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Date of application:
Legal Organization Name: Fundación Jaime Benitez Tobón


Address: Carrera 69 # 80-20 y 80-70

Country: Colombia State/Province: Bogotá D.C City: Bogotá D.C.

Type of Organization: non-profit

Is this organization a 503(c)(3)? YES / NO If Yes, EIN #: Year Established: 2003

If No, provide fiscal sponsor’s name, address and EIN:

President/Exec. Director Name: María Elena Benitez Londoño

Phone #: +57 3153345537 Email:

Total Organization Budget: $ $825 millones Fiscal Year: 2023

Total # of Board Members: 7 Total # of FT Staff: 7 Total # of PT Staff: Volunteers #: 1

1. Organization’s mission:
To be an agent of socioeconomic change in Colombia through the emotional and professional growth of students
with academic excellence in limited economic conditions.

2. Organization’s history (100 words or less):
Jaime Benitez Tobón, the founder, always thought of his own struggles while studying and wanted to ease them
for other students. This idea motivated him to establish the very first apartment of the FJBT in 1993 in Bogotá. At
first, it was 1 apartment with few students, all different but in two aspects: they all came from a low-income
background, and they were all brilliant. Then the number of apartments grew to be 4, and it's benefited dozens of
students ever since. Today, there are 18 apartments, providing a healthy and appropriate space for young
Colombians to reach their dreams.

3. Goals and objectives of the organization:

Improving the habitability conditions of the Jaime Benítez Tobón Foundation can contribute to the evolution of
some of the objectives of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, from the Colombian territory, such as:
● End of poverty: With the support of accommodation and food, young students can focus their energy on
their professionalization, which translates into better socioeconomic conditions for them and their
● Quality education: one of the fundamental factors to access a quality education is having the possibility of
directing all attention to the academic field, which is possible mainly when the basic needs of food and
housing are resolved.
● Reduction of inequality.
● sustainable cities and communities.

4. List programs your organization offers:

● Study groups and connection with "older brothers", graduates of the foundation who return voluntarily to
give talks, workshops, speak from their own experiences and open horizons along the way. This is very
useful because it allows strengthening the social circle from different areas of study and interest.
● Connection and volunteer work in other community processes, since one of the important requirements to
renew the semi-annual quota in the foundation is to comply with a number of hours invested in co-
responsibility activities that support external processes with work aimed at strengthening them.
● intercultural interaction and integration.
● Support in the search for external financing: tutorials, mentoring and scholarships in order to achieve the
personal project of the students, particularly related to exchanges, academic trips, ventures, etc.

5. List organization’s current affiliations:

Banco de alimentos de Bogotá
Multicarton SAS
Fundación Arturo Calle
Andrés Montoya
Timbiquí SAS.
the Escobar Varela family

Project Name: Hogar estudiantil FJBT

Project Budget: $ Requested Amount: $

City: Bogotá State: Bogotá D.C. Country: Colombia

1. Describe the project:
We hope to have our own headquarters, that is, a building where we can offer better services to students, with
spaces designed especially for them such as reading rooms, entertainment rooms, gym, laundry, common green
areas, kitchen and dining rooms, social rooms appropriate for a population that we expect to have between 130
and 150 students.

2. What problem will this project help solve:

1) Currently, more than half of the resources that are obtained with difficulty, are invested in paying leases that,
in addition to being expensive, generates uneasiness because despite being signed for one year, they can be
suspended at any time if the landlord wishes.. If we didn't have to invest so much in rent, students could have
many more benefits such as recreational outings, movies, concerts, study materials, and outings.
2) The activity of the foundation generates conflicts with the other residents of the complex, who frequently
reproduce symbolic violence due to the social inequalities that exist in between.
3)The age of the complex where the apartments are, since it does not have green areas, gyms or meeting spaces.

3. Who will benefit from this project? Provide the estimated number of direct beneficiaries and their ages:
The beneficiaries will be the 130 to 150 students who normally range between 16 and 23 years of age.

4. Why is this funding needed:

To build and adapt a building where students have the necessary comforts to complete their careers in the best

5. Describe how the budget will be used - include all materials that will be needed, salaries, furniture, etc.:
This is the first delivery of the project. we are working in its structure but this is information that doesn't have
planned yet.

6. Please provide any additional information for this project:

This part going to developed in the next delivery, when we have more tools for talk about the project, as the renders,
schedule, budget, etc.

1. When do you anticipate this project to take place:
Start Date: End Date:

2. Outline your project implementation schedule. (Add additional lines if needed)

No. Activity Duration

1. This is the first delivery of the project. we are working in its structure but this is information that
doesn't have planned yet.






3. How will you measure the success of this project, please explain methods and measures for data collection:
To measure the success of the project, it will be necessary to implement the ethnographic method, supported by
quantitative observation tools; measuring the redistribution of the economic resources that are invested, the
economic balance, the number of beneficiaries, temporary projections, investments and alliances that allow the
growth of the project. As well as qualitative observation; inquiring about the particular experience of the students
that make up the student home, their conditions of physical, mental, emotional well-being, their academic
performance, the impact that their current conditions have on their immediate environment, the coexistence
between students and other categories that can talk about the practical success of the realization of this project.


(All attachments are mandatory)

Organization attachments:

• Recent audit or financial review from the past 2 years.

• Organization deck

• Annual report

• Board of directors list

• Staff list and roles

Project attachments:

• Project renderings

• Itemized project budget

• Timeline of project

______________________ ______________________ Signature Date

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