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J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2013, Vol. 35, No.

4 ISSN 0971-0973

Case Report

Death by Strangulation or By Love

*Aman Deep Kaur, **Yogesh Kumar, **Anil Kumar Malik, ***S.K. Dhattarwal

It is said “A mother’s love is patient and forgiving, where as all others are forsaking, it never fails
or falters ever, though the heart is breaking.” But what about the love she should get in return from her
children. Mother cares for her child from the womb regardless of everything. But at times her own child
turns against her and takes her life. The present case showed how the “infatuation, may be love” clouded
the years of motherly love, which is considered next to God’s grace on earth and led to the gruesome
death of the mother in the hands of her only daughter. This case came into light after missing persons
report was filed by her mother’s brother. After police intervention and days of daughter’s interrogation,
she confessed to have strangulated and buried her mother with the help of her lover. Though, the body
was recovered after one month, ante-mortem injuries were still appreciable.

Key Words: Homicide, Ligature Strangulation, Death, Ante-mortem injuries

Introduction: A police complain was lodged regarding

It has been rightly stated by the missing of her mother. Police when
Shakespeare that a dead body will speak interrogated the daughter she confessed that
through its most remarkable organ. In the she along with her lover strangulated her mother
present case, a daughter killed her own mother, and buried the body in mud around one month
the one she had known all her life for the love of ago and also sprinkled some salt thinking that it
someone who was relatively new to her life, just will fasten the decomposition thereby obscuring
because her mother didn’t approve of her the crime.
recent, yet forming relations. On the demarcation by the daughter, the
The body was then buried close by a place was identified and the body was recovered
river after being sprinkled with salt. However, and was sent to local Government hospital for
even after one month when the body was post-mortem examination and then, referred to
recovered along with its ligature material in situ Department of Forensic Medicine at Pt. B. D.
on the neck, the ante-mortem injury on the neck Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical
was well appreciable. Thus, even decomposition Sciences, Rohtak on account of its decomposed
could not obscure the ante-mortem injuries, state where the autopsy was finally conducted.
being the telltale of the gruesome experience of Autopsy Findings:
last moments of death of the most pious relation It was found that the body of the female
on the earth. and the cloths were smudged with mud and
Case History: white coloured granular substance, supporting
The victim was staying along with her the statement of the accused that she sprinkled
only daughter. One day, the mother suddenly salt over the body. (Fig. 1) The body was then
disappeared and when the brother of victim cleaned. The skin was found to be blackened,
enquired about her, daughter didn’t give any hardened, and dried up, leathery and mummified
satisfactory reply. on touch. Epidermis was peeled off from all over
the body. Facial features were distorted making
Corresponding Author: it unidentifiable. The eye sockets contained
*Assistant Professor, putrefied remnant tissue.
Department of Forensic Medicine, The ligature material in the form of black
Pt. B. D. Sharma, Post Graduate Institute of Medical coloured metallic wire and encircling the neck in
Sciences, University of Health Sciences, Rohtak two loops was found in situ. Each end of the
E-mail: wire was having a wooden stick at its extreme
**Resident, ends. The right side wooden stick was of
***Professor irregular shape and of length 24cm whereas left
DOR: 29.04.13 DOA: 10.11.13 side was of length 21cm and approx 4cm
diameter. (Fig. 2, 3) On the left sided stick, the

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2013, Vol. 35, No. 4 ISSN 0971-0973

wire was fastened in the form of a loop where as scarves, stockings, pieces of cloth etc. The mark
on right side; the wire was tied to stick with a on the neck will usually reflect the material used
fixed knot. for the ligature: if a wire or thin cord was used,
The length of ligature material was the mark will usually be clear-cut and deep with
85cm in between the two sticks while the width sharply defined edges. When a narrow wire is
of the ligature material (individual wire) was 0.3- used as the material of strangulation it is called
0.4cm. The 2 loop of wire was crossing in as “cheese-cutter” method. [1]
midline with free ends on either side. On nape of If a soft fabric is pulled taut, it will
the neck of the victim, hairs were entangled. The commonly fold into a series of firm ridges or
ligature material was carefully removed. bands that may produce interlacing deeper
The underlying ligature mark was well areas of bruising on the neck of the victim, which
appreciated in the form of two blackish marks can suggest the use of a narrow ligature.
with imprinted pattern of wire on it, running The ligature mark is a vital piece of
parallel to each other (Fig. 4, 5, 6) with little evidence, especially when the killer has taken
space in between, encircling the neck at the away the actual ligature. The mark on the neck
level of thyroid cartilage. The left arm was may reproduce the pattern of the object, such as
situated 3cm below the left angle of mandible, spiral or plaited weave, and the width of the
extending anteriorly, 5cm below the center of mark can sometimes give a clue as to the size of
chin, further extending on the right side of the the ligature. Occasionally, a ligature mark may
neck, 5cm below the right angle of mandible and lie only across the front of the neck, which
moving posterior, on the nape of neck, 10cm indicates that the assailant either pressed from
below the level of external occipital the front or pulled from the back using a cord
protuberance. stretched between two hands. [4]
It was placed transversely on front of Death is usually due to asphyxia (anoxic
neck and going backwards on both sides and hypoxia), but it may be due to other causes
visible faintly on nape of neck. On dissection, namely cerebral ischemia, venous congestion,
superficial underlying tissues and (Fig. 7) the shock due to reflex cardiac arrest or
laryngo-tracheal structures showed ecchymosis. combination. Very rarely cervical vertebrae may
A reddish contusion of size 6 x 5cm was also be fractured. [5] When a wire or cord is used, it
appreciated on the left malar region. often completely encircles the neck.
The systemic examination showed that If there is more than one loop of the
all the solid organs were putrefied and softened. ligature around the neck, there could be bruising
The organs of generation were also softened. It of the skin if the ligature pinches the skin
was then opined that it was the dead body of an between two loops. The marks resist
adult female individual and the cause of death in decomposition presumably because the ligature
this case was ligature strangulation. The injuries has compressed the underlying blood vessels,
described were ante-mortem in nature and restricting access to the area by the putrefying
caused by hard blunt object/ surface impact. bacteria. So, despite decomposition, ligature
Discussion: marks tend to be well preserved and
Strangulation is a form of violent recognizable. [6]
asphyxia which is caused from constriction of Conclusion:
the neck by a ligature without suspending the Strangulation is a common method of
body. [1] Strangulation is almost always homicidal deaths especially in females who are
homicidal (except in children where they tend to easy to subdue and strangle. It is commonly
be accidental). A person may be strangled by seen nowadays that females are first raped and
another person’s hands (manual strangulation) then strangled to death. Though easily
or by a ligature (ligature strangulation). Also, a accessible ligature materials and or hands are
person may be strangled by virtually any object used but materials like clutch wires of
that is pushed onto and compresses the neck, automobiles or bicycle chains etc. when found in
such as a forearm, a knee, or any type of fixed situ, indicate pre-meditated and pre-planned
object such as a metal bar. [2] murder, rather than a provoked one. In present
In ligature strangulation, the ligature case, the death of a mother in the hands of her
material used is usually handy and available offspring is the most heinous crime on earth
near the place of occurrence, may belong to which can make God thinks twice of his own
murderer but may be part of victim’s garments. creation…Human.
[3] All types of ligature can be used like rope, References:
wire, string, electric and telephone cable, 1. Reddy KSN. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
30th ed. Hyderabad. Om Sai Graphics; 2010. P.315-6

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2013, Vol. 35, No. 4 ISSN 0971-0973

2. Dolinak D, Matshes E, Lew EO. Forensic Pathology: Principles Fig. 4: Ligature Mark in front of Neck
and Practice, China. Elsevier Academic Press; 2005:p.215
3. Mukherjee JB. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 3rd ed.
Academic publishers; 2007. p. 603
4. Shepherd R. Simpsons Forensic Medicine. 12th ed. Oxford
University Press; London 2003: p. 99.
5. Mathiharan K, Patnaik AK. Modi’s Medical Jurisprudence and
Toxicology. 23rd ed. Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa: Nagpur;
2010 .p.451
6. Di Maio VJM, Di Maio D. Forensic pathology. 2nd ed. CRC Press;
Boca Raton 2001:p.278-82.

Fig.1: Body along with the Ligating Material

Fig. 5: Ligature Mark on back of Neck

Fig. 2: Ligating Material with the two ends

Fig. 6: Ligature Mark on the Neck with

Pattern of Wire

Fig. 3: Ligating Material with the stick used

to tighten the ligature

Fig. 7: Underlying Tissue Showed



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