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5.·· Those . whlch · are, the subject .. of an· ~greed . knowledge of'the court·,.and he is not authori~ed to
.. statement of facts between· the parties · (ROG,. make·t1is individual knowte~ge of~ fact,-nat generally
RULE. 30, ·'Sec. 6). . · ·, . ' . , .. or professionally·. known, the basis of his action:,
··: ' .... ···. ·. -'. Judicial cognizance is taken only, of those 'matters
· JUDICIAL'N.OTICE .' . . . ·. which ar~ , "<;:ommonly".· J<riown (.Sps. · Lat'ip, v.. _Chua.-
. - Judicial Notice is. the copntzance' of 'certain · facts GB. No. 177809; 0,ctp,ber 1,6, .2009}.' - .. ·-, ·
··w~i~h [udpes.rnay'property take ai)d·a.c(?n without .
proof because tbey _already.·know them .'(People v. Ki_n:d~.of.Judi.;:i~I No.tice: ·
· 'Tundag, G.R.'. Nos .. 135695-96; October '12, 20QO).... . · 1. · Mandatory; anc-: · · · , ·
Theobject ofju,:Hcial nonce is to save time.Iabor and . 2: 'Dtscretlorrary, : .
expense ln securing' and intr6.ducing · evidence, on · · ' . . , ." . .
.rnatters which are hot.'ordi('l~(ily.'capabte:o(dispute. SECTION· .':1. · ·JU'olCIAL 'No'TIC.E,. WHEN:
and are n~t bone fid_e_ di~putedt and the ten·or-·o~wqich. MANDATORY
.can· s~fety: be assumed from. the· tribunal's general. . . , ,·
·. knoi.vledg_e.. qr. ·a.. sl(ght'_ search · on 'jts . past' (.5.. .Matters _whi~h a.~~ -su.~ject. to .Man'd~toty. J~~icial
. H~RERA, Sl..!Pffl at_72-73} .. '· . . . : , ; ·, · Notic;:e::(EP-NA~ON-TG) ·. . . . . · · - .. ·....
. . . . . . . . .. . . 1. ·Tt:i.e.gxisteti'ce and territorial extent of.states: . , ·
"AppUca.bllity·ot Judicial Notjce_ : .._ . 2. · Their Eolitlcal history, forms of g'bv.e(riment;a_na:
Th~ application of [udiclal: notice'Is, not -c::onfilied to . ... symbolsof nationality; · . . . -: : . · ·· . .. . .. . ..
courts of record. Certain boards_an.d·special tribunals ·r:-.~
3. · . The Iaw of Nat(ons; · . ·· . · . : .: :·< ·
which are.not strictlycourts b'uf wt,icb~partake,oq~,ei(1:?i ·· ', ·- · . ' . .: ... ·. . . ·· · ·: · · ., : ..-: ...
. ~atui'e and th~ findin~s ~'f~hich:Partake t~'::natur;~}jf/:1~ . _ 1h~ ~aw of.·Nations 'iS.. the ·.compilatio~ pf rules·, .. '- .' ·
Ju~~tnents may take JU_d1a_ai.not1cl? of.<?ertain_m~t~~~s:':~;/i.·t{. · .. which,· by ~ommo~ co:ns~nt_ of m_ankmd_. have
·(Lim v~. Co/lee.tor ':'' Custo'!1s, C?.R· .
No.. ~-11j.59,',,,.~ft{.__.:..:i",._~een a.9_3.u!es?~-d ,n ·. as lc:JW.. It_ 1s subJect to
: ..March 1.6. _191-7).· · . .. · · . . ·. . . ;.;f"·. P'1:·;,1~.rr:!!~·i'n'.!~gc;Jat?!Y}JUd1~1a[ notic~.· '. . .. · · · · . .
· ·· .. · . A" · ·. 1:-'.tJ. II{"' ~·~u,tl.,...ii · .· . · .. · . , ,
Effe.ct ~f ju_dicial N.otice 'up?n t.p·e/Burd~~ :B~fr~-l .
R_~ason)tf~~-_Philippi~es ad?.pts th~ 'gener~II~- ·.
P~oving a F.act . . ' . . . A ~,-,--·i~ .'ff::>-l& .. accepteja-w1r.c1pl~s of-tnter11at1on~l law as part of
· · R~lie~es tlje_pa_rties.from the nec_e~fi~'f.?f,i}t~.e~ui;:ing ·. t~ ·:
the__ la~offfh_e~lan~ (G_ONS~. JJ..rt_. II; .~e-c.. 4).-.T.hey·
·. ev1d~nce _to· prove :the. fact -n?.t~e~:.(F~krifSCf?,. . .f·A ..
ar<: tJ}erefrre}\technr9'.3,II~Ill ~he _nature: -~f '?"~al
supra at 7.0)- -: . . '· . P'"='"" . ·t{P.'.., .. : . .- ~ . lflJ l~~:;!n~ ijh.en~~~.subJect to mand_ator,yJl!d!CJal .
. ·. . . ·:. · : yr( ~d)~_,· ---~~-· .[~~- . no.,_tJ.c;~.~(t:Jl!l?,~~l.2-f'A.supra.~f 89) ·.
Note:.S.tipulations· and oJ:Ji:i6a!P.arfie~J:lr. (~~ ;: . , · --~!1it'.,:',j;~~, · ·. . · · · ·
. t!ieir·cm:msel _?anoot p_rev~il-over ;tt'j~~g'..erat(qri O~ tp~~- r:i--1 4. 'f:he ~d~iralty·and ·m_aritime·COI.Ji1s· qf.,,tJ:,e .wor\d,
. '.doctrine of JtJdicJa1notice; and's_ug~ stp.u).at16ns f.'!-~nd;the1r seals; · \: . ... . .. ....
. · and admissions are all sut;,ject fo lh~ o'p.eratio'nof the .f!f
;S,.,·i'.,;J;; politic;:al · con~titutiof'l :. and histqty of .the
. d6ctrine of judiclai'.J\o~ce'(Allen V; St1!(.<Ari.z,.t)l3DT..::~i;;.;;,Jft!":goiifpp~t:s; · : ! . . . --:°· . ·_. : , . . . ·.
p: 1114);· :. \,.\ ._·.,. qv 6. Tne,Qfflc1al act~ of the leg~slat11(e; ei:<ecut1ve and·.
. i .· :'1-%/~. judicial de_pattn:ientsof t!l~.Philip_pines; . . . - ·.
~a.terial ~e(iui.sit~s;. (KS.J)_·. .. . . . · ·; · ~· · .. ·.
1. : :rtie. matt~i- inusl~- orie of common and general :M~tters Reiating to the .Legis-!ativ~.. . ..,
· ~nowledge;. . .'.,. . · : · . .- .. ·... · .. · · . Department . · · . · · .. · . ·,
2; ·. It must be wel.1-and ·f::luthoritatively .§ettled ::ind not -·. Courts an:i'~ound to-takeJudicial notice·.of the· ... ,
·. ·., doubfful or u'iicertain; and ·. . . . ..:--.. . .. dates when Congfess'.bel)f11s-and~Closi~s. jt~: ·, . · ·
· 3:. 1.t inuit be ,known -to be -'Within. tl:le - limits ,of ~he. . session; the number, ·functions and-pri'l(ileges.of-
· Juriscjictior'l ·of. the·. Coljrt (State: Prosec.i.Jtors I{. . its members,-'Joint·r~sotution of public character . .
· ... ·. A!furo1 AM.· No. RTJ~92~-?76, 'Sept(Jmber'. if}, . ·passed by the legislatu're must .ali,o_ oe'-jljdicially .._..
, . '1994).' . ,.· . • . . . I . .
~no'<'{n (fRANCi~co; supra at'33).' · '·
. . .. . . ., ·:
Test.of Notoriety . . l'v'lat.t~r.sRe.lat_ing to.the Execut_l'li'.e:DE!par:tm.ent~
The.'pri~cipal gµjde in. 9eiermining·_~hatfa'cts may b!:! .. _- Judicial noti_ce must 6e·t~_f(e~ of the org1inlz;ati.on
· :assum.~d to:,b~ judic;ic;1lly lfoowri is··:tt,at· of.·notoriety. ·.·.-.of th-e Ex~utive Departn1er1t .of. the· Governroent;
. ·f;lence, i_t cari b~ said. that.judip1alnoti9e is lin,ifed to. · its principal officers ele'G,t~d- pr c1pp9inted, ~uch as .
facts ' e.vlpenc~l'd by pLil;>'ii~. records and facts . of· .the:- ' · · · · ·
ge_riera1 9qto.ri.ety_(Stcite .Pro~eciitors v. M_uro, ·A..M. a.. Presid~nt, his powers imidi:Jtle;;·..
N~:- RTJ:92-876, September.19, 1994):. b•. · Vice-Pr.esidentand. cabini:lt 'Office-rs;
c. · Heads.of Bureaus; · . . .
Judge'.,sPerson~i_Knowl~dge · . . . , d.' · One who ,is .. or Was·.a~ .a,:,y time the· Chief·
Judicial notice is 'not'judicial knowledge. The ·mere Executive of the Ph_ilipplnes; ··.
personal knowledge of the juc;Jge is not_._the.'judiclal

2~!S SAN BEDA LAW CEN~RA.1;.1zED BAR c:iPERAiioN~ 673

\ . ,.,,... . ...

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