Help The Aged - Song by Pulp

- Research shows that connecting youths with seniors Quarter-life crisis
can help to boost confidence, increase communication An unlikely source of insight was the pop song “Help
and improve memory A quarter-life crisis is a crisis is defined as when a person the Aged” by Pulp which is about the importance of
- An opportunity for both young and old to learn new suffers from anxiety over the direction and quality of supporting and helping older people, as they were
skills their life. This is most commonly experienced in a period once young and had dreams and ambitions just like
- An occasion where both seniors and youths can feel ranging from a person’s early twenties up to their mid- younger people. The lyrics also touch on the idea that
motivated and inspired thirties although can begin as early as 18. It is defined by everyone will eventually grow old and may need help
- A way to share family history and knowledge about clinical psychologist Alex Fowke as “a period of insecurity, and support themselves. The line “One time they
the past doubt and disappointment surrounding your career, were just like you” inspired the idea for a campaign
- An opportunity for the elderly to learn about modern relationships and financial situation”. A study sponsored which made young people think about how old people
technology by gumtree found that 86% of the young people were just like them and used to do the same wild
- A sense of purpose for both parties admitted feeling under pressure to succeed in their things young people do. This idea materialised into
- A chance to dismiss any negative opinions or fears of relationships, finances and jobs before hitting 30. Two the concept of having quotes from elderly people on
the elderly in five were worried about money, saying they did not Heineken bottles which encouraged young people to
- A new routine which can help to reduce loneliness earn enough, and 32% felt under pressure to marry and speak to other elderly people and find out about their
and depression in the elderly have children by the age of 30. interesting stories from when they were younger.
Campaign Research
Cadbury: Loneliness Campaign
After researching the issue of ageism more closely as
well as the benefits of connecting young and old, it was Heineken: Worlds Apart
important to research past campaigns from Heineken as
well as additional campaigns to gain an understanding
of their campaigns’ characteristics and tone of voice.
Research into additional marketing campaigns which
attempted to connect young people and elderly people This marketing campaign from Cadbury consisted of
was also done to get inspiration for ways brands have replacing their Dairy Milk’s branding with the quotes of
tried to do this before. elderly people. Unlike Age UK’s campaign, the aim of
this was to present elderly people as fun and interesting.
Key Insights: featuring personal quotes about funny stories which
makes elderly people appear more human. This campaign
Heineken use witty and creative marketing concepts is insightful into how brands can use the design of their
packaging to achieve a positive social outcome. The
aimed at connecting people. Heineken also subvert Heineken’s marketing campaign “Worlds Apart” promoted
concept of using quotes from elderly people also
cliché imagery associated with beer such as a bottle openness and aimed to bring people together through
inspired the outcome for a non-traditional touch-point.
opener to be the catalyst for connection. This inspired common ground. The campaign included a social
the use concept of a message in a bottle. experiment in which strangers with opposing beliefs
completed challenges together and then had the option
to either walk away or discuss their differences over a
Research into campaigns connecting the young and old
beer. The campaign was created by Edelman and Publicis
Xbox Beyond Generations
gave an insight into different approaches used. Age UK London and won a Bronze Lion at the Cannes Lions
make the audience feel sorry for elderly people whilst festival. It reached over 40 million views across social media
cadbury present them as fun. Xbox connects the young channels.
and the old by showing the benefits of connecting.

Heineken: The Closer Age UK: Spoof Facebook advert

Xbox and McCann London launched the “Beyond

Generations” campaign to address the issue of loneliness
among the elderly and to bridge the gap between
generations through gaming. The campaign included
two experimental films that showed how gaming can
bring family members closer together and facilitate
deeper relationships. Xbox also introduced the “ReBoxing”
initiative, encouraging younger people to gift their old
Heineken’s global marketing campaign called “The console to an elderly family member as a way to connect
Closer”, aimed at addressing the growing work-life Age UK had a marketing campaign which spoofed a with each other.
imbalance caused by technology, societal pressure, and facebook advertisement. This campaign was designed to
the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign centred around encourage younger people to connect with elderly people This campaign is inspiring as it presents connecting
a high-tech bottle opener called “The Closer” which to help combat loneliness. This provided insight into ways young and the old in a positive way which benefits
shuts all work applications when a bottle of Heineken is how to encourage young people to connect with the both parties, instead of the Age UK campaign which
opened with it. The bottle opener is meant to symbolize elderly. This campaign attempts to make the audience feel wants people to connect because they feel sorry for elderly
the power that every worker has to close down at the sorry for the elderly when showing the benefits to young people. This campaign also gives insight into how a brand
end of the day and prioritize social and leisure time with people of connecting with the elderly may have been more can involve themselves and make them relevant in the
friends and family, promoting connection. beneficial. connection.
Concepts Connecting Young and Elderly
After research into past creative campaigns, mind-maps
were created to a generate a range of ideas for how
Heineken could connect young and the elderly. The
selected idea to move forward was a marketing campaign
called “generation gap”.

1. Ageism is preventing a fresher world. Many young
people hold negative attitudes towards elderly people,
preventing them from connecting.
2. Young people are suffering from a ‘quarter-life crisis’
and can benefit from talking to elderly people who have
been in their position.

Mission: Change young peoples perspective of elderly

people and get them to discover the benefits of
connecting together.

Solution: A campaign that connects young and old

people by encouraging young people to anonymously
write to elderly people. This gives young people a chance
to get advice on life, opening their mind to the benefits
of connecting with the elderly as well as help to change
their perspective on the elderly.
Additional Research
Heineken Visual Research
Heineken’s visual brand identity is characterized by a bold and modern aesthetic,
with a strong focus on minimalism and simplicity. The brand’s logo is instantly
recognizable, featuring a bold red star and white lettering set against a green
background. This logo is used consistently across all marketing materials,
including packaging, advertising, and digital media.

In terms of packaging design, Heineken typically uses clean lines, simple

graphics, and minimal colour palettes to create a sleek and sophisticated look.
The brand also makes use of high-quality materials and finishes, such as metallic
foils and embossing, to add a premium touch to its packaging.

Heineken’s visual brand identity is highly cohesive and consistent, with a clear
focus on creating a modern, sophisticated, and memorable brand experience for

- Constant use and re-purpose of their star logo
- Custom bottle designs
- Minimalist design
- Small amounts of text
- Use of gradients
- White text on green background

Message in a bottle

Research into things associated with beer and beer bottles was done to
generate interesting an unique concepts for the marketing campaign.
Messages in a bottle was identified as an interesting visual concept which
could be used as part of the campaign for young people to write letters to
the elderly. Messages in bottles were used historically to send distress
messages. This is particularly appropriate as the concept is based of young
people being confused and unsure about life during their quarter-life crisis
and therefore by sending a message in a bottle to the elderly they are
reaching out for advice.
After identifying the concept of getting young people to
connect to the elderly through sending messages in a bottle,
sketching was done to generate logos for the campaign. The
name ‘Generation Gap’ was used to create multiple logos which
related to this concept. The final logo was influenced by visual
research into Heineken, using the star as part of the branding. The
logo shows two beer bottles doing a ‘cheers’ which represents
connection. The two bottles are different sizes to represent the
gap in age between the two generations.
Final Logo
Inspired by previous Heineken campaigns, custom beer bottles
were designed which could be used as part of the marketing
Various ideas for a physical experience were explored. The final experience
consists of a table and a large beer bottle post box on the high street. Young
people are encouraged to write messages to elderly people on sheets of paper.
The messages are then rolled up and put into a custom Heineken bottle which
is then posted into the larger beer bottle post box. All the bottles are then
transported by Heineken to a local care home where elderly residents write a
reply, giving the young people advice. The bottle is then transported back to the
young person where the letter is designed to help them with their quarter-life
Following on from designing the physical experience, mind-mapping was done
to generate ideas for a digital experience. The chosen idea was then sketched out
and wireframes were created. The idea for the microsite consists of young people
sending virtual messages anonymously in bottles to elderly people. This works
firstly by the young person scanning a QR code on a custom ‘Generation Gap’
Heineken beer bottle. The link will then take them to the microsite where they
can write their message. Heineken will print out the messages and physically
transport them to local care homes where elderly people can respond. These
replies are then scanned and digitalised and presented back to the young person
on the mircosite.
Ideas for a connected non-traditional touch-point were generated and explored
through mind mapping. Inspired by Cadbury’s marketing campaign, the concept
for the non-traditional touch-point was to create a machine that gave out sheets
of paper with quotes on from elderly people. This idea is designed to open young
people’s mind up to the benefits of connecting with the elderly, highlighting how
their wisdom and advice can help them with their ‘quarter-life crisis’.
Physical Experience 1
The final physical experience responds to research which discovered
young people can benefit from connecting with elderly people, to give
them advice to help their ‘quarter-life crisis’.

The physical experience is called ‘Generation Gap’ is designed to create

fresh connections and refresh any negative opinions young people have of
the elderly. The experience consists of a table and a large beer bottle post
box on the high street. Young people are encouraged to write messages
to elderly people on the sheets of paper. The messages are then rolled up
and put into a custom Heineken bottle which is then posted into a larger
post box made from another Heineken bottle. All the bottles are then
transported by Heineken to a local elderly home where elderly residents
write a reply, giving the young people advice on their worries. The
bottles are then transported back to the young person where it is read
with the hope it helps them with their ‘quarter-life crisis’. Both the young
person and elderly person are kept anonymous to allow them to be honest
and get things off their chest.
Physical Experience 2
Digital Experience
The final digital experience is connected to the
physical experience’s concept of young and old
people connecting through a message in a bottle

Firstly, the young person scans a QR code on a

special edition ‘Generation Gap’ bottle of Heineken
which takes them to the microsite. The user is
then invited to select a local elderly home to write
a message to. The user can either write their own
message or use a template to make it easier. Once
their message is written it is put in a virtual bottle
and sent to the chosen elderly home. Heineken will
then print out the virtual message and get residents
to reply to the letter, answering questions the young
person has and giving them advice. The letter reply
is then digitally uploaded and given back to the
young person where they are encouraged to share
their experience online using #GenerationGap.

Full Microsite Walkthrough:
Non-traditional touch-point
The final non-traditional touch-point aims to make young people discover
the benefits of connecting with the elderly generation, opening their mind
and refreshing their perspective on the elderly.

The non-traditional touch point consists of a poster which dispenses slips

of paper when people press a button. On the slips of paper are quotes from
elderly people, giving advice for young people. These quotes are designed
to make young people discover the benefits that connecting with elderly
people can have such as helping with their quarter-life crisis. The concept
is behind the touch-point is that young people have to make an effort to
discover the benefits of connection, similar to how they have to physically
go up to the poster and push a button in order to get their quote. Young
people are then encouraged to share their unique quote online using
#GenerationGap, creating an online trend.
Vectogravic. 2020. Double Sided A5 Flyer Mockups. [Online]. [Accessed 8 December 2022].
Available from: Mockup Tree. 2022. Free Billboard Mockup. [Online]. [Accessed 11 December 2022]. Available from:

Unblast. 2021. iPhone 11 Mockup. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from: Nustock Images. 2022. Nurse Assisting Elderly Woman With Walker While Looking At Her. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from:
Mockups Design. 2019. Paper Slip. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from: license=rf&alloweduse=availableforalluses&family=creative&phrase=old%20aged%20women%20 care%20home%20walking&sort=best&page=2

Age UK. 2022. Fix social care for good. [Online]. [Accessed 9 December 2022]. Available from: Nustock Images. 2017. The Pipewell. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from:
Age UK. 2022. Why can’t I get care?. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from: Josiah Weiss. 2022. The Independence of the Seas cruise ship off the coast of the Cayman Islands..
[Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from:
Age UK. 2022. Why can’t I get care?. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from:
Landlord Zone. 2022. Do you need help selling your property portfolio?. [Online]. [Accessed 7
Mockups Design. 2019. Billboard Mockup. [Online]. [Accessed 9 December 2022]. Available from: December 2022]. Available from:

PSD Zone. 2018. Outdoor Poster Signboard Mockup PSD. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Alonso Reyes. 2019. Cruise ship sailing into the sunset. [Online]. [Accessed 8 December 2022].
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Ready to Care. 2021. Inspiration for Writing the Perfect Letter to a Senior Pen Pal. [Online]. Charday Penn. 2019. Shot of an attractive young nurse bonding with her senior patient outside.
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Media Modifier. 2020. Free iPhone X PSD Template. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. htm#query=newspaper%20mockup&from_query=newspaper%20advert%20
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Halfpoint Images. 2018. Portrait of happy active senior woman on a walk in park, looking at
camera and waving. [Online]. [Accessed 15 December 2022]. Available from:

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Png Wing. 2022. White Pen Mockup. [Online]. [Accessed 14 December 2022]. Available from:

Good Mockups. 2022. Free Tri-Fold Brochure Mockup PSD. [Online]. [Accessed 14 December 2022].
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