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Earth Our Floating


We have learnt about our place in

the systems that affect life on earth
by looking beyond into space and
making models
What is Astronomy?
● Study of space
● Space includes starts, planets, moons, comets, galaxies even black holes

Why is it important to study astronomy?

● astronomy helps us to understand our place in the universe
● By studying objects in space like stars, planets, and galaxies, we can learn about the
structure and size of the universe, as well as our own place within it. This can give us a
sense of perspective and help us appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe.
● astronomy can help us answer fundamental questions about the universe and our own
origins. By studying the behavior of stars, galaxies, and other objects in space, we can
learn about the underlying physical laws that govern the universe. This knowledge can
help us better understand how the universe began and how it continues to evolve, as well
as the origins of life on Earth.
Progress in science
● Science is a continuous learning process—the more we learn, the
more ways we can make our lives better.
● We have even sent machines to explore other planets in our solar system.
Rotation and Revolution
"Rotation" refers to an object's spinning motion about its own axis. "Revolution"
refers the object's orbital motion around another object. For example, Earth
rotates on its own axis, producing the 24-hour day. Earth revolves about the Sun,
producing the 365-day year
Progress continues

One of the largest empires was formed as Islamic people spread across
Asia. They valued scientific study and, between the 8th and 12th centuries,
made great advances in astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

● Light Ideas
● Science of Shapes
● Predicting the stars (astronomy)
● Math Master
● Medicine
Great developments in mathematics were made
Planets and pendulums
The 16th century ushered in a scientific revolution in Europe. A wave of new ideas

spread across the continent, taking the discoveries of ancient Greek, Roman, and

Islamic scholars and using them to create new fields of exploration and research.

These discoveries changed the way people looked at the world, providing a basis
for inventions such as machines and electricity, which make modern life possible.
History of our solar system

How old is our earth ?

The age of the Earth is estimated to be around 4.54 billion years old. This estimate is based on
radiometric dating of rocks and meteorites (rocks from space fallen on earth), as well as other
evidence from the study of the Earth's interior and the history of the solar system.

Radiometric dating
Radiometric dating is a scientific method that helps to find out the age of rocks and other objects.
Scientists can use it to measure how much of certain particles (like atoms) are present in these objects.
These particles break down, or change, over time, and by measuring how much of them are left in the
object, scientists can figure out how old it is
Story Time

The ancient Greeks believed that the earth was at the center of the universe,
and the sun and all the stars orbited around it. A Polish astronomer named
Nicolaus Copernicus, who studied in Italy in the early 16th century,
challenged this view.

His measurements of the movements of the sun and planets led him to
believe that the earth orbited the sun. He also correctly positioned all of the
known planets at the time and explained why the seasons occurred. His
theories were backed up by Galileo’s studies in astronomy around 30 years
What is universe?

Bigger and Bigger!

What is universe made of?

● Matter and energy

● Atoms and molecules.
● Dark matter-a hypothetical type of matter that does not
interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic
radiation, making it invisible to telescopes and other
● Ordinary matter

One of the most important scientists of the new age was an Italian named
Galileo Galilei. A student of mathematics, Galileo went on to develop his own
ideas, and was able to build telescopes that could see farther and more clearly
than before. His writings made him unpopular with powerful members of the
Catholic Church, who felt that his new ideas challenged their authority, and he
was arrested and imprisoned.
What is gravity? Is it a thing? Can we see it?

It's what keeps the planets in our solar system orbiting around the Sun,

- and what keeps the Moon orbiting around the Earth.

- Without gravity, everything would float away into space!

Gravity on earth is 10 Newtons= 10 N

(Newton (N) is the unit of measurement of force)

Star & Gravity
Galaxies & Gravity
Gravity & Orbits in a simulation
Location of Earth

Milky way: Milky Way Galaxy, large

spiral system consisting of several

hundred billion stars, one of which is

the Sun.
An optical instrument for viewing distant objects (as objects in outer space)

How it operates?

- by focusing light rays with mirrors or lenses.

The solar System
Solar System in a simulation
What are Auroras?
What is a planet?

Planets are large natural objects that orbit, or revolve around, stars. You
are standing on one at this moment! Yes, Earth is a planet too. Today, we
have eight planets orbit the star called the Sun. In order, from the closest to
the Sun, these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.

While some of the planets are small, rocky bodies with a solid ground –
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars; the others are big gas giants – Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Why pluto is not a planet?

Earlier, the scientists were of the opinion that there are nine planets including
Pluto, but in 2006, modern scientists came up with three compulsory conditions
to award planet – hood to any heavenly body :

● A planet must revolve around the Sun

● Be spherical in shape
● Its orbit must be free of other small objects

Unfortunately, Pluto failed to meet the third condition and had to step down from
being a planet to a “dwarf planet”.
What is a star?

● Stars are giant spheres of superhot gas, generally made up of hydrogen and
● Stars get so hot and bright because of a process called nuclear fusion that takes
place inside them.
● Nuclear fusion is a process in which hydrogen gas gets converted into helium,
releasing light and heat.
● Though it seems to us that the stars twinkle in the night, they really don’t. What
happens is that the light of the stars has to travel through various layers of our
atmosphere during which it bounces around, and we feel that the stars are
What is a moon?

Moons are natural objects that orbit planets. There are about 170 moons in our
Solar System that revolve around different planets. Our Moon was probably
made billions of years ago when a large object hit the Earth. Many small rocks
were thrown out by the explosion and they started revolving around the Earth.
With the due course of time, they got fused together, cooled down and became
the Moon.
Difference between a moon and a planet
If an object revolves around the Sun, it is called a planet; however, if it circles some
other heavenly body (generally a planet) other than the Sun, it is called a moon.

What is the Sun?

The Sun is one of the million stars that are present in our galaxy. It is placed at the
center of our solar system. It is a huge ball of gases with millions of degrees of heat.
Because of its large size, it has a strong gravitational pull which helps in keeping the
Earth and the other planets in line. Without the gravitational pull of the Sun, all planets
would go spinning off into space.
Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth and it would be frozen solid. The Sun is
also responsible for change in seasons, as the Earth travels around the Sun, on its orbit

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