AUSU Spectroscopy Lec IV

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Faculty of Basic Health Sciences
2021/2022 Session

BCH2162: Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Lecture IV


AJ Alhassan

11/20/2022 B AJ Alhassan 1
➢An instrumentation technic that deals with the
study of interaction of MATTER with light or
electromagnetic radiation.

✓Electromagnetic radiation consist of discrete

packages of energy known as photons.

✓A photon consists of an oscillating electric field

(E) & an oscillating magnetic field (M) which are
perpendicular to each other.

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▪ Frequency (ν):
✓Is the number of times electrical field radiation
oscillates in one second. Its unit is Hertz (Hz).
1 Hz = 1 cycle per second

▪ Wavelength (λ):
✓Is the distance between two nearest crest or

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➢Speed of light (c) is the product of frequency and
wavelength that provide the relation between
wavelength & frequency (c = ν λ)

➢The electromagnetic energy E; E = h ν = h c / λ

✓h = Planck constant = 6.63 * 10-34 Js
✓v = frequency of radiation in hertz = c/λ
✓c = speed of light = 3 * 108ms-1
✓λ = wavelength of radiation in hertz = 1/ῡ
✓ῡ = wave number of radiation in waves cm-1

▪The units of wavelength includes centimeters (cm),

micrometers (µm), or nanometers (nm)
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❖ The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

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➢ Visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

Violet 400 - 420 nm Yellow 570 - 585 nm

Indigo 420 - 440 nm Orange 585 - 620 nm
Blue 440 - 490 nm Red 620 - 780 nm
490 - 570 nm
B AJ Alhassan 7
❖ Principles of Spectroscopy
➢ It is based on the measurement of spectrum of a
sample containing atoms / molecules.

➢ The spectrum is a graph of intensity of absorbed

or emitted radiation by sample verses frequency
(ν) or wavelength (λ).

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Fig: UV-visible spectrum of isoprene showing maximum absorption at 222 nm.

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•Spectrometer is an instrument design to measure
the spectrum of a compound.

Scheme of a conventional single-beam spectrophotometer

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❑ Type of Spectroscopy
▪ The electronic spectrum of an atom is due to changes
between major energy levels by the outer electrons.
▪ It occur in visible and ultraviolet regions, associated
with changes in rotational and vibrational energy
▪ Used routinely in for estimating concentration of a
component in a sample, based on the principle of
✓ visible and UV spectroscopy
✓ atomic/flame spectrophotometry.
✓ Though fluorescence spectra arises due to similar
transition it is apply on the principle of
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Fig. : Energy levels and transition of electrons
in Na atom
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▪Absorption Spectroscopy:
An analytical technique concerns with the
measurement of absorption of electromagnetic
✓UV Spectroscopy (185 - 400 nm)
✓ Visible Spectroscopy (400 - 800 nm)
✓IR Spectroscopy (0.76 - 15 μm)

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▪Emission Spectroscopy:
An analytical technique in which emission (of a
particle or radiation) is dispersed according to some
property of the emission & the amount of dispersion
is measured.
✓Mass Spectroscopy

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❖ Interaction of EMR with matter
➢ Electronic Energy Levels:
•At room temperature the molecules are in the
lowest energy levels E0.

•When the molecules absorb UV-visible light from

EMR, one of the outermost bond / lone pair
electron is promoted to higher energy state such as
E1, E2, …En, etc is called as electronic transition
and the difference is as:
∆E = h ν = En - E0 where (n = 1, 2, 3, … etc)
∆E = 35 to 71 kcal/mole
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➢Vibrational Energy Levels:
▪Are less energy level than electronic energy levels.

▪The spacing between the energy levels are

relatively small (0.01 to 10 kcal/mole).

•e.g. when IR radiation is absorbed, molecules are

excited from one vibrational level to another or it
vibrates with higher amplitude.

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➢Rotational Energy Levels:
•These energy levels are quantized & discrete.

•The spacing between the energy levels are even

smaller than vibrational energy levels.

∆Erotational < ∆Evibrational < ∆Eelectronic

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❖ Beers Lambert’s Law (Laws of light absorption)
▪ For a uniform absorbing medium the proportion
of the radiation passing through it is called
transmittance, T T = I/Io
✓ Where; I = intensity of transmitted radiation
Io = intensity of incidence radiation
▪ Extent of absorption is known as extinction (E) or
absorbance (A) is equal to the logarithm of the
reciprocal of transmittance
A =E = log 1/T = log Io/I
✓ The transmittance is in the range 0 - 100%,
✓ The Extinction/absorbance varies from 0 - ∞.
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➢ Beers – Lambert law states that the extinction is
proportional to the concentration of absorbing
substance and the to the thickness of the path
✓ E = ϵλcd
✓ Where ϵλ= molar extinction coefficient at
wavelength λ (dm3mol-1 cm-1)
✓ c = concentration of the absorbing solution
✓ d = light path in the absorbing material (cm)

▪ The ϵλ quoted for a compound is that given by a

1cm thick sample of 1% solution of the
compounds (E1%1cm)
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❖ Terms used in UV / Visible Spectroscopy
▪ Is the part of a molecule responsible for imparting
▪The functional groups containing multiple bonds
capable of absorbing radiations above 200 nm due
to n → π* & π → π* transitions.

e.g. NO2, N=O, C=O, C=N, C≡N, C=C, C=S, etc

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To interpretate UV – visible spectrum following
points should be noted:

1. Non-conjugated alkenes show an intense

absorption below 200 nm & are therefore
inaccessible to UV spectrophotometer.

2. Non-conjugated carbonyl group compound give a

weak absorption band in the 200 - 300 nm region.

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e.g. Acetone which has λmax = 279 nm


cyclohexane has λmax = 291 nm.

When double bonds are conjugated in a compound λmax is shifted to longer


1,5 - hexadiene has λmax = 178 nm 2,4 - hexadiene has λ = 227 nm
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The functional groups attached to a chromophore
which modifies the ability of the chromophore to
absorb light , altering the wavelength or intensity of
The functional group with non-bonding electrons
that does not absorb radiation in near UV region but
when attached to a chromophore alters the
wavelength & intensity of absorption.

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e.g. Benzene λmax = 255 nm

Phenol λmax = 270 nm

Aniline λmax = 280 nm


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➢ Absorption & Intensity Shifts

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❖ Applications of UV / Visible Spectroscopy
➢ Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis:
•It is used for characterizing aromatic compounds
and conjugated olefins.
•It can be used to find out molar concentration of
the solute under study.
➢Detection of impurities:
•It is one of the important method to detect
impurities in organic solvents.
➢Detection of isomers are possible.
➢Determination of molecular weight
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