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Profile of the Respondents.

It can have an impact on the analysis of students' budgeting

practices across college departments. Several factors, such as students' beliefs, parental role

modeling, and financial knowledge, can influence their budgeting behaviors. One study

conducted in Indonesia examined how human behaviors, specifically growth mindset and

delayed gratification, affect learning outcomes (Rahardi & Dartanto, 2021). The study found that

a more pronounced growth mindset was associated with better math scores, indicating that a

student's beliefs about intelligence can affect their academic achievement. On the other hand, the

effect of delayed gratification on learning outcomes was inconclusive, with mixed results

depending on the regression method used.

In the context of engineering design decision-making, psychological states and

personality traits can influence the outcome (Midlick & Gernand, 2022). For example, a study

found that the personality trait of agreeableness, in conjunction with a social primer, influenced

engineering students' decisions to favor either profit or safety in a hypothetical design scenario.

This suggests that psychological factors can play a role in budget allocation and decision-making


Social factors, including social economic status and parental teaching, can influence

students' financial behavior and budgeting practices ("Factors influencing the financial behavior

of university students", 2020). Students from different social backgrounds may have varying

levels of financial knowledge and skills, which can impact their budgeting practices.

Age. Research has shown that students' financial behaviors and budgeting

practices can be influenced by their age. For example, a study by Zor et al. (2019) found

that CEO age was negatively related to the likelihood of a firm having a formal budgeting

process. This finding suggests that younger CEOs may be more inclined to adopt formal
budgeting practices compared to older CEOs. Similarly, a study by Keating (2022)

explored best practices utilized by foster care support program staff at community

colleges and found that age can impact the effectiveness of financial interventions for

foster care youth students. These findings highlight the importance of considering age as

a factor when analyzing budgeting practices among college students.

Research has shown that younger age groups, such as first-year students, may be

more prone to engaging in risky financial behaviors, including self-medication practices

and risk-taking behaviors (Misau et al., 2020; Salama & Elsayed, 2017). These behaviors

may be influenced by factors such as lack of experience, peer pressure, and limited

financial literacy. Additionally, younger students may have different priorities and

financial needs compared to older students, which can affect their budgeting practices.

Gender. Budgeting practices among college students can have a significant

impact on their financial well-being and overall success in college. Several factors can

influence students' budgeting habits, including financial knowledge, financial attitude,

gender, age, financial aid, years at university, racial groups, family background, and

course of study (Obagbuwa & Kwenda, 2020). It is important to understand these factors

to develop effective strategies to improve students' budgeting practices. However, there is

no statistically significant difference in the spending habits of male and female students

(Obagbuwa & Kwenda, 2020). This suggests that gender may not be a significant factor

in determining budgeting practices among college students.

Furthermore, the study of gender in relation to budgeting practices is not limited

to college students. Gender analysis has been conducted in various fields, including the

mining industry and community college governance. In the mining industry, research has
shown that gender differences exist in risk-taking behavior, with men being more likely

to take risks compared to women (Laplonge & Albury, 2013). This is important to

consider when studying budgeting practices in industries dominated by one gender, as it

can have implications for financial decision-making and resource allocation.

In community college governance, gender can also play a role in budgetary

decision-making and support for community colleges. Community college boards of

trustees, which are often composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including

gender, have a role in advocating for fiscal support for community colleges (White,

2022). Gender analysis in this context can help identify gender gaps and inform policies

and budgetary decisions that promote gender-responsive outcomes.

Year Level. It is important to consider various factors that may influence their

financial behaviors. One factor that can impact students' financial management is their

level of financial literacy. Research has shown that financial literacy among college

students is a significant predictor of their financial well-being (McCoy et al., 2022).

Students with higher financial literacy are more likely to make informed financial

decisions and effectively manage their budgets.

One study by Diachkova et al. (2020) focused on the financial independence of

undergraduate students and found that the motives for obtaining financial independence

varied among students. Some students sought financial independence out of necessity,

while others aimed for it as a means of personal growth and development. The study also

highlighted the importance of students' budgeting practices in achieving financial

independence. It is reasonable to assume that as students progress through different year

levels, their understanding and implementation of budgeting practices may evolve.

Furthermore, the study by Chaurasia et al. (2020) explored the knowledge,

attitude, and practice of antibiotic use among medical students. Although this study

focuses on a specific aspect of student behavior, it highlights the importance of education

and awareness in shaping students' practices. Similarly, in the context of budgeting

practices, students' year level may influence their level of knowledge and understanding

of budgeting principles, which in turn can affect their budgeting practices.

Program. The culture within school counseling departments and programs can

also play a role in shaping students' college-going outcomes, including their financial

behaviors. It has been found that the structure of U.S. schools and the culture within

school counseling departments may benefit white students more than minoritized students

(Bryan et al., 2023). This suggests that there may be disparities in the support and

resources available to students from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, which can

impact their financial decision-making.

Additionally, the specific department or field of study that students are enrolled in

may also influence their budgeting practices. For example, students in practical

universities may have different budgeting needs and practices compared to students in

other departments (Zhang et al., 2016). It is important to consider the unique financial

challenges and priorities that students in different departments may face.

"Budget Performance Evaluation Model of Private Universities Based on Big

Data" (2022) emphasizes the importance of budget performance management in colleges

and universities for improving budget efficiency and the sustainable development of

education. This highlights the potential role of the program in enhancing budgeting

practices in college departments.

Zor, Ü., Linder, S., Endenich, C. (2019). Ceo Characteristics and Budgeting Practices In Emerging Market

Smes*. Journal of Small Business Management, 2(57), 658-678. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12438

Keating, D. (2022). A Qualitative Descriptive Of Best Practices Utilized By Foster Youth Support Program

Staff At Community Colleges In California. AASoci, 08(12), 353-368.


Midlick, M., Gernand, J. (2022). Economic Viability Vs. Risk Mitigation: An Experimental Investigation Of

Project Budget Investment Decisions In Engineering Students.. https://doi.org/10.1115/imece2022-95484

Rahardi, F., Dartanto, T. (2021). Growth Mindset, Delayed Gratification, and Learning Outcome: Evidence

From A Field Survey Of Least-advantaged Private Schools In Depok-indonesia. Heliyon, 4(7), e06681.


(2020). Factors Influencing the Financial Behavior Of University Students. BJSSH.


Salama, L., Elsayed, A. (2017). Risk Taking Behaviors and The Related Factors Among Female Adolescents'

Student Enrolled In The Secondary Schools. Madridge J Nurs, 1(2), 34-43. https://doi.org/10.18689/mjn-


Obagbuwa, O., Kwenda, F. (2020). Determinants Of Students' Spending Habits: a Case Study Of

Students At A Premier University Of African Scholarship.. AJBER, 4(15), 25-43.


White, C. R. (2022). Community College Governance and Trustees As Advocates For Fiscal Support. New

Drctns Community Coll, 200(2022), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.1002/cc.20549

Laplonge, D., Albury, K. (2013). Doing Safer Masculinities: Addressing At-risk Gendered Behaviours On

Mine Sites. M/C J, 2(16). https://doi.org/10.5204/mcj.627

Zhang, Y., Song, L., Huang, W. (2016). Research On the College Students' Competition Credit-assisted

Management System For Practical Universities. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic,

Mechanical, Information and Management Society. https://doi.org/10.2991/emim-16.2016.38

Bryan, J., Kim, J., Liu, C. (2023). How the Culture In School Counseling Programs Shapes College-going

Outcomes: Do The Effects Vary By Race?. Professional School Counseling, 1a(27), 2156759X2311533.


McCoy, M., Reiter, M., Seponski, D. M., Regan, E. P. (2022). Factors Associated With the Financial Strain Of

Transgender And Gender Diverse College Students. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 4(56), 1617-1637.

Chaurasia, L. K., Chaudhary, S., Paudel, G., Singh, J. P. (2020). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice On

Antibiotic Use Among Medical Students. Janaki Med. Coll. J. Med. Sci., 1(8), 23-33.


Diachkova, A. V., Avramenko, E. S., Melikova, M. K. (2020). Budget, Motives and Strategies For Financial

Independence Of Undergraduates. Econ. Consult., 4(32), 94-107. https://doi.org/10.46224/ecoc.2020.4.9

(2022). Budget Performance Evaluation Model Of Private Universities Based On Big Data. IJECMR, 1(3).


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