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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

168 (3rd series)

Brain-Computer Interfaces
N.F. Ramsey and J. del R. Millán, Editors
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 25

Industrial perspectives on brain-computer

interface technology


Medtronic RTG Implantables, Minneapolis, MN, United States
MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Neuromodulation therapies offer a unique opportunity for translating brain-computer interface (BCI) tech-
nologies into a clinical setting. Several diseases such as Parkinson’s disease are effectively treated by inva-
sive device stimulation therapies, and the addition of sensing and algorithm technology is an obvious
evolutionary expansion of capabilities. In addition, this infrastructure might enable a roadmap of novel
BCI technologies. While the initial applications are focused on epilepsy and movement disorders, the tech-
nology is potentially transferable to a broader base of disorders, including stroke and rehabilitation. The
ultimate potential of BCI technology will be determined by forthcoming chronic evaluation in multiple
neurologic disorders.

INTRODUCTION help to implement more advanced bioelectronic systems

in the future as well as the opportunities and challenges
The ultimate goal of a bioelectronic therapy is to restore that should be considered for industrial translation.
more normative function in patients with disease by
Please note that at the time of this writing, all applica-
using an adjunctive electronic circuit that seamlessly
tions of BCI described in this chapter are still limited by
integrates into the compromised physiologic system.
law to investigational use cases only.
From a bioengineering point-of-view, many biologic
systems are comprised of a “dynamic control loop”
(Feldman and Del Negro, 2006; Fowler et al., 2008).
These loops serve to provide adaptive feedback to keep
a physiologic activity at a target set point determined by a New technologies often face hurdles in their commer-
higher-level system. These control loops exist across cialization journey. Economists often capture this as part
many spatial and temporal scales, from the molecular of the “technology adoption lifecycle (TALC)” (Rogers,
to the organ system and from milliseconds to months. 2003). As illustrated in Fig. 25.1, the TALC is often
A bioelectronic system dynamically interacts with the represented as a diffusion of innovation that proceeds
physiologic system to functionally restore, reinstate, or from innovators and early adopters into the population
repair a control loop compromised by a disease state majority. Refinements to this model are proposed when
(Birmingham et al., 2014). To be successful, a bioelectro- the new technology is disruptive, meaning a technology
nic system must integrate with the physiology at the that requires an entirely new way of performing a task
appropriate scales of space and time. This chapter will (Moore and McKenna, 2006). Technologies that are
discuss how brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) might disruptive often face major hurdles when trying to make

*Correspondence to: Timothy J. Denison, MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44-1865-617707, E-mail: timothy.denison@eng.ox.ac.uk
Bootstrapping off
brain modulation systems
Relative % Existing knowledge of framework jumps
of customers starting point to increase number of

Early adopters, Early majority Late majority Laggards,
visionaries pragmatists conservatives skeptics
Pilot research Mainstream clinical practice

Fig. 25.1. Considering the technology adoption lifecycle (TALC) and implications for translating brain-computer interfaces into
the clinic.

the leap across the “chasm” between early adopters, often improving neuromodulation include reducing the burden
found in advanced academic communities, and the of optimizing stimulation parameters, objectively measur-
general population. While innovators and early adopters ing efficacy over time, and continuously adjusting therapy
might feel content to explore the capabilities of a technol- to optimize patient outcomes. Achieving these goals is
ogy for its own sake, the pragmatic view of the early challenged by practical issues, including the paucity of
majority requires a different value proposition. This large human data related to disease states, poorly validated
group of practitioners needs stronger assurance of patient state estimators, and evolving nonlinear mappings
economic and therapy success. between estimated patient state and optimal stimulation
From an industry perspective, we must think carefully parameters (Ryu and Shenoy, 2009). The application of
about how we introduce brain–machine interfacing tech- brain–machine interface (BMI) technology to existing
nology. For example, neural prosthetic control would stimulator architectures could help address these issues
likely require new implant interfaces and procedures that and potentially enable smarter “prosthesis” systems in
are more invasive than commercialized brain modulation the future for neural circuits impacted by disease.
systems. While some progress has been made on neural When well designed, these building blocks can be
prostheses (e.g., the revolutionary prosthesis project integrated as a whole to restore a physiologic function
from DARPA, Collinger et al., 2013; Downey et al., or create new synthetic “reflexes” for therapeutic benefit.
2016; BrainGate, Hochberg et al., 2006; Ajiboye et al., Before detailing specific examples of these potential use
2017), more than a decade and many millions of dollars cases, we briefly highlight other additional practical con-
later, there is still no viable fully implantable system that siderations in designing a translational BCI that works
is approved by regulators for commercial marketing or within a medical device system. These factors include
by reimbursement agencies for commercial viability. both the clinical evidence and regulatory environment,
The chasm between early adopters and the general pop- which motivate considerations of risk management,
ulation for this application will probably prove to be maintenance of quality management processes, and a
quite large. An alternative is to look for applications consideration of the therapy value vs cost, as well as tech-
where invasive brain interfacing already exists, including nical considerations such as power management, infor-
the robust environment of manufacturers and regulators. mation management like data privacy, and interface
Brain modulation systems, shown in Fig. 25.2, might management like materials biocompatibility and
provide such a pathway. biostability.
Modulating neural activity through stimulation is an Considering the systems perspective, successful
effective treatment for several neurologic diseases, such bioelectronic devices incorporating a BCI will demon-
as Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor, and is being strate a favorable balance across at least six factors
explored for several new indications. Opportunities for (Fig. 25.3):

Fig. 25.2. An example of a fully implanted brain–interface system for treating neurologic disorders. The required systems for deep
brain stimulation are already in place: from physical device systems to implant planning support, to regulatory adoption (for stim-
ulation in movement disorders), to reimbursement. More than a hundred thousand systems have been deployed to date. The use of
sensing signals to optimize therapy is arguably a natural extension of the technology and clinical practice, as opposed to a disruptive

Economic viability Clinical necessity

Workflow viability
Scientific validity


Deployment cost Technologic maturity

Fig. 25.3. Practical translation constraints for a successful bioelectronic system.

1. Clinical necessity: This is a clinical problem that is drug-refractory essential tremor patient is a key moti-
currently inadequately met by existing therapies and vation for deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy.
affects a significant number of patients to justify 2. Scientific validity: This is the theory of operation or
application of the technology. For instance, the mechanism of action of the therapy that relates to the
need to reduce tremor in a Parkinson’s disease or disease state pathophysiology. It is captured in the
transfer function and can be used to identify patient
A common method for optimizing these factors is
subgroups that would most benefit from the technol-
the “biodesign” approach (Zenios et al., 2009). This
ogy. Tools such as microelectrode recordings and
approach is useful to identify impactful medical technol-
functional imaging are often used to elucidate mech-
ogy opportunities and invent solutions that efficiently
anisms of action in neurologic disorders (Hart
address unmet needs.
et al., 2015).
3. Technologic maturity: This is the development of
robust designs, including scientific instrumentation, BCI TAXONOMY AND REPRESENTATIVE
which can safely and reliably interact with the body. USE CASES
4. Deployment cost: This is the cost to bring a medical A framework (Fig. 25.4) based upon use cases and risk
technology to the marketplace, including the ability profile could be useful in facilitating communication
to secure intellectual property, satisfy regulatory between investigators, manufacturers, and medical
constraints, and distribute to physicians and patients. device regulators to allow for setting initial expectations
5. Workflow viability: This is the ability for the technol- of data needed to support device safety and effectiveness.
ogy to satisfy relevant clinical and patient stake- A four-class taxonomy is presented in what follows,
holders without prohibitive adjustments or burden. illustrating a range of applications from classical BCIs
6. Economic viability: This is a clear value proposition to restorative neural “coprocessors” that are an evolution
for the technology that demonstrates economic of current DBS therapies.
value to the healthcare continuum. This can be
accomplished in a number of ways, including:
reducing the price of technology, expanding access
to care, improving therapy efficacy, and reducing The Medtronic Activa PC + S® is an investigational bidi-
time to receive care. rectional neural interface system that illustrates many

Skin interface

External External
computer actuator

Skin interface

brain External
signal computer

Neural Implanted
circuit stimulator

Measured state Control Implanted
biomarker policy stimulator

physiological Implanted
“State” Control policy

Neural circuit
Fig. 25.4. Framework for BCIs based on implanted neural stimulators.

& control


Classifier & control policy 3-axis
Patterned stim generation Sensor:
bioelectric ADC
Existing Stimulation
neurostimulator therapy
platform Firmware
Wireless Microcontroller
stimulation delivery engine

C Neural interface/Electrodes
Fig. 25.5. (A) The design of a typical neuromodulation system, including the patient activator (right). (B) Leveraging typical
neuromodulation components to implement a computer-in-the-loop closed-loop prototyping system. (C) Embedded scientific
instrumentation (e.g., bioelectric sensing, accelerometer) and upgradable firmware allow typical systems to act as a vehicle for
both delivering therapy and investigational research.

of these the core bioelectronic design principles in the implant. Simple biomarker calculations such as
action. The Activa PC +S® system was developed for spectral analysis (i.e., digital signal processing-based
gathering basic neuroscience information to better under- Fourier transforms) and control policies can be embed-
stand future neuromodulation-based therapy opportuni- ded within the implant (Stanslaski et al., 2012), while
ties. The Activa PC +S® is CE-marked for epilepsy, for more complex signal analysis, such as phase-
Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia, and amplitude coupling (de Hemptinne et al., 2015) and
was designed with the strategies outlined for bioelectro- fusion of external signals for control policies, the use
nic research tools (note: it is not approved for commercial of the bidirectional telemetry is employed to leverage
use in the United States). A block diagram of the system the distributed architecture and offload processing to
architecture is shown in Fig. 25.5. The system archi- an external system. The flexible firmware platform
tecture leverages an existing, approved neurostimulator allows for configuration of the device for different
system, the Activa PC® as the foundation for the bioelec- use cases.
tronic system; all predicated therapy capabilities for DBS The design of the external system, employing a
are preserved in the research tool. The research capability computer-in-the-loop, includes additional features for
is enabled by a scientific payload that is embedded as a facilitating algorithm research. For example, all data
peripheral inside the device. The design is modular at can be streamed to an external data collection portal
multiple scales; e.g., the science payload is activated as rather than stored on the device and requiring subsequent
an independent entity by the researcher to mitigate the upload. The external interfacing to the device also uses
risk of compromising the predicate therapy while gather- an application programming interface (API), which
ing data. Information flow is also modular: critical enables users to rapidly prototype new classifiers and
sensing interfaces such as amplification of local field control policy algorithms. Rapid prototyping is enabled
potentials (LFPs) and inertial sensing and stimulation by providing the API abstraction layer that allows simpli-
delivery, including novel pulse trains, are allocated to fied interfacing to the system with applications such as
Matlab® and LabVIEW™. Leveraging an external com- Cortical recording for communication in
puting platform also allows the system to link to secure locked-in syndrome
web portals for annotation, data sharing, and analysis.
LIS is characterized by an inability to exert voluntary
Once an acceptable algorithm is found, the firmware
control over muscles in the presence of intact cognition,
can be upgraded noninvasively through a wireless link
resulting in quadriplegia and aphonia. Despite their
to enable new features such as investigational closed-
physical impairment, people with LIS often report a high
loop algorithms that enable de novo reflex arcs.
quality of life (Rousseau et al., 2015), but this parameter
The investigational examples cited in each class of the
is strongly affected by the ability to communicate ade-
BCI framework illustrate how the Activa PC +S® bioe-
quately. When that is not possible, e.g., in late-stage
lectronic system is being used to support a variety of
ALS, vertical eye movements or blinks only allow for
BCI applications using commercially viable building
caregiver-initiated yes/no communication or selection
of letters one at a time (i.e., alphabet board), leaving lim-
ited or no options for self-initiated and private communi-
cation. Recent years have seen a surge in research on
CLASS A decoding neuronal signals from brain implants, with
Class A includes BCI applications that record signals quite impressive achievements, where paralyzed people
from the brain to interface with an external system succeeded in moving a robotic or paralyzed arm using
due to motor impairment from neurologic disease or their brain signals. To date, however, such systems have
injury (e.g., spinal cord injury, amyotrophic lateral been far away from being fully functional for autono-
sclerosis (ALS), brainstem stroke). These external sys- mous use in real life, which is a key consideration for
tems include but are not limited to communication translation (Huggins et al., 2011).
software, environmental controls, wheelchairs, and Recently, the first fully implantable BCI communica-
prosthetic limbs. This category excludes applications tion system for home use (Vansteensel et al., 2016) was
in which brain recordings directly influence operation demonstrated. Subdural electrode strips were implanted
of an implanted neural stimulator (INS), and can be through burr holes on target areas in the left dorsolateral
thought of as a classical BCI. The benefit of Class prefrontal cortex and left sensorimotor area and con-
A applications in this patient population is to provide nected to the Activa PC +S®. The participant controlled
a robust, chronically stable, cosmetically acceptable the BCI by attempting to move the fingers of the right
mechanism to tap into intact neural structures for func- hand. The signals recorded over the hand region of the
tional restoration. An investigational example of a sensorimotor area showed a strong increase in high fre-
fully implanted communication interface for a patient quency band (65–95 Hz) power and a strong task-related
with locked-in syndrome (LIS) is described in the decrease in low frequency band power during attempted
following section. hand movement (Fig. 25.6A). Performance on the

Fig. 25.6. (A) Spectral power distribution of attempted movement (red) and rest (black) of sensorimotor cortical brain signals.
(B) Two target task performance development over >6 months after implantation. Every black dot represents a single, 300-s run.
Multiple runs on the same day are indicated by connecting black lines between the dots. Black dashed lines connect runs on
different days. Mean and SD of performance are indicated by a horizontal gray line and gray shading, respectively. Adapted from
Vansteensel, M.J., Pels, E.G.M., Bleichner, M.G., et al., 2016. Fully implanted brain-computer interface in a locked-in patient with
ALS. N Engl J Med 375, 2060–2066. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1608085.
standard BCI two-target task was high (>90% correct) it improves the manual feedback loop involving the
and was stable for more than 6 months (Fig. 25.6B). clinician. An investigational example of providing
Every black dot represents a single, 300 s, run. Multiple guidance on optimal therapeutic stimulation settings by
runs on the same day are indicated by connecting black applying the measured physiologic signals through a
lines between the dots. Black dashed lines connect runs machine learning prediction algorithm is described in
on different days. Mean and SD of performance are the following section.
indicated by a horizontal gray line and gray shading,
respectively. After optimization of parameters, perfor-
mance on training games and spelling was stable at high DBS electrode selection in Parkinson’s
levels: 74% in a continuous feedback task, 87% in a disease
discrete “clicking” task, and an information transfer rate Currently, selection of effective stimulation parameters
of 13  3 bit/min during spelling. The participant is cur- for DBS therapy can be time consuming for both the
rently using the system at home without the help of the physician and the patient, as the programming process
research team or other experts. This case study provides relies upon iterative observation of behavioral responses.
direct evidence supporting the utility of an implantable It is possible that leveraging neurophysiologic symptoms
system that clinicians can configure to tap into neural correlated to clinical symptoms may provide a method to
circuits for control of an external actuator or system. guide effective DBS programming. In the example illus-
trated in Fig. 25.7, data from a new patient is recorded
and compared to a database to determine optimal DBS
settings based on historical outcomes of patients with
Class B is defined to include component applications that similar neural features.
provide quantitative information (i.e., neural or inertial In a pilot study, LFP recordings were obtained from
data collected from the INS) to the clinician for assis- 15 patients with Parkinson’s disease with DBS leads in
tance in optimizing therapy. This category requires man- the subthalamic nucleus using the Activa PC + S® system
ual intervention by the clinician to change the operation (Connolly et al., 2015). These recordings were then used
of the neural stimulator; applications where the brain for a preliminary investigation into whether charac-
signals themselves directly influence the operation of teristics of the recordings correlate with the contacts
the INS are excluded. The benefits of these Class selected by the attending physician for the patient’s
B use cases are to improve the information available to DBS therapy. During device implantation and follow-
a clinician to optimize therapy while minimizing their up sessions extending out to 6 months, recordings were
burden. Though not an automated closed-loop system, saved from the DBS leads with the patient at rest in the

Fig. 25.7. Example clinical decision support tool that leverages brain sensing. Data from a new patient is recorded and compared to
a database to determine optimal DBS settings based on historical outcomes of patients with similar neural features.
off-medication and off-stimulation state. LFP recordings based upon the detected events. That is, the brain signals
were taken from each of the six possible pairwise com- are used as a proxy for behavior and directly influence the
binations of the four electrode contacts, and at the end operation of the INS. In principle, this can be considered
of each clinical visit, the neurologist programmed the an automated adjustment of the patient programmer
patient’s DBS therapy, choosing, from among other since signals are triggered by signals denoting intention,
parameters, the stimulation contact(s) (C0, C1, C2, C3, but bypassing the need for overt manual intervention.
or some combination thereof ) to provide stimulation. The benefit of a Class C application is the ability of
A total of 83 distinct recordings were made. Spectral fea- the stimulator to respond more quickly and specifically
tures (i.e., power in several frequency bands) were to patient needs, while greatly minimizing their burden.
extracted from the LFP recordings offline, and a number An investigational example of this class of closed-loop
of machine learning algorithms (e.g., linear discriminant strategies applied to adaptive control of DBS for treat-
analysis, k-nearest neighbors, classification trees, and ment of essential tremor is presented in the following
support vector machines) were trained to predict which section.
contact the clinician selected based upon some com-
bination of the spectral features. The support vector Cortical recording for closed-loop control
machine method yielded a low misclassification rate of DBS in essential tremor
(7/83) using a minimal set of spectral features (i.e., power
in 3–5 Hz y-band, and 10–20 Hz b-band) (Fig. 25.8). In Current DBS for ET uses implanted leads in the ventral
Fig. 25.8, each dot represents the clinician-selected intermediate nucleus of the thalamus to deliver constant
contact for each observation. The black x’s show misclas- high frequency stimulation to mitigate tremor. Given that
sified observations and the vertical location shows the these patients only experience tremor during volitional
predicted contact/group. movement, a feasible goal for a closed-loop system
While there is certainly a need for larger scale valida- would be to limit stimulation to periods of intentional
tion, these results suggest that it may be possible to movement. This could result in a system that preserves
develop an algorithm that uses LFP recordings from power, reduces the frequency of replacement surgeries,
DBS leads to guide the identification of the contact near- and reduces side effects by only delivering stimulation
est the physiologic sweet spot for effective DBS in the on an as-needed basis. A simplified form of a closed-loop
STN and greatly improve efficiency and simplify DBS system is shown in Fig. 25.9, where sensors are collect-
programming. As newer DBS systems with larger num- ing information (i.e., brain signals) from the patient,
bers of stimulation contacts emerge, the practical time classifiers identify the patient state (i.e., detect when
savings afforded by automatic programming may prove the patient is moving), and a control policy dictates the
to be a critical component of clinical adoption and action that the actuator takes in each state (i.e., stimula-
optimizing patient outcomes. tion turns on when the patient is voluntarily moving and
turns off at rest). In this example, when the patient is
at rest, the stimulator is off (Fig. 25.9A). When motor
planning is initiated, brain rhythms (e.g., b) change
Class C includes BCI applications that analyze signals (Fig. 25.9B). Detection of changes in these neural signa-
recorded from neural circuits to detect behavioral events tures then triggers stimulation during intentional motion
and trigger stimulation based upon the detection of these (Fig. 25.9C). Finally, when the patient returns to rest,
events. The behavioral events of interest include but are brain rhythms return to baseline and stimulation ceases
not limited to sleep/awake cycles, body posture, initia- (Fig. 25.9D).
tion and termination of voluntary movement, and gait. Several approaches can be adapted for detection of
The key characteristic of Class C configurations is the patient movement as a trigger for stimulation. Wrist-
use of algorithms that detect these events based upon worn inertial sensors and limb electromyography have
neural data and control policies that deliver stimulation already been used to trigger stimulation changes in

True group

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fig. 25.8. Automated stimulation contact selection based on brain sensing (Connolly et al., 2015).

Fig. 25.9. Adaptive stimulation reflex schemes for essential tremor. (A) When the patient is at rest, the stimulator is off. (B) Brain
rhythms (e.g., b, g) change when motor planning is initiated. (C) Detection of changes in neural signal features triggers stimulation
during intentional motion. (D) When the patient returns to rest, brain rhythms return to baseline and stimulation ceases. Note that
the leads for sensing (blue) and stimulation (green) are drawn separately for illustrative purposes.

DBS patients (Herron et al., 2017). However, these sen-

sors are worn externally and may be uncomfortable or
undesirably attract attention to a patient. Additionally,
they would need to communicate wirelessly with the
INS to trigger stimulation changes, which would con-
sume additional power. An alternative to using limb-
based sensors would be to make use of known neural
phenomena that can be used to indicate when a patient
is performing volitional movements. As described in
the Class A example of using a BCI for communication,
desynchronization (i.e., decrease in power) is observed in
the b-band during movement when electrodes are placed Fig. 25.10. Patient drawn spirals collected as part of clinical
over the primary motor cortex. In the context of essential tremor assessment (Herron et al., 2017).
tremor, this enables a simple, robust threshold scheme to
distinguish periods of volitional motion from periods of DBS implant. On the right are spirals collected on the
rest. The output of this classifier could then toggle day of the experiment in each of the three stimulation
between states of a controller that delivers full clinical states. Differences in tremor between no stimulation at
stimulation (i.e., the amplitude used for open-loop tremor 4 months post-op and experimental day are attributed
suppression) during movement and no stimulation to day to day tremor variation. Note tremor in the upper
during rest. right and lower left quadrants of the spiral in the exper-
An initial proof-of-concept of this control paradigm imental no stimulation case. Comparatively there are few
was recently completed (Fig. 25.10) by leveraging the deviations from normal spirals in the open-loop and
Activa PC + S® system with an external computer-in- closed-loop cases.
the-loop via the Nexus-D system (Herron et al., 2017).
Stimulation was ramped up when power in the b-band
decreased below a lower threshold and ramped down
when power in the b-band increased above an upper In contrast to Class C, where neural signals are used as
threshold. These thresholds were empirically determined an indirect measure of behavioral events that trigger
during the experimental session. On the left are two stimulation, Class D component arrangements leverage
spirals drawn with the dominant hand before and after a closed-loop approach that is more similar to the

Fig. 25.11. Concept diagram illustrating a restorative brain coprocessor for DBS therapy.

traditional engineering principle of feedback control. therapeutic electrodes, as less favorable signal to noise
That is, Class D includes applications in which neural characteristics due to stimulation artifact can impact per-
signals are part of a feedback loop that delivers stimula- formance (Stanslaski et al., 2012; Swann et al., 2018). An
tion to regulate the signals themselves (Fig. 25.11). In investigational example of this sort of closed-loop strat-
these arrangements, the neural signals are an indirect egy is described in the following section.
measure of the underlying pathologic state. In the
example shown in Fig. 25.11, implanted hardware senses Cortical recording for closed-loop control
brain rhythms (recording electrode shown in orange, top of DBS in Parkinson’s disease
left). A disturbance in these rhythms, corresponding to a
Recently, the Activa PC + S® system was used to obtain
change in patient state, is then detected (top right). This
multisite long-term recordings on two patients with
disturbance triggers delivery of stimulation (stimulating
Parkinson’s disease who experienced frequent dyskine-
electrode shown in blue, bottom left). Finally, when
sia (Swann et al., 2016). The patients were studied both
sensed brain rhythms return to normative state, stimula-
at rest and during voluntary movement. It was demon-
tion is terminated (bottom right).
strated that dyskinesia is associated with a narrowband
An analogy of this type of system from daily life is a
g oscillation in the motor cortex between 60 and
thermostat that controls room temperature. Thermostats
90 Hz, a similar, though weaker, oscillation in the subtha-
measure temperature and use an actuator (i.e., furnace,
lamic nucleus, and strong phase coherence between the
boiler, or air conditioner) to drive the temperature toward
two (Fig. 25.12). The finding of a brain rhythm reliably
a defined set point. In this way, Class D controllers may
associated with dyskinesia has translational potential as a
be thought of as thermostats that use an actuator (i.e.,
control signal in closed-loop DBS (Fig. 25.12, middle)
implanted stimulator) to regulate certain brain rhythms
that has been evaluated during short-term in-clinic
to maintain them within a homeostatic window. Once
testing (Swann et al., 2018).
again, this can be considered an automated adjustment
of the patient programmer, but now input signals are
based on physiologic signals correlated with disease
state. Similar to Class C, automated titration of signals
in Class D again bypasses the need for overt manual The treatment of neural disease continues to be an area of
intervention. The benefit of a Class D application is intense research and opportunity. While progress has
the ability to respond more quickly and specifically to been made in better understanding these diseases, we
a patient’s needs, including signals of which they might believe the underlying pathophysiology and quantifiable
not be consciously aware, while greatly minimizing disease metrics continue to be elusive, most notably
their burden. It is important to consider, however, the due to lack of chronic human data in representative
relative amplitude of these signals and the proximity to use conditions. While BCI technology offers an avenue
14 r = 0.63
Dyskinesia 0.9 p = 3.58 x 10–13

Motor cortex gamma


oscillation amplitude
r = 0.41

True-positive rate
0.4 No dyskinesia 10 p = 0.016

0.5 6
0.2 4
0.3 Area under the
curve: 0.937
0.1 0
0 0 –2
20 60 100 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Frequency (Hz) False-positive rate Dyskinesia severity
Fig. 25.12. g oscillations distinguish dyskinetic and nondyskinetic states. Example phase coherence from one subject at rest on
medication (left). Receiver operating characteristic curve using phase coherence as a biomarker for dyskinesia (middle).
Correlation between g oscillation amplitude and dyskinesia severity (right). Adapted from Swann, N.C., De Hemptinne, C.,
Miocinovic, S., et al., 2016. Gamma oscillations in the hyperkinetic state detected with chronic human brain recordings in
Parkinson’s disease. J Neurosci 36, 6445–6458. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.

to generate data and investigate these diseases from an communication will foster growth and innovation of
engineering perspective, it is challenged by having to sat- applications that promote health and lifestyle
isfy multiple other factors in order to be viable. improvements.
Besides the scientific challenges of biomarker identi- The application of BCI as a discovery tool can be
fication and the need for advancement in our understand- achieved by adding scientific instrumentation to proven
ing of physiologic systems, remaining engineering therapy platforms, thereby enabling research tools for
challenges in translational BCI include longevity of streamlined and ethical investigation of neural systems.
devices, security of data and communications, and the As with other major innovations of societal importance,
standardization of connectivity and infrastructure. The overcoming these challenges demands the collaboration
longevity of devices depends largely on the materials that of government, academia, industry, and willing and
interface with the tissue and the energy storage technol- informed volunteers, to realize the common goals of
ogy. The challenges at the tissue interface include reac- better understanding disease and improving the lives of
tion of the tissue to the materials and breakdown of the patients.
device materials resulting in a degradation of the device’s
structure and intrusion of fluids into circuitry. Limitation REFERENCES
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