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Salvation history

Iselhie Macaspac
Religion - ' 4. Christianity New Testament (parts)
Latin word "religare" w/ means "our relationship • Christ is the center
w/ the almighty.". A. Gospels - God spells
• 10 sacraments / 10 commandments • Mathew & Mark - "sypnotics" - gives
-Way of life • Holy Spirit ( dove/ fire - symbol ) us similar account about life of Jesus
• Jesus Christ - son of God
Religions in the world ' • Virgin Mary
• Luke & John - "paradoxical & philosophical:
1. Hinduism • holy sacrificed of the mass
• practiced in India (Colony of great Britain ) B. Acts of the apostles - continuation of
• temptations: gospels
• people are called "Hindi/ Hindus" 1st - food
• leader- Mahatma Gandhi in 17th century C. Epistles - letters of St. Paul ( Saul he is
2nd - faith centurion) in different religious communities in
• Brahman - God of Hindus ("timeless quest for 3rd - wealth his time
• St. Paul - taught in Antioch (St. Paul= St.
• to unite w/ Brahman they need to be: 5. Judaism- Peter 2 pillars of the Church
1. pure, self realization • oldest religion
2. Pray, mental prayers ( meditation, etc. ) • in Jerusalem D. Revelation - visions of St. John about the
3. Avoid the two (2) earthly realities. • Jesus is not a Christian but a Judaism 2nd coming (parusia) of lord Jesus Christ.
-too much love and • Torah - scriptures (1st 5 books of the Bible.)
-too much Joy •
• promotes self discipline 3 Ideologies Traditions of the Bible
• "respect for all life ",. (Believed in reincarnation)
1. Communism - 1. Jawhist/ yahwist tradition - southern
• Nirvana - state of perfect happiness (heaven) • Russia - mere parts of society- (subordinates ) kingdom (1000 BC)
(promotes non-violence ' • socialist -china 2. Elohist - Elohim -northern kingdom (750
2. Humanism bc)
2. Buddhism -
• man is a sufficient reason for a life of goodness 3. Deuteronomic trad.. - Josiah's time (361
• china, Japan
3. Hedonism - pleasure is the greatest value in life. BC, - 550BC)
• Buddha - - "the enlighten one".
• hedonist (people) 4. Priestly - 400 BC - well organized
• Siddharta Gautama - god/buddha
• 4 great truths Day I - light,
The Holy Bible Day 2 -sky
1. Existence involves suffering The Holy Bible - words of God, written down in the
2. Sufferings is cause by desires (pleasure, Day 3 - earth & vegetation
words of man Day 4-heavenly bodies
prosperity, continued life)
3. To eliminate sufferings, we need to overcome Parts of Holy Bible ' Day 5 birds & fish
desires. -- Old Testament - creation of The world and God's Day 6 land animals
4. We need to follow eightfoldpath people Day 7 - man
• right thoughts • mini-library. —. 45 books
• right mindfulness Interpretation of the
• right action New Testament - 27 books Holy Bible
• right speech • tells the life, mission, passion, death and
I. You need to know the situation author
• right efforts resurrection of lord Jesus Christ
2. You need to know the educational bg of the
• right intention Old Testament (parts) author
• right concentration I Pentateuch - penta (fire) 3. You need to know the style of the writing
• right livelihood 2. Historical books - ups and downs of the of the author.
3. Islam - Middle East
• retribution
• Allah
* (doing good will always meet rewards) Males are created from soil
• Mecca - holy place
• do not eat pork, drink alcohol, do not do gamble. * (doing bad will always meet punishment) Adam means soil, ground
• men are allowed to marry 4 times _ Eve means mother of all the living
• 5 times a day prayer 3. Wisdom books - simple sayings word to live by
• 30 days fasting - Ramadan Palms and proverbs.
• Eidl Fitr / Eidl Adha 4. Prophetic books - for prophets
• women are so modest Prophets - person who speaks in behalf of God
• Quoran - bible ( prophet Mohammad) Jonas - youngest (14 years old)
Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
Sin stories
Adam & Eve had 2 children
Sin - transgression against God.
2 kinds of sin 1) Cain - "1 am produced"
1. Mortal - serious transgressio.ns (against 10 • offered rotten fruits & vegetables
commandments) 2.) Abel - "emptiness"
2. Venial - light transgressions • shepherd = offered the first born & the fattest
2 types of sin sheep
2nd sin story
1. Commission- doing what shouldn't do. (Killing, cheating)
2. Omission - not doing what you should do. Fratricide / killing one's brother because of jealousy
Cain & Abel.
Original sin
• sin which we inherited from Adam & Eve The brothers made sacrifices to God, but God favored
• weakness in desire Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Cain then murdered Abel,
whereupon God punished Cain by condemning him to a life of
1st sin story wandering.
Disobedience because of greed 1) Cain - "1 am produced"
Adam & Eve -Farmer
Adam • offered rotten fruits & vegetables
• ground / humanity 2.) Abel - "emptiness"
• he is longing that's w hy God created Eve • shepherd = offered the first born & the fattest
Eve sheep
• mother of all the living (soverian language)
• made from Adam's ribs isnear to the heart to be 3rd sin story
cared & loved.) Noah
• sign of fertility cult. Noah - "rest" '
• he was 650 y/o when he build an arc
• he has 3 sons
• Adam & Eve lived in Eden garden 1) Shem
• tree of knowledge. (Tree @ the center of the garden) 2.) ham - blacksheep/raped all the sisters @arc
• the 2 are prohibited to eat the fruit from the 3.) Japheth -
tree of knowledge. • 30 days & 30 nights - ( rain & flood)
• the serpent visits eve • rainbow - sign of the covenant between man
3 temptation that the serpent served: & God.
1) eat the fruit & your eyes will be open.
2.) you will be like God. covenant - solemn agreement between man & God.
3) you will never die • cannot be broken
• Eve ate the fruit L encouraged Adam to also eat • God is the witness
the fruit Contract
• they hide to God after they ate. • can be broken
• person as witness
• Eve - you will experience the pain of giving birth.
• Adam - from now on you will teal the land
Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
4th sin
Sin of Pride Sacrifice of Isaac
Tower of Babylon
Babel / Babylon - “shinar" - ancient name • Burnt offering@ land of Moriah
• the story of it is taken from the story of the tower • they leave (Abraham, Isaac, 2 youngman)
of ziggurat (ancient tower in Babylon.), • on the 3rd day, Abraham saw the mountain
• the tower is a watch tower - to see the enemies • Ram- as replacement@ offering
• it is not yet said to build a tower but they have • named the mountain - " the lord will provide."
already built it • Abraham & lot separates
• punishments - they speak/spoke in different • Abraham, near Jordan river/mamre
language. • lot - near Sodom & Gomorrah
4 sin stories
• • birth right- blessing that is given by the leader of
the tribe to his eldest son to be his successor
1. Adam & Eve - disobedience because of greed
• keturah-2nd wife
2. Cain & Abel - fratricide / killing one's brother • 6 sons - zimran, jokshan, medam, midian ishbak,
3. Noah Shuah
4. Sin of Pride (tower of Babylon ) • Abraham died @ 175 yo
• Sarah died @ 127 y/o
1 sin makes man stranger to himself. • "father of the faithful”
2. sin makes man stranger to fellowman, • baried @cave of machpelah
• 3 covenant of God to Abraham
3. Sin makes man stranger to God
1. you will be the father of all nation
March 17, 2023 Fiat- may it be done 2. I will be you & you will be my people
to me according to 3. Canaan will be your permanent place.
Patriarch - father of our father your word
• Abraham Isaac
• Isaac Isaac - "he will laugh"
• Jacob • lied 108 yrs.
• Joseph • he doesn't change name
• Abraham
• successful farmer
• raised in UR of the Chaldeans. • from town of neger
• lived in Haran • God's promised son
• son of terah • faithful husband
• used to be pagan polytheist (worship many God) • the first to offer hin & his' camels a drink will be
• 75 yo when he was called her wife
• left Haran w/ Sarah, lot, terah. • Rebekah - wife
• 10 righteous people (to same Sodom & Gomorrah) • sons = 1) Esau; 2.) Jacob
• Canaan -promise land • Esau, fur of goat skin
• "Abram" - exalted father to "abraham "= father of • Jacob - niloko si Isaac sa birth right.
many nation" Sarah-wife • binenta Ni Esau hung birth right para sa pagkain
• Jacob went to Betwel to hide.
• Sarai - to sarah-" princess'
• Jacob - i won against him".
• Hagar - mother of Ishmael.
• .
- slave of Surai/ Sarah
• sons: Ismael & Isaac
Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
Jacob Moses
• youngest son of Isaac & Re'bekah Moses
• deceiver • "saved from the water"
• 4 wives (2 slaves, Leah, & Rachel). • 1st exposure @ Jewish Hebrew bible (adopted @old
• worked to uncle, Laban testament)
• married to Leah the older sister of Rachel • cannot speak straight.
• lived in Haran, but came to Egypt • amram & jochebed ( biological parents/levied)
• lived in Canaan • youngest child
• died @147 @ Egypt, buried @ Canaan • siblings: Aaron & Miriam
• Dinah, Simeon, Lena, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, gad, • Moses was kept hidden for 3mths. (Bcos he was
Asher, Dan, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin special.)
• Moses was sent away to river. (Pinaanod sa river)
• Joseph - fave son
• River Nile
• israel - other name for Jacob
Joseph the dreamer • he was found by the princess (pharaoh’s daughter).
• jochebed took care of Moses.
• He has 12 brothers (he is 11th • Moses grew as royalty.
• clock-given by Jacob • wife - zipporah
• he was sold & taken to Egypt • son - gershom & Eliezer.
• sold for 20 silver • ramesses I - pharaoh (close Kay Moses)
• Joseph & potifar'S wife • Ramses II -friend of Moses
• potifar -capt. Of the guards • - killed an Egyptian & hid him in the sand. (Pinapahirapan
• Joseph Interpreted the dreams kasi nung Egyptian yung Israelites )
• Elohim - The god of Israel iin Old Testament • 2nd time, he saw again an old woman being
• Joseph explained the dream of pharaoh. (7 fat assaulted
cows - prosperity) (7 thick cows -hunger) • an angel appeared in flames of fire@bush
• pharaoh - ruler of Egypt • • Moses was thrown away@ midian.
• zafenath panea - new name of Joseph • jethro - dinatnan Nya sa midian (father of zipporah).
• @ 30 he served Egypt • ordered to free Israelites (W /help of Aaron)
• Asenat - wife • died@ Moab burried@opposite Beth peor
• manases & Efrain (children) 10 plagues
• hakham - wife (hokman -wisdom 1. Turn water to blood (@ River Nile)
• Genesis 42: Joseph's brother went to Egypt 2. Frogs
• gen 43: brothers of Joseph returned 3. Lice/gnats
• gen 44: test his brother 4. Wild animals / flies
• gen 45: revealed he's identity 5. Pestilence of livestock
• gen 46: Jacob's whole family went to Egypt. 6. Boils (pigsu)
• gen 47: they settle to goshen 7. Thunderstorm of hail &, storm
• den 48: Jacob tells the appearance of God. 8. Locust
• gen 49 Jacob blesses his son & their seeds. 9. Days of darkness
• gen 50: the death of Joseph @110yt0 10. Death of the 1st child.
• efrate-bethlehem
• _ Jordan river - where they mourn.
• abel-mizraim ' place in eguyst.

Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
• Mt. Sinai for 10 days
• 10 commandments Josh ud
• covenant • Always consult the lord
• Israelites were punished for making golden Calf as God. • son of nun. ( from erphraim) )
• Aaron - 1st priest (help Moses to free Israelites from • hoshea - orig name
Egypt) • yehoshua - "God is salvation." given by God
• tabernacle - tent to worship devoted student / saint man/ brilliant military commander
• God ordered Moses to hit the rock for one time only to • Joshua ( 2nd name )
make water flow out of it but he hit it 3x. • successor of Moses
• punished by being prohibited from the promise land I • Rahab - Canaanite woman thing in Jericho ( harlot
from leading the Israelites. prostitute) (helped 2 spies)
• Rameses II- pharaoh when he was called by YAWEH to • 12 stones - reminder of God parting the river
free Israelites • Gilgal - place where Israelites stayed & take their
• Passover (unleavened bread) rest after circumcision
• Red Sea (being split into 2.) (sea of Reeds or • herem - utterly destroyed ppl &. things that is given
waterplants) or offered to God.
• manna - bread from heaven • . Achan - the one who didn't follow to herem
• oasis - body of water@ the middle of dessert) • Mt. Ebal - place where Joshua built the altar of God.
• 40 years on the dessert. • 12 tribes:
• Mt. Horeb - holy place? 1. Reuben
10 commandments are listed in Chapter 20 of exodus & chapt- 5 ofDeuteronomy
2. Simeon
3. Judah
10 commandments 4. Dan
5. Naphtali
1-3 - for God
6. Gad
4-10 - for man
7. Asher
1. I am the lord your God, you shall not have other
8. Issachar
gods besides me.
9. Zebulun
2. Thou shall not use the name of the Lord in vain
10. Benjamin
3. Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.
11. Ephraim.
4. Honor your father & mother.
12. Manasseh
5. Thou shall not kill.
A. city of Jericho
6. Thou shall not commit adultery.
• go around walls of Jericho for six days, once every
7. Thou shall not steal
day, and seven times on the seventh day. God
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy
commanded the city to be attacked by seven priests
blowing trumpets, with the Ark of the Covenant in
9. Thou shall not desire thy neighbors' wife
front of them and all the people behind the Ark of
10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods.
the Covenant..
• sabbath day - day of rest (12/08, 12/25, 01/01
B. ai
- 3 days of obligation, all Sundays
• the Ai was a Canaanite city.
• achan. acquire animals from here. (Killed by throwing
Birth of Jesus Solemnity of the blessed Virgin stone)
Mary being the mother of
Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
Book of judges Othniel
• "Strength of God" / Lion of God
• first judge,
• freed Israel from King Cushan-Risathaim.
• Achsah - wife ( was given to him for conquering a city
called Debir. ) son of Caleb
• Caleb - kenaz'S bro
• children - hathath & menothai / (meonothai?)
• kenaz-father
• "I will give thank: I will be praised."
• skilled left-handed warrior (which allowed nim to
deceive king)
• from tribe of Benjamin
• son of Gera
• 2 edge sword (weapon)
• hid @right thigh (kasi sa left lang chinecheck ng
Judges- military leaders • king Elon (killed by Ehud )
• when there is a need, there is a judge.
• • "Sword"
3 things to do during lent
1. Alms giving • son of anath (false deity: of love & war)
2. Fasting & abstinence • shamgar killed 600 Philistines
3. Pray • oxgoad - weapon.
12 judges: 7th book @ old T. ,• "Bee"
1. Othniel • only female judge
2. Ehud • prophetess
3. Shamgar • called as " mother in Israel" .(bcos of her spirituality &
4. Deborah wisdom)
5. Gideon • 40 years leadership
6. Tola • held court under a palm tree
7. Jair • freeing the Israelites from King Jabin,
8. Jephthah • lapidoth - husband
9. Ibzan
10. Elon
11. Abdon
12. Samson
Salvation history
Gideon Iselhie Macaspac Ibzan
• hewer
• No record of war
• youngest son of Joash Baal- God of pagans • " splendid"
• 5th judge
• 7 years judged
• judges 4-8
• tribe of Judah
• judge 40 yrs.
• had 30 sons & 30 daughters (married people
• visited by the angel of the lord
• raised an army of 10,000 & defeated 135 midianites w/ outside his tribe-)
only 300 soldiers judge 12:8 -10
• youngest son-jotham
• Means "oak tree" - "terebinth"
• had 72 sons.
• 10 years judged
• Abimelech (son) killed his 70 brothers except Jotham
• tribe of Zebulun
• he asked for sign
• most unknown judge
• treated as jerub-baal - "let Baal defend himself" - God of
judge 12:11 - 12
pagans Abdon
• Oreb - killed using stone • Means "servant"
• zeeb - killed using grapes • 8 years judge
Tola • tribe of ephraim
• 1st born of Issachar • has 30 grandsons & 40 sons rode 70 donkeys
• son of Puah - son of Dodo • judge 12:14 -15
• judged of Israel after Abimelech Samson
• 23 yrs judged
• rosed up to save Israel. • "Sun"
• judge 10:1-2 • strongest person in the Bible
• 20 years judged.
From tribe of Dan
Jair • tribe of Dan
• manoah - father of Samson
• "Enlighter, he enlightens"
• Samson is nazirite
• descendant of Manasseh
- Israelite consecrated to the service of God
• 22 yrs judged.
• 30 sons (has 30 cities called (hovothjair1) (Abstain from alcohol) (let the hair grow)
• judge 10:3 -5 • timnah - where Samson wait down in order to find
a wife.
Jephthah • Samson killed lion with his hand;
• killed 30 philistine & ashkelon and " thousand with a
• "He open" jawbone of donkey
• son of Gilead • Etam - cave where Samson take refuge.
• son of prostitute • Delilah - only woman in Samson story who is named
• lived in tob • Samson loved her but not that she loved him.
• defeated ammonites
• Dagon - philistines' adopted god
• 6 yrs judged
• killed his daughter because of his vow. • tel Tzara - Samson believed to be baried with his
• it jephthah. wins against ammonites, he wilkill/offer the Father Manoah
first one who will come out the door, & his daughter is • he never cut his hair. This was the key to his strength and his
Achilles' heel. He was eventually captured after his lover tricked
the 1st one who came out. him into revealing his secret. When his hair grew back, he ripped
out the pillars of a building, killing himself and 3,000 Philistines.
Salvation history
Ruth Iselhie Macaspac
• Known as prophet of God, priest, & judge
• Moab/non-believer
• lived in Betlehem • lead Israelites for 20 years
• naomi-mother inlaw • phillistine
• elimelech - father inlaw (died) • last judge of Israel
• Mahlon - husband of Ruth (died) • 1st prophet of Israel
• chilion - husband of Orpah (died) • Samuel anoint the first 2 Kings of Israel
• Naomi, Ruth, Orpah - left behind I. Saul
• Ruth decided to stay w/ Naomi 2. David
• Orpah leave as Naomi approval. • died & buried @ronah (his hometown)
• Naomi changed her name into "Marah"
King Saul
• taller & handsome
• Boaz - famous & powerful@ Betlehem (believer) • Kish - father
* astonished of Ruth's hardwork (day & night) • ahinoam - wife
* Naomi told Ruth to follow Boaz & sleep beside his feet • Jonathan, abinadab, malchishua, ishvi, Armani,
to express availability for marriage mephiboshet, & ish-bosheth (7 sons of King Saul)
* Boaz refused to marry Ruth because there is another • merab 4 Michal (2 daughters)
relative that has more right for Ruth • First King of Israel
* 1st relative refused also because of his treasure/ • Saul was chosen both by judge Samuel and by
wealth public acclamation
* Boaz - married Ruth • He reigned for 40 years.
• Obed - son • Saul began his journey as a King who was doing
• Jesseh - son of Obed well. but he did not finish well
• David - youngest of Jesseh - 2nd King of Israel. • Saul was a selt -exaltation and self. deception.
• During his kadership as a King. he won a lot of
Samuel war / battles.
• Born to Elkanah & Hannah
• Despite his many victories in battle. Saul did not
• Elkanah - has 2 wives completely obey the lards command.
• Amalekites - Agag - king
1. Hannah - barren (infertile)
• said to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword and
2. Peninnah
run me through, or these uncircumcised fellows
• tabernacle in Shiloh
will come and run me through and abuse me.”
- Hannah traveled to Shiloh where the But his armor-bearer was terrified and would
tabernacle was. At the entrance of the tabernacle, she not do it; so Saul took his own sword and fell on
prayed for a child. She made a vow it.
- Hannah bore a son and named him “Samuel,”
• Fought against Philistines
which means “I have asked for him from the LORD”
• Philistines Killed his 3 sons (Jonathan.
- Once Samuel was weaned (traditionally
Abinadab and Malchishua)
between the ages of 2 and 5), Hannah and Samuel travel
to Shiloh, taking a sacrifice with them. Hannah sacrifice, • Philistines found their body on Mount Gilboa.
the young Samuel to Eli • Cut-oFF his head
• Samuel replaced Eli after death Procaim the news in the temple Of Philistines..
• King of Shiloh • Clothes and armour-tempk of the Ashtoreths.
Salvation history
Iselhie Macaspac
• Body - wall of Beth Shan.
- People of Jabesh Gilead heard what Philistines done to Saul
1-5 prophets
- journeyed through the night to Beth Shan
• Took their bones 1. Noah
• Buried - Tamarisk Tree at Jabesh. 2. Shem
• Fasted seven day. 3. Melchizedek
• abner-general of king soul 4. Abraham
David 5. Isaac
6. Jacob
• youngest of eight sons
7. Joseph
• musician 8. Ephraim
• - warrior 9. Moses
• second king of Israel 10. Joshua
• young shepherd boy 11. Samuel
• David dies at the age of 70 after reigning for 40 yrs. 12. Gad
• David slaying / killed Goliath
• Had 19 sons
• David Sins
1. Adultery with Bathsheba
2. Murder
• David built a small empire
He conquered Jerusalem which he made Israel's politica) and
religious centre.
• David Father - Jesse (a farmer sheep breeder of
Israelite tribe of Judah)
• David Mother - Nitzevet
• Jesse
Sons Daughters
• Eliab • zeruiah
• Abigail
• Abinadab
6 wives of David
• Shimea
1. Ahinoam of Jezreel
• Nethanel 2. Abigail wife of mabil the Carmelite
• Raddai 3. Maacah, the daughter of King Talmi of
• Ozem Geshur
• David 4. Abital
5. Eglah
6. Michal
Solomon - wise among the kings
David - charismatic
Saul-taller than all the kings '
Salvation history

3 Christians vocation What are the things in marriage?

. • ring - eternal love (no beginning, no end)
vocation - vo care (to call) • chord - symbolizes unity
• means calling • vail - (white) - you need to be pure
• candles - resent Christ
• arrhae - material possessions (yung pera)
1) single blessedness
• single life (forever) What should not be done in marriage?
2.) married life • periods
3.) religious life- life where you become priest or nun. - courting & dating
- no necking (hickey) - head to neck.
1. Single life - petting - vagina and penis(sexual intercourse.
- premarital sexual intercourse
Why people remain single ?
• freedom from responsibilities Joy being in marriage?
• due to career - tend to forget their love life • Joy in having family in your own
• because of service - ( breadwinner) Challenge in marriage?
• due to absence of a suitable partner. ( God - ideal Nila, • parental responsibility
high standards, marriage is away to perfection.)
Negative motives:
What is the joy of being single forever? 1. because of misunderstanding
• joy of being virgin/virginity ( total availability to God & 2. Premarital negligence
fellowman 3. Discouragements

What is the challenge in the life of being single? Positive motives

1. To build a family on your own
• loneliness in all age
2. To share your love w your partner
, 3. To have an intimate partner in life
2.) married life - men & women become one

Why do we need to get married? 3. Religious life.

• as a source of faithfulness • man - priest - seminary (17yrs) after grade 6
• for the education for the children • women - nun - after highschool
• it is a way to perfection (kung and • no discrepancy -no child/children
wala sa partner dapat ikaw nag • intellectually capable
bibigay) (unconditional love) • know how to live in community (be sociable) once
• it is a form of worship (God shall be in a month uuwi mga priest)
Salvation history
4 evangelist
3 evangelical councils - vows (solemn Sypnotics - similar accounts
1. Poverty St. Mark (Lion)
2. Obedience • convert (non believer before) -
3. chastity - di magasawa Antioch-land of gentile
. • shortest gospel
Functions of the religious • written for the punished
• suffering servant (presented Jesus)
• as a prophet to spread the good news • on the deeds of Jesus (emphasis)
• as a priest, to build Christian communities • st. Paul (1st teacher)
• as a king, to serve the people of God
St. Mathew (Angel)
7 sacraments
1. Baptism** • tax collector
2. Confirmation • new Moses (presented Jesus)
3. Holy Eucharist** • for Jews (to whom)
4. Reconciliation** • words of Jesus (emphasis)
5. Matrimony** • 8 sermon on the mouth
6. Holy orders • Aramaic language ( 1st edition) 50 A.D.
7. Anointing of the sick**
• Greek language ( 2nd edition) 65 A.D.
Holy orders (plural) (3 orders)
St. Luke (ox)
• deaconate - deacons (service) = diakonoi (pahalang sash)
• presbyterate -priest (presbeteroi)= elders (after 6 • 65 A.D.
months of being deacon) • Greek convert
- 5 sacraments ** • from Antioch
• episcopate, - bishop (episkopoi) = overseer • st. Paul (1st teacher)
- highest order • salvation = universal (emphasis)
- 7 sacraments
St. John (eagle)
• Difficult to understand
• philosophical (malalim) & paradoxical ( seeming
• 95 A.D. ( written)
• emphasis:
I the divine origin of Jesus
2. Charity (love put into practice. John 3:16)
Salvation history

Joy of being in life of priest: 4. Holy Eucharist ' Eucharist "thanksgiving"

• the Joy of being accepted in the community • mass-a commemoration of the life, passion, death,
• the joy of doing God's will & resurrection of Jesus Christ
• the joy of continuing the works of Christ • highest form of prayer
* Priest are called "alter christus" - alternate to Jesus • mass has 2 parts:
Christ 1. Liturgy of the word
2. Liturgy of the Eucharist
Challenges in life of priest • transubstantiation. - bread & wine will become the
• misunderstanding body & the blood of God
• discouragement • A.C.T.S.
A = adoration
• loneliness
C = contrition
• T- thanksgiving
• two words S= supplication (paghingi)
I. Sacra-sacred
2. Mentos-sign
• these are sacred sign instituted by Christ to become 5. Matrimony -mass
better persons. . 6. Holy orders

What are in the sacraments that are not in the sign? • holy orders (plural) (3 orders)
1. Sacraments have effect (effectious) (baptism) • deaconate - deacons (service) = diakonoi (pahalang
a. Baptism children of God sash)
b. Baptism members of Church - (big letter C - ppl of God / • presbyterate -priest (presbeteroi)= elders (after 6
small letter-building) months of being deacon)
c. Takes away our original sin - 5 sacraments **
• cleanliness • episcopate, - bishop (episkopoi) = overseer
• adds life - highest order
• cloth - 7 sacraments
• chrism oil - oil= we belong to royal family 7. Anointing of the sick
• cure -sakit sa katawan
2. Soldiers of God - (confirmation) • heal - buong pagkatao
3. Reconciliation - penance = means penalty or punishment
• viatiacum - data ng priest/happy death
• God does not want to punish us.
* confessions:
• need to think for all your sins Archbishop Florentino G lavarias, D.D. (Mabalacat)
• be sorry to your sins D.D. -Doctor of divinity
• go to confession Emeritus - dating obispo
3: our father, holy Mary, glory, Archbishop.. Paciano B. Aniceto (St. Ana)
• wait for the absolution l June 19 - bday Jose Rizal

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