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Let me tell you about this crazy experience we had preparing for the SHS-iLS Expo.

was exhausting, I tell you, like a never-ending roller coaster ride. We had to do so many things,
and the financial aspect was a real headache too because some of our classmates didn't pay
their share of the fund. But hey, we didn't care about winning or getting an award. We just
wanted it to be over, but we gave it our all on the expo day.

Throughout this whole journey, I learned a bunch of things and acquired some useful
skills. First of all, time management became my best friend. We had so many tasks to handle,
from designing our booth to preparing the presentation. I had to learn how to prioritize and
make the most of every minute. Trust me, I'll be using this skill in the "real world" because time
is always precious, no matter what you're doing. Another thing I honed was teamwork. We had
to work together as a group, and let me tell you, it wasn't always smooth sailing. But we
learned to communicate, compromise, and support each other. These are crucial skills that I'll
carry with me wherever I go. The ability to work well with others is essential in any professional

Overall, this whole experience was challenging, but it taught me valuable lessons. I learned
about time management, teamwork, which are all vital skills in the "bigger/real world." I'm
proud of the progress I made, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow. Now, let's hope the
next expo won't be as exhausting!

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