Culture and Communication

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Sr. No. of Question Paper : Unique Paper Code Name of the Paper Name of the Course Semester Duration : 1 Hour 1830 F 6967000003 Culture and Communication VAC II Maximum Marks : 30 Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any two questions from question nos. 2 to 4. 4. All questions carry equal marks. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi: but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. P.T.O. 1830 2 wat & fay Fen l er wernar & ad ee ey Prt er ACT srg Fg 2. Wet wet Hart 2 1 3. wer een 2 2 4 we et A TET SECA | 4. cauh wet S si wae F 5. FAWH-Wa SIM aft ar RS fre ea are FA, AT wh Sad sr areas en A ST AR 1. Write short notes on any two of the following: ‘ (25) Prafefad % 2% fri aw afer Row fafa: (a) Importance of informed writing in the digital era Ritter aa % ye cet at sresearat 1830 3 (b) Unity in Diversity / Diversity in Unity era Wo waa / er A aA (c) Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need but not greed. aera a fay aa 2. Comment on ‘The Speaker’ in Sri Aurobindo’s Introduction to The Gita. (10) Rh mie H Ter ar afta’ W ‘ae’ ow feo aia 1 3. How does the protagonist’s ability to embrace challenges and adapt in ‘How to Beat the Boys’ reflect the importance of adaptability? (19) P.T.O. 1830 4 ‘os We @ aan’ FY piled at aw wet a FET UM at ama fa yar o sqagraitaa S aes at eatct 3? 4. How did Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address challenge the prevailing misconceptions about Hindu Dharma and foster a deeper appreciation for its philosophy and spiritual principles? (10) art Rare SF fReant se 3 ee ef S at F wake wifeat at Fa | St sik eer hf aad wesw wie gk mentees fata F vfs sme a agra fear ? (4500)

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