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‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬ Republic of Yemen

‫جامعة العلوم التكنولوجيا‬ University of Science and

‫كلية الهندسة‬ Technology

‫قسم الهندسة الطبية الحيوية‬ Engineering college

BME Department

Ultrasound Radar

Supervised by/
D.Ammar Kurd

Team`s members:
1. Esam Ali Mohammed.
2. Abdurrahman Mohsen Hussein.
3. Yousef Akram Abdulqawi.

Logic design laboratory

1. Explanation of the project……………………………………..4
2. Applications of radar………………………………………………5
3. Components of the ultrasonic radar and it`s purposes
in thee circuit……………………………………………………………..5
4. Result of Simulation by tinkercad………………………..…7
5. Results of KiCad……………………………………………………..8
5.1 Schematics Results……………………………………………………………………..8
5.2 PCB layer Results…………………………………………………………………….....9
5.3 3D Results from KiCad…………………………………………………………………10

BOM: Bill Of Material………………………………………………………………………..12
Ideas that can be applied to improve this project…………………………….13
Technical specification of HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor ………………………14

Table of figures

Fig.1 Arduino……………………….…………………………………………..… 6
Fig.2 Servo motor…………………………………………………………….… 6
Fig.3 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor ………………………….……………….…. 6
Fig.4 Tinkercad simulation …………………….……………………….... 7
Fig.5 3 leds parallel schematic in KiCad……………………………... 8
Fig.6 3 leds circuit PCB module layer B-Cu……………………....... 9
Fig.7 3D module of the 3 leds circuit ………………………………… 10


Table 1: Bell Of Material……………………………….…….………………..12

Table 2: Technical specification of HC-SR04 ultrasonic

We will discuss in this report about our project which is
.the ultrasonic radar
The idea of this mini-project is to reveal objects in a
specific range and to know its distance accurately and its
.angle in place
Radar is a system that uses electromagnetic waves to
determine the distance, height, direction and speed of
Fixed and moving objects such as planes, ships, vehicles,
.weather, and terrain

Explanation of the project .1

The sensor sends a sound wave, and if an object reflects
this wave and returns it to the sensor, the Arduino
calculates the time period from the moment the wave is
released to the moment it is received, and by
multiplying it by the value of the speed of sound, we get
the distance between the object and the radar, The
rotation of the sensor allows the use of a servo motor to
.cover a full field estimated at an angle of 180 degrees

:Applications of radar .2
.Maritime navigation )1
.Airport as a sensor for the arrival of planes )2
.Wild frontier )3
In the military field as a warning of the entry of a )4
.foreign body
Warplanes and missiles sensor of different )5
.In medicine to detect soft tissue )6

Components of the ultrasonic radar and it's .3

.purposes in thee circuit
.Arduino: control the rotation mechanism of radar )1
.Servo motor: radar movement )2
HC- SR04 ultrasonic sensor: send and receive )3
Wires )4

Fig.1 Arduino

Fig.2 Servo motor

Fig.3 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

4. Result of Simulation by tinkercad

Fig.4 Tinkercad simulation

5. Results of KiCad
5.1 Schematics Results:

Fig.5 3 leds parallel schematic in KiCad.

5.2 PCB layer Results:

fig.6 3 leds circuit PCB module layer B-Cu

5.3-3D Results from KiCad

fig.7 3D module of the 3 leds circuit


In this mini-project, we conclude from our

experience that whenever an object approaches
the moving radar that is attached to the servo
motor, results appear on the computer screen in
red, telling you that this object was detected at a
.certain angle
This experience provided us with a lot of
information for any future project Also In this
experiment, we learned about the servo motor, its
internal parts, and how it works And we learned
that the ultrasound sensor ( HC- SR04 ) can
measure the distance between it and any object
passing around it, And Arduino is the basis of our
project and helped us connect our circuit and
.complete it successfully


BOM: Bell Of Martial

Component Price of a peace (US)

Arduino 16
Servo motor 4
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor 3.5
wires 1


Total cost of the project was 24.5 US

Ideas that can be applied to improve this

Add a buzzer to detect the entry of a person in a -1

.restricted place that shows an alert
Add a laser to detect any passing object.-2
Use the remote control to turn off or turn on the -3
.Radar control via Wi-Fi -4
Adding a small camera that works to take a picture in -5
.the event of a passing object
We can make the radar send us a message to the -6
personal phone if an object is found in the area specified
.for it
.Add a backup battery in the event of a power outage -7

Technical specification of HC-SR04 ultrasonic

Operating voltage: DC 5V

Operating current: 15 mA

Operating frequency : 40 KH

Max range: 4m

Min range: 2 cm

Ranging accuracy: 3 mm

Measuring angle: 15 degree

Trigger input signal: 10 micro S TTL pulse

Dimension: 45*20*15mm



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