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Hortman Aviation Services, Inc.

Northeast Philadelphia Airport


Name: Date:

Aircraft: _____PA44-180 _____PA34-200T

What grades/colors of fuel can be used in the aircraft

The fuel tanks have total capacity of _________gallons __________gallons per tank.

The fuel tanks have a total usable capacity of _________gallons __________gallons per tank usable.

Why is there unusable fuel?

How many fuel drains are on the aircraft and where are they located?

What is a scupper drain? Where are they located?

What is the Max Fuel burn per hour per engine?

At what rate does the heater consume fuel? __________GPH, and from which tank?

What is the only flight condition where cross-feed use is permissible?

Where is the static port located?

Where is the alternate static source located?

If use of the alternate static source is required, state the required position of the following:
a. Heat and Defrost
b. Storm Window
c. Fresh Air Vents

The engines have an oil capacity of_________ quarts per engine, and _________ quarts are considered the minimum for
normal flight per the aircraft POH.

What is Hortman’s minimum oil policy?

What would be the minimum oil level you would fly with and why?

Maximum allowable oil pressure is _________ psi.

PA-44 maximum weights:

Max. Ramp ______lbs. Max. T.O _______ lbs. Max. Baggage __________ lbs.
Weight of fuel __________lbs. Max Forward CG at MTOW________ Max Aft CG at MTOW________

The aircraft is certified in the normal category. The positive G limit is stated as being ______ with the flaps retracted, and
_______ with the flaps extended.

The acceptable range of gyro suction is inches __________ Hg.

How is vacuum failure identified?

State output:
Alternator ________ volts _______amps.
Battery ___________volts _______amps.
The output of the alternators is maintained at _________ volts by the
Where is the battery located?
Hortman Aviation Services, Inc.
Northeast Philadelphia Airport
Where is the external power located?
What is the procedure for starting using the external power?
What would alert you to an alternator failure in the aircraft?

Normal strut extension:

a. Nose gear is _________ inches. +/- .25” What is the tire pressure?
b. Main gear is _________ inches +/- .25” What is the tire pressure?

Where is the squat switch located and what is its functions?

For a normal takeoff in the aircraft you rotate at _____ knots, and then accelerate to Vyse______ at 1,000 feet AGL you will
accelerate to ______ knots for a cruise climb.

When is the landing gear retracted on take off per Hortman regulations and why?

How long should gear extension / retraction normally take?

Precisely what three conditions will cause the gear warning horn to activate?

How is the gear held in the retracted position?

Where is the electric hydraulic pump located?
What happens in the hydraulic system when emergency gear extension is activated?

Describe the prop system:

________________acts to move the prop to the low pitch / high RPM condition, while ________________ and ___________
acts to move the prop to a high pitch / low RPM setting.

Feathering should take place in approximately __________ seconds, and it becomes impossible to feather if engine RPM falls
below _______________RPM.
Why is it impossible to feather the engine if RPM falls below this RPM?

State the sequence to advance and retard power on engines equipped with constant speed props and why?

What combinations of manifold pressure and RPM are to be avoided?

Hortman Aviation Services, Inc.
Northeast Philadelphia Airport
Write the emergency procedures for the following conditions:
a. Propeller Over-speed:

b. Engine Fire in flight:

c. Engine Failures
i. Before lift off

ii. After lift off / no runway remaining

iii. At Altitude

What is the cool down procedure for the janitrol heater when turning off in flight?

On the ground?

And why?

What is Critical Engine?

Which engine is Critical Engine and why?

You are performing coordinated slow fight in a ME airplane with a considerable amount of power being carried to maintain
altitude. With out warning the airplane commences a violent, uncommanded right roll. What has happened? What will be your
immediate initial action?

What does a turbo do?

List the spin recovery procedures.

List the following airspeeds:

Vso_____ Vmc_____ Vs1_____ Vr_____ Vx_____ Vxse_____ Vy_____ Vyse_____ Vsse_____

Vlo (up) _____ Vlo(down) _____ Vle_____ Vno_____ Vne_____ Va(Heavy_____ Va(Light_____

Max Gear emergency extension speed___________

The maximum demonstrated crosswind component for the aircraft is _________knots.



Hortman Aviation Services, Inc.
Northeast Philadelphia Airport

Compute a weight and balance using:

CFI weight _________lbs. Pilot's weight _________lbs Passenger (180) lbs.

Full fuel ________ gallons = _________lbs. Baggage __________lbs.

Today’s temperature _________oC. Wind _________KTS. Today’s altimeter setting ________”. Pressure altitude_________’

What is the total weight _____________lbs. Total moment ___________________lbs.

Where is the center of gravity? ____________. Does it fall in the Cg envelope? _____________.

With the above conditions, compute a takeoff and landing distance over a 50' obstacle

Takeoff distance over a 50' obstacle ____________________

Landing Distance over a 50' obstacle _____________________

Hortman Instructor Signoff: _____________________________________ Date:

Checkout card endorsement filled out upon completion of flight portion: Date:
(Instructor initials)
When completed, this checkout form is to be placed into the Chief Flight Instructors box, (located outside the Chief Instructors
office door) where it will be retained.

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