Homework Should Be Banned

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Now and then, students complain about having too much homework. Nowadays, it has
become a big issue raised by parents. They stated that homework tremendously burdens their
children in many ways. However, many rose to oppose their statement. The question is, should
homework be banned?

From my point of view, homework should never be banned. I believe that its existence
greatly benefits the students. First and foremost, homework help students to understand certain
materials more. This will expose students to different types of question that will train critical
thinking. It proves that they have a grasp of knowledge of subjects that they have learnt that day.

Moreover, homework teaches students to improve their time management skills. Those
who are accustomed in getting many tasks by their teachers will eventually know how to divide their
time more efficiently than others. They will get their work done and would not waste any second
because time waits for no man. This is definitely a useful skill that students can use in the near

On the contrary, I understand why some parents and students complain about homework.
Students often feel pressured by the deadlines hanging on top of their heads. With homework piling
up, it did nothing to ease their burdens after hours and hours of learning at school. Furthermore,
there are some homework that is time consuming and it left students with no energy left to do
anything afterward. Students will feel lifeless and mentally drained of completing the same
repetitive routine.

In a nutshell, homework has its own positive and detrimental effects in students’ life. In my
opinion, to overcome this problem, teachers should give students less tasks during weekdays.
Instead, they should give students homework to be completed during long school holiday since
students have more time to spend at home.

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