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7 : CH-@ _ TovanAl 7 Pav Re slo & Le Dv (=) Cv. CR) Sorel | Cosh Me Dr \,00,000 t ——} me coil tle kaageats 1¢ Being usiness Stoked with cash)! i Sore tf Poverases Ade Dy. \eyooe Te Hovish's tle - | to, eo0 (cing pods purchared fron eo sh) | Sore S| Purchases Mle Dy. B,oo0 | Te cash Me : | Qeoe (Géws, goed, porcheted for cash) | Tone fl Porcheses He Db. boa Te _Gsh_ Ade LHe (Gateg_tpeds purchoted Js ush \vom | t v + Mohit) | Sovetol Katlosh's Ale De. ayeue a Seley fe oa ered 24208 | oneal Cosh Ole Dv. \Soo | Te Sales Me JSdo (Berns geod Sold tp Nadearn t for cash) t aa eld 1,2, Sv0 | 1,28,Sbe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Havish's Alle Dr. To Rrehaser Rebrn Me | 2b fine goods vehwned to Hersh) | Lore Machinery 's Alle Dy R000 To Soren's Ae 8,000 ( Being machinery purchased Jeom Sohsn’) | bee 16 | Harish! Ale Dr. S,000 Te Cosh Ale S,o0 (Geng moot peld to Mavish) ; Tone ae Drawing 's Me Dy. S,o0 Jo Cosh Me _S,000 = fing cash thd vewn ow __-# \_ vse) Sune toll Cosh Me Dr Qoo o_tlewspsfeor's fle too “7 C@eing old neushspecs cold) ‘ = une Yo a Ale Dy ako _ ns han's | Am Ta pea eat ley So,022— LY Clonee att aa cen 193,560 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Dy 10,000 To Gash Ale. lo,ooo ing amount debocibed ho bone) | Apa} Gen Me Db Sjooe Bank Ale S, 000 Cash withdvausn, Sram bank) [ Dv. | 11,886 Dy 4 Qo To Ramah's Ale btaipals equa veedived , allowed i | | Bil 1 Bank Ale Dy | ego” | a. dhegee Sn band fle U8 ding Ramesh's Chepue debosited ) | Abt a | Rome: h's Me ws ! a00q Bank Charges He. de. Qo To Bank Ale ° To Discount Rec. Me doo C Rein: equa dithonovred , loan gharges hat ) Galanee tebe old So,400 Sd 4900 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner [ Qalance ld |__| se,#0e0 SO, 502 the) 20] Gank Ae Dy 12,00 is To Ramesh s Ale 1230 C Being amovst reedved by Ramah) AbAl 21 | Bonk Ale dy 8,c00 Te Seeks Ale boos (Being amount defsitec be)! sl QU) Mis tal dy Son's Ade Dr Sooo nk Charges fle De too To Bank Ale | Soo IC Geing “ssoed Yank dealt) Pal as] Qank Ae Dy Leo | erounr Rex Ale dy Doo ——_|__ Gils Rectrctiy Me = LC Being bill dPteurted by benk) 7 Sot te etl 20| Grcgpecmtemestes He by, ase, 4 Te. Shyan'$ Ae 2 chp ve ceived Jom hyn) [ ee “haze | Bank Ale ae e | Cosh Ale ie ae To Seles Ate 7 —_ bet, geese std ) Fooo @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ete_| Por Keolars GFL Dv(e) Cv(z) _ ka |— (a | Gash Ale Dy 2420, 000 ie 82, 00,000 a Ta Capi lal Ae {12,00 ,en9 | bens ilarted aiith cath Ys honk) & Mache wer Me. Ss Cert To Rank Me 2,50,000 | Se ee 22, Soreaa ‘ mer ony ov | bay mer) \ | ] Machine ¢—Ale De 48 e00 Te Gs Ale ey 2eo C being ins lallabfon wages fa‘o/ ) | Ca) rebases Ae Dy. Brocco To Chhabra Gros, Ale | tee: o (ieing yeade —furebased) | ) Gash Ale Dy | Lo,000 To Bank tHe S200 Cling. conasnt utthdewn fin lad) (fs) Bank loan fle hy BQiooo | Bakesst fle “py Vga b Gth Ale 3S,000 | CGerng bank Joan ve patel with jek | FITTS esl Valance eld ~ es @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 28, sdo. Cy CE) 300,000 40,00,000 . 4, vosoco | 44,00, 002 49,00,000 fg, 00, 00° | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner = Gatance. wld GRoe eee Giyee,0eo eo ale vy | ose qeou Te ank Ae [Sjoe, 000 7p _Bhoshan Trader's Me [Sjoc,oo0 ode purchased ) Qhushan Traders Me dy I:Qo,e00 | Porchases Rehen He L,2h,oee (Being goods vel ned ) Rawan's — Me De, 4,60, 000 To Sales Ale 4@o,oc (Reins, gocde sold) i C Bhoshan's Ale De 1, D,o00 Te __Gsh_ Ate In 48, 0 f To Discount Ree. Ale Loo (Being amovst paid te Blushen)| | zt) | Sales Qehrn Ale ppl | tooo To Pawan's Me Wooo Being goede vehwned by fuel) C4) | sh Ale De. 1,20,000 To Sales fe 120,000 (Beige goodly colol fr excl) UU) | Adverksement Ak Dy Qowoo | i To Parchasey Me 2Qo,200 ¢ Reing good given 2s samplec) a folance _cld 85, 20,000 ee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 85, %,000 | 85, }e,200 De 24, %0 33, Sv0 ng Sucoue 18% fatal) Be. lo,000 fo, 000 1 pesto | 7 86.\3500 86, 17, Sa ois Dore Parheolays Fl Dre) & C2) lo) | Cash Mle De. Syoo,o0e Ta_Cafilal Ade S,oeh dy ( Being bsns Started wif cash os) Purchases Bre Dy. Baov,000 Te Cash Ade [,S0,908 te Goyalson's Ade 1, 50,000 ing grads fourehaseol ) (c) Sonia's Ade Dr. eae h_ fk Dr. 60,000 To Sales Ade 1, 00,000 Bei fr sold) Pealance eld 4, 00,000 4 ,00,,002— @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | Dee ieanianag | [ Relance bl) , | + - (d) tka’s Ale De | [eee | To Porchases Red: Ale logooo in + Being goods reb mel by loitke) | G,00,d00 400,000 Goyaleon'’s Be [50,006 To Cash Ade | | athe cs EB Ts Diseourt Deo He = | fT hee amount betel > falas) |_| ) || Rad Debh Ale st be,009 Ta Sontka's Ate 40,000 (Being amosrd uit receivcble fom bi (4) | Bont Ae De. S,o00 Drausiings He Dy 10,000 To tah Ale [ideo | (Being vent patel) | Ralan ce. LU 1000 ‘| Ny 1Sy 000 aye ie Date | Pas Reolars [ex] Be) Sol) Bel aah Me ¥ Qq00,000 % (abt 7) A,0e70900 ) (Being bss Sk wh oth Bolance old TP aasees | dens [estes @ scanned with OKEN Scanner I, Bank Ale Dr. ral Te Gsh Me un 0 = Z Rerng amant — cleper? han a 4 Tan 3 | Parcheres Me De. 2o,006 x | | we Sih W Co. Ale e,ose 5 CKeFng spate por elas oo! ) 7 [ Zand Ya Boo Tani | Grlage file =| ' © — ; Jon & | forntdsre Ae bale Axooe Te gh Ae | [ 2,000 5 ioe Jursitore par chased ) ~ T 1 AP Peirdes's Achanee Me Dril | To Gath Ate | Sais g “| Cteing paicl eclonce dou HP finde) — fied fel i: i = Ton 6 || Mobile eae Ale Dy eB To Gsh Ale [ 5s, BE [Being mobile ‘atl Miidenat Bll oo i balance Ld acta. | Siinnco Ml @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | | | Relance bl ant | Gash He De. Cl doo To Sales Ale $, 000 Ber od ret sl ) San 4| Sharda Gis fle Dr. losooe To Sales Ale loyeng _ (Bling grads sald) Ht Jont 1 Gilege fic De 2eo | __Ta Pesesbe Cosh Pe 2oio (Being cartes Jaton gad Ge He db. 1, 30 ac Gsh fle rr Paosunt piel & Saghb 6) 7 Gs fe de Shoo Te Sales He fat ae ding pods Sud, Yay Wo) San 2 Conk Alle Y Garenit | Divcount Af Dy. 20 To Sharda & G's Ale loo heing ash ceceived fon Sankbl)| | Sani] Clechiedy Cherges He Dy Loos oo Ae Jy 909 (Bang elechicily charges pil) [ be Delanee eld) 3BSSRou @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Draniings Ale De Ts Gth Ae BSbo | (Bes amount esithelraen fer 4 wows! ute) I = 4 3oo loo | a4 | Dole far Kew lars 2232 ma zis) TE C=) Sone | Cash Ade ios Te _Gprta) Ble Sb,o00 (being bins shrberl withearl) Sone 2] Rank fe De. De6.ten To_Gpilal Ale Jyovsose CBeing arosnt defatted fon teigeale)| | Fun 2 | Rank Fle Dy. Siawo Ts_ben from Ram’ Ae | Sp,908 Cheing Iakon Josn fron Dany) | Jone $1 Quvebares Me Dy IS 000 To osh fe i 1£,c0e— —_] Rbetng goods purchased ) — Bf Blanee lt | Sree Yai" @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 315,099 Pepe eee Bee eee ae 124000 goods sold) TI | _t0,000 Cash Ate Dr. To Me Hoy? Sales fle (95.0 Cheing anount vecowved ) Tuned Fornibve Ae De 2a, 40 To Bank Ale | 2a, 400 being fornihire bolt doe) | | Jone 2H Lent Pte 7 by i Akooo To Bank Me _ ag, edo (Being veut paid by legos Tone 23] Loss be ve He Do. Qaove Ty forchaces Me Agora ing geods lest by fic) Sone H Dasurance Gremio Ale _Dr. 5,000 To cosh Ae | S,os0 C Being Tasurence fil fen) Tyne Jo Lan Ae 7 20,000 es Gh Me, Aeqooe Ciel, erect a Chave 45% Hoo @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ALD i a ei oo Par hevlars url Dele) Cr(2) 2023 Er Son) | cash Ale Dy %H,co0 To taprial Me 502000 (Reing bau slavted ww cath) £ San 2 | Purchases MWe : Dy [0,000 | To Cash Ate led ovo | Ceeng goede forchased po carh) Fan S| Porehases He Dr. + mets |e _ Mohan Delhi [ foscee | (Being geod porchaced aimee | | Tan 2 |[Benk Ale Dr. lerisece | + | To Corh Ale | Pe... | (Being opened bank ale) | Jan to | Furnitve Ale by. noon | Te_Gsh Pte | 2rece Bing Joraitice porebavel ) | 1 \ Jen S| Gash Me Dr.| | Roce To Sales Me | ah ce COcing cash sales ) | San 20) Ram's Ale Dr. Gara | bank Ale a os *scourt Mloved Me D i jo S Ae | int 7 Titap goods BE fe aoe BW Gah econ a | losge — Bulan ce | | 244,000 24010 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner We, | Galanee bled | | astoreee | 240,000, Ee | mos Gsh Ale 7 Dr. 34 SD0 To Sales (a a, & [Bing ged el) a Jan 22] Mohan's Ad. Dr. Qiooe | To Gsh Ale Tilooo } (Being ancont Bd + Mohan) Jan 2s | Salex Peden Ae Dy Doo | To Ram's Ade iz Sco | (being Gooch rebrned ty Ron) Z San 2) | Salevies Ale Be. ooo Te Gsh Me eS ato IC Geing Salaries Jats) Tan] RHy Gshiee Ale Dv. Sioee To tek fle P55, (Geng cach fost for fl ab) Tan 3] Mohon's Me Dy. | |t,e20 To Gorebases Belrn He |_ Bateo Being —teods refiynad f Molas) nee 2,66, 0 | _aybb, S00 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Poy Revlere 2023 Dbs | Rank Ale Dr. 60,000 To Capital Ale b0,500 fing business slay teal ) ie fbr?) 2] Porchases Ae Dy Ab eve To @ank Me Desboe (Being goods purchased by ehep ve) Api13 | Mokand Px Co. Dr. S300 | To Sales Me bro Ceeing goed sold) Pbril 4 | Gash Ate by. tooo | | To Sales Alc | jopSe0 (Geivg gpeds oll ) Ppl S | Sonde eses fe pl | doce To_Cash Ale | Zoe (being expenses patel) Apel 8 | forithre bo Clings Me py! eect Te @ank We | bgooe Glnee dd WA.206 | 119.20¢ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner [Dates ~ i J Rolance Eire Ramesh W Qros Ale zi Bet | i$ ,200_ To Purchases Refirn He (Being goods vedvrned ) 1, S00 Rawrwth bros 9,100 | __To_ Rank To Discourt Roc. Ale Bsdo Being amount paid dticoud rece) 600 less _by Pre Ale Db. Te forchater Ale Cher, Syooe edt last hy fh Syoe5 ) Gsh Me Plu Ade (tess) Ta_less by fire [Me D D I 4,000 ye | 1,000 (Being waSuvanee alePn veceie ed ) “lS Bonk Charges Ale Dy 200 To Genk Me 200 (Being bank charges _jnicl ) ei | sh Alle De. a Te Mokawol & G. fe Jyooo ral (Being qnaourtt receved ) AG ¢ @sk Ale put 3 Dy So,220 Te loan from Rdhi Alc MB, 000 (Being, ansourt bored Jon i he = | @ % bev Canoe) = cla Ralawce 1.93,600 | 1493,000 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Je WEL We A > (Ge mie Soni Balance —4 Glance bid lis | Dy Ale bea) Fle addchbns expital Tahedecal) | pic ye 2 Sales Ric ee good) sold poptt) | 1 Ade r | ; soles Be viage Ate eevee Seen ee | qansso [2221 teeta arena be @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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