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Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
I am honored to have you as a part of my Tribe and by working to better your
health is a noble and brave thing. Healing the World. You are one of my peeps.
We cannot improve nature, and when we try, we suffer. By eating what we
were designed to eat, we can find our way back to our natural heathy state.
Through real healing that comes from within, we can release emotional
imprints, fears and traumas which has contributed to our physical ailments and

Everything we eat, think, feel and even look at, we become. We are like
sponges of what we perceive, and often a hostage of our past. Like an invisible
prison we are living in confinement. We have adopted to our reality, believed
the lies we have been told, and are living the effect of the stress and emotional
imprints this coded into our cell memory.

The lungs are easily overlooked by many, until they scream for attention. Only
when you are unable to catch your breath you might notice the importance
of lung health. The lungs are connected to grief and will hold on to any old hurt
that has not been released. They represent a large part of your emotional
spectrum. This means that healing the lungs will take us another step on the
way back to our own amazing self and health.

Make sure you are present in the secret Facebook group during this whole
program, to join your fellow cleansers and community! Together we are
stronger and being around like-minded people is invaluable. I will be present
every day for questions, support, guidance, and Inspiration.

To access, simply become a member here:

The week prior to this challenge, I recommend you set aside time and also
transition to a fruitier diet. You might want to schedule some extra ME time as
Inspiredbyhilde© 2
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
well if you can. Detoxification WILL happen, and depending on your health
and current diet, I see you letting go of some old crap. Layer by layer.

Being prepared is everything, so that you can relax and allow the benefits and
gifts of the week ahead. Although we will keep it really simple, stuff will come
up, and challenges might arise. Also look at all the Processes/Challenges that
are available to you. All created for YOU to be able to explore health.

I honor you for being here, stepping up to the plate so to speak. By letting go
of what is no longer serving us, we are allowing the new to come in. We are
allowing the body to be free of obstructions, so that it can heal and
regenerate. Through detoxification Optimal Health arises on all levels.

NOTE: This process/Program is not meant to replace any protocol given to you by a practitioner
and Hilde is NOT a Doctor. No information given is meant to diagnose or treat any medical


v The Lungs
v The symptoms
v The emotional connection
v My reasons
v Food as medicine
v Essential oils
v Herbs
Inspiredbyhilde© 3
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
v How to prepare and order
v The healing crises
v How we roll
v The day-by-day plan
v Reflections

For the last 13 years, I have been studying health. Studying what makes us sick.
What makes us feel like crap. So much so, that we desperately turn to
chemicals and devastating procedures to try and feel better.

In my work with clients, my own body

and health, and through my studies, I
have found that the emotional
connection to any imbalance or ailment
is huge, and we cannot separate the
physical from the emotional and spiritual

When it comes to the lungs, this allows us

to look deeper into not only the
emotional spectrum but our worthiness
to take the breath of life.

But first, let us look at the functions of the

lungs in the physical human body.
Remembering that our lungs connect us
to the spirit world through our breath.
That they represent our willingness to
breathe in LIFE and allow natural flow.

The function
The most important and obvious function of the lungs is to take oxygen from
the environment and transfer it to the bloodstream.

Now, taking more than 6 million breaths per year, the lungs affect every aspect
of our bodies and health. According to the American Lung Association, adults
Inspiredbyhilde© 4
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
typically take 15 to 20 breaths a minute, which comes to around 20,000 breaths
a day. Something most of us do unconsciously, not even thinking about the

Babies tend to breath faster than adults. A newborn's normal breathing rate is
about 40 times each minute while the average resting respiratory rate for adults
is 12 to 16 breaths per minute.

Lungs are sacks of tissue located just below the rib cage and above the
diaphragm. They are an important part of the respiratory system and waste
management for the body. One of our eliminating organs, and THIS is why it is
so important to include a lung cleanse in your health-regime.

The structure
The lungs not only enable us to breathe and talk, but they also support the
cardiovascular system and help maintain pH in the body, among others.
Clearing acidity.

The lungs are located in the chest, behind the rib cage on either side of the
heart. They are roughly conical in shape with a rounded point at their apex
and a flatter base where they meet the diaphragm.

Although they are a pair, the lungs are not equal in size and shape.

Inspiredbyhilde© 5
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
You see, the left lung has an indentation bordering where the heart resides. We
call this the cardiac notch. The right lung is shorter to allow space for the liver
below. So, the left lung is slightly smaller than the right.

The lungs are surrounded by two membranes, known as the pulmonary

pleurae. The inner layer directly lines the outer surface of the lungs, and the
outer layer is attached to the inner wall of the rib cage.

The space between the two membranes is filled with pleural fluid.

Help is required from structures outside of the lungs in order to breathe properly.
To breathe, we use the muscle of the diaphragm, the intercostal muscles
(between the ribs), the muscles of the abdomen, and sometimes even muscles
in the neck.

Most of the work involved in breathing is powered by the diaphragm. A muscle

that sits below the lungs.

As it contracts, it moves down, allowing more space in the chest cavity and
increasing the lungs' capacity to expand. Now, as the volume increases, the
will go down, so that air is sucked in through the mouth or nose all the way
down into the lungs. As the diaphragm then relaxes and returns to its resting
position, the lung volume decrease, and the lungs expel the air.

As the lungs expand, air is sucked in for oxygen. As they compress, the
exchanged carbon dioxide waste is pushed back out during exhalation.

Like beautiful branches on a tree, the pipe-like bronchi split into smaller bronchi
and then even smaller bronchioles. This ever-decreasing pipework eventually
terminates in the alveoli, the little air sac endings.

Inspiredbyhilde© 6
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
The alveoli are the end point of the oxygen's journey from the outside world to
the depths of the lungs. They are minute sacs that are microscopic in size, each
wrapped in a fine mesh of capillaries.

Now, after the lungs, the

body takes oxygen out of the
bloodstream to its other
tissues as it travels around the
circulatory system.

The blood that has given up

its oxygen in exchange for
carbon dioxide from the
tissues then passes through
the heart and travels to the
lungs to reach the capillaries
surrounding the alveoli.

The alveoli now contain a

new supply of oxygen that
the person has breathed in.
This oxygen passes across a
membrane, into the
bloodstream. The carbon
dioxide that has collected in the bloodstream during its travels around the body
enters the alveoli. From there, it is breathed back out into the atmosphere
during exhalation.

Meaning, as the oxygen goes in, carbon dioxide comes out. This is gas

Lung facts:

A person's lungs are not the same size. The right lung is a little wider than the
left lung, but it is also shorter. According to York University, the right lung is
shorter because it has to make room for the liver, which is right beneath it.
The left lung is narrower because it must make room for the heart.

The lungs play a part in many functions, including regulating the acidity of
the body.

Smoking tobacco is the biggest cause of lung-related complaints.

Preventive and lifestyle measures can help keep the lungs healthy.

Inspiredbyhilde© 7
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Other functions of the lungs:

Respiration is the best-known role of the lungs, but they carry out other
important functions as well.

Protects from infection: Certain membranes within the lungs secrete

immunoglobulin A. This is believed to protect the lungs from some type of

Mucociliary clearance: The mucus that lines the respiratory passages traps
dust particles and bacteria. Tiny hair-like projections, known as cilia, move
these particles upward to a position where they can be coughed out or
swallowed. Then to they will be destroyed by the digestive system.

pH balance: We know that too much carbon dioxide can cause the body
to become acidic. Now, if the lungs detect a rise in acidity, they increase
the rate of ventilation to expel more of this unwanted gas.

Filtering: The lungs remove small air bubbles, known as air embolisms, if they
occur. They also filter small blood clots.

Protects: The lungs can act as a shock absorber for the heart in certain types
of collision/traumas.

Blood reservoir: The lungs can vary how much blood they contain at any
moment. This function can be useful during exercise. The amount of blood
the lungs can contain can vary from 500 to 1000 ml. The lungs interact with
the heart and can help the heart function more efficiently.

Speech: Without airflow, the would be no voice.

Feeling symptoms of weak or sick lungs is not a fun thing at all. It affects every
cell in the body. As we live our acidic lives, surrounded with toxins and stress,
we walk down this path of feeling terrible in the wake.

Being aware that your lifestyle and your thought form can change, together
with how you feel is empowering, and this program will give you the tools you
need to find balance and a healthier outlook.

Inspiredbyhilde© 8
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Medical conditions
We know that any imbalance comes from an acidic body, from waste and
traumas, emotional imprints and diet alone. Now, the lungs can have a wide
range of problems that can stem from weaknesses, our habits, and also viruses
and bacteria. The most common lung related conditions are reactive airways
or asthma, as well as smoking-related emphysema. The asthma is not really a
lung issue, but rather one of the adrenals, but it affects the capacity of the lungs.

The most common lung related issues are listed below, but first, there are three
main medical categories of lung problems. (I am not using the word disease):

1. Lung tissue issues: This condition affect the structure of the lung tissue.
Scarring or inflammation of the tissue makes the lungs unable to expand
fully. This makes it hard for the lungs to take in oxygen and release carbon
dioxide. We are looking at pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis.
2. Airway issues: This affect the tubes (airways) that carry oxygen and other
gases into and out of the lungs. They usually cause a narrowing or
blockage of the airways. Including COPD and bronchiectasis. to breathe
3. Lung circulation issues: This affect the blood vessels in the lungs. They are
caused by clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels. They
affect the ability of the lungs to take up oxygen and release carbon
dioxide. This also affects the heart. We call it pulmonary hypertension.

Inspiredbyhilde© 9
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
The most typical conditions of lung issues
and symptoms:
Asthma, is a lung condition where the air passageways in the lungs become
inflamed and narrowed, making it hard to breath. In the United States, more
than 25 million people, including 7 million children, have asthma, according to
the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. According to Dr. Morse, and his
work, Asthma is an adrenal condition, where the nerve impulses doesn’t reach
the lungs with full capacity. Inflammation is always an acidic condition.

Lung cancer is cancer that originates in the lungs. It is the No. 1 cause of deaths
from cancer in the United States for both men and women, according to the
Mayo Clinic. The work cancer means stagnation of lymph and mutated weak
cell built up.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is long-term lung condition that

prevents a person from breathing properly due to excess mucus or the
degeneration of the lungs. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are considered
COPD diseases.

Emphysema is a serious
respiratory condition, which is
another form of COPD. The
most common cause is
smoking. Those who suffer from
emphysema have trouble
exhaling air from their lungs.
Cigarette smoke damages the
air sacs in the lungs to a point
where they can no longer
repair themselves.

Chronic bronchitis is a form of

COPD emphasized by a
chronic cough. Usually people
cough up sputum (mucus from the lungs), especially in the morning. People
can also develop acute bronchitis, which is not a long-term condition, but
rather an infectious problem.

Lung infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, are usually caused by viruses,

but can also be caused by fungal organisms or bacteria. Some severe or
chronic lung infections can cause fluid in the lungs and other symptoms such
as swollen lymph nodes, coughing up blood and a persistent fever.

Inspiredbyhilde© 10
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Pneumonia is a common lung issue caused by an infection in the air sacs in the
lungs. The infections can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Most people can recover
in one to three weeks, but for certain people, pneumonia can be extremely
serious and even life-threatening.

Pleural effusion is a collection of fluid between the lung and the chest wall in
what’s called the pleural space. The fluid can collect for a variety of reasons,
including pneumonia, cancer or congestive heart failure.

Cystic fibrosis is all about mucus that clogs up tubes and passageways. This
mucus causes repeat, and dangerous, lung infections, as well as obstructions
in the pancreas that prevent important enzymes from breaking down nutrients
for the body.

*Reminder: This information is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical

condition, and the author of this program is not a Doctor. This is for informational
purposes only, and you should always talk to your health care practitioner
before changing anything in your diet or lifestyle that might affect your health.


Inspiredbyhilde© 11
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Whenever we talk about healing, the emotions are always involved. I would
say to the point of being the root cause of most imbalances we experience in
our physical body.

After years of studying health and how to allow the body to naturally heal,
there is one topic that keeps coming back to me as significant, and that is the
body-emotion connection. The key role they play in our physical wellbeing,
and how much gunk we carry from early childhood. From our upbringing, our
traumas, conditioning and belief system. How everything we ever lived is stored
in our cells, and how our emotional terrain affects our vital organs.

From my own experience, living through the diagnoses of Lyme, Rheumatoid

Arthritis, Ulcers, Insomnia, Anxiety, and Chronic Fatigue, I know how important
diet is, how important a complete, lifestyle change is, including fresh air,
grounding, rest and a loving community. But there is a BUT. Our emotional
health cannot be separated from our physical and mental health. And our
organs are telling a story of unresolved and unreleased feeling. A holding on
that leads to ill health and obstruction.

We are not machines, in need of chemicals and separation. We are spiritual

beings, living in a physical body that is a direct reflection of our inner terrain. All
of it. The good the bad and the ugly.

Inspiredbyhilde© 12
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
The electromagnetic field emitted by our hearts can cause specific changes in
the brains of the people around us. We now know from research that we can
enter deep meditation states through practice and then these states can
cause definitive changes in all our major regulatory mechanisms. Even the
length of our telomeres, (a key biomarker for cell lifespan), inflammation and
cell repair. We can talk to our organs, and we can identify which feeling is
being stored in which organ. All in the name of healing.

This is not a new concept:

In traditional Chinese medicine, emotions and physical health are intimately

connected. Nervous tension and anger, sadness, worry, fear, and stress are
each associated with a particular organ in the body. As an example; anger will
affect the liver and result in rashes, digestive issues, dizziness, and dry mouth, to
mention a few.

Our organs do not only store

unresolved emotions but will also
reflect to us these very emotions.
Regarding the liver example, it will
be affected by your anger, but
you will also feel angrier with an
unhealthy liver. So those who are
struggling with anger issues, might
want to pay attention to their liver

Let us look more specifically at our

lungs and how they relate to our
emotions. How everything we
think, feel and eat creates our
health. Once an intense, uncomfortable emotion is moved through, the “root
cause” is removed, but there can still be physical effects in its wake that require
repair. This is why food as medicine is so important, and why what to eat has
been included in the below information for complete healing.


Our lungs represent grief and sadness. Emotions often not processed well.
Sadness is often looked upon as something we need to get over. Being sad is
not acceptable and we therefore suppress it, and the same goes for grief.

The lungs form energy from the air and help to distribute it throughout the body.
They work with the kidney to regulate water metabolism. The lungs are very
Inspiredbyhilde© 13
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
important in the immune system and resistance to viruses and bacteria. They
also regulate the sweat glands and body hair and provides moisture to the skin.

Emotions stored in the lungs can result in:

Emotions stored in the lungs can result in:

• Bronchitis
• Cough
• Dry mouth and throat
• Weight loss
• Pain in shoulder and back
• Hoarseness
• Asthma
• Pneumonia
• Tightness in chest

Symptoms of Lung Imbalance will include shortness of breath and shallow

breathing. Also, night sweats and fatigue, frequent cold and flu, allergies
and dry skin.


For most people, the experience in the now, is deeply rooted in the childhood
subconscious memory. By that I mean, whatever you were shown to believe,
you carry. It has been the foundation of you building your reality.

Everything we were shown, we

believed, like a sponge, eager to
learn and absorb. Sadly, so much of
what many have lived through are
based on lies. On false and harmful
lies. Filled with emotional abuse,
although most of the time hidden, still
there. So, if you are not living a life
with healthy glands and organs, I
have a feeling you might not have
lived the love and peace filled life
you deserved.

No blaming, as we all do the best we

can with what we have, but it is time
to release and let go of that which is
no longer serving you. And the past is
Inspiredbyhilde© 14
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
the past Now is all we have. No matter what you lived growing up, it was never
your fault. You were always deserving of feeling loved, peaceful, validated,
seen and included. Always.

The lungs will be e by not feeling worthy of taking the breath of life or having to
hold your breath. Of never feeling safe enough to breathe.

Why I am diligently doing this LUNG HEALING program,
and these are my goals:

Whenever you feel any kind of challenge towards staying on your path,
remember to give grace. You are not a victim but an empowered being.
-Hilde Larsen

Inspiredbyhilde© 15
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Although food might not always be the root cause of an imbalance, it is always
involved. It is always the basis of the signals we receive energetically from
ingesting anything. It will either benefit us or not, and when it comes to your
thyroid, a gland, a part of your whole operating system, oh yes. Diet is HUGE.

We are talking about an acidic body, unable to rid itself of waste through a
good functioning elimination system. We are talking about the system that
clears waste, releasing mucus,
parasites and fungus, and being
the foundation of our physical
operation system.

First, I always go by the “do no

harm” principle. Meaning,
taking out that which is not
optimal is always number one.
Below is important information
about raw food and what we
are designed to eat and why.

We now know that we have a

species-specific diet, like every
other creature on this planet.
We are primates. What we are
witnessing is what happens
when we really, I mean really
move away from that, and feed
our bodies dead altered
chemistry. All animals that are
taken off their diet gets sick.
Animals in the care of humans
often get dis-eased. Wild
animals do not, and how could

Nature is perfect, and no species will get sick, fat, and unhealthy from eating
the foods intended for them. We, the humans, tend to believe we can outsmart
nature. That we are more intelligent, and that our will can override the simple
laws of the Universe. It is not so, and we are being told this and shown this, every
single day, symptom by symptom. What we are eating is killing us, and it is
about time we knew it, and really owned it.
Inspiredbyhilde© 16
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Raw food is pure and natural food, and the simple sugars will feed our cells, not
our parasites.

The body will not create mucus in the need to get rid of the food, or because
we have irritated the mucosa. The parasites will have no more playgrounds to
play on. To see and experience the terror that the body is experiencing from
being exposed to dairy, gluten, meats and processed food, is soul wrenching.
The simple, yet so hard to grasp fact, that the body is in fact made in the same
manner as any other mammal or primate, to be fueled on raw living food is a
deal breaker for many. The social conditioning is so strong, that breaking free
from the eating complex is harder than the will of healing. The parasites and
the underlying emotional hurts are too strong to conquer.

Truth is truth, and there is nothing that an empowered mind and being cannot
do. One step at the time, as I did - anyone can.

When we do not eat up to our potential, we will know it. I know it, and you know
it. Food is supposed to be fuel, and not a burden. Most of what we eat today
in the Western world is actually a burden to the human body. Every time we
eat something that is outside of our natural diet, it becomes a burden. I
remember heavy dinners as well as you do. You know, when you just wanted
to lie down afterwards, completely drained of energy. Food is supposed to be
fuel, not drain your energy. This only shows that the body has a hard time with
Inspiredbyhilde© 17
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
what it has been fed. There is no way we can eat what is not good for us and
not know it on one level or another. The problem is that we are surrounded with
so much toxic waste that our pineal gland is clouded. Because of this, it is hard
for us to see truth. When we detoxify our bodies, this change. We regain our
awareness and our natural instincts.

Eating raw is important for our vitality and rejuvenation, and to live at the level
of health that we were designed to do.

Most importantly though, as we have fallen into the trap of social conditioning
and programming, we need to go back to raw to be able to detoxify our
bodies. Detoxification simply means cleansing, something that the body does
naturally when given a chance. Every day it works to clean and restore, but
because of what we are feeding this amazing organism, it is working to survive,
not to thrive. So, in that sense, you might say that without raw living foods there
will be no real health, because only when introducing the vibrancy and the
healing effect of our natural food, will the body be able to clean and restore.

We need to let go of the burdens, to give our body the break that it needs.
When we want something to change, we need to change something, and
when in any way off balance, look to nature, always.

The body does not only need a break from the cooked damaged foods and
the animal putrefying decaying matters, it also needs to be able to clean out
what has been stored from years of consuming these poisons. The whole
digestive tract is impacted with mucus plaque, but that does not appear
overnight. It builds up over time. I will be bold and say that most of our everyday
diet consists mainly of so-called mucus forming food.

I am talking about dairy

products, soy and eggs, bread,
pasta, processed meat like
burgers, and any processed
food, drink and product that
contains additives and

These foods lack fiber and

cannot move by themselves.
They stay in your digestive tract
and simply putrefy and lead to
constipation. The colon becomes sluggish from the lack of exercise, from
mucus forming foods, and from the lack of fiber in the diet.

Inspiredbyhilde© 18
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are all very high in fiber. Made to move, as
movement is lifesaving. Not only do the intestines carry out a major part of our
waste, the small intestine is also where we absorb most of our nutrients. This
hardened mucus is now hindering absorption, and we are in real trouble. A
congested bowel may not absorb nutrients effectively or be able to eliminate
metabolic waste and toxins from within the organism. Now, even though you
might be getting your nutrients from your food, you are not absorbing them.
We have mal-nourishment at our hands, or mal-absorption rather.

We have wandered off from our natural diet since leaving our natural
environment, the tropics. By migrating to the Northern climates, we have been
forced to eat what nature could provide. It is hard to live in a cold climate and
eat raw living foods all year round. It is a challenge for anyone who has tried. It
is still very doable, and when really sick, you have to do what you have to do.
When there is a crisis, we need to step up and take charge, no matter what. It
does no matter where you live, you need to ingest what is going to promote
healing within the body.

By switching to a raw food diet, we simply stop what is hurting us, and let the
body start its own cleansing project. Mucus plaque provides the ideal
conditions for harmful yeast, parasites and bacteria to grow, and this results in
an imbalanced gut flora, and deeper troubles. By cleaning out the entire
intestinal tract, we are opening for healing on all levels, as this is the trunk of the
tree. The intestinal tract is the trunk and where we absorb life-force and
nutritional energy. We can clearly see that eating the wrong food is detrimental
to our health. It is obstructing everything from elimination to absorption.

Raw food is simply natural foods, straight from nature. There is no labeling or
ingredients list necessary. There is no complicated list of additives of fillers. The
body will be able to digest it with ease, and not be harmed or intoxicated.

It is the real fast-food, pure and simple. The foods we eat are secondary to all
the other things that feed us; our relationships, career, spirituality, and exercise
routine. At the same time, they are the key to everything, as you will no longer
harm what you now love. Raw living foods will raise the vibration and the
awareness, and also magnify the feeling of love and compassion.

On a raw food diet, you will always get what you need, and nothing that you
don`t. You might still believe that you need milk from an animal, mostly from
a cow, to get the calcium that you need. Think about it, do we really need
to drink breast milk made for a calf, to get the calcium that the mother cow
made from grass? Do we need to keep drinking it, to stay healthy? No other
species will drink any form of milk past the infant stage.

Inspiredbyhilde© 19
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
You can eat for health, for sickness, for spirituality, for the environment and for
the animals. It is always your choice. It all is!

Have you ever seen a cow drink milk? Of course not! They get their calcium
from the greens, like we were also intended to. We are made to eat fruits and
greens. We thrive on what we were designed to eat, and we will never lack
any nutrients. It is obvious to me that animals eat to live, while humans most
often live to eat. Eating can be a spiritual experience, and what we eat can
kill us.

Foods that may support the lungs:

• Grapefruit
• Kiwi
• Apples
• Organic Apples
• Lotus root
• Grapefruit
• Kiwi
• Berries
• Broccoli
• Ginger
• Pomegranate
• Oranges
• Turmeric

Inspiredbyhilde© 20
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
“A British study found that even after controlling for other factors, people who
reported eating two to five apples a week had a 32% lower risk of asthma than
people who ate less.

I love to include essential oils in every protocol that I create. They are such
amazing healers and balancers and are so soothing to the entire system.
Gentle and nurturing yet very powerful.

When choosing your essential oils, be sure to research the source—and use
certified organic, sustainably harvested, therapeutic-grade essential oils if you
can. I am leaving you the links to where you can get them below. Essential oils
are 50 to 75 percent more powerful than the herb or plant itself, so a little goes
a long way.

Helpful oils to aid lung conditions:

ü Cedarwood
ü Cypress
ü Eucalyptus
ü Peppermint
ü Pine
ü Rosemary
ü Tea tree
ü Oregano
ü Thyme
ü Geranium
ü Cinnamon

A person may find that different oils relax them or otherwise help them to
feel more comfortable while dealing with symptoms, even if no research
exists to support the use of these oils.

The following essential oils may be helpful:

• Lemon or other citrus fruits

• Lavender
• Lemongrass
• Chamomile
• Basil

ü lmongrass Inspiredbyhilde© 21
ü sandalwood
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
ü frankincense
ü myrrh
ü black spruce
You can get the essential oils that I recommend here:
Preferred as they have most variety of oils:
Young Living (Use my number 1450531)


Use my ID if you sign up: 1871686

You can download my free e book on oils here:

*If you choose other brands make sure they are organic therapeutic grade
oils of the highest quality.

I am very fond of the herbs, and believe they are natures medicine and healers.
Together with fully taking responsibility for the case, they can help strengthen
tissue, balance and cleanse.

The following herbs can support your lungs and keep them strong.


o This might be the top lung herb out there. Very commonly used in any
herbal lung formula but can also be used alone.

Mullein is native to Europe. It likes to grow in disturbed soil and is biennial.

It draws water into dried out tissues causing a release of stagnant
secretions and in doing so opens the lungs. Leading to reduction in
cough and tightness. It lubricates the mucosa and relaxes the larynx.
The herb sooths the cilia of the lungs and upper respiratory tract with its
soft, furry, lobe shaped leaves


o It’s name “thyme” comes from the Greek word “thymos” or “thuo” and
means courage or bravery.

Inspiredbyhilde© 22
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Thyme is spicy and warm and has antibacterial, antispasmodic,
antifungal, antiviral, and expectorant activity. It is traditionally used for
coughs associated with bronchitis, pertussis, asthma, copd, and
emphysema. Itis also considered to soothe and heal the central nervous
system by relaxing sympathetic excess. This can relax and release
constriction in the breath and lungs.


o There are over 100 different species of Hawthorne in the Northern

Hemisphere and it is considered a sacred tree. This herb supports and
strengthens the heart field within which the lungs reside. Hawthorne is a
nervine and clears heat and tension in the nervous system. It also reduces
the stress and anxiety and worry, leading to constriction and lack of flow
in the lungs.


o A very common Lung Tonic used Chinese herbal medicine. It is for

strengthening and tonifying the Qi and our immune system. In Chinese
Medicine, the lungs and the colon make up the majority of the immune
system, hence its immune enhancing properties. Astragalus works by
building up the immune defenses.

Osha Root:

o Osha supports the thinning and expelling of mucus, which is great for dry,
hacking coughs. It increases oxygenation in the lungs, acts as a

Inspiredbyhilde© 23
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
diaphoretic, which causes sweating and helps to break a fever. This aids
in the elimination of toxins.


o It assists the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and blood. It has been used as a
medicinal mushroom for over 2000 years, and its powerful effects have
been documented in ancient scripts and in modern scientific articles for
its ability in promoting health and longevity. It is known to strengthen the
respiratory and immune system.

Wild Cherry:

o Wild cherry bark is a respiratory sedative and antitussive agent. It helps

to relax and strengthen the respiratory system in cases of infection and is
often used in cough syrup and other cough formulas.
It is also used in alleviating rapid or shallow breathing that results from
asthma or a bronchial infection.

Elecampane Root:

o A respiratory tonic that also help to speed the recovery process for lung
infections. A great choice for respiratory conditions with excessive
bronchial secretions, such as bronchitis. It is also good for irritation of the
trachea and bronchi that results in persistent and irritable coughing.
Inspiredbyhilde© 24
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Where to order Dr. Morses formulas:
Helen is a dear friend and am serving Europe with the herbs. I trust
her, and you can always rely on top service.
This is my US partner, that provides the herbs and so much more.

You will also find a Lung tincture and a 3-Lung tincture from Dr. Morse´s
formulas. Do not self-medicate on herbs, without speaking to a practitioner for
a protocol that is specifically made for YOU. Reach out if you are in doubt
before ingesting herbs.

Depending on where you are at today, what your current diet is like, what your
health situation is, your experience might differ. More than anything, what I
want you to take from this short week of introduction is the feeling of
empowerment from the information and potentials.

I want you to make sure you check in to the FB group so that I know who is
doing this. Now, either you have been diagnosed or not, if you just want to
clean yourself out, or this really IS the missing link like it is for so many, remember

1. This is a 1-week program and will NOT heal your lungs or body. It will be
the introduction you need to keep on going. It will take time. Be patient.
2. Get support along the way. Make sure you are in the FB group.
3. Set aside some time for YOU, a cleansing reaction might happen.
4. Some of these herbs or remedies are NOT a good fit with
pharmaceuticals. Your Doctor is the Boss of those, and this program
might not be for you.
5. Again, what I do NOT know, is your state of health, if you are on
medications, or you have a Doctor monitoring you.

Inspiredbyhilde© 25
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
This is important to be aware of. Know that I am not a Doctor, and cannot give
medical advice, nor can I know how your body will react to herbs, oils or food.

We all have different weaknesses, and we all have different levels of health
regarding our eliminative organs. So, be responsible and ask your counsellor for
advice, or contact me for personal support.

You can reach me through the

Inspired Member`s FB group or through my website:


This is a check list of what will be needed for the protocol. If you see something
hard for you to get a hold of for any reason, ask in the Membership Group for
alternatives. Don`t let anything stop you to do this!

Be aware of any
sensitivities you might
have, although this is not
an invasive protocol we
are adding some oils and

This week is NOT about

the diet as much as it is
about breathing and
awareness, essential oils
and practices. So,
depending on where
you are at, look through
the weekly plan and
alternate as needed.

Ask in the membership group if you have any questions regarding the protocol.

If some of the products are hard to find, you can always substitute or skip, as
nothing will stop you to do the best that you can with what you have available.

Inspiredbyhilde© 26
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
You will need:
v A juicer.
v A blender.
v 32oz Mason Jars.
v Mullein tea.
v Lungworth tea.
v Cellular Botanicals 3-Lung formula*
v Cellular Botanicals Adrenal formula*
v Peppermint tea.
v Licorice Root tea or Tincture.
v Ground Turmeric or fresh turmeric root for tea.
v Cedarwood Essential oil
v Eucalyptus Essential oil
v Peppermint Essential oil
v Rosemary Essential oil
v Tea tree Essential oil
v Oregano Essential oil
v Thyme Essential oil
v Ginger essential oil
v Nettle tea or powder.
v A fridge and a table filled with the amazing fruits and vegetables
you will need for a whole week if you can.
v A journal.
v A diffuser if you have one.

*If you can and want to boost your healing, these are amazing helper. See
above in the herbs section where to order.


Whenever we up our game, raise our vibration, eat better and love more we
might feel the body cleanse itself. Even though you might not believe you are
killing of anything, believe me you are moving lymph.

No matter which of my challenges you chose, you can experience a cleansing

reaction. Meaning, feeling toxins moving. THIS is what we want to see, although
Inspiredbyhilde© 27
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
not always amazing feeling at the time. This is a chapter never to be left out of
any process or program, as YOU are unique, and where you are, how you will
feel, no one knows. If it becomes too much, pull back or work with a
practitioner, like myself. Stay safe, and always consult your health care
facilitator or practitioner before embarking on any dietary changes.

If you are doing this

challenge from my
membership group,
reach out for the
every-day on-going
support. As your body
will go into cleansing
mode, it can start
throwing out some

And as much as we
want that to happen, if your eliminating organs are not up to par, you WILL feel
some cleansing symptoms. It is impossible to predicts. You might very well feel
amazing this whole week, and you might end up feeling like you have the flu.
All good. All perfect for YOU.

Here is a list of detoxifications symptoms to keep you educated:

Mucus coming out everywhere: A typical symptom that the body is loosening
up old mucus and transporting out old waste, is the release of mucus. It can be

Inspiredbyhilde© 28
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
new mucus, made to carry out bacteria or toxins, or it can be older mucus, that
the body has been holding on to for years. Any opening can and will be used
for excreting toxins from the body. The nose, the throat, our colon, our ears, the
kidneys, and the eyes, are all available for the body to use. Next time you need
to blow your nose, celebrate! Your body is doing its job, expelling mucus!

Cold and flu like symptoms: You might feel like you have gotten what we call
the flu. This calls for a celebration as it is a symptom of cleansing and
elimination. Toxins are being stirred up in the body, and through the low-grade
fever, maybe some vomiting or coughing, the body is trying to eliminate waste.
Watery, running and red itchy eyes, are all a part of that same process.

Fevers and chills: The body will raise the temperature to get rid of bacteria and
microbes, so a low-grade fever is a common detoxification symptom. Although
the low-grade fever is most common, a high-grade fever can strike also. If it
does, that is a sign of some deep cleansing, and some well-hidden bacteria
coming to the surface.

Headaches and dizziness: These are very common cleansing symptoms. The
head sits on top of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and will start to drain when you
start to clean out your bowels. Ringing in the airs, the red eyes, a blurred vision
even, are all symptoms of lymph moving in the head. Anything from hair die to
cosmetics will also leave a lot of toxins in our head, and for those of us that are
missing our tonsils, the draining job has been impaired.

Hair loss and loss of weak cells: Remember that every weak cell will have to
go. Hair follicle cells are no different. Many experiences to lose some hair, only
to regrow new, beautiful, stronger hair.

Inspiredbyhilde© 29
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Itching and rashes: This can be a tough one for many. The skin is the third
kidney, and we know by now that most of us have some weaknesses in our
kidneys. Once the cleansing starts, the skin will expel what the kidneys cannot.
Rashes in all forms, from itchy, bumpy skin, to hives and boils. There might also
be itching with no rash, as the acids are coming to the surface.

Gas and bloating: These are very typical symptoms with very obvious causes.
First of all - parasites will excrete toxins when dying, known as die–off symptoms.
This will create gas and bloating in itself.

Fungus, mold, parasites, viruses are leaving the intestinal tract feeling like a
warzone when leaving. On top of that we are pulling on the lymphatic system
to release acids through the intestinal wall, and that will also feel like an acid
bomb. Sulfur is released, and we know what that smells like.

Constipation and diarrhea: Constipation often fluctuates between complete

stagnation, and what we call diarrhea. It is the same thing, it’s just the body`s
attempt to get rid of what has been obstructing and intoxicating the system.
When it detoxifies, it is different. The constipation is a reaction to too many toxins
building up, and too much waste trying to leave at once. We are impacted
with mucus and old fecal matter, and we are allowing it to be released. It might
not feel comfortable, but it is very necessary.

Swelling and inflammation: There might be swelling around old injuries or

traumas, as well as edema and inflammation during this time. The body is
holding on to water-weight to dilute the acids being released. Inflammation is
also used as an aid in healing, together with edema. It will dilute harmful
substances and bring in large quantities of oxygen and nutrients.

General pain: Old injuries might show themselves to heal, and old hurts will re-
surface. Acids are being released into the tissue and might create a temporary
stiffness and pain all over the body.

Brain fog and lack of

Anything from
bacteria, viruses,
heavy metals, old
vaccine residue and
more is being let go of.
This means that the
toxins that will be
floating around can
cause some
temporary discomfort.
As many of them are
Inspiredbyhilde© 30
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
neurotoxins, your brain will be affected. Heavy metals from your mouth, and
again, together with so many of us not having our tonsils, we are prone to
experiencing some cleansing symptoms in form of being less than clear-

Fatigue and weakness: The body will use its energy where it is most needed. If
you have a weak adrenal gland, you might also feel extra week in periods while
it is rebalancing. Cleansing takes a lot of energy, and it is being used wisely.

Anxiety and depression: Cells hold memory, and once you release those old
cells, the emotions that they hold will come forth. Expect to revisit some old
hurts and emotional upsets. Know that it is all good. Also, as the endocrine
glands are healing, so anxiety and depression-like symptoms might arise.
The adrenals are the glands that mimic what we call anxious symptoms, and
the thyroid is the seat of depression. None of this is the real you. Our organs
represent different emotions.

The kidneys are the seat of fear, and the liver is the seat of anger. Keep this in
mind as you let the body work its way through healing and regeneration. For
some, the emotional symptoms of cleansing are often the most challenging
ones to live through. The more you know about what is happening in your body,
the easier it will be. Fear is a great dominator and will exacerbate any

Detoxification is about letting everything that is not serving us be processed

and leave. A true healing regime or program will include emotional and
mental work as well as a physical cleansing regime. It will be impossible not
to include all aspects of the being. The mind-body-soul connection again.
Never the less, changing what we eat most often is the simplest and most
potent way to start.

Inspiredbyhilde© 31
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
The body will get to work on any weak or damaged part of the body. Even an
old scar will fade over time. Only healthy cells will be left, and any weak cell
will have to go. The whole point is to let the body get rid of everything that is
weakened and damaged, and it will. It is so eager to do so, that it jumps to the
task the minute it gets a chance.


Health is easy, Change is hard. Juicing is easy. We shop, cut, eat, prepare, and
follow the program, and that is that. It is the mental aspect of change that
keeps us from staying on track. Most of the time. Now, let`s get down to it.

1. Read this document start to finish.
2. Go shopping for the fruits and vegetables you will need. Read the
diet/meal plan ahead of time.
3. Get everything you need. Start when you have all the products at
4. Stay close to the Membership group.
5. Yes, you can absolutely do this while going to work. How your body
will react is completely dependent on your current state of health.
6. Be ready for some emotional releases.
7. Inform those closest to you that you need some space. J
8. You can safely stay on an herbal protocol at the same time you are
doing this, but there are precautions.
9. Check with your practitioner or Doctor if you are on any chemical
10. Whatever regime you are currently following, make sure this is
aligned with the diet you will be following this week.
11. Clear your calendar from anything not necessary. Let us focus on
12. Get mentally prepared.
13. Get excited!

Inspiredbyhilde© 32
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
If I feel this is getting too hard, it is ok. I am doing this for a reason larger than
hard. This is my reason for embarking on this 1-weekThyroid Health Program:

Inspiredbyhilde© 33
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Staying raw high fruit, low fat is very important go get optimal results. One week
is a very short period, but I know you will find benefits not only from the protocol
but from the raised awareness. After this week make sure you continue to love
your lungs, implementing some of the exercises and tips I this program.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Extra

16oz 32oz Any simple smoothie of

fruits and berries, or a
1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE ORANGE JUICE leafy green salad with tea*
30 min later: A meal of non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
32oz watermelon, Peppermint tea


1-cup Mullein

Snack on any

16oz 32oz Any simple smoothie of

fruits and berries, or a
1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE APPLE JUICE leafy green salad with tea*
30 min later: Watermelon or non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
31oz Mango or Peppermint tea

LYPMH PULLER Peaches 1-cup

Lungworth tea.
Snack on any

16oz 32oz Any simple smoothie of

fruits and berries, or a
1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE ORANGE JUICE leafy green salad with tea*
30 min later: Watermelon or: non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
32oz Grapes or: Peppermint tea

LYPMH PULLER Mango 1-cup Mullein


Inspiredbyhilde© 34
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
16oz 32oz Any simple smoothie of
fruits and berries, or a
1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE APPLE JUICE leafy green salad with tea*
30 min later: Watermelon or non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
LYPMH PULLER Mango or Peppermint tea

JUICE* Peaches 1-cup

Lungworth tea.

16oz 32oz Any simple smoothie of

fruits and berries, or a
1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE ORANGE JUICE leafy green salad with tea*
30 min later: Watermelon or: non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
LYPMH PULLER Grapes or: Peppermint tea

JUICE* Mango 1-cup Mullein


Any simple smoothie of

fruits and berries, or a
16oz 32oz leafy green salad with 1 Cup Turmeric
CELERY JUICE APPLE JUICE non-sweet fruits nothing
added. Lemon on top.
30 min later: Watermelon or 1-Cup

LYPMH PULLER Mango or Peppermint tea

YU CAN, LEAVE OUT THE Lungworth tea.

16oz * Juicing *Juicing *Juicing

CELERY JUICE *Dry Fasting/ *Dry Fasting/ *Dry Fasting/

30 min later: *Water Fasting *Water Fasting *Water Fasting


*Drink licoric root tea or take the tincture when you like, especially with low


Depending on your level of health and how familiar you are with fasting and
raw food, this is my suggestion:

Inspiredbyhilde© 35
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
1. If you are new to raw food, and this is your
first cleanse, try this day on juices only.
2. If you have been on a raw food diet for a
time, and have also done some juicing, try
doing this day on water only.
3. If you are an experienced faster, do this
dry. A full 24h dry fasting


• 6 oranges
• 1 lime
• 1 lemon
• 1 grapefruit.

Use as many oranges as you need to fill a 32oz jar in total.


Turmeric tea can be prepared from either pure turmeric powder or grated or
ground, dried turmeric. Your choice.

How to make the turmeric tea:

• Boil 2 cups of water, preferably distilled.

• Add 1 teaspoon of ground, grated, or powdered turmeric to the water.
• Let it steep for 15 minutes.
• Strain it and allow to cool for 5 minutes.
• Add a squeeze of lemon.
• Add a drop of ginger essential oil.

Inspiredbyhilde© 36
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.


This might sound like the simplest thing but believe me it is not. Even for those
who diligently shop one day a week, who are structured in making sure every
day is laid out, something comes up. The story of an unforeseen gathering, a
prolonged meeting, or something else that is a crossing of self-sabotage and
lack of planning. You see, even the unforeseen can be planned, and no,
there is NEVER a reason good enough to NOT eat raw food. Not this week.
Not when YOU are on top of it and in charge. That is every day by the way,
but now, let`s look at some simple tips to make sure THAT is never the case,
not having enough food. AND the right kind of food.

v Make a list.
v Shop for the whole week. That way you do NOT have an excuse for not
making it to the store, or them not having what you needed the next
day. Always
v Shop more than you believe you need.
v Bring food everywhere
v Never go anywhere hungry
v Have extra fuel in your car and purse


On top of your meal plan this is what you will be doing day-by-day. Try to
include all suggestions for most benefits. YOU are worth it!

Inspiredbyhilde© 37
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Again, congratulations for being here, breathing the breath of LIFE allowing
better air flow and cleansing of your lungs. Every day this week I will introduce
you to a technique or a tool that you can use to give your lungs some extra
care. Remember this is not a diagnoses or medical advice, so if you are
experiencing lung issues, seek help from a Health Counsellor.

To do:
Steam inhalation is like an essential oil sauna. You inhale steam from clean
water, mixed with essential oils, to get the benefits from the essential oils all the
way into your lungs. You can also use a diffuser, which I promote to do every
day, but this is more powerful. Do NOT overdo this, as more is not always better.

Follow these steps:

1. Place up to seven drops of essential oil in a large pot or bowl of boiling

water. I recommend rotating the oils in this program.

Alternative 1:
2 drops Cedarwood Essential oil
2 drops Eucalyptus Essential oil
2 drops Peppermint Essential oil
1 drop Oregano Essential oil
Inspiredbyhilde© 38
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Alternative 2:
2 drops Rosemary Essential oil
2 drops Tea tree Essential oil
1 drop Oregano Essential oil
1 drop Thyme Essential oil

2. Lean over the bowl and keep about ten inches away or you may get a
steam burn. and cover your head with a towel to create a tent.

BE CAREFUL! The steam is very hot!

3. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose for no more than two
minutes at a time.

*On top of your diet plan and your teas, do this every day by rotating alternative
one and two.

Meditation is such a powerful tool no matter what you are facing, physically or
emotionally. Today I want you to sit down and connect with your breath, and
follow the easy steps below:

1. Focus on your breath.

2. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.
3. Count to four on inbreath and 8 on outbreath.
4. Allow the breathing to become circular, meaning no pause between in
and outbreath.

Inspiredbyhilde© 39
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
5. Now, as you find the rhythm, connect with your lungs, and see how they
expand and contract as you breathe.
6. See them as allowing in oxygen and life, expelling toxins and lower
vibrational energies on the outbreath.
7. Keep the focus on the breath and the lungs only.
8. Do for 15 minutes if you can. Put on a timer.

On the second day of this program I want you to connect deeper into the
emotional part of the healing. Starting your day with a very classical breathing
technique, and also incorporating connecting with the underlying cause of
lung issues. Remember, there are many lung imbalances, and they might or
might not have bacterial component. Fr this reason we use the steam
inhalation, and also focus on adrenal health for overall healthy lungs.

To do:

This vigorous pranayama involves a rapid series of active inhalations and

exhalations. Just as a bellows draws in air and pushes it across glowing coals to
generate heat, bhastrika uses the action of the abdominal muscles and
diaphragm to draw air in and out of the lungs, generating heat in the body by
squeezing blood through the digestive organs, toning the liver, spleen,
stomach, and pancreas, and increasing digestive capacity. It can also keep
winter colds at bay by clearing the nasal passages, sinuses, and lungs.


• Sit in a steady, comfortable posture with the spine straight.

• Take a few deep, even diaphragmatic breaths through the nostrils.
When you’re ready to begin, exhale by contracting the abdominal
muscles quickly and forcefully, followed immediately with a quick
diaphragmatic inhalation of equal force, letting the abdominal muscles
relax completely.
• The challenge here is to coordinate the action of the diaphragm and
abdominal muscles so the air moves in and out of the lungs quickly: as
the abdominal muscles relax at the end of an exhalation, the diaphragm
actively contracts to begin the inhalation; as the diaphragm begins to
Inspiredbyhilde© 40
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
release its contraction after the peak of inhalation, the abdominal
muscles immediately contract. It will take time and attention to
coordinate these movements.
• Both the exhalation and the inhalation will be audible through the nostrils;
the goal is to make them equal in both duration and force.

Learn how to practice Bhastrika or Bellows breath here:

Bhastrika should be practiced only on an empty stomach. Early morning is

ideal; before lunch and/or late afternoon are good times, too.

Start slow:

At first, limit yourself to 7–11 breaths, or repetitions. Then pause and rest with a
slow, deep diaphragmatic breath. This constitutes one round. Do 1–3 rounds
daily, gradually increasing the number of breaths per round by 5 each week.
Aim for one inhale/exhale per second.

Over time, you can work your way up to 3 rounds per session and 3 sessions per
day, increasing the vigor and speed of practice up to 2 breaths per second.
You can also continue to increase the number of repetitions within each round
by 5 each week. Always stay within your comfortable capacity.

Benefits of Bhastrika or Bellows breath:

• This is the best breathing exercise for lungs. It makes the lungs healthy
and improves strength. It directly affects all respiratory system of body
and cures all lungs related problems.
• Very helpful for cold, flu, sinus and asthma.
Inspiredbyhilde© 41
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
• Thyroid, tonsils and all throat problems are helped.
• It is very helpful to cure all heart diseases like angina, arteries
blockages, etc .
• Highly recommended for Brain symptoms like Depression, Migraine,
Parkinson’s Disease, Paralysis, etc.
• Helps to remove impurities of blood. Vata (wind/spirit/air), pitta (bile)
and kapha (phlegm) are balanced so as to make body healthy.
• Good for concentration of mind that helps for kundalini jagran.

Note! Avoid Bhastrika if you have an ulcer, hiatal hernia, chronic constipation,
heart disease, high blood pressure, or moderate to severe nasal congestion.
Avoid this pranayama during menstruation and pregnancy.


The lungs represent what we look at as grief, but that can be more than the
obvious. When we experience a loss, we feel grief, and that is a natural human
emotion to go through. For some, it never leaves, but most of all we are
interested in the underlying grief that is not so obvious.

We might be grieving what never was. A “lost childhood, a wish never fulfilled.
You see, the feeling of loss can be lingering for a lifetime without us realizing the
impact it has on our health.

Today I want you to find your journal/ a piece of paper that can be disposed
of, and write down a list consisting of:

Inspiredbyhilde© 42
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
o Any loss of people or pets that were dear and close to you that you have
lost. Honor them and write down why you love them.
o Any wishes or dreams you had as a child that never happened.
o Any situation that made you really sad that you still remember.
o Any loss of friendships or partners that seems raw and lack closure.
o Anything that makes you feel sad in your current situation.

Poor it out, all of it, and feel the grief and sadness it represents. Then, take the
piece of paper with you for a walk, hold it in your hand, in your pocket. Let it
be a part of you, yet you know these are memories, not this moments reality.
You can safely let the feeling of loss and grief go, although honoring the love
and the dreams, the people, pets and past.

You see, we carry it in our lungs, restricting our own breath of life. When we can
carry all our love in our hearts and know that everything will be alright.

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!

Inspiredbyhilde© 43
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

To do:
Find a place where you are able to stay relaxed and in peace. Start by laying
down, minding your breath. Make sure you are comfortable. This method is very
simple, yet very powerful, so do not underestimate the affect it will have on
your body.

Please be safe and follow the simple steps to success. The body will store
oxygen better when relaxed.


First, relax. Find a suitable relaxing rhythm. Do not force it. Just breathe slowly
for a couple of minutes.

1. Breathe fully in (don’t force it) and release (not all the way) – repeat for as
many times as you need to feel like the body is fully charged (light in the head
and loose in the body). The general guideline would be 30 inhales and exhales.
2. Exhale fully and hold for as long as you can (time yourself)
3. Then breathe in fully and hold for 10-15 seconds.

Repeat this cycle 3 times.

Inspiredbyhilde© 44
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
If you feel faint or unwell, feel free to
slow down, stop for a second and find
your balance. YOU are in control.

Extra, after feeling you know your

body: When symptoms arise from the
breathing (tingling, contractions,
lightness of the body, light
headed…anything), breathe toward
those symptoms and intensify it.

For those of you who wants to explore

this technique beyond this week, you
can use the chart below and track
your progress. Use your phone or a
simple timer to keep track of time.

The breathing progress chart.

Use the form to time yourself and see how you progress.

If you are curious to follow your progress you can use the form below and track
how you are doing. Put I the date and observe how your body is able to store
more oxygen and your lungs are expanding their capacity.


Inspiredbyhilde© 45
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Important message:
The breathing exercise and cold therapy must be practiced in a safe
manner. Do not embark on any new protocol without speaking to your
health practitioner or educating yourself accordingly. Start slow and listen to
your body.
Always build up without force and listen to your body carefully. If it is not
practiced responsible, there is a risk of hypothermia. Do not practice the
method during pregnancy or when having epilepsy. Persons with
cardiovascular health issues, or any other (serious) health conditions, should
always consult a Practitioner.


Emotions can be translated into

energy patterns that can rise,
scatter, knot, weaken, sink, or drain
the body’s qi/vital life force.
Contraction happen and
stagnation is a fact. Emotions are
normal, but problems can arise
when emotions become long
standing and excessive.

This simple practice might help you

become more aware of your
emotional pattern connected to
the lung function.

Find your journal again, and write down the following what if`s:

1. What if I chose to be happy from this day forward?

2. What if none of my feelings could stop me from doing anything?
3. What if all that is in the past no longer influences my life?
4. What is I could no longer remember the feeling of being sad?
5. What if I could let it all go in an instant?

Read over what you wrote and observe the patterns. This exercise will tell you
valuable information about why you might be holding on to grief and sadness
that needs to move through you and allow your life to breathe again. Fully.

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!
Inspiredbyhilde© 46
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

To do:
There is more to “letting go” than releasing the old, - it is also a time to take in
the pure. The lungs are related to autumn., and the air in autumn takes on a
new crispness. Think of walking on a brisk fall day, filling your lungs with that
clean, cool autumn air. The Lung, one of the fall organs contained within the
Metal element, enables us to take in the pure, the new. It grants us the
inspiration of a breath of fresh air.
The Lung and Colon work together as a team, one taking in the pure, the other
eliminating waste.

This is a very simple Qigong exercise for in the metal series, for Lung and large
Practice it every day if you like.

Inspiredbyhilde© 47
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

Take a walk on the wild side. Take a hike, simply go outside and walk for at least
30 minutes if you can. Be mindful of your breath, of the smells. Look around and
see if you can sniff more than usual, meaning if you can find more to smell. The
air, the trees, what do they smell like?

Each season has a different set of smells, aromas, also very healing to the
human body. Be conscious about how you are breathing. Is it shallow, rapid,
deep and calm?

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!

To do:
Reflexology is a part of the ancient Chinese belief in qi (pronounced “chee”),
or “vital energy.” Qi flows through all of us, as an energy force, blocked by stress
Inspiredbyhilde© 48
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
and emotional struggles. This can cause an imbalance in the body that leads
to illness. Reflexology works to keep qi flowing through the body, keeping it
balanced and disease free.

In Chinese medicine, different

body parts correspond with
different pressure points on the
body. When you study a
reflexology chart you will see
that every part of the hands,
feet and ears determine a
specific organ or gland, A
reflexologists uses the map to
determine where to put

The touch/pressure sends

energy flowing through a
person’s body until it reaches
the area in need of healing.

This is an amazing practice to

do by yourself or have a
partner or a friend help you
with. You can find many charts
online both for feet, hands and
ears. They are easy to read and
give a great overview of the different zones of the feet correlating to the organs
and glands.

Find the lung zones and

massage gently for 5 minutes
on each side, meaning each
foot hand or ear.

You can choose to go through

all three places or pick the one
which feels more comfortable
for you. If you are doing it for
yourself the hands are very
easy to do.

You can see the lung area on

the outer part of the palm.
Gently rub it and notice if it is
Inspiredbyhilde© 49
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
In the 1890s, British scientists found that nerves connect the skin and internal
organs. They also found that the body’s entire nervous system tends to adjust
to outside factors, including touch.


Rib Stretch is an exercise that is very simple, yet effective in improving lung
capacity. It can be done multiple times throughout the day, and you can also
practice during meditation if you are more experienced. For now, keep it

1. Stand/sit upright with your neck straightened & back arched slightly.
2. Exhale fully to get rid of all the oxygen inside your lungs.
3. Now, inhale slowly and draw in as much oxygen as your lungs can hold.
Stretch to hold your maximum.
4. Hold your breath for at least 10 seconds or for as long as you can tolerate.
5. Fully exhale very slowly.
6. Repeat 5-10 times.

This will teach your lungs to open its capacity for better oxygen uptake and

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!
Inspiredbyhilde© 50
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

To do:

“Worrying is the same as creating something to be worried about.” We tend to

not only hold on to the old but to create more to worry about as we go along.
The frequency of worry is that of degeneration and acidity. So, today I want
you to let all of your worries go, just for today. Take a good look at what you
are spending your time thinking about.

Every time we worry, we

contract our breathing,
we become shallow
breathers and we restrict
oxygen flow to all of our

The lungs are also

affected by this through
the low intestines, the
colon. Directly connected
to our lungs. Worry is a
killer, so be mindful.

Write down everything

you feel uneasy about in your life and flush it down the drain, burn it or throw it
in the trash. Energetically and mentally use your intention to live this as a worry-
free day.

Arrest yourself when you feel it coming and replace it with calming and strong
words like:

o I am always safe.
o My family and friends are safe.
o I am protected.
o My life is amazing.
o I am strong and able.

Inspiredbyhilde© 51
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
You might now that during a deep cleanse, or while the body is detoxing and
clearing out old acid waste, heavy lifting or excessive exercise is not to be
recommended. The reason being we do NOT want to create more acids until
the body can handle it and are not already overloaded. However, a brisk walk,
a light run, anything getting your pump working harder, your lungs expanding
IS a good thing. To the extent that YOU can do.

This is the trick, as we are all in different places, so one way will not be for

Depending on what you can do today, I want you to pick one that leaves you
stretching a little bit. Find your level and spend at least 5 minutes challenging
your lungs.

v If you are bedridden, do heavy in and out breaths for 10 minutes.

v If you can do slow walks, do 5-10 minutes brisk walks instead.
v Of you are already doing short walks, find a hill or a staircase and
challenge yourself in that way.
v If you can walk for longer walks, double your time and walk faster.
v If you can run, go for a run and do a few intervals where your lungs have
to work harder.

*Be mindful if in colder climates and use a scarf to cover your mouth.

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!

Inspiredbyhilde© 52
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

To do:
Affirming the new is the
second step too
transforming your
mindset, after letting go
of the old. As you go
through letting go of old
grief, you will replace the
thought and emotions
with new ones that are
linked to the future you
want to create.

Spend time today

affirming the new. Read
the below examples and
make your own. I want
you to make at least three sentences that represents your emotional and
physical goals and repeat them consciously all day. Like a broken record.

Examples of healthy and happy affirmations for healthy lungs:

1. My heart is filled with gratitude.

2. My future is free and abundant, and I expect great things.
3. I am always confident in my expression, and I love it.
4. I honor everyone`s path and journey and forgive easily.
5. I am worthy of love and happiness.

Twice today, say them out loud twice a day, while you tap your chest, your
forehead and your crown. Tap with all ten fingers at the same time, as you
repeat all your 3-5 sentences tapping the chest, all 3-5 tapping the forehead
and all 3-5 tapping the crown. Changing your beliefs using EFT, a powerful

Inspiredbyhilde© 53
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
1. If you are currently grieving, here’s a simple and powerful breathing
technique you can use to help the process of feeling deeper, releasing,
and healing:
2. Sit in a comfortable position or lie down.
3. Place one hand on your lower abdomen and one hand on your heart.
4. Take three deep diaphragmatic breaths, allowing your abdomen to
gently inflate as you inhale and gently fall as you exhale.
5. Now, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your
mouth making a long, drawn-out “ssssssssss” sound, similar to letting the
air out of a tire. Repeat for five cycles of breath.

The sound “ssssssssss” used in the breathing technique above is one of the Six
Healing Sounds found in Taoist practices and taught in many styles of qigong.
It is a sound vibration that is paired with the organ system of the Lungs and
Large Intestine to help clear sorrow and grief.

*Do your Essential Oil steam inhalation every day, stay on the diet plan and
drink your teas. Great job!

Inspiredbyhilde© 54
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
The key to success!
I also advise you to look at the emotional courses on the Membership site for
extra understanding and support. It can be a bumpy ride, so don’t pressure
yourself or stretch too hard. If something feels uncomfortable or scary, listen to
your body, always. This is a general outline, and not a personal guided one.
Make sure you are connected with your health Care Practitioner or the likes if
you have a medical condition that needs attention.

What does success mean to you?

I grew up in a typical western household. Working parents with the

understanding that holding a nine to five job, getting a proper education,
marrying, owning a house and not doing anything out of the norm was living
a successful life. More money, a respected reputation, a higher status -
equaled a higher value.

My life, up until it was completely turned upside down by ill health, consisted
of a strife for accomplishment and validations. Being the best at what you do
is not at all a bad thing. Believing that life is evaluated by your ability to
achieve, your high speed, your level of fitness and your strong will can kill you.
I was so stressed out by my beliefs and my need to do what I believed was
expected of me, believing I would be a successful human being. If I could only
hold down my business, take care of my home, my family, my children, the
cars, the vacation home and plan our vacations, I would be a success.

If I could just get this body to feel better, to constantly meet my demands, then
maybe it was good enough. I had to reevaluate my beliefs and
understandings. My “system” failed. It was not based on truth and greatness. I
had to delete most of what I had learned about life and success. I had to start
from scratch, or so it felt. I had to rebuild my entire health, recognizing that any
financial gain was not on my success list at all. Real success for me is not tied
to any trophy or material thing at all, it comes from my willingness to work, strive
and stay committed.

The thing is, no matter what your belief is, the core message is that success
can only be measured in who you become. Not what you do, say or
believe, but what you become. YOUR health is your wealth, and that might
be success to you.

Inspiredbyhilde© 55
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
For you, success
might mean being
able to get up in
the morning, to
get your health
back, to be able
to walk a mile or
two. Another
person values his
or her family more
than anything and
looks at being a
good parent as
their greatest
success. For
someone else,
taking over a large cooperation, buying the dream mansion and having a
private jet is success. Simply being alive and breathing can also be defined as
a success.

Your life, your current situation, your goals if you have any, will define how you
look at your own level of success.

Warren Buffet, one of the World`s most successful financial people, was asked
in an interview that I read online;

“What is your definition of success?”

His response was; “Success is having what you want and wanting what you
have.”, and “success is having the people whom you love around you.”

One of the wealthiest men in the universe doesn’t equate success with money.
I see a distinct difference between growth and achievements. What we
achieve is linked to outer goals, like career related accomplishments, material
gains and physical performances.
They are all about tangible objectives. We have an ambition and a

When we reach it, we achieve what we wanted, so we succeeded.

We feel successful.

When we evolve as humans, by letting go of our old baggage, and by

bettering ourselves, we are constantly growing. We are getting closer to who
we really are, or experiencing more of it, and as we keep living that truth, we
will feel another kind of success. The kind that comes from an open heart. The
Inspiredbyhilde© 56
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
kind that needs no validation. In my opinion that is true success. Creating
material riches is not success, growing into your best version is.

What I have accomplished

What I have observed during this week of the Healthy Thyroid Program:

Inspiredbyhilde© 57
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
You did it! I hope your experience was as amazing as YOU are, and that you
got to know yourself better. Also, I hope you met some new friends, and found
some valuable information in our group. Your system is in love with YOU right
now, and I am sure that you connected with both emotional and mental
baggage this week

We are on the winning team, and it is an honor for me to know YOU! When we
have been abusive and ignorant to our health and body for such a long time,
we need to keep digging.

Your health is serious business. Your LIFE is serious business. Through your own
healing you can help many, as they see you transform and evolve. Detoxifying
and cleansing the body is lifesaving, it is absolutely what is needed to regain
great health. There is no way around it. No matter what you are feeling, this is
what is needed.


Be sure to let me know if I in any way can assist you further on your amazing
health journey!

Become and Inspired member here:

Inspiredbyhilde© 58
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.
Visit my website to work with me:

Ask, and get the support you DESERVE. Your health is serious business. Your LIFE
is serious business. Through your own healing you can help many, as they see
you transform and evolve.

Make sure you watch my YouTube videos and

subscribe to my channel:

Please check out my Online learning course The Optimal Health Blueprint if you
haven`t already:


Inspiredbyhilde© 59
Hilde Larsen is not a medical Doctor and does not treat or diagnose any disease. No advice given should be taken as such. All information given in this document
and course is for educational purposes only.

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