Aa4 Ingles

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the mine: stolen childhood

Two girls worked in a cobalt mine in

an African country.

They were charging bags of cobat

What time
is it?

I don’t know.
We don’t
have a watch.

I’m tired.
We’ve been
since mornig.

Me too. I wish
we could go
to school
like the
other kids.
A foreign journalist came to the
mine with a camera. He was
accompanied by a local guide.
What are

My name
is Amina.
My name is
How old I’m ten
are you? years old. I’m nine
years old.
The journalist was surprised and saddened.
And what
are you
We work in the mine. here?
We extract cobalt
that is used to make
batteries for
mobile phones and

Yes, it’s true. We are

bad paid and the
conditions are the
worst. Sometimes we
get sick or hurt
before i used
to play with
my brothers

And what did

you used to
do before
working in
this mine? I used to go
to school
The journalist was outraged and
decided to act.
What are
you going
to do, sir?

I’m going to report this

situation to the world.
I’m going to show the
This is horrible. images I’ve recorded
You can’t go on and the girls' interview
like this. You have and other witnesses. I’m
to go to school
and have a decent going to reveal the
childhood. name of the company
that buys the cobalt
and benefits from its
The journalist kept his promise and published
his documentary. The documentary had a great
impact and caused a worldwide reaction.
The company that bought the cobalt was
boycotted by consumers and pressured
by governments and international
organizations. The company was forced
to change its practices and ensure
respect for human and labor rights in
its supply chain.
The girls and other children who worked in the mine
were released and received education and medical

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