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A beginners sized game will use 120 points of models C3 dice

per side and would be played on a 3’ x 3’ board. C3 dice are the strongest dice in the game. They
Larger advanced games of 200+ points should be have no blank values so using them will always give
played on a 6’x3’ board. The amount of terrain you a score of at least 1.
placed on the table will vary depending on what
scenario or game size you are playing. A3 dice
A3 dice are reasonably strong dice. They are almost
It is important that your unit stat listings are written like C3 dice except they have 1 blank side. This
from top to bottom with the unit with the lowest means they have a 1 in 6 chance of scoring zero.
Strategy Rating number first, followed by the next
highest and so on until the last entry on the force list S3 dice
will be the unit with the highest Strategy Rating. S3 are the weakest dice in the game. They only
Once the board, terrain and force roster are ready, it have a top value of 2 and also have 2 blank sides.
is time to deploy your units. Unless otherwise
stated, units will deploy in Strategy Rating order
from lowest to highest. Once each player’s units are
deployed, it is time to start the game.

Roll for Priority 1

At the start of each turn, each player rolls a D6 in
order to determine who will take priority that turn for 3
any Strategy Rating tiebreaks. The highest roll for
that turn will get priority to go first for any situations
in which units on both sides have the same Strategy 5

Once priority is determined the unit with the lowest 6

Strategy Rating will begin its first activation.

7 8 9 10 11 12
The game uses custom dice and counters to resolve
game actions. When resolving all kinds of attacks,
simply add up the number of dots on each of the
dice. If the dice is a blank, it means that attack has
missed. 13

Understanding the Unit Stats

1. Unit Name
2. Points cost to field this unit in your force
3. Unit type
4. Distance in inches the unit may make a
ranged attack
5. Amongst of heroic tokens the unit has
6. Heroic Abilities this unit may use
The dice types are listed below – 7. Strategy Rating
8. Movement in inches
Purple dice – Abbreviation A3 – See details 9. Amount and type of dice this unit uses for
Red dice – Abbreviation S3 - See details Ranged Attacks
Black dice – Abbreviation C3 - See details 10. Amount and type of dice this unit uses for
D6 (six-sided dice with values 1 to 6) – Used for Close Attacks
randomizing damage, selecting scenarios, or 11. Amount and type of shield dice this uses for
determining tie breaker Strategy Ratings defense
D10 (ten-sided dice with values 1 to 10) – Used for 12. Amount of damage the unit may take before
damage tracking its destroyed
Heroic Token – Green counter with medal picture 13. Unique special rules for the unit
Flying Token – Green counter with jet picture
terrain, unless
Units activate in ascending strategy rating order. stated.
This means the lower the Strategy Rating listed on At the
the Unit’s profile, the sooner it will activate in the beginning of a
turn. It does not matter what side the units are on. unit’s first
For example, player 1 may activate a Unit, but then activation, if it
player 2 activates 3 of their Unit’s before player 1 cant see the
has another Unit in the ascending order. target unit, it
may not move
into base-to-
base contact
with that target unit at all that turn, unless otherwise
Unless otherwise stated, there are a maximum of 6 stated.
turns in a game. Each game turn is made up of 3
phases. These are –

Start of turn
Activation phase Ranged attacks is a broad term used for all kinds of
End of Turn attacks made at a distance. The maximum range of
each model’s range is listed on the unit’s stat listing.
Once each unit on the table has had its activation Players may not target units in base-to-base contact
phase, then 1 game turn has been completed. This with enemy units with ranged attacks. Units in base-
process is then repeated for the second game turn. to-base contact with an enemy unit may not use
ranged attacks at all.

Out of Ammo!
When using a ranged attack. If 2 or more values of
The start of turn phase allows for the reset of each “3” are rolled on any attack dice, resolve the attack
turn. In this phase the dice is rolled to determine as normal, but the unit may not use another ranged
priority as well as any start of turn specific special attack activation again that turn.
rules requirement. Note: Whenever multiple units
have start of turn requirements these are always Short Range, Long Range, and Artillery
done in Strategy Rating order. If the distance between the base of the unit using
the ranged attack and the base of the target unit is
10” or less, it is a “short” ranged attack. If the
target is over 10” it is a “long” ranged attack.
Each unit has 2 activations that may be used in any Short ranged attacks use the ranged attacks stat as
order or quantity. For example, a unit may choose listed on the stat card of the unit activating.
to move twice or not move and instead use ranged
attack twice. Or perhaps ranged attack then a move. Long ranged attacks must –
- Subtract a 1 from the number of dice listed
Players may choose from the following activations on the unit’s RA stat.
and these activations may be used in any order – - Cannot use Full Auto Heroic Ability
Move, Ranged Attack, Close Attack, Heroic Action, Note: A dice is subtracted even for sections or
Take Cover. squads that are already below their starting ranged
attack value from loss of models/hit points.

If a unit is designated as Artillery, it’s ranged

attacks -
Each unit has a movement stat in inches. Measuring - Cannot be used at short range
from the front of the unit’s base, the move must be - Ignore all long-range penalties
completed with the final position of the units base - Can only make 1 ranged attack activation per
being fully inside the maximum movement distance turn.
permitted for the activation as shown below in the
example below. Ranged Attack steps:
- Declare target and determine range (within
In the case of sections, squads or platoons, all maximum range or whether short or long
distances are measured from the centre model in the ranged)
front rank of - Select the dice required – Attacker selects
the unit’s dice as shown on the unit’s RA value
formation. A (removing 1 dice if at long range). Defender
unit may not selects number dice as shown on the unit’s
move through SH value (adding any extra dice for Take
intervening Cover, Soft Terrain or Hard Terrain if any of
units those options are available)
(including - Starting with the attacker, both players
sections or declare if using Full Auto or Courage Heroic
squads),or Abilities respectively (if those options are
impassable available)
- Attacker rolls dice and calculates the number - Mark down the amount of damage taken on
of hits the target unit (if any)
- Defender rolls dice and calculates number of - If damage taken is equal to or exceeding the
deflected shots remaining hit points on the unit, then the
- Subtract the number of deflected shots from unit is destroyed.
the number of hits to determine the amount
of damage.
- Subtract the number of deflected blows from
the number of hits to determine the amount
of damage
- Mark down the amount of damage taken on
the target unit (if any)
Blast weapons add 1C3 dice to the total RA value Melee
when targeting vehicles, platoons, divisions or For each unit in base-to-base combat with a single
models on a 60mm base size or larger. In addition, enemy model, add an extra Attack dice as a
units hit by a Blast weapon have the following supporting attack.
effects - If more units join the combat to help the defender, a
supporting attack dice is lost for each enemy model
Blasted Infantry that joins the same melee.
There are no additional effects when targeting Should the opposing units become even, the combat
Infantry units (Including Bikes) with a Blast weapon. is separated out to become one unit vs one unit
wherever possible and as soon as possible. With the
Blasted Vehicles and Models on a 60mm Base or new attacker taking on the supporting model and
Larger both moving 1” away from the original melee to
If vehicles or models on a base of 60mm or larger make a melee of their own.
take any damage from an attack with Blast, assess Should more than 2 attackers be attacking a single
the damage caused after shields and consult the model and an additional defender joins the melee,
chart below for potential additional effects on top of only a single attacker is paired off against the new
the damage taken. attacker. The player that is outnumbered chooses
which units to pair off.
Blast Damage Chart Units in melees that are uneven and not separated
Damage Effect out like this may choose to attack any model they
1-3 No additional effect are in base-to-base contact with as long as each
4 Minor Damage – The unit removes 1 single activation is directed towards a single enemy
attack dice from all ranged attacks it unit.
makes until all damage is repaired
5 Leaking Fluids – The unit’s movement is See examples
halved until all damage is repaired below.
6 Major Damage – The unit may not move Example: Hardhat
at all and removes 1 attack dice from all is attacking Sargon.
ranged attacks it makes until all Hardhat has 2A3
damage is repaired dice.
Because Major
Note: If duplicate or additional effects are caused, Payne also moves
always stay with or apply the highest effect only. into base to base
with Sargon,
Hardhat receives a
supporting 1S3 dice.
A Close Attack can be performed when in base-to- In total Hardhat
base contact with an enemy unit. rolls 2A3 and 1S3
1 extra S3 dice is added for every friendly unit also dice to attack
in base-to-base contact with the same enemy unit. Sargon.
(*see Melee) Next turn, Baron
Nautilus moves into
Close Attack steps: base contact with
- Select dice required – Attacker selects Major Payne. This
number of dice listed on the CA stat of the means that Major
unit. (Adding any C3 dice if applicable). Payne and Baron
- Defender number of dice as shown on its SH Nautilus are paired
value off together 1” from
- Starting with the attacker, both players Hardhat and Sargon
declare if using the Combat Skills or Courage creating a new 1 on
Heroic Actions (if options are available) 1 melee so no
- Attacker rolls all dice and calculates number supporting dice are
of hits added to either
- Defender rolls dice and calculates number of melee.
deflected blows
- Determine if any counter attack result applies Disengaging from a Close Attack
and apply the results If an attacking unit successfully damages the
defending unit and the defending unit is not removed
from play; the attacking unit can elect to disengage Infantry – Infantry is the broad term that refers to
from the close attack. This is done by moving the all models on a 32mm-50mm base. Within the
attacking unit 1” away from the defending unit. category are Individuals, Sections, Squads, Platoons
Once disengaged, both units may perform any and Divisions. Note: This will also include models on
remaining activations as normal and be targeted by Bikes* (*See Bikes).
ranged attacks.
A unit cannot disengage if it’s in base-to-base Individuals – Individuals can be split into 2 main
contact with other enemy units it hasn’t damaged categories. These are heroes and heavies. Heroes
that turn. A unit may not disengage into a new have access to heroic tokens (*see Heroic Tokens).
melee or into base-to-base with an enemy unit. If Heavies are individual models that carry a
blocked in any way by terrain or other units the unit particularly powerful weapon.
cannot disengage.
Sections, Squads, Platoons and Divisions - Many
Not Attacking of these units are not unique and may be taken
If an attacker moves into base-to-base contact and multiple times and even duplicated. A typical force
does not make a subsequent close attack, then the can consist of several of these units.
defender counts as if a 5+ difference on the counter
attack chart had occurred. Formations
A section consists of 3 models. A squad consists of 5
Counter Attack models, a platoon consists of 6-9 models and a
When resolving close attacks note the difference division is 10-25 models. When on the table,
between the attack dice and the shield dice. If the sections, squads and platoons activate as a single
shield dice value outnumbers the attack dice value unit with their bases in a zigzag formation 1” apart
consult the chart below – (see picture). The front rank must always be 3
models wide. So for a platoon, the formation would
Counter Attack! be from front to back 3, 2, 3, 2 as shown below.
Shield Value Effects
Vs Attack
0-1 No Effect
2-4 Defender receives a Heroic Token
5+ Defender receives a Heroic Token
and gets an additional 1S3 dice in
its next activation phase if it is in a
close attack.

If a unit has not used a ranged attack or a close

attack that turn, it may choose to Take Cover
instead. Once declared, place a counter beside the
unit to indicate that it has taken cover. It is not
possible to take cover in open ground. If the unit is
Models in a section, squad or platoon must remain
already in soft cover, it will swap it’s 1S3 dice bonus
within 1” of each other at all times. If for any reason
for soft cover, to 1C3 dice instead. If the unit is in
it loses this 1 “ coherency, it will lose a dice from any
hard cover, it will add another 1S3 dice to its terrain
shield rolls while it remains out of coherency.
cover bonus.
Distances determining range are measured to and
from the closest model in the section or squad. All
movement is measured from the model in the centre
of the front rank.
During the End of Turn phase if any objectives are
held the victory points are calculated and the game If the unit is engaged in close attack, then all models
turn noted. Any destroyed units are removed from in it are locked in close attack regardless of whether
the force roster if possible. The game then moves all the models are in base-to-base contact with the
back to the Start of Turn phase. enemy.

A division has a larger and tighter formation. In a

division there are no spaces permitted at all between
models in the unit. Whilst at a unit size of 10 models
Models are split into several categories. These are
or more, the Division must maintain a formation of
referred to in this rulebook accumulatively as Units.
ranks of 5 across the front of the unit. A full 5 model
Units are further categorised into a type, such as
rank must be filled before subsequent ranks are
vehicles, infantry, etc. Infantry is further broken
started so as only a single rank will be less than 5
down into individuals, sections, squads, platoons or
models at any one time. The back rank, if less than
divisions. The unit category is shown clearly on each
5 models is centred.
stat listing.
the squad level. For example a platoon of 10 models
will have 20 hit points but only receive 5 attacks.
Divisions can also only move up to the units
movement value in a forward direction. All other
movement is made at half the unit’s movement

Sections, Squads, Platoons and Divisions Close

Attacking single models with base size of under
75mm, sections, squads, platoons.
Only 3 models per unit are permitted in a close
attack at one time against a single model.
For example a squad of 5 models will have a front
row of 3 models. When this squad moves into base-
Once a division falls below 10 models it will assume a to-base contact with a single hero model, the unit
section, squad or platoon 1” formation and follow the will receive it’s 3 dice for close attack. Furthermore
rules from those formations. a single S3 dice is added for each “rank” of 3 or more
models after the front rank, unless otherwise stated.
Once a section or squad suffers damage its
effectiveness is reduced. Remove models as the So a platoon of 10 models will get 1 extra S3 dice for
section or squad suffers damage. To determine how a total of 3 close attack dice and 1S3 dice. Note:
much damage a single model has in each squad, Should a second squad move into base-to-base
simply divide the total damage points on the stat contact with the enemy unit, only a single supporting
card with the number of models. extra dice will be added to the close attack dice of
the first squad and visa-versa* (*See Melee).
For example: An Atlantican Warrior squad has 10
damage points and 5 models. Therefore, each model Divisions Close Attacking other sections,
has 2 damage points. squads, Platoons, Divisions or large models on
Carried over damage points go on the next model an 75mm base or larger.
until it’s removed. Against sections, squads, platoons and models on a
You may not distribute damage across the section or 75mm base or larger, a division will use its full CA
squad. dice value and add 1 extra S3 dice for each rank of 3
For example, a section of Atlantican Specialists has 2 or more models behind the first, unless otherwise
hit points for each model in the section for a total of stated.
6 hit points. If the Atlantican Specialists take 5
damage, there will be a single Atlantican Specialist Bikes
on 1 hit point remaining on the battlefield. Mark Bikes are just treated like Infantry* with an
remaining total hit points with a damage counter unusually high movement value (*See Infantry)
dice. Bikes may swap one dice for a C3 dice when making
shield rolls.
Each model in a section or squad has a single ranged
attack and a single close attack dice. So, a squad of Vehicles
5 will have 5 attack dice. Once a model is removed Vehicles units are not unique but are limited to a
from the squad it will have 4 attack dice and 4 close maximum of 1 vehicle per 50 points in your force.
attack dice and so on.
If a section or squad is attacked, the player Vehicles and Close Attacks
controlling the section or squad will choose which Units must always disengage automatically from a
models in the squad or section to remove as vehicle immediately after making a close attack
casualties. regardless of whether any damage was caused*
(*See Disengaging). Vehicles are unable to be
Platoons and Divisions locked in base-to-base contact with an enemy unit.
Platoons and Divisions follow all the rules for sections This means that after a close attack is made against
and squads except that their attacks are capped at a vehicle, the vehicle may move as normal during its
Vehicles do not fight in close attack, unless they
have a CA value, but may make a Ram Heroic
Action* (*See Heroic Actions)

Some vehicles can transport other models. The
capacity and the type of models that a vehicle can
transport will be listed on its stat listing. The stat
listing will also show the location of the entry/exit
point of the transport.
Units are unable to use a ranged attack if they are
being transported.

Embark and Disembark

If the vehicle moves only a single movement per
turn, units may embark or disembark from the
vehicle. Units may enter a transport by moving into
base-to-base contact with the vehicle’s entry/exit
point location. Remove the unit from the table and Some units generate heroic tokens at the start of
place a counter on the vehicle model to show what is each turn, the number generated is shown on the
being transported. Units may leave a transport at stat listing for the unit. In certain circumstances
the start of their activation by returning the heroic tokens can also be earned throughout the
transported models to the table in base-to-base game. All unused heroic tokens are removed from
contact with the entry/exit point and then activating all units at the end of each turn.
Should the entry/exit point be blocked by terrain or Any units within 8” of a hero, or the hero
enemy units, then the transported units cannot themselves, may spend the hero’s heroic tokens to
disembark. Units may start the game being perform any heroic action that is available to them.
transported. All other heroic tokens are confined to the units that
generate them.
Transport Vehicle destroyed - If a transport is
destroyed with transported units inside, then each Additional heroic tokens can be earned in the
unit inside will take a damage point for every following ways –
damage not saved by the vehicle. For example, if
the player attacking the vehicle rolls 8 attacks and Add a single heroic token at the start of each turn if
the vehicle rolled 5 shields and the resulting damage the unit has lost over 50% or more of its starting
destroyed the vehicle, then the transported models damage points.
would take 3 damage per unit in the vehicle. This
damage cannot be shielded by any means. If more If the unit meets the requirements on the counter
than one unit is being transported, then each unit attack chart.
takes the damage amount. So in the above
example, each unit would take 3 damage each. Achieve the objective in specific scenarios.

Large Models
Large models on a 60mm to 90mm base receive 1
extra C3 dice added to their dice when making a
close attack.
Air Attack - Used at the start of the unit’s
Extra-large models activation. This costs 1 activation and 2 heroic
Extra-large models on a 100mm base or larger tokens to perform. Once activated, the unit may
receive 2 extra C3 dice added to their dice when triple its movement value and may fly over
making a close attack. intervening terrain or models. It may not finish its
move on impassable terrain. It may use this move
to land in base-to-base contact with enemy units. If
Flyers it does so, and chooses to fight a close attack for its
If a unit has the Air Attack Heroic Action listed on its second activation, it will forfeit any C3 dice it may
stat listing, it is considered a flying model. Flying have received for the close attack that turn and may
units must declare at the start of the turn if they are not use the combat skills heroic action.
grounded or flying. Failure to declare means that the
unit is by default on the ground unless otherwise Charge – Used at the start of the unit’s activation.
stated elsewhere. This heroic action costs 2 activations and 1 heroic
token to perform. The unit adds 4” to its movement
Grounded or Flying characteristic. If this movement takes the unit into
Place a jet token on the model’s base or stat card to base-to-base contact with an enemy the model will
show it is flying. If grounded, the unit behaves as immediately make a close attack and add 1C3 dice to
normal. its attack roll. Note: you may not charge units in the
turn that the charging unit could not see at the
If flying – beginning of its first activation* (* See Line of Sight)

- The model may not be engaged in close Combat skills - Before attacks and shields dice are
attack by any means and no enemy models rolled for any close attacks, the unit may use a
may move into base contact with the flying heroic token to add an additional A3 dice to its total.
model. Only a single A3 dice may be added per activation.
- It will suffer no movement penalties for Note: sections, squads, platoons and divisions still
difficult terrain and may “fly” over only receive a single additional A3 dice regardless of
impassable terrain if it has enough how many models in the unit.
movement distance to do so. A flying model
may not be grounded on impassable terrain, Courage – Before attacks and shields dice are rolled
if for any reason it is, the unit is destroyed. for any ranged attacks or close attacks, the unit may
- If attacked by a ranged attack while flying, choose to use 1 heroic token to add 1S3 dice to its
the unit will take +1 damage in addition to shield dice roll. Note: sections, squads, platoons and
any ranged attack damage it takes. divisions still only receive a single additional S3 dice
regardless of how many models in the unit.

Full Auto – Before attacks and shields dice are rolled

for any short-ranged attacks, the unit may use a
heroic token to swap one attack dice to a C3 dice. Once the heroic token is paid, note the new strategy
Only a single attack dice may be swapped per rating order of the affected unit for that turn only.
activation. Note: Sections, squads, platoons and
divisions still only may swap a single dice regardless
of how many models in the unit.
Terrain - In games like Rise of Democracy it is
Medic – Used at the start of the unit’s activation. common practice to agree with your opponent how
This heroic action costs 1 activation and 1 heroic terrain will impact the game before starting the
token to perform. The unit may heal 1S3 dice worth game. There are so many terrain scenarios possible
of damage to any hero, section, squad, platoon or that it’s impossible to have rules for every single
division within 3”. instance. Below are some guidelines for using
terrain in Rise of the Democracy.
Mind – Used at the start of the unit’s activation.
This heroic action costs 1 activation and 2 heroic Terrain and Movement
tokens to perform. The unit may reduce an enemy There are 3 classifications of terrain in relation to
units strategy rating by up to 3 points. The range for movement.
this heroic action is 10”. Note: This may mean that These are -
the target unit is out of strategy rating order, in Open ground – Regular unimpeded movement
which case the targeted unit would miss that turn Impassable terrain - Cannot be moved over or on to,
entirely! unless otherwise stated.
If the unit that performed Mind is destroyed, then Difficult terrain – Shallow water, heavy rubble, etc.
any units under the effects of Mind will immediately Movement in difficult terrain incurs a -2” movement
return to their original strategy rating order. This penalty.
may mean that the unit can still activate if they are
still within strategy rating order. Note: No models can access multiple levels unless
via a stairway or ladder. In these cases, the
Resisting Mind! – Units may attempt to resist the stairways and ladders count as Difficult terrain. If
effects of Mind. Resisting Mind requires 2 heroic the unit is unable to be placed on a stairway or
tokens to perform. Pay the tokens and roll a D10 ladder then the unit must complete the full vertical
over the affected unit’s strategy rating order to climb distance in a single turn subtracting the
successfully resist the effects of Mind. penalty for Difficult terrain from its movement.

Ram – Used at the start of the unit’s activation. This Terrain and Targeting
heroic action costs 2 activations and 1 heroic token There are 2 classifications of terrain for targeting
to perform. Measure the total distance of its move in purposes.
a straight line directly from the ramming unit to the These are –
target point. If this movement takes the ramming
unit into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit Footprint - For terrain that does have a foot print,
(the first enemy unit that is touched), the ramming such as an open topped ruined building, or a small
model stops in base-to-base contact and immediately tree cluster, the Unit is automatically determined to
rolls 3C3 dice for attacks. The target unit may roll be in cover if over 50% of the Unit or more is within
shields as normal. Next turn the ramming unit may the footprint of the terrain.
move or ram again as normal. The units are not
locked in base-to-base contact. If the ramming unit
impacts terrain the ramming unit simply stops. Note:
you may not ram units in the turn that the ramming
unit could not see at the beginning of its first
activation* (* See Line of Sight)
Avoiding a Ram! - Units may attempt to avoid a Ram
by rolling a D10 dice equal to or above the targeted
unit’s strategy rating. If successfully avoided, move
the ramming unit the full movement and slide the
target unit slightly to one side to avoid the ramming
units’ path. If there is no room for the target unit to
avoid the ram, then it is rammed regardless of
whether the avoidance roll was successful or not.

Repair – Used at the start of the Units activation.

This heroic action costs 1 activation and 1 heroic
token to perform. The unit may repair 1C3 dice The Rangers are within the terrain footprint and are
worth of damage to any Vehicle or model on a 60mm therefore automatically determined to be within soft
base or larger within 2”. Note: Units being cover regardless as to whether the COILS Skull
transported may not use Repair while inside the Guard have full Line of Sight or not
Obstacles - For terrain pieces that have no
Tactician – This heroic action is declared at the start footprint, it is still possible for a cover bonus to be
of this unit’s activation. This heroic ability costs 1 conferred. In order to receive a cover bonus the Unit
heroic token and 1 activation to add or remove up to must have the majority of its mass obscured behind
3 from a friendly unit’s strategy rating for that turn. the terrain. In the case of Sections or Squads this
would be the majority of the Unit. In the case of
Interactive Terrain Chart
Heroes, Heavies or Bots mass would refer to the Terrain Range Rules Unit
model’s torso. And in regard to vehicles mass would Piece Required
refer to the hull or chassis of the vehicle. The Bin, Mail 6” RA Infantry
obscured determination should be determined from Box, Chair, Activation - Individuals
the eye level of the Unit making the ranged attack. Barrel. 2 automatic
damage to
If a unit moves into base-to-base contact with a unit the target
behind an obstacle and then uses a close attack no shields
activation. The target unit will receive a cover bonus allowed.
to its shields as determined by soft or hard cover. Once
thrown the
item is
from the
Weapon – CA Only Add +1 to Infantry
EG. Lead the total Individuals
Pipe, damage
Chain, caused in a
Knife, Pool close
Cue. attack.
Weapon – CA Only Add +1 to Infantry
EG. Sword, the total Individuals
Spear damage
caused in a
Because the Democracy troops have their torso’s close attack
obscured, they will receive a cover bonus against the and allow
Atlantican’s ranged attacks the player
to reroll 1
Terrain and Cover Bonuses A3 dice.
There are 2 classifications of terrain in relation to Weapon – 10” Reroll 1 A3 Infantry
cover bonuses for ranged attacks. EG. dice when Individuals
These are - Throwing making a
Stars, ranged
Soft terrain – Soft terrain is any terrain that is not Throwing attack
completely solid. For example, another infantry Knife, Gun
model, bushes, or low barrels. Being in soft terrain Fuel Can 6” RA
adds 1S3 dice for any shield rolls against a ranged Activation -
attack. D10
Hard terrain – Hard terrain is everything solid such with shields
as vehicles, bots, walls, rocks, rumble or buildings. permitted
Being in hard terrain adds 1C3 to the Unit for any Motorbike N/A Add +6” to Infantry
shields rolls against ranged attacks. the models Individuals
Note: It is important to determine the cover bonus of and swap 1
each terrain piece at the start of the game. S3 for 1 C3
for shields
Ridden N/A Add +4” to Infantry
Interactive Terrain Beast the models Individuals
Some terrain can be thrown or carried as a weapon. and add
Only weapons may be carried with the unit. To 1A3 to
interact with terrain simply move to within 1” of the close
item and declare what is being done. For example, a attacks stat
player moves a hero unit to within 1” of a bin and Battering CA Only Add 1 C3 to Squads,
declares the hero will be throwing the bin at an Ram any close Platoons,
enemy unit 6” away. attacks Divisions
See the table for interactive terrain and it’s affects. buildings
Written by:
Anthony Mallett
Copyright 2022

Copyright Disclaimer: Any names, characters, models and stories

in this rule book are from the author’s imagination and are
inspired by multiple sources. Any reference to actual names,
characters, models and stories not the property of Traders Galaxy
is purely coincidental.

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