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Lesson 1: Illustration of quadratic equations

A quadratic equation is a mathematical sentence of degree 2 that can be written

in the following standard form:
Ax2+bx+c = 0
In the equation, ax2 is the quadratic term
bx is the linear term
c is the constant term
When b = 0 in the equation Ax2+bx+c = 0, it results to a quadratic equation of
the form ax2+c = 0


Lesson 2: Solving the quadratic equation

4 Methods to Remember:
 By Extracting the square root
 By Factoring
 By Completing the Square
 By Quadratic Formula

Method 1: Extracting the square root

When you have a quadratic equation with no "x" term (b = 0) and a constant
term (c) that can be written as the square of a number, you can simply take the
square root of that number and consider both positive and negative values of
the square root to find the solutions

“This is the Method that can be used to easily solve equations where b = 0”
x2 = k
 If k > 0,then x2 = k has two real solutions or roots: x = ±√k.
 If k = 0,then x2 = k has one real solution or root: x = 0
 If k < 0,then x2 = k has no real solutions or roots

Solve the quadratic equation x2 - 16 = 0

Step 1: Write the equation in the form Ax2 + bx + c = 0.

In this case, A = 1, b = 0, and c = -16.
Step 2: Factorise the constant term (c) of the equation.
Here, c = -16, so we factorise it as the square of a number: -16 = (-4)2.
Step 3: Express the coefficient of the middle term (bx) as the sum or difference
of the factors obtained in Step 2. Since b = 0 in our example, there is no middle
Step 4: Use the zero product property, which means putting each linear factor
equal to 0. Now we have x2 - 16 = 0. Setting each factor equal to zero: x2 = 16
Step 5: Extract the square root to solve for x. The square root of 16 is 4
because 4 x 4 = 16.So we have: x = ±4

So.. The answers are x = 4 and x = -4.

Method 2: By Factoring
Factoring a quadratic equation involves finding two numbers that multiply to
give the product of the coefficient of x 2 and the constant term. Then, we rewrite
the middle term using these two numbers, group the terms, and factor out
common factors. Finally, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for the
variable "x" to find the solutions to the quadratic equation.

Example: x2 + 5x + 6 = 0

Step 1: Write the given equation in the form Ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

In this case, A = 1, b = 5, and c = 6.
Step 2: Look for two numbers that multiply to give the product of A x c.
In our example, A = 1 and c = 6, so we need two numbers that multiply to give
1 x 6 = 6.
Step 3: Find the two numbers that satisfy Step 2 and also add up to give the
middle coefficient (b) of the equation. In our example, b = 5, so we need two
numbers that add up to 5 and multiply to 6.
The numbers are 2 and 3, as 2 x 3 = 6, and 2 + 3 = 5.
Step 4: Rewrite the middle term (5x) using the two numbers from Step 3.
So, we can rewrite 5x as 2x + 3x.

Step 5: Now, factor the quadratic expression by grouping the terms:

x2 + 2x + 3x + 6 = 0
Step 6: Factor out the common terms from the first two and last two terms:
x(x + 2) + 3(x + 2) = 0
Step 7: Notice that we now have a common binomial factor, (x + 2), so we can
factor it out:
(x + 2)(x + 3) = 0
Step 8: Use the zero product property, which means setting each factor equal
to zero:
x + 2 = 0 or x + 3 = 0

Step 9: Solve for "x" in each equation:

For x + 2 = 0: x = -2
For x + 3 = 0: x = -3 The answers are -2 and -3
Method 3: By completing the square
Completing the square is a method to solve quadratic equations by
transforming it into a perfect square trinomial. You take half of the "x"
coefficient, square it, and add it to both sides of the equation. Then, you rewrite
it as a perfect square trinomial and solve for "x" by taking the square root.
Remember to consider both the positive and negative square root to get two

Example: x2 + 6x + 9 = 0

Step 1: Identify the coefficients A, b, and c in the equation.

In this case, A = 1, b = 6, and c = 9.
Step 2: Take half of the coefficient of the "x" term (b/2) and square it:
b/2 = 6/2 = 3
(3)2 = 9
Step 3: Add the squared value from Step 2 to both sides of the equation:
x2 + 6x + 9 + 9 = 0 + 9
Step 4: Rewrite the left side of the equation as a perfect square trinomial:
(x + 3)2 = 9
Step 5: Take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for x:
√(x + 3)2 = ±√9
Step 6: Simplify:
x + 3 = ±3
Step 7: Isolate x on one side of the equation:
x = -3 ± 3
Step 8: Solve for x:
x = -3 + 3 = 0
x = -3 - 3 = -6

The solutions to the quadratic equation are x = 0 and x = -6.

Method 4: Quadratic Formula

Step 1: Write down the coefficients of the quadratic equation.
The coefficient 'a' is the number multiplied by x2.
The coefficient 'b' is the number multiplied by 'x.'
The constant 'c' is the number on its own, without any x.
Step 2: Use the quadratic formula.
The quadratic formula is given by:

Step 3: Plug in the coefficients.

Substitute the values of 'a,' 'b,' and 'c' into the quadratic formula.

Step 4: Calculate the discriminant.

The discriminant is the part inside the square root (b2 - 4ac). It helps
determine the type and number of solutions.
 If the discriminant (b2 - 4ac) is positive, there are two real solutions for 'x.'
 If the discriminant is zero, there is only one real solution for 'x.'
 If the discriminant is negative, there are no real solutions, but there are two
complex solutions.
Remember, if the value inside the square root (b2 - 4ac) is negative, then
the quadratic equation does not have real number solutions, but it can have
complex solutions involving imaginary numbers.

Consider the quadratic equation: x2 + 4x + 5 = 0 “ * “means Multiply

Step 1: Identify the values of 'a', 'b', and 'c':

In this equation, a = 1, b = 4, and c = 5.

Step 2: Plug the values into the Quadratic formula:

x = (-4 ± √(42 - 4 * 1 * 5)) / 2 * 1

Step 3: Calculate the discriminant:

Discriminant = 42 - 4 * 1 * 5 = 16 - 20 = -4

Step 4: Determine the number of solutions:

The discriminant (-4) is negative, so there are two complex solutions.

Step 5: Compute the solutions:

x₁ = (-4 + √(-4)) / 2 = (-4 + 2i) / 2 = -2 + i (Square root of -4 Is -2i)
x₂ = (-4 - √(-4)) / 2 = (-4 - 2i) / 2 = -2 - i

Here, 'i' represents the imaginary unit, which is the square root of -1.
Complex solutions have a real part and an imaginary part.
both solutions are complex: x₁ = -2 + i and x₂ = -2 - i.

So, the solutions of the quadratic equation

x2 + 4x + 5 = 0 are x = -2 + i and x = -2 - i.
Step 5: Simplify and solve.
Calculate the value inside the square root and then evaluate both possibilities,
one with the plus sign (+) and the other with the minus sign (-).

 The first solution, x₁, is (-b + √(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a.

 The second solution, x₂, is (-b - √(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a.

Step 6: Write the solutions.

After solving the equation, you'll get one or two values for 'x,' depending on the
type of solutions.

Example: 2x2 + 5x - 3 = 0
Step 1: Identify the values of 'a', 'b', and 'c':
In this equation, a = 2, b = 5, and c = -3.
Step 2: Plug the values into the Quadratic formula:
x = (-5 ± √(52 - 4 * 2 * -3)) / 2 * 2
Step 3: Calculate the discriminant:
Discriminant = 52 - 4 * 2 * -3 = 25 + 24 = 49
Step 4: Determine the number of solutions:
Since the discriminant (49) is positive, there are two real solutions.
Step 5: Compute the solutions:
x₁ = (-5 + √49) / 4 = (-5 + 7) / 4 = 2 / 4 = 0.5 or 1/2
x₂ = (-5 - √49) / 4 = (-5 - 7) / 4 = -12 / 4 = -3

So, the solutions of the quadratic equation 2x2 + 5x - 3 = 0 are

x = 0.5 and x = -3.

The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation

 The value of the expression b2 - 4ac of the quadratic equation
 This value can be used to describe the nature of the roots of a quadratic
It can be zero positive and perfect square, positive but not perfect square
or negative.
1. If D > 0 (positive discriminant):
- The quadratic equation has two distinct real roots.
- The nature of the roots depends on the value of b2 - 4ac. If it's a perfect
square, the roots are rational; if it's not a perfect square, the roots are
2. If D = 0 (zero discriminant):
- The quadratic equation has two real roots that are equal (repeated).
- These are often referred to as "repeated" or "double" roots.
3. If D < 0 (negative discriminant):
- The quadratic equation has two complex roots (conjugate pairs).
- Complex roots consist of both a real and an imaginary part.
Example 1:
When you have a quadratic equation like x2 + 6x + 3 = 0, the "nature of the
roots" refers to whether the solutions (roots) are real numbers or involve
imaginary numbers.

1. Real Roots: If the value inside the square root (called the discriminant) is
positive, then the solutions will be real numbers. This means you can find the
solutions on the regular number line.
2. Imaginary Roots: If the discriminant is negative, the solutions will be
imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers are numbers that involve the
imaginary unit "i", where (i2 = -1). You can't find these solutions directly on
the regular number line; they're located on what's called the complex plane.

x2 + 6x + 3 = 0
1. Identify the coefficients: a = 1,b = 6, and c = 3.
2. Calculate the discriminant: b2 - 4ac = 62 - 4 * 1 * 3 = 36 - 12 = 24.

Since the discriminant (24) is positive, the solutions are real numbers. They
can be found on the regular number line.

So, the nature of the roots of (x2 + 6x + 3 = 0) is real roots because the
solutions are real numbers.

Example 2:
x2 + 2x + 5 = 0
1. Calculate the discriminant b2 - 4ac.
In this case, a = 1, b = 2, and c = 5 Discriminant
= 22 - 4 * 1 * 5 = 4 - 20 = -16
2. Look at the discriminant:
- If the discriminant is positive, you'll have two real roots.
- If the discriminant is zero, you'll have one real root (repeated).
- If the discriminant is negative, you'll have two imaginary roots.

In this case, since the discriminant is negative (-16), the roots are imaginary.

So, for the equation , x2 + 2x + 5 = 0 the nature of the roots is "imaginary,"

meaning the solutions involve the imaginary unit "i."

Lesson 4: The sum and the product of roots of quadratic equations.

Imagine you have a quadratic equation, which is like a math puzzle involving

This equation can be written in the form: ax2 + bx + c = 0, where "a," "b," and
"c" are numbers.

Now, this equation has two solutions, or "roots," which are the values of "x"
that make the equation true. Let's call these roots "x1" and "x2."
Sum of Roots:
When you add up these two roots (x1 + x2) or (-b/a), you get a specific
number. This number has a special connection to the coefficients "a," "b," and
"c" in the equation.

Product of Roots:
When you multiply the two roots (x1 * x2) or (c/a), you get another number
that's related to the coefficients "a," "b," and "c."

These relationships are like secrets that the coefficients reveal about the roots
of the equation. They are given by these formulas:

Sum of Roots = -b/a

Product of Roots = c/a

Fun shortcut ;)
The sum of the roots is found by taking the negative of the "b" coefficient and
dividing it by the "a" coefficient.

The product of the roots is found by taking the "c" coefficient and dividing it by
the "a" coefficient.

Example: x²+4x+3=0
 Sum of Roots:
The formula for the sum of the roots is: Sum = -b/a
Sum = -4/1 = -4
So, the sum of the roots of the equation x² + 4x + 3 = 0 is -4.
 Product of Roots:
The formula for the product of the roots is: Product = c/a
Product = 3/1 = 3
So, the product of the roots of the equation x² + 4x + 3 = 0 is 3.

How to write a quadratic equation using roots

Example 1: Using Roots 8 and 10:

Let's use the roots 8 and 10 to create a quadratic equation:

Given roots: r1 = 8 and r2 = 10

We'll use the relationships mentioned earlier:

Sum of roots: r1 + r2 = 8 + 10 = 18
Product of roots: r1 * r2 = 8 * 10 = 80

-b/a = 18
c/a = 80

Let's pick a value for "a." For simplicity, let's choose "a = 1" to make the
equation easier.
-b = 18
c = 80
We can solve for "b" and "c":
b = -18
c = 80
Now we can plug these values into the general quadratic equation form:
x² - 18x + 80 = 0

Example 2:
-5/6 and -1/6 (Fraction)

you can write the equation in factored form using these roots:
(x - (-5/6))(x - (-1/6)) = 0
Simplify the equation:
(x + 5/6)(x + 1/6) = 0
Now, if you want to expand this into a quadratic equation in standard form, you
multiply the terms:
x² + x/6 + 5x/6 + 5/36 = 0
Combine the middle terms:
x² + 6x/6 + 5/36 = 0
x² + x + 5/36 = 0
To avoid fractions, you could multiply the whole equation by 36 to clear the
36x² + 36x + 5 = 0
So, the quadratic equation with roots -5/6 and -1/6 is:
36x² + 36x + 5 = 0

Lesson 5: Equations transformable into quadratic equations

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