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Login to AWS Console: Log in to your AWS account using your credentials at
2. Navigate to EC2 Dashboard: Once you are logged in, navigate to the EC2
Dashboard by clicking on "Services" at the top left corner, then select "EC2"
under the "Compute" section.
3. Select VPC: In the EC2 Dashboard, ensure you are in the correct region (top
right corner) and then select the VPC you want to work with. If you haven't
created a VPC yet, you can create one by going to the "Your VPCs" section
and clicking "Create VPC."
4. Create a Security Group (Optional): Before launching an EC2 instance, you
may want to create a security group to define inbound and outbound traffic
rules. This step is optional, but it's highly recommended for security purposes.
To create a security group, go to the "Security Groups" section under the
"Network & Security" menu and click "Create Security Group."
5. Launch EC2 Instance: Now, it's time to launch your EC2 instance. Click on
"Instances" in the left-hand navigation pane, and then click the "Launch
Instance" button.
6. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Select the AMI that corresponds
to the operating system and software configuration you want for your EC2
instance. You can choose from a wide range of pre-configured images
provided by AWS or the community.
7. Choose an Instance Type: Select the instance type that best suits your needs
in terms of CPU, memory, and other resources. The available options will
depend on your AWS account type.
8. Configure Instance Details: In this step, you can configure various settings
for your EC2 instance, such as the number of instances, network settings,
subnet, IAM role, and user data (if needed).
9. Add Storage: Specify the amount of storage you need for your EC2 instance.
You can choose from different storage types such as EBS (Elastic Block Store)
volumes or instance store volumes.
10. Configure Security Group: If you created a security group earlier, you can
select it here. Otherwise, you can create a new one during this step. The
security group will define the inbound and outbound traffic rules for your EC2
11. Review and Launch: Double-check all your configurations, and if everything
looks good, click on the "Launch" button.
12. Create or Select an SSH Key Pair (if using Linux) or specify a password (if
using Windows): If you're using a Linux-based AMI, you need an SSH key
pair to securely access your instance. If you're using a Windows-based AMI,
you may need to set a password for the default Administrator account.
13. Launch Status: After clicking "Launch," AWS will show a confirmation
message indicating that your instance is launching. You can click on "View
Instances" to see your newly created instance in the Instances dashboard.

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