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Dear Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to inform you all that my time with
Deloitte is coming to an end.

It has been an incredible journey of 1.5 years with Deloitte, and I wanted to express my deepest
gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of it. The experiences, knowledge, and
memories I have gained during my time here will be cherished forever.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Abhijit Agarwal. Throughout my time at Deloitte,
Abhijit has been more than just a partner; he has been a true friend and mentor. His guidance,
support, and encouragement have been invaluable to me, and I am truly grateful for his presence in
my professional journey.

Secondly, I would like to thank Madhu Sudan Kankani for providing me with wonderful opportunities
to learn and grow. Madhu has been instrumental in shaping my career at Deloitte, and I am thankful
for the trust and confidence he has placed in me. Working under his leadership has been a privilege,
and I have gained immense knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly benefit me in my future

I am sincerely grateful to the entire team, especially people who have moved on from Deloitte before
me, for their collaboration, teamwork, and camaraderie. The collective effort and positive work
environment, in the engagements I have been a part of, have made my time here truly enjoyable and

As I embark on a new chapter in my professional life, I will always look back on my time at Deloitte
with fond memories and a deep appreciation for the experiences I have had and the relationships I
have built. I would like to stay connected with each of you, and I hope our paths cross again in the

Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to keep in touch or if there is anything I can assist
you with in the future.

Phone number: 8281305966

Email ID:


Once again, thank you all for everything. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with such an
exceptional team. Wishing you all continued success and fulfillment in your careers.


Vinayak Satheesh

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