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Test Conditions & Expected Results


Test Case 1: Verify whether the Graph is succesfull.

Test Result: Graph has completed successfully .

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Test Case 2: Verify if a record comes with the same set of natural keys present in the unloaded dimension file then no new surrogate key will be

Test Result:The record will be present in the ETL_Ins_Upd_File with the insert indicator as ‘U’, There will be no records passing through the new
port, Records will be passed through the out port of join to the Ins_Upd SubGraph.
There are 1 source for G32
Table_cd Source

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Records which are updated.

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Record Taken from Extract Input File

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Record Taken from Dimension Extract File

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ETL lookup file

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Test Case 3: Verify if a new set of key fields which hasn’t come earlier and for which there is no dimension key assigned already, a new dimension
key will be generated.

Test Result : If a new set of fields comes through the input and is not present earlier then a new key will be generated.

There is no record in dimension extract so the new keys will be generated.

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Record Taken from Extract Input File :

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 The Assign keys component reads the extract dimension file that contains the current dimension values and its keys. Here there are no keys present
earlier, so the Assign Keys component generates a new dimension key i.e., surrogate key and passed out of the component into two files – one for
that day’s ETL lookups (combined with the input extract dimension file) and the other is to load the records into the database.

Record in the ETL_INS_UPD_FILE which will be the load ready file for stage load.
Insert-load ready file will be disabled for G32,G33, and P10.

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Test Case 4: Verify that all the newly created dimension keys are present in the file which will be inserted to the dimension tables

Test Result : All the newly created keys should be present in the ETL_UPD_INS file and the flow for the Insert –Load ready file should be

There are no dimension extracts All the new keys will be generated with a new surrogate key and will be inserted into the dimension table.

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Insert –Load ready file is disabled and the new records are passed to the INS_UPD_Subgraph.

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Record count in ETL_Ins_Upd_File.

Test Case 5: Verify whether the following conditions are applicable for g32 table code.

1) One Source enable with P07 is disable

2) Two Source Disable
3) Legacy G34 Disable

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4) Sort and Dedup Enable

5) Ins-Upd subgraph Enable and Insert_Load ready FILE disabled.
6) Join key -{g32_clm_org_unit_id}

Test Result : The following conditions are verified and is applicable for table code.

One Source enable with P07 is disable

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Join key resolved value

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Test Case 6: Verify whether All the previously created keys and newly created keys will be present in the ETL lookup file needed for current ETL
cycle processing.

Test Result : All the dimension keys generated in the earlier runs and also generated in the current run should be present in the ETL lookup file.

ETL lookup file count = New port + Join unsed port counts
10072 = 10072+0

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