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Knox City Council has introduced a 24-hour cat curfew, requiring residents to keep their felines

indoors or caged within their property, effective from October 1, 2021. The new curfew comes as
Council aims to crackdown on cat nuisances, better protecting local wildlife and the welfare of cats.

With more than 6,500 cats registered within the Knox area, this curfew follows the success of the
Council's previous 12-month trial, advising owners to keep their cats on their property from sunset
to sunrise. Knox City locals have shared their support via Facebook, as Jelena lvanovic explains, "It's
being a responsible cat owner. Cats are so often hit by cars, catch diseases, fight with other cats. I
don't understand h o w any owner can feel comfortable when their cat is roaming the streets."

In 2017, a similar law was proposed by Darebin Council, asking residents to evaluate the
effectiveness of a cat curfew to stop roaming at night. 269 responses were received, with 49.4%
advocating for the change. 61% of these residents also experienced cat related issues in the previous
year. Reasons to implement this curfew included reducing cats fighting and mating at night, toileting
in vegetable gardens, cats being attacked and preying on other pets and wildlife. Darebin now has a
7pm to 7am cat curfew, operative since January 2021.

Dr Gabrielle Carter is a veterinary behaviourist at the RSPCA. Carter calls owners to recognise the
benefits that curfews produce for their feline companions. "No matter what stage of life, with the
proper care and attention, cats can thrive when kept safe at home and when they aren't roaming,
the local wildlife is also free to flourish," she stated for 9L FH :

Some Knox residents debate this law, arguing that it is impractical. Responding to a 10 News First
Facebook post about the curfew, Sarah M a r e e contends that, "there is no point to pay [pet]
registration as the cat won't be leaving the property." Georgina Antonopoulos further argues that
it's, "miserable people in this world making stupid rules." Nick Basil follows, "It's just a cat. What has
this world come to - h o w about focus on locking up criminals instead."

A survey undertaken by Knox City Council illustrates that 85% of the community prefer this curfew
opposed to an overnight one. To monitor those flouting the rules, $91 fines will be issued for first
time offenders and up to $545 for repeat offenders.

Sources used:
austra1ia?utm source=viceasiafb
Screenshots of quotes used (all sourced via Facebook):

• Sarah Maree
Yes but in that case also there is no point to pay registration as the cal won't be
leaving the property "'
Like Reply 3 w 05
Like Reply 3w

Georgina Antonopoulos
Miserable people in this world making stupid rules
'+ 5 replies
Uke Reply 3w 07
Nick Basil
No - its just a Cat.
What has thls world come to - how about focus on locking up criminals instead

Like Reply 3 w Ect ltd

Others, including Dr Gabrielle carter, a

veterinary behaviourist at Victoria's Royal
SOClety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), welcomed and
Jelena lvanovi¢ endorsed the new laws. ln a statement provided to VICE World news, Or
Yes they should. Its being a responsible cat owner. Cats are so often hit by cars, carter said that "No mauer what stage of life, with lhe proper care and
catch diseases fight with other cats. I dont understand how any owner can feel attention, cats can thrive when kept safe at home and when they arcn'l
comfol'table when their cat is roaming the streets roaming, the local wildlife is also free to flourish."'
Like Reply 3w

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