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Universidad Autónoma De Chiapas

Facultad de lenguas
Licenciatura en la enseñanza del ingles

Student’s name: Brenda Elizabeth Jiménez González

Teacher’s name:María lourdes servantes
Evolution of the methods of language teaching
Total physical response Summarize
Total physical response is an approach to language teaching that based on the idea
that the best way of learning is through physical action and movement I mean if you
imitate and response to verbal commands you will learn better.
Some advantages of this method are:
-encourage active participation of the learners and keeps them engaging in the class.
-Improves comprehension and retention because the learners imitate what the
teacher does and can help improve retention of the information.
-It is considered as a natural approach ‘cause use the same process that we used
when we acquire our native language.
It is very adaptable in different levels and ages, perhaps it’s seems as a method used
just for children but can also excel for adults and adolescences.
-it is a fun method because involves games and physical actions .
- The students are not given the opportunity to express their opinions, thoughts or
ideas that’s why it is not consider very creative method.
- -It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method. It must be
combined with other approaches.
Role of the teacher
The teacher’s role in TPR is to select the teaching material and plan the
tasks the students are going to do .His or her main role in the classroom
is to give commands to the students. The teacher might for example tell
the students: “Stand up!”, “Sit down!”, “Take your pencil!” etc. The
teacher plays an active and direct role in Total Physical Response. It is the
teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new
Role of the students
-Learners are listeners and performers. They listen attentively and
respond physically to commands given by the teacher.

-Learners are required to respond both individually and collectively.

Realia, the teacher can use pictures, gestures, and other visual aids to
help students understand verbal commands, as well as activities and

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