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parties ~rid 'th~lr successors in interest, 'no Ill.'islative; or .. '

· . evidence · of such - terms other. than the ·iv. Administrative ·( discussions on R:A.·
contents of the .'wriMn agreemen~ (RO.C, · . · · N.o. 4200, Sec..4). . ·: · : . · · ·
R.ULE.130, Sec .. 9);' ; . ·. · . . . . . . - . . ·
c. ·. Hearsay, Eyidence .'Rule- a witness can .. D~ctrine ~(the.'!Frt,1it.of.the P 0)!?'<>hous·Tr.~e'.' ..0

testify only to those 'facts which he knows of : Once theprimary source (the "tree") +ssnown to have
t,is:::personal: knowledge; that is wt,ich are . . been . ".Uhla.wfully. obtained, . any "secondary qr
. '; derived . from· .. his , owri perception .. (ROG; _ .Q~rivative. ev~de'nce...(the"fruit")-c:!erived frbm it is also
. R.i.JLE '130, Sec. 36); · · · . · · inadmlssfble -. : State<;! .. otherwlse,' illegally selzed
·q. Offer of Compromise in. Civil Cases -« In civil . · ... evidence ·i~ obtalnedas a.directresultof the ·mega!' ·
case, ·ari·,,. titter of compromise "is ' 'riot: .. -act, whereas.the "truit .pf :the .polsorrous .free'; ·is the: .
· :admission· .of . any ··liability· and 'Js .. nor · 'lm:jjrect result of the.same ·ille·g'a'I·act. The 1'fruit of the .
. adrnisslble in. evidence against the offerer- poisonous t,ree:· ls at 'least_Ql."ICe removed from .the. .
· (RPO, RULE 130, sec. 27); · . · . : . . . . · : . · . ill~ga'lfy seized evidence, out It is equatlyfnadmlssible · ·
· · . e. Disqualification- .of Witn·ess by · Reason· of . · (Peopl,e v=Semontetiez,· G:R. No. ·1.34530, December
Mentar lncapacltyor Immaturity (RbC, 'RULE,·.- 4, 2000). . · ., ·: · _:' . '
.. 1~0, ,SeC ... 21); ·... . . . . - ·. ~- ~··~>
.~· . .
f.-. Dlsqualltlcation . by· ~eason ·:of Death or . !3asls:. The. rule is based o,n :·t!ie princlple that
Insanity of Adverse Party (ROC, RULE 13,0,'' . -evider.ic'ie illegally obtained .b.y the State should not be .
. · .sec. 2,3); ·.. · ". . . . . . ·. . . · .) .... used-toqainother evidencebecause tl')e,Qriginally,
g._ ·.. Di~qualifica~!~ri· · by Reason .. of. · M~.rr!~_g'e),:~.(·illegally . bbtaineq .' evidence · t~ints clll' }~vidence,
. (RO_G, (!~~~ 1~0, Se.c. 22);. ·. .: _{!.<,,{.(,~.\,subs.equeat1y·obt;:i1ne,d (P.eople v:samontaiiez,~.R, · .
. ~- Dlsquahf1~ati~:m. by · Reason·. of .Pnv1lf~~~.;;~~~'.J No. 1~15._~0, .De'?e"!ber4, 2900). . ... . , .. · .
Cqr:i:im~n1cat1ons_(R09,RULE.130, ~ec,:1ift,H~!t...--- .: ·. ·<,,, .· .' · · · ·. . · . · . · ..
.. . . : . •, . . : ,· - · . ·. , ,-?Y ~./<·'. )1j~§l}1"!:Jf'-P!~~ti.<}.'POISO,:JO!,JS Ue~ IS hkew1se known as.
T_he - fc:Sllowiog are. the:· provlsL~i;i3~:-of th~~; H .the ''.b'ut~fer)itest:or :'t,rnt .do~~rine" .. The· test is
Co.r:istitutl~n and.li3w t.hat.excl~~e,,-evidence:l_t ::, . whether or .!;)9,Q,the. l')Vioei:ice .could. not· have been .
a. ·.~i~ht ?9.ainst ~.nrE:.~,so_na~lf·~r~rch ~gi!f-""."ll~ ·. o.btai_n~.d. bit ito'r.,~tie. !l!e~a.1, ·actiori (j~ .. the.. police (5.
. . s~iz1,1re:(C.ON~T. :4f'!. ~II, .s,..~~~·.>.~· . . 1.s:f HE.RRERj stPr\.at.38).. .. . : .
b; Right .to. pnvacy · ·a~..s;t," mviol.~ltty· R! · \~A · . ···v rl . · ·~ . ·: ·. . ·. . ·
...., · communication (CONS:T..Jvt. Jll~$ec.3); -·~ p~1 ·Exceptl~n: W11e-n t~1e secondary evidence fo which
c: · Riglit of a person- u.n'c~)11Hhves'fLg;3}~?r:i·t'o-1;:~f · a~ ob1ftt(0n:1s'f~Jfo"~~~c1': ~ou1~·have bee.ri.l~~v.i!abl_y ·
offel")se (OQNS·T.. ,ll.rt._ 11( S.ect:-1.~r~\ . (,:>:.,;~;.{. · ~:f d1scov.ereo~~~~aw. :enf()rc~mf3nt authonti~s· ·i?Y .
· · · d. Ri!;lht agai~st ~elf~jncrirn1~p~(CQ!'(ST_1,it. t,. f sburc~s or p~o~~.dures' .indepeocl_~_nt. of .. tH.e illegal
t/1; Sec; 17) (5. HERRERA, ~[jp,:aat'?'!]), . · ,:C:.s.ea,~chor seizure .(People v. Ahcando,. G.R. No ...
i,i .. Any· .confess.ion, adrnissi9_11 (t1r.)jiate~en~:);.·:!ilt%18!.1>,Pe~emoer12. 1,995J.: . ' . ·.-
?-btainrd .· a~·. ~ ·r~sult_~f to.?we.. sh~l!;:t5e-:--~"~~':1;~ . ., . . . . ' ·. :'
.. \nadm1s~1ble m evidence II'.\ any.,P,~oceeid!ngs, · A~.m!s.s1b1hty·9f Electron1c D~C~!llen~~: (CA). ·:
.expept · if .f_h'e is -used' '~{;~~1,dence _ An e.lectronic docum.ent·is pdinissi!;}le i.n eVi9en.(;¢ if:
agajnst a· person. or .persons ·acc:u.sed of . 1. It ~omp,li~s. witp the rules on .admissi~ilifY.
committing tortµre.(R.A.•·No, 9.7lf.5,.Sec. '8); ·. prescr:ibed 'by ,the Rules 'ot. Court qhd related
r. . Any: listened· to, in.terce'pted, a~<:l recorded · : laws;· and. : ·. . . , · . . . · . - . : . · ... · .
· .. comm unica:tions, messages, .. conversations, ·· 2·. .' · ft is Alitli~ntlc.atEki in· the mariner· prescribed bi/·
.. discussions,' or spoken or written woi.ds, or the Rules .on ... Electronic Evider,ice· '(Rules or,
. :any .part or· ·parts the.r~of, o.r any, information Efeqlronic.Evid~nce,·Ru(e· 3, $ec. 2).:. . . ·
or· 'fact .complained·. therein, including their ·. · ·. · · ·.,. · : :
. existence. . .cor.i.tenf, . sut:istance. · :purpqrt;. . .Admissibility tit .evft1ence obt;:iiiie:d ·ii:'! vidlati~ri :of'.
effect'; 6r me.ilning which·.havebeen·secured · Law on s·ecr~cy.. of Bank.D.eJ)Q~jtif (~:A::140$/as ·
i.n viola~i9n.. of th!9 proy;sioJi.s of th.a· amended by P•.D. 1792).. . . . .
Security Acfshall absolutely be inadrnis;:,i!ile
. in: any· judicial, quasi-jtJdicial, legislative, or . G~neral.: .Rule: .Al(d~posi.ts.. of..Whatever ~ature with·
admin,istrative . ,, . 'iovestigatiol),' . . irjquiry,. ban~s or ·.banking ·institutions. :in. the .Philippines:·
pro~eeding,.:or hearihg (R:A: No .. 937-2;' Sec. . iocluding .. investiner\ts ·.in· bonds· .. iss·yed . by .. the
. 15)• . · ::, · · . . ._ ·. Goyemment · ~f. the.· Philippi~es, ·its •. political
g. Evidence obf~lned ·in violation ·of the Anti- subdivisions-,.and its· instrumetita'litie·s;· are ·hereb:y
. Wiretappfng·Law:_(R.A.No: 4200) shall not be;- cohsidered :as or an. ;:ib&olutely c~nfidential .·nat.ure
: a~missible in evidence in. the following and may not·b~·examineq, inquired o,r looked. ·into by
. proce~dings, . · · ·· any. person, gov~rnment ~ . . official:
. . bureau
.. . . or office ..
i. Judicial;
ii. ouasHudicial;


·, ..

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