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Acid – Base Balance

Paolo F. Alianza, MD

Discuss a case with acid – base disturbance

Review Mechanisms of Acid – Base Balance

Review steps in ABG Interpretation


Roman Catholic

Cc: Generalized Body Weakness

History of Present Illness

1 week PTC

(+)Epigastric pain, burning, aggravated by food intake associated with

vomiting and poor oral intake
No melena, no hematemesis, no fever
No consult done, no medications taken
History of Present Illness
1 week PTC

(+)progression of epigastric pain

(+)poor appetite
(+)vomiting of previously ingested food, ~5x approx 100cc per episode
(+)Generalized Body Weakness
● General: (-) fever
● HEENT: (-) tinnitus, (-) dysphagia, (-) proptosis
● Cardiovascular: (-) easy fatigability, (-) chest pain, (-)palpitations
● Respiratory: (-) dyspnea, (-) cough
● Endocrine: (+) polyphagia, (+) polydipsia, (+) polyuria, (-) purplish
abdominal striae, (-)thinning of hair, (-) heat intolerance
● Genitourinary: (-) dysuria, (-) flank pain, (-) oliguria
● Hematology: (-) easy bruisability
● Musculoskeletal: (-) joint pains (-)edema, (+) pins and needle
sensation on both feet
Past Medical History
● (+)Hypertension – Losartan 50mg/tab 1tab once a day;
Amlodipine 10mg/tab 1tab once a day

● Type 2 DM – (+)Insulin glargine 20u SC OD, Metformin +

Sitagliptin 500mg + 50mg/tab 1tab BID

● (+)CoVax – Modera x 2
Personal and Social
● Nonsmoker
● Denies Alcoholic beverage intake
● Denies Illicit drug use
Family History
● (+)Type 2 DM
● (+)Hypertension
● No thyroid disorder
● No Cancer
● No CV disease
Physical Exam
● GCS 15, Weak looking
● ABW 45kg | IBW 50kg | Ht 150cm | BMI 20
● VS: 90/60 | 84bpm | 18cpm | 36.5C | 98% at Room Air
● Poor skin turgor
● Anicteric Sclera, Pink Palpebral Conjunctivae, Dry Lips and Oral Mucosa, Non
distended neck veins
● Supple Neck, No palpable mass
● Symmetric Chest Expansion, No retractions, Clear breath Sounds
● Adynamic Precordium, Normal Rate and Regular Rhythm, PMI 5th LICS MCL, No
● Flabby Abdomen, No scars, no caput medusae, tympanitic in all quadrants,
(+)epigastric tenderness
● No edema, full and equal pulses, no asterixis
Salient Features
Positive Negative
84/F No melena, no hematemesis
1 week history of Epigastric pain, vomiting, No pallor, No easy fatigability
poor appetite and generalized body No dysuria, no hematuria, no Flank pain
weakness No changes in sensorium
(+)polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia No asterixis, no oliguria
(+)pins and needle sensation
(+)HTN and Type 2 DM
Stable VS
(+)poor skin turgor
(+)Dry Lips and Oral Mucosa
Clear breath sounds
(+)Epigastric tenderness
Working Impression
t/c Acid Peptic Disease
T/c Multiple Electrolyte Imbalances from GI Losses
r/o AKI from Dehydration
Type 2 DM probably Uncontrolled
Hypertension St. II, Controlled
Work Ups
Hgb 12.1 BUN 29 pH 7.15
UA - Y/ Hazy/ Sugar 3+/ Alb neg/ pH
Hct 0.37 Crea 228 pCO2 17 5.5/ SG 1.010/ Ketones 1+/ wbc 30.0
WBC 12.7 BCR 32 pO2 99 rbc 52.7/ EC 3/ Bacteria 67.5
Seg 86 eGFR 18 HCO3 5.9
Lym 9 Na 130
Mono 5 K 5.5
Plt 265 Cl 109
Admitting Impression
Severe DKA from 1. Uncontrolled Type 2 DM 2. Infection
AKI prob sec to 1. Dehydration 2. Infection on top of probable
CKD St. IV sec to DKD vs HTNNSS
Hypertension St. II, Controlled
Acid – Base Balance

1. Intracellular and Extracellular Buffers

2. Renal Regulatory Mechanisms

3. Respiratory Regulatory Mechanisms

Thick Ascending Limb
Distal Nephron

Bicarbonate secretion by cortical collecting duct

β-intercalated cell
Steps in ABG Interpretation
1. Obtain diagnostic clues o the presence of acid-base disorders from
the clinical setting
2. Obtain a Simultaneous ABG and Electrolyte Profile
3. Determine the Primary Acid – Base Disorder
4. Check the Compensatory Response
5.Calculate the Anion Gap
6. Compute for the Delta/Deltas when Applicable
7. Summarize the Acid-Base Disorders and look for the specific cause

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 1: Obtain Diagnostic Clues to the Presence of Acid-
Base Disorders from the Clinical Setting

○ Vomiting – Metabolic Alkalosis
○ Dehydration – Metabolic Acidosis
○ Elevated BUN, Crea – Metabolic Acidosis
○ Hyperglycemia, Ketonuria – Metabolic Acidosis

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 2: Obtain a Simultaneous ABG and
Electrolyte Profile

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 2: Obtain a Simultaneous ABG and
Electrolyte Profile

pH 7.15

pCO2 17

pO2 99

24 ( 17 ) HCO3 5.9


= 69

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 3: Determine the Primary Acid – Base


ABG Normal Indices

<7.4 >7.4 pH 7.35 – 7.45

Acidosis Alkalosis pCO2 35 – 46 mmHg
HCO3 22 – 26 meq/L

HCO3 <24 pCO2 >40 HCO3 >24 pCO2 >40 pO2 80 – 100mmHg
Metabolic Respiratory Metabolic Respiratory

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 3: Determine the Primary Acid – Base

Deviation from the normal ABG indices:

%Deviation paCO2 = [Actual paCO2 – Normal paCO2] x 100

Normal paCO2

%Deviation HCO3 = x 100

Normal pCO2 : 40 mmHg

Normal HCO3 : 24 meq/L

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 3: Determine the Primary Acid – Base

<7.4 >7.4
Acidosis Alkalosis pH 7.15

pCO2 17

pO2 99

HCO3 <24 pCO2 >40 HCO3 >24 pCO2 >40 HCO3 5

Metabolic Respiratory Metabolic Respiratory

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 4: Check

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 4: Check the Compensatory Response

pCO2 = (1.5 x HCO3 ) + 8 +/- 2
pH 7.15
= (1.5 x 5) + 8 +/- 2
pCO2 17
= 17 +/- 2
pO2 99

HCO3 5.9

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 4: Check the Compensatory Response

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders

Step 4: Check the Compensatory pH 7.15

pCO2 17

pO2 99

HCO3 5.9


Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 5: Calculate the Anion Gap

Normal AG: 12 +/- 4 meq/L

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 5: Calculate the Anion Gap

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 5: Calculate the Anion Gap

ABG Chem
pH 7.15 BUN 29 = 145 – (109 + 5.9)
pCO2 17 Crea 228 = 30
pO2 99 BCR 32
HCO3 5.9 eGFR 18
Na 130
Correct 145
ed Na
K 86
Cl 109

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 5: Calculate the Anion Gap
CASE: AG = 30

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 6: Compute for the Delta/Deltas when
∆AG = Patient’s AG – normal AG
∆[HCO3-] normal HCO3 – Patient’s HCO3

• Used when High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis is


- Delta AG = Delta HCO3 : Pure HAG Metabolic Acidosis
- Delta AG < Delta HCO3 : HAG Metabolic Acidosis +
NAG Metabolic Acidosis
- Delta AG > Delta HCO3 : HAG Metabolic Acidosis +
Metabolic Alkalosis
Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 6: Compute for the Delta/Deltas when
∆Cl = Patient’s Cl – normal Cl
∆[HCO3-] normal HCO3 – Patient’s HCO3

• Used when Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis is


- Delta Cl = Delta HCO3 : Pure HAG Metabolic Acidosis
- Delta Cl < Delta HCO3 : NAG Metabolic Acidosis + HAG
Metabolic Acidosis
- Delta Cl > Delta HCO3 : NAG Metabolic Acidosis +
Metabolic Alkalosis
Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 6: Compute for the Delta/Deltas when
CASE: ∆AG = Patient’s AG – normal AG
∆[HCO3-] normal HCO3 – Patient’s HCO3 ABG

pH 7.15

= 30 – 12 pCO2 17

24 - 6 pO2 99

= 18 HCO3 5.9


Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
Step 6: Compute for the Delta/Deltas when
∆AG = Patient’s AG – normal AG
∆[HCO3-] normal HCO3 – Patient’s HCO3

= 30 – 12
24 - 6
= 18
18 ABG
pH 7.15
- Delta AG = Delta HCO3 : Pure HAG Metabolic Acidosis
- Delta AG < Delta HCO3 : HAG Metabolic Acidosis + NAG Metabolic pCO2 17
Acidosis pO2 99
- Delta AG > Delta HCO3 : HAG Metabolic Acidosis + Metabolic Alkalosis
HCO3 5.9

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders


Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders

- bicarbonate therapy when pH <7.1 ABG

- fluid resuscitation with isotonic saline pH 7.15

- IV regular Insulin pCO2 17

pO2 99

HCO3 5.9

Dioquino-Dimacali, C. A Self-Instructional Monograph on Arterial Blood Gas Collection and Interpretation of Acid-Base Disorders
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