Parent Welcome Letter - English

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Subway High School


Dear Parents,

Welcome to the new school year! I’m thrilled to have your child in my classroom this year and
look forward to getting to know you and your child better. Together, we’ll form a productive
partnership to ensure your child achieves his or her highest potential and all of his or her
learning goals.

A little about me, I am a first year teacher at Subway high school, and a first year teacher. I
graduated from this University of Subway in 2040, and obtained a B.A. in Biology. Some of my
hobbies include kayaking, and spending time outdoors with my family.

I’m looking forward to a year filled with challenges and excitement. The following outline is to
help you understand what procedures your child will be focusing on throughout the school year.
This year, we will focus on the following procedures:

● Time Out
○ The motion that will be used to quiet/refocus the class
● Passing Up Bell Ringers/Exit Tickets
○ The method to quickly and efficiently pass forward assignments
● What To Do When Entering Everyday
○ The daily procedure to automatically put things away and begin the bell work.

In order to support your child’s learning, I ask that you ensure he or she:

● Arrives at school each day on time and ready to learn.

● Completes all homework assignments on time.
● Ready for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
● Share school experiences with you so that you are aware of and involved in the learning
● Informs you (or myself) if additional support is needed in any subject area.

In order to accomplish all of our learning goals this year, there is some information your child will

● Grading Rules and Scale

○ Per school policy, there will be at least 2 assignments graded weekly, as well as
3 assessment grades per 9 weeks. Assignments will make up 60% of the grade,
and assessments are weighted to make up 40% of the grade.
● Guidelines for Turning in Homework Assignments
○Unless otherwise directed, assignments will be due at the very beginning of your
students' class period the following day or it will be considered late. This will be a
part of the starting the day procedure. Per late day, 10 additional points will be
taken off of the graded work for each late day, up to 5 late days.
● Options to Redo/Retake Assignments
○ If a student does not like their grade on an assignment, they will have one class
day after the graded work is returned to redo the assignment, with a grade up to
a 70.

If you have any questions about these items please don’t hesitate to ask me! In addition, if you
have questions or concerns about any part of the school year please reach out to me either
during school hours, or to schedule a meeting, by email at or by phone
at 1234567891. Let’s work together to make this the best school year ever for your child!


Kat Darski

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