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MLR 2022 Children

Bible Study
Walking and Growing in the New Life.
Everything in life fades away with time but God does not want the
New Life that has come into you to fade away. How will this joy and
new relationship with God not end? You must know and believe that
daily victory is possible. What should you do?

Walking in the New Life Lk 9:23; Gal 6:14; Heb12:7.

1. The New Creation life is to be lived one day at a time. The
victory of yesterday does not give assurance of today’s victory.
How do you live this life daily? What did Jesus say to them All.
All means everyone, even the little children, the youths, the
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 KJV
a) Deny Self-This means you don’t do what you want to
do, but what Jesus wants you do. We all have a
personal Will, but I chose to surrender my WILL to
the Lord. Saying NO to sin and to what pleases me
and do what Jesus wants me to do.
And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me,
let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight
of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up
himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me
[cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My
example in living and, if need be, in dying also].Luke
9:23 AMPC
A. What is the cross? Lk9:23
The cross is an instrument of death. The cross represents
death. Whenever any one dies, we use the symbol of the
cross. It means that someone has died. Died to the old
way of life and living the new life in Christ.

B. Take up the Cross Daily

i. A reminder that I don’t continue in the
old way of life.
ii. Every old bad character is finished.
The life I live is Christ
iii. It is the end of self life
iv. Loving the Lord
v. Dead to the World and self desire
C.Follow Jesus
I. Living for the Lord
II. Loving the Lord
III. Allowing the Lord to reign
IV. Everyday asking the Lord, what would you
Jesus love to eat, wear,do

2. What does the cross do to you? Gal 6:14

The cross makes you dead to the world. The world system
does not affect you again.
3. How do you carry the cross? Lk9:14, Heb 12:7
You are to carry your cross every day. It must be a daily
carrying of the cross.
What does it mean to carry the Cross daily?
When you meet somebody looking for your trouble e.g. if
someone wants to fight with you at school or at home, or at
playground. They are only challenging you by asking, ‘’Can I
have the Sinful nature in you?”. They do this always by
provoking you to anger or to fight. They are only asking the
Sinful nature to show itself again!

2. What must you know daily? Rom 6:6, 11; Gal 2:20-21
A. You must know that your old man is crucified with
Christ. The ‘is’ is present tense, not past tense ‘was’. So it is a
daily knowing you are dead. What your friends are running
after should not affect you on a daily basis. knowing this, that
our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might
be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he
that is dead is freed from sin. Romans 6:6-7 KJV.
B. Reckon yourself dead to sin. Rom6:11
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed
unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Romans 6:11 KJV
Do you know what that means? It means I don’t response
to sin Recon means recognizing. Keep knowing. If sin
comes knocking at your door, simply remind yourself that
‘I am dead to stealing, fighting, abusing etc.’ You can no
longer do such things again. Why? You are dead. Know
that you are dead every day. You must know and continue
to remind yourself that your old sinful nature is crucified
with Jesus. He does not have power to force you to
submit to his will any longer. You are no longer under his
control and authority. Death has taken place so you are
no longer a slave to sin. For example, a toy doll that is
battery operated talks, but when the battery has been
removed, the toy doll no longer speaks, so also when the
battery of sin has been removed, I know longer sin.
Another example is that I have a container of fuel and the
content is changed. The same container but the content
has been changed.
C.Christ lives in you now. Gal 2:20.
Since you died, your new life now is Christ. The life inside
of you now is Christ because of resurrection. Never
forget that, on daily a basis. The old man was the one
making decisions for you before he died. Now allow the
New Man inside to do that. He is the one who will love,
forgive, and make decisions through you now. Every day,
you will ask Him ‘what He would love to do’ e. g.
WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) WWJD... what will Jesus do.
WWJS...... what will Jesus say
WWJG.......where will Jesus go
WWJE...... what will Jesus eat

Etc.’what would You, Jesus love to eat?’

’Where would you love to go?’
‘How would you want me to reply that girl that
abused me’ etc.
Tell Him to reorganize everything in your life, the way He
wants to.
a. Put to death (pack out) the things of the old nature
You are no longer under the control of the sinful nature
because it is dead. Keep telling Mr. Flesh, “I am dead, I
will no longer obey you.”
When the Sinful nature was alive, he had some things we
call properties and furniture. He used to use them to
make you sin. They are fighting, stealing, fornication, etc.
The decisions you used to take in the flesh are some of
the furniture of the old man. When he died, he left behind
some of the properties/furniture he was using in your life.
Now, the New Owner (Jesus) who has come does not
want to inherit nor use these properties. So the Bible now
tells you to pack out everything the Sinful nature left
behind. Jesus does not use this old property.
Many situations will come to test you. A classmate may
tear your notebook; slap you and run away and he may
not want to be your friend anymore because you are
exposing his evil or not joining him to do evil again. He
only wants to know whether those things are still there or
you have packed them out of your life. He is only testing
whether your old nature is still alive. In the past you
would fight or cry or struggle to keep his friendship. But
now, since it is a fact that the old nature really died, it is
an opportunity God is giving you to activate (put into
action) the new life in you. Since he is only asking, ‘can we
have the old man who lives here’ your reply will be,
‘’Sorry, he is dead, he is no longer here. Why are you
‘looking for the dead among the living’?’’ When you do
this, you are allowing death to occur. And as you allow
death to take place, then life will flow out of you. The
more death you allow to work in you, the more life-light
you will be releasing from your life just as the more you
squeeze an orange, the more the juice will come out.
b. Not I but Christ Gal 2:20
Remember this new life is not a life of rules and
regulations. It is not a life of personal struggles, but a life
of faith in Christ. Resist sin and submit to God. Christ is
the one to be loved, honored and appreciated. He is the
one to be seen, known, and be heard. Not I but Christ in
every look and action. Christ only Christ, in every thought
and word.
You are dead to sin and alive through Christ our Lord.
From the Scripture above Christ now lives in you. He is to
respond to every problem/challenge of your life. Christ
will talk through you and sing through you. How do you
practice this, every day? You must keep asking and
waiting for Jesus to tell you what to do how to behave if
you are faced with any situation. Always remember that
Christ is in you so let Him live out His life through you
every day. Victory over Mr. Flesh is possible as you allow
Christ to live out His life through you on a daily basis.
3. Your commitment Col 3:12-17
This is a deliberate commitment, taking ownership of what I
want the Lord to do in my life. The word of God must dwell
in my life. It is my commitment to the New life that will
allow to show.
In the past, you lived for the Old Nature Mr. Self or what you
choose to call him. You didn’t learn it but inherited it and fed
it by the rules and conducts of the flesh e.g. the native
wisdom your parents or society (culture) taught you. You
dressed for it, ate for it, or talk for it. You spent time pleasing
yourself. It is the inner man that is changed. Put on the New
Man and Put off the old nature. You can not put on the Old
and the New Man. I Chose to forget and not keep the records
of wrong.
You can now say, the time you spent for it, the old man, is
enough, you want to live for the New Man like the song below
The time I have spent for the Old Man is enough
I’ll now live for Jesus forever,
The time I have spent for the Old Man is enough
I’ll now live for Jesus forever,
Bye-gone, it is bye-gone,
Old man, it is bye-gone forever.
You want to live the rest of your life now living for Jesus. The
time you spent singing, dancing, sinning for the Old Nature is
enough, you must now live for Jesus daily and for the rest of
your life.
Pray, ‘’Lord, I want to live for you.’’
I’ll live for Jesus, Day after Day
I’ll live for Jesus, Let come what may
The Holy Spirit, I will obey, I’ll live for Jesus Day
after Day.

a. Commitment prayer:
Your rule over me shall have no limit. My mouth is dedicated
to speak only for You!! My hand is presented to You. My eyes
shall be for You! It will not be borrowed again by the Flesh.
The Holy Spirit I will obey! Anywhere and anytime I see the
principles (rules and conducts) of the Old Man, I will oppose
and crush them in Jesus Name Amen!!!!
b. Pray this prayer of commitment:
Lord, please help me to grow more and more to be
like You. I want my family, friends, and classmates to
see the New Life in me. Jesus, I present and dedicate
the members of my body (– my eyes, my ears, my
hands, legs, brain, mouth, and body) to You. They are
now for Your use! Use my hands, legs, ears, eyes etc.
to praise you, live for you and bring others to you.
4. Growth:2Peter 3vs18
How do we Grow this new life.

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and

Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever.
Amen.2 Peter 3:18 KJV
God’s plan for you is to be like His Son Jesus in character,
obedience, humility, hard work, hating sin etc. When you
receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, His life enters
you but comes in as a baby. God wants this life to grow. If this
life does not grow God cannot give you what belongs to you.
God puts you under others according to Eph 4:1-2. As you
learn more about the Lord Jesus in His word, you will know
how to please Him and then have power and strength to do
what is right. Just as milk, air, clean environment make a new
born baby grow, the following also makes the New Life in You
a. Provision God has made, to help you to grow include:
• The word of God. It renews your mind daily as you obey
it each time you hear it 1Pet2:2.
• The Holy Spirit. He is the Helper, Jesus promised His
own in Jn 16:7-8
• Spiritual Songs Eph5:19, Col 3:16
• His Promises. Remember that Christ will never leave you
2Cor 1:20; Heb 13:5-6; 2Cor 7:1
• Discipleship Matt 4:19; Gal 4:1-2.
• Prayer Eph 6:18, 1Thess5:17

b. What you need to do to make them work for you:

1.Read and obey the Bible because the Bible contains the
word of God.
2. Learn to hear God yourself clearly as Samuel did. 1Sam3
10-11, 19-21.
3. Read books and other Christian literature that will edify
you not the ones that will make your mind corrupt.
4. Study to make yourself approved of God 2Tim2:15.
5. Be hard working- Academic, Domestic Chores…
1Thes4:11; 2Thes 3:10
6. Witness - telling your friends, parents, siblings and others
about what Jesus did in you and can do for them also.
7. Go to church, Sunday school and children Bible Club Heb

You were born with the sinful Nature, Mr. Self. He is an enemy of
God and can never please God. Unless this nature is taken away by
death you can never inherit the kingdom of God. The work of Jesus
at Calvary finished everything about the Self-life in a person. His
blood cleanses all the stain of sin in a life. His death put to death the
Self-life and His resurrection gives the New Creation life that can
please God and inherit the kingdom of God. All these would not
work for you except you believe in Jesus. John 1:11-12 says,
He came to His own, and His own did not receive
Him. But as many as received Him, to them He
gave the right Power to become children of God,
to those who believe in His name
If you choose to receive Jesus Christ now by believing in Him,
he will give you power to become His child. That means the
old nature will be taken away and the new one will be born in
you. Would you want to be a child of God now? Would you
want the sinful nature to be evacuated that is removed from
you forever? It can happen if you bow your head and pray this
Father, I accept I am a sinner and that I
cannot save myself because I was born
with the nature to sin. I believe Jesus died
on the cross to take away this my sinful
nature. Jesus I want you to come and take
your rightful place in my heart now. Thank
you for coming in.

Congratulation!! You (the old you) are dead and the New Man is in
you now 2Cor5:17. God wants this New Man to grow and possess his
possession. This New man eats only the word of God. He will grow in
all the characters of Jesus if He is being feed and renewed daily. This
life will also grow to maturity as you submit yourself to Discipleship
which is the process of God in making His children into the type of
person He wants them to be. Would you like to be such a child? The
decision is up to you.

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