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The 2014 GED Reasoning Through

Language Arts Test

Extended Response Resource Guide

for Adult Educators

May 2015

GED is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education. Used under license.
The 2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) Test
Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators

Overview and Introduction to Daylight Saving Time Resource Materials ............................................... 4

Daylight Saving Time Stimulus Material (Practice Test Question 12) ..................................................... 5
Stimulus Passage ........................................................................................................................... 5
Daylight Saving Time Prompt ................................................................................................................ 6
RLA Extended Response Answer Guidelines ........................................................................................ 7
RLA ER Rubric – Trait 1 ........................................................................................................................ 8
Trait 1 Guidelines for Score Point 0 ......................................................................................................10
Trait 1 Anchor Responses and Annotations ..........................................................................................11
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] .......................................................................12
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] .......................................................................13
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] .......................................................................14
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] .......................................................................15
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] .......................................................................16
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] .......................................................................17
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] .......................................................................19
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] .......................................................................20
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] .......................................................................22
RLA ER Rubric – Trait 2 .......................................................................................................................24
Trait 2 Anchor Responses and Annotations ..........................................................................................24
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] .....................................................................27
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] .....................................................................28
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] .....................................................................29
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] .....................................................................30
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] .....................................................................31
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] .....................................................................32
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .....................................................................34
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .....................................................................36
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .....................................................................38
RLA ER Rubric –Trait 3 ........................................................................................................................40
Trait 3 Anchor Responses and Annotations ..........................................................................................42
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] .....................................................................43
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] .....................................................................44
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] .....................................................................45
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .....................................................................46
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .....................................................................47
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .....................................................................48
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .....................................................................49
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .....................................................................50
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .....................................................................51
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .....................................................................53
Automated Scoring of Constructed Response Items on the 2014 GED® Test ......................................56

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 2
Remaining Annotated Trait Scores .......................................................................................................................... 60
Scores and Annotations – Trait 1 Anchor Responses 10-28 ........................................................................... 60
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 61
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 62
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 63
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 64
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 65
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 66
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 68
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 69
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 71
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 73
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 74
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 75
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 76
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 77
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 78
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 79
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 80
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 81
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] ...................................................................................... 82
Scores and Annotations – Trait 2 Anchor Responses 1-9 & 19-28 ................................................................. 85
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score 0: [Trait 2]........................................................................................ 86
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score 1: [Trait 2]........................................................................................ 87
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score 0: [Trait 2]......................................................................................... 88
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score 0: [Trait 2]......................................................................................... 89
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score 1: [Trait 2]......................................................................................... 90
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score 1: [Trait 2]......................................................................................... 91
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score 1: [Trait 2]........................................................................................ 93
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score 2: [Trait 2]........................................................................................ 94
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score 2: [Trait 2]........................................................................................ 96
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] ...................................................................................... 98
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] ...................................................................................... 99
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 100
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 101
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 102
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 103
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 104
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 105
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 106
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] .................................................................................... 108
Scores and Annotations – Trait 3 Anchor Responses 1-18 ........................................................................... 111
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score: 1 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 112
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score: 1 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 113
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score: 1 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 114
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 115
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 116
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 117
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 119
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 120
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 3]....................................................................................... 122
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 124
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 125
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 126
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 127
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 128
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 129
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 131
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 133
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] .................................................................................... 135

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 3
Overview and Introduction to Daylight Saving Time Resource Materials

This guide has been assembled by the GED Testing Service in order to help adult educators increase their
understanding of and skill in scoring the Extended Response (ER) questions on the 2014 GED ® test. Using
these resources will help you identify the various qualities and attributes of ER responses at the full range of
score points for each of the three traits on the rubric which, in turn, will help you to focus your writing instruction
for adult learners who will be taking the 2104 GED® test. Using these materials will also help you in scoring
responses that adult learners provide you as part of their preparation for the test in taking the GED Ready ®
Official Practice Test. The GED Ready® is accompanied by a tool (Educator Scoring Tool) that can help you
score test-taker responses. This guide, as a supplement to that tool, is intended to increase your facility with
and accuracy in scoring ER items for the RLA test.*

The materials in this guide are based on a publicly-released ER item that appears on the GED® Free Practice
Test (, based on a passage called “An Analysis of
Daylight Saving Time.” This stimulus passage and its associated prompt (which are incorporated into this
guide on the following pages) were part of the extensive field-testing process that each of the questions on the
2014 GED® test went through in 2012. The responses that you will see in this guide are actual writing samples
written by adult test-takers in response to the stimulus material and prompt on Daylight Saving Time. These
writing samples were generated under standardized computer-based testing administration conditions that
replicate the conditions of actual operational GED® testing on computer in all respects (e.g., instructions
provided to test-takers, tools available to test-takers, time allotment, etc., were identical to authentic testing
conditions). All of the characteristics of the responses, including spelling, paragraphing, and spacing, have
been left exactly as originally written and submitted by the test-takers. They also appear here exactly as they
appeared to the educator Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who determined the range of responses for each
score point and to the expert human scorers who provided the final certified scores for the responses. The
annotations that are presented to enhance your understanding of the score each response received were also
written by SMEs.

Scoring of each response is conducted one trait at a time. That is, three separate sets of scorers evaluate each
response, each group reviewing each trait. Therefore, you will see three different sets of exemplar responses
of “anchor sets” – one for each trait. Of course, when you score your own students’ responses, you will be
reading each one three times in order to evaluate it for the different characteristics listed in each trait.
However, to provide you with the largest number of clear exemplars, each anchor set is composed of
completely unique responses.

The following pages present the stimulus material and the prompt for the Daylight Saving Time Extended
Response from the GED® RLA Free Practice Test.

* Note: The ER scoring tool is meant to be used as a guide to scoring, but once you become more familiar with the dimensions and sub-dimensions,
you will be able to score writing samples holistically, without fully following the tool. There is no expectation that you will use the tool for EVERY
response that you score, and the materials in this guide should help you begin to gain the skills at evaluation of writing that you will need to effectively
score extended responses first with the tool and later, without relying on it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 4
Daylight Saving Time Stimulus Material (Free Practice Test)

Stimulus Passage

An Analysis of Daylight Saving Time

1 Twice a year, most Americans adjust their clocks before bedtime to prepare for Daylight
Saving Time (DST). Every spring, clocks are moved ahead one hour. In the fall, they are
moved back one hour, and all to maximize the benefits of the sun. DST was first
implemented in the United States in 1918 to conserve resources for the war effort,
though proponents encouraged its adoption long before then. Benjamin Franklin, for
example, touted the idea of DST to citizens of France way back in 1784!

DST in America

2 For years following DST's U.S. debut, cities could choose if and when they wanted to
participate. However, by the 1960s, the open choice resulted in various cities throughout
the United States using different times. These varying times created confusion,
particularly for entertainment and transportation schedules. Imagine traveling across
several states, each adhering to its own little time zone!

3 In order to remedy the confusing situation, Congress established a start and stop date for
DST when it passed the Uniform Time Act of 1966. Although this act helped clarify when
DST went into effect around the country, cities were not required to use DST. To this day,
parts of Arizona and all of Hawaii, for example, do not use DST.

Benefits of DST

4 Many studies have investigated the benefits and costs of DST. Research in the 1970s
found that DST saved about 1% per day in energy costs. On average, most electricity
used is for lighting and appliances. It makes sense that more sun at the end of the day
meant less need for electricity. This follows right along with Ben Franklin's argument over
200 years ago.

5 Supporters of DST also claim that more sunlight saves lives. Studies have indicated that
traveling home from work or school in daylight is safer. Nearly three decades of research
shows an 8-11% reduction in crashes involving pedestrians and a 6-10% decrease in
crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring shift to DST.

6 Other studies reveal that, following a similar logic, DST reduces crime because people
are out completing chores after their business or school day in sunlight, lessening their
exposure to crimes that are more common after dark.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 5
Arguments against DST

7 Opponents of DST cite other studies that disagree with these outcomes. A 2007 study in
California indicated that DST had little or no effect on energy consumption that year. A
three-year study of counties in Indiana showed that residents of that state spent $8.6
million more each year for energy, and air pollution increased after the state switched to
DST. The researchers theorized that the energy jump was caused in part by increased
use of air conditioning as a result of maximizing daylight hours.

8 Recent research has also brought into question the safety aspect of the yearly switch to
and from DST. In one study, pedestrian fatalities from cars increased immediately after
clocks were set back in the fall. Another study showed 227 pedestrians were killed in the
week following the end of DST, compared with 65 pedestrians killed the week before
DST ended.

9 The adjustment period drivers endure each year is a dangerous time for pedestrians, and
Daylight Saving Time may be the reason. Instead of a gradual transition in the morning or
afternoon by just minutes of sunlight each day, the immediate shift of one hour forward or
backward fails to provide drivers and pedestrians time to adjust.

10 When you also consider the cost of the abrupt transition in terms of confusion caused by
people who forget to adjust their clocks, opponents say, any benefits gained by DST are
simply not worth the trouble.

Daylight Saving Time Prompt

The article presents arguments from both supporters and critics of Daylight Saving Time who
disagree about the practice's impact on energy consumption and safety.

In your response, analyze both posit ions presented in the article to determine which one is
best supported. Use relevant and specific evidence from the article to support your response.

Type your response in the box below. You should expect to spend up to 45 minutes in
planning, drafting, and editing your response.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 6
RLA Extended Response Answer Guidelines

The guidelines below are presented to test-takers as a tool within the testing environment in order to remind
them of the kinds of elements and attributes of argumentation, organization, language usage, etc., to be
incorporated into their responses to the ER prompt.

Please use the guidelines below as you answer the Extended Response question on the Reasoning
Through Language Arts test. Following these guidelines as closely as possible will ensure that you
provide the best response.

1. Please note that this task must be completed in no more than 45 minutes. However, don’t rush
through your response. Be sure to read through the passage(s) and the prompt. Then think about the
message you want to convey in your response. Be sure to plan your response before you begin
writing. Draft your response and revise it as needed.

2. Fully answering an ER prompt often requires 4 to 7 paragraphs of 3 to 7 sentences each – that can
quickly add up to 300 to 500 words of writing! A response that is significantly shorter could put you in
danger of scoring a 0 just for not showing enough of your writing skills.

3. As you read, think carefully about the argumentation presented in the passage(s).
“Argumentation” refers to the assumptions, claims, support, reasoning, and credibility on which a
position is based. Pay close attention to how the author(s) use these strategies to convey his
or her positions.

4. When you write your essay, be sure to:

• determine which position presented in the passage(s) is better supported by evidence

from the passage(s)
• explain why the position you chose is the better-supported one
• remember, the better-supported position is not necessarily the position you agree
• defend your assertions with multiple pieces of evidence from the passage(s)
• build your main points thoroughly
• put your main points in logical order and tie your details to your main points
• organize your response carefully and consider your audience, message, and purpose
• use transitional words and phrases to connect sentences, paragraphs, and ideas
• choose words carefully to express your ideas clearly
• vary your sentence structure to enhance the flow and clarity of your response
• reread and revise your response to correct any errors in grammar, usage, or

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 7
RLA ER Rubric – Trait 1

The Reasoning Through Language Arts Extended Response Rubric for Trait 1 appears below:

Score Description
Trait 1: Creation of Arguments and Use of Evidence A
2 ▪ generates text-based argument(s) and establishes a purpose that is connected to the
prompt B
▪ cites relevant and specific evidence from source text(s) to support argument (may include
few irrelevant pieces of evidence or unsupported claims) C
▪ analyzes the issue and/or evaluates the validity of the argumentation within the source
texts (e.g., distinguishes between supported and unsupported claims, makes reasonable
inferences about underlying premises or assumptions, identifies fallacious reasoning,
evaluates the credibility of sources, etc.) D

1 ▪ generates an argument and demonstrates some connection to the prompt

▪ cites some evidence from source text(s) to support argument (may include a mix of
relevant and irrelevant citations or a mix of textual and non-textual references)
▪ partially analyzes the issue and/or evaluates the validity of the argumentation within the
source texts; may be simplistic, limited, or inaccurate

0 ▪ may attempt to create an argument OR lacks purpose or connection to the prompt OR

does neither
▪ cites minimal or no evidence from source text(s) (sections of text may be copied from
▪ minimally analyzes the issue and/or evaluates the validity of the argumentation within the
source texts; may completely lack analysis or demonstrate minimal or no understanding
of the given argument(s)

Non-scorable Responses (Score of 0/Condition Codes)

▪ Response exclusively contains text copied from source text(s) or prompt
▪ Response shows no evidence that test-taker has read the prompt or is off-topic
▪ Response is incomprehensible
▪ Response is not in English
▪ Response has not been attempted (blank)

Note: The annotations to the rubric, A through D, appear on the next page of this guide.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 8
A Trait 1: Responses are scored according to the criteria outlined in all three bullets. Each bullet
represents a distinct dimension or quality of writing that involves the creation of arguments
and use of evidence. Each score point describes the same dimensions, but at varying levels of
mastery. Responses may exhibit qualities indicative of more than one score point. For instance,
a response may contain a logical text-based argument and sufficient support (a 4-point
response), but the integration of claims might be simplistic (a 2-point response). When a
response shows mixed evidence of proficiency levels, it will receive a score that reflects a
balanced consideration of each quality, with no one dimension weighted more than the others.

B The first dimension relates to making claims or assertions. At higher score points, arguments will
be focused on close reading and analysis of the source texts. As responses ascend the scale in
this dimension, they will become more focused on making arguments.

C The second dimension focuses on a test-taker’s ability to use information from the source texts
to support their claims or assertions. As responses ascend the scale in this dimension, they will
use evidence that is progressively more tied to the text. At lower score points, the test-taker may
rely more heavily on evidence drawn from personal experience with the topic rather than from
text-based evidence. While responses that argue the test-taker’s own opinion on the issue are
acceptable, test-takers who focus more specifically on the task outlined in the prompt, which
asks them to analyze source texts to determine which position is better supported, will be more
likely to score highly on this dimension. More specifically, responses that establish criteria for the
evaluation of the source texts and then apply these criteria to specific text-based evidence are
most likely to score highest in this dimension.

D The third dimension focuses on a test-taker’s ability to critically evaluate the rhetorical strategies
and argumentation demonstrated by the authors of the source texts. While responses that argue
the test-taker’s own opinion on the issue are acceptable, test-takers who focus more specifically
on the task outlined in the prompt, which asks them to analyze source texts to determine which
position is better supported, will be more likely to score highly on this dimension. More
specifically, responses that establish criteria for the evaluation of the source texts and then apply
these criteria to specific text-based evidence are most likely to score highest in this dimension.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 9
Trait 1 Guidelines for Score Point 0

Trait 1 of the RLA Extended Response Rubric focuses on whether the test-taker can compose an effective
argument and use text-based evidence to support his or her argument. Because this complex set of skills is
new to the GED® test, the following guidance is provided to help educators understand more clearly what a
score point of 0 on Trait 1 means, based on the rubric. Responses receiving a score of 0 are not blank, off-
topic, or otherwise unscorable (when test-takers submit responses that fall into one of the categories listed
below the rubric trait above, their score reports will reflect the category into which their response fell). Rather,
the score point of 0 reflects that though the test-taker has attempted a response (i.e., the response shows
evidence that the test-takers has, indeed, read either the passage or its accompanying prompt or both), the
response does not provide adequate observable evidence of the skills described in the rubric. General
guidelines to help you learn when to assign the score point of 0 on Trait 1 are provided below.

Overall, responses that score 0s show a great deal of variety. Remember:

▪ As you can see from the stimulus material on Daylight Saving Time presented above, the passage
presents two opposing sides of an issue. In order to score higher than 0, the response must go beyond
merely stating which side the test-taker agrees with. That is, to fulfill the rubric requirement of creating
an argument, a single statement of a stance is considered insufficient.
▪ Similarly, in order to score higher than a 0, the response must do more than merely pulling quotations
directly from the stimulus material. That is, to fulfill the rubric requirement of citing evidence, the
evidence cited must support the overall message the test-taker is attempting to convey, and must be
analyzed in some way.
▪ Responses at all score points may (or may not) explicitly state an opinion. However, in order to score
higher than a 0, responses must analyze the issue at hand or the quality of the argumentation through
which both sides of the issue are presented.
▪ Some responses may be composed primarily of a simple summary of the passage. Summaries alone,
with no commentary upon the text, are insufficient to receive a score higher than 0.
▪ While scoring, try to avoid skimming for key words or excerpts from the passage. How well the test-
taker uses excerpts from the passage to support his or her overall argument is just as important as
whether the response includes specific citations from the written source at all. Sometimes it is tempting
to reward a response that includes information or interesting anecdotes from the test-taker’s own
experience. However, this task requires test-takers to engage with the text provided and to
demonstrate their level of skill with creating a text-based argument. Therefore, while references to
personal experience do not “count against” the test-taker, they must be considered “white noise” and
should generally be ignored.
▪ Some 0s are obvious. In fact, some 0s may seem much lower in quality than Anchor Response 1
appearing on page 12 of this guide.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 10
Trait 1 Anchor Responses and Annotations

Test-taker anchor responses with annotated comments for Trait 1 appear below and continue through page 22.
Each of the responses was selected as an example of the particular score point (0, 1, or 2) for Trait 1.
However, each response was also scored for the other two traits. Links to Trait 2 and Trait 3 in the
“Annotation” column for each sample response provide the score and annotation for the two other traits.

Text from the responses that is quoted in the annotations is highlighted in yellow in both the annotations and in
the test-taker response itself in order to help you quickly identify specific elements of each response that
helped SMEs score them appropriately for Trait 1. However, keep in mind that each response must be
considered as a whole, and these highlighted excerpts are notable mostly because they show specific
examples of qualities common to responses.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 11
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

The changing to daylight saving time twice a year is quite confusing to a The response includes an issue-
lot of people, especially at the time right before and after the change. A based statement of stance in favor
person can become upset when they forget to change their clock each of DST in the last line. (“…it will be
time. And some bosses penalize the employees when they are late, best to continue with it, as it is safer,
which only makes it more agrivating. More accidents can also happen in and saving energy.”).
rushing,when you forget to change all of your clocks. It would be even
more confusing in Arizona, due to the fact every one in that state does The writer only attempts to
not follow the dylight saving time change. Some times when running summarize the arguments from the
late you could miss your flight and loose a full day of work, if travel is source text in the response, though,
needed in your job. with the first paragraph discussing
the cons and the second paragraph
discussing the pros.
Adopting this process, and time zones, was developed purposely to
conserve energy, and make it safer to travel from work or errands, and
While the response draws from the
to arrive home before dark. To have the majority of the time when it is source text for information, the
dark outside, to be in your home and sleeping, has been shown to be writer does not cite evidence to
safer and to conserve energy. Many people have difficulty driving at support any claims. Overall, the
nite, as it is not as easy to see their surroundings. Conserving energy in response offers a minimal summary
the areas that utilize the most energy, saves not only energy, but of the arguments and lacks any
money. Hopefully the cost of implimenting this practice is offset by the analysis of the issue or the
savings in energy and accidents. And, possibly. if there is an increase in argumentation.
energy consumption, it is because people are able to run more errands
and get more done in each day to make for a better life for them and Therefore, Response 1 earns a
their family. score of 0 for Trait 1.

I think, now that we are use to the daylight saving time, it will be best to To view the annotations to Traits 2
continue with it, as it is safer, and saving energy. and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 86)

Trait 3 (Page 112)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 12
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

Every year, most Americans adjust their clocks ahead in the spring and back The response includes evidence
in the fall, and the debate goes on. of an attempt to create an
argument against DST in the last
When Benjamine Franklin first "touted" the idea in 1784, is was not and line (“DST, although maybe at one
could not have been an "energy saving" idea. There was no mass use energy time was useful, has outlived that
supply or usage at that time. Since then, there has been a globalization of usefulness.”).
the energy we use to heat, cool, light, and move about. With it comes a cost
and certain risks. When looking at DST, we first have to look at the benefits, The writer attempts to offer
second the risk, compare both and decide whether it is beneficial to the support for this central claim in
majority. the form of numbered lists which
outline the points presented in
the source text (“…studies show
Thoughts for;
that it has a crime reducing
1 ) it allows for later daylight hours during the longer daylight months
effect…energy reducing
2) some studies show that it has a crime reducing effect
effect…traffic safety effect…”).
3) some studies show it has an energy reducing effect
These lists only cite evidence,
4) some studies show that it has a traffic safety effect
though, and do not use evidence
as support.
Thoughts against;
1) because not all municipalities are required to participate, it causes Only a minimal evaluation of the
confusion validity of the argumentation
2) there are studies that suggest any energy reduction from lights not in use within the source text is evident
is more than offset by increased usage from air conditioners in the response (“...what is the
3) another study concluded that traffic safety effects were the opposite and ratio of pedestrians killed. It is not
that pedestrian fatalities were up over 300% the week after "returning to mentioned how many…” and “…to
standard time" compare crimes statistics… is, at
best, ludicrous.”).
When putting all these facts together, we need to look at the underlying
conditions in the studies. There are a lot of missing pieces ti this puzzle Overall, the response represents
a minimal attempt to create an
1) in the trafic studies, what is the ratio of pedestrians killed to pedestrians argument, as it includes little to
on the street. It is not mentioned how many pedestrians mayor may not be no analysis or evaluation of the
walking in colder weather when DST is not in effect. Nor does it look at evidence presented in the
whether or not pedestrian trafic is increased the week following DST source text.

2) the energy issue. Back in the 1950's and 60's when this was debated for Therefore, Response 2 earns a
standardization, there was not the demand for energy consumption from air score of 0 for Trait 1.
conditioners. The percentage of homes that even had one was considerably
To view the annotations to Traits
smaller, and most that were out there, were just a window unit or
2 and 3, click the links below.
something similar. Now almost every home has a central system of some
sort, with even older homes being retro-fitted. Trait 2 (Page 87)
3) to compare crime statistics from winter to summer is, at best, ludicrous.
Trait 3 (Page 113)
you can only compare summer to summer and winter to winter

4) DST does not make the day longer, it only makes it so that the daylight is
later in the day.
Time is growing short, and therefor I will not be able to complete this
debate, but I'm sure you can conclude which side I'm on. DST, althought
maybe at one time was useful, has outlived that usefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 13
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

They say daylight savings time is a great thing. It gives daylight for the children The writer of this response
to go to school in the morning. It allows for longer daylight further into the fall attempts to create an argument
season. With DST they say moving ahead one hour in the spring helps with against DST through claims made
getting daylight for travel to and from work/school. It is true that if we as a
nation are giong to use daylight savings time then everyone should do it on the
in the second and last
same day at the same time (or as close to the same time as you can get) .... paragraphs(“DST is really more
confusing then helpful.” and “Back
I don't get where it helps at all - we are in a dusky period for the children to go when it was thought of or started
to school in the morning and all of a sudden we fall back by one hour and this
does nt' help. Then the children are really in the dark - they say by 7 am being
made sense – but times have changed
the old 8 am it makes it lighter - but it doesn't really work. It helps for a couple and now its time to not have it. We
weeks maybe. By December; January and February and even some if not all of really should stop using it.”).
march you go to school/work in the dark and come home in the dark. That was
always terrible. This is for the people who go to work between 6 AM and 8 AM
These claims, however, are
and get out of work between 4 PM and 6 PM. It was very disappointing to go to
work in the dark and then it was dark when you got out. It was like you never supported with details from the
really see daylight. It doesn't really help with the electrical consumption - how writer’s personal experience with
could it. During the winter months we have more darkness anyway and it Daylight Saving Time, not with
makes no difference for that. It does get confusing when we jump ahead an evidence from the source text (“By
hour as if you forget to change your clocks you are late to work, school, church
or any where else you need to be. Because the time jumped ahead and you December; January and February and
forgot to change your clocks - you think its 7 and its really 8. So you have lost even some if not all of march you go to
an hour already in your day. There's nothing worse then forgetting to set your school/work in the dark and come
clocks and then you arrive at church, school, work or an appointment late or home in the dark. That was always
have missed the whole thing. DST is really more confusing then helpful. I wish
we all just stayed the same time all year long. Just pick one of the times back or terrible.” “There’s nothing worse then
forward and leave all states at that time. It also then doesn't get so confusing if forgetting to set your clocks and then
you have relatives in another state or your going to travel to another state on you arrive at church, school, work, or
what time it is. Did they change their time or not. Its confusing enough about
an appointment late or have missed
which time zone your in and what the time is without worrying about DST.
the whole thing.”).
It would be true that crime would come down alittle if we just had our usual
daylight and none of this change the time to adjust the daylight and/or The response communicates an
darkness. opinion about the topic, but only
minimally analyzes the issue as
Driving could be a problem - that is why the sunlight bothers people in the
morning with driving all of a sudden you switch the time by an hour and it presented in the source text.
really makes a difference. A gradual transition in the morning and afternoon of
minutes for the sunlight each day would be better. DST was thought to be Therefore, Response 3 earns a
great back in the 1700's when times were different and things were more score of 0 for Trait 1.
simplistic. There weren't cars and times to be at work, school so early in the
morning. They wanted it to help with conserving resources for the war effort.
To view the annotations to Traits 2
Back when it was thought of or started made sense - but times have changed
and now its time to not have it. We really should stop using it.
and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 88)

Trait 3 (Page 114)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 14
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

ln regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is The writer provides an issue-based
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. statement of stance in the opening
This is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in paragraph (“…daylight savings is
the United States and an idea that was proposed over 200 years ago. If beneficial is best supported by the
DST was a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it benefits of daylight savings time.”).
would have been stopped long ago.
In paragraph 2, the writer
Since different parts of the nation recieve the amount of sunlight at incorporates textual evidence to
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time time to ensure support this general assertion (“In
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970's it was the 1970’s it was proven that DST
proven that DST saved about 1 % per day in energy costs. Studies have saved about 1% per day in energy
also shown that traveling in daylight is safter and that three decades of costs. Studies have also shown that
research have shown an 8-11 % reduction in pedestrian accidents and traveling in daylight is safter and that
6-10% decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST three decades of research have shown
has also reduced crime because there are more people out and about an 8-11% reduction in pedestrian
in sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark. accidents…”).

The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question A short summary of the opposing
because there weremore pedestrians killed the week following the end arguments is provided in paragraph
4, and in the final paragraph the
of DST. They also claim that the adjustment period is dangerous
writer uses simplistic reasoning to
because of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They
challenge the validity of the claims
claim it doesn't allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time made by the opposition, arguing
change as well as adjusting their clocks. that there is a simple solution (“If
those are the argments that are made
If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be then people just need to be more
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time responsible if they are having trouble
change. Go to bed an hour earlier to compensate for the change, adjusting with the time change. Go to
double check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the bed an hour earlier to compensate for
correct time before you go to bed. The media does a good job of the change, double check and triple
informing the public of these changes and often reminds them to take check your clock…”).
the necessary precautions for the change.
Overall, the response provides an
argument, supports it with some
evidence from the source text, and
offers a partial analysis of the

Therefore, Response 4 earns a

score of 1 for Trait 1.

To view the annotations to Traits 2

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 89)

Trait 3 (Page 115)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 15
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

Daylight Saving Time's benefits outweigh its perceived ill-effect. The response generates an argument
While correlation does not necessarily equal causation in scientific in favor of DST and demonstrates a
discussions, it is more logical and demonstrable that Daylight connection to the prompt with a clear
Saving Time is a boon to both public safety and energy efficiency. statement of stance in the introductory
This is readily apparent through both quantitative data and paragraph(“Daylight Saving Time’s
common sense, as several surveys and Benjamin Franklin himself benefits outweigh its perceived ill-effect.”)
can attest. Or would have attested. and in the concluding paragraph(“But
two small instances of convenience cannot
On the surface of the matter at hand (the surface of the Earth), we outweigh the benefits expressed by studies
are at our best with the Sun squarely above, illuminating both our more germane to DST’s overall effect.”).
actions and driving records. Common sense dictates that the more
we spurn this fact of natural order, the more energy and human The response cites some evidence
lives we waste. As noted by "Benefits of DST," the only things from the source text to support the
appropriate to darkness are crime and indecency. If anyone argues central claim (“As noted by ‘Benefits of
for increasing our exposure to these injustices, they are probably DST,’ the only things appropriate to
not arguing with reason on their side (although it may be difficult to darkness are crime and indecency.”) and
tell in low-light conditions). also references specific studies
mentioned in the source text. The
writer partially analyzes the issue (“
Beneath the surface (of the matter, not of Earth), we need only
is more logical and demonstrable…” and
look to the numbers of these ambiguous surveys conducted by
“This is readily apparent through both
such institutions as "many" and "other." Daylight Saving Time is
quantitative data and common sense…”),
statistically sound and economically friendly. A one percent
but the analysis is somewhat simplistic
reduction in energy cost is nothing to scoff at when our demand is and limited.
so high. Detractors and their "theories" will have to use more than
a single state's usage statistics to refute this. Indiana and California The response also partially evaluates
may only be outliers in the grand scheme of things, and to use one the argumentation in the third
isolated subsystem to define the whole would be unscientific and, paragraph, discussing the validity of the
more importantly, unamerican. statistics presented in the source text
(“…numbers of these ambiguous surveys
Most importantly, the human element. Carbon. Measurable drops conducted by such institutions as ‘many’
in vehicle-pedestrian or vehicle-vehicle crashes should be all the and ‘other.’ and “…a single state’s usage
more impactful to any who align themselves against Daylight Saving statistics to refute this.”).
Time. There is no logic inherent to the claim that DST hurts people As a whole, the response generates a
when it is only during its removal that more are hurt. If there are simple argument with some analysis of
more fatalities once clocks are set back in the Fall, then the answer the issue in the source text
is not to rid ourselves of Daylight Saving Time, but to mitigate these
circumstances by implementing gradual change or else finding a Therefore, Response 5 earns a score
more reasonable date to revert back to normalcy. of 1 for Trait 1.

Granted, changing your clocks can be an inconvenience. But two To view the annotations to Traits 2 and
small instances of convenience cannot outweigh the benefits 3, click the links below.
expressed by studies more germane to DST's overall effect. There
are certainly improvements that could be made, and perhaps DST
Trait 2 (Page 90)
isn't appropriate for every location. Ultimately, however, decades
of research and centuries of advocation shouldn't be ruled out by Trait 3 (Page 116)
a few studies more narrow in scope.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 16
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

The two articles are opposites of each other, they both contradict The writer of this response generates
the other one. The passage starts out with a simple overview and a an argument in favor of DST (“...I’d have
brief history to get the reader in the right mindset. It gives a brief
to go with the pro-DST side.”) through a
historical background and mentions that Ben Franklin was a
supporter of Daylight Savings Time. I think that little part about Ben somewhat simplistic analysis of the
could influence a reader or two. Most people like Ben Franklin and source text.
everyone knows he was smart, so why not agree with him?
The response includes some evidence
Paragraph two goes on to talk about the confusion Daylight Savings from the source text to supports the
Time casued by the open choice of having it or when Daylight writer’s central claim, but it also
Savings Time debuted. Cities being able to choose whether or not contains general references that only
they participated in Daylight Savings probably wasn't the best idea summarize sections of the source text
as they soon learned when the confusion started. Cities with
(“The claim is backed up by another good
different time zones would be extremely confusing to travellers and
transportation schedules as the article mentioned. Imagine trying to statistic from nearly three decades of
coordinate flight arrival and departure times if every city was on a research on the subject. The statistic shows
different time! that there was an 8%-11% reduction in
crashes involving pedestrians after the
Paragraph three follows up paragraph two and gives a solution. It spring shift to DST.”).
mentions the Uniform Time Act of 1966 and how it remedied the
situation. The act probably cleared most things up except for the
states who don't even choose to use Daylight Savings Time, like Some analysis of the issue and
Hawaii and parts of Arizona. evaluation of the validity of the
arguments is evident, but it is simplistic
On page two the benefits of Daylight Savings Time are described and limited (“…the pro-DST argument
and backed up with statistics. Statistics always look good in an is better organized, more effective, and
argument, even if they aren't that good of a statistic it still makes the more concise.” and “That’s good, who
paper look smarter and more official. It starts off by explaining what would be against that?” and “This is a
some studies have found. It states that about 1% per day of energy good point and definitely helps out with
costs is saved by using Daylight Savings Time. This is a good point the pro-DST side.” and“…it sounds a
and definitely helps out with the pro-DST side. At the end of the
bit unproven but it’s not a bad point.”).
paragraph it mentions Ben Franklin again which really helps out the
argument. Paragraph four makes some really strong points for the
use of Daylight Savings Time. Overall, the writer generates an
argument supported by some analysis
Another strong point for using DST is the claim that sunlight saves and some evidence from the source
lives. Nobody wants anyone to die so why not use Daylight text.
Savings, right? The claim is backed up by another good statistic
from nearly three decades of research on the subject. The statistic Therefore, Response 6 earns a score
shows that there was an 8%-11 % reduction in crashes involving of 1 for Trait 1.
pedestrians after the spring shift to DST. That's good, who would be
against that?
To view the annotations to Traits 2 and
DST also reduces crime according to other studies. This is very 3, click the links below.
good backup for using DST because nobody likes crime. DST
reduces crime according to those studies. I'm not sure I totally Trait 2 (Page 91)
believe that, it sounds a bit unproven but it's not a bad point. I could
see how it makes sense but I just don't really think an hour of Trait 3 (Page 117)
daylight would have that much of an impact on crime.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 17
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation
(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous page)

On page three the counter argument is made. This is for the opponents
of Daylight Savings. This argument almost completely contradicts the
pro-DST argument. They throw in statistics directly opposite of the
former argument. I'm not sure which one to believe. In paragraph seven
the author starts out by citing a study done in 2007 claiming that
Daylight Savings Time had little or no effect on energy consumption.
This directly contradicts the pro-DST argument stating that DST saved
1% of energy a day. How is the reader is supposed to know which one
to believe? The second stat in the same paragraph says that Indiana
actually spent more money due to DST. Maybe it's different for
different states, after all, the climate can vary greatly from state to
state. Maybe some states benefit from DST and some are harmed by it.
The paragraph also says air pollution increased when DST was
implemented. There can't be any correlation between those two, I
really don't see how it's possible for an hour of daylight to noticeably
increase air pollution.

Paragrpah eight gets into the safety aspect of DST and once again
comes in with a completely contradictory statement from the pro-DST
argument. The anti-DST says that pedestrian fatality increased as clocks
were set back in the fall. This is one statement that I could see being
true. People could be confused from the time change and less aware or
more tired leading to more injuries. People could just not be used to
the hour less of daylight too. I could see where that could come into
play. The adjustment period drivers endue could very well be a
dangerous time for pedestrians. The hour difference can throw
pedestrians and drivers off alike. Pedestrians could be paying less
attention and same with drivers.

The final paragraph argues straight confusion costs people. This one I
agree with most because there have been multiple times when I woke
up at the wrong time due to DST. Overall all though the pro-DST
argument is better organized, more effective, and more concise. It's a
tough choice but after reading this essay I'd have to go with the pro-
DST side.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 18
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight This response generates a text-based
Saving Time is better supported. Although both positions are well argument and establishes a purpose
organized and supported with several examples, the evidence that is connected to the prompt (“…the
supporting the view against DST is more specific and thorough. one against Daylight Saving Time is better
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to
catch any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, It establishes the argument against
safety, and crime rates, all of which are supposedly improved DST, claiming that the evidence
through the use of DST. However, the evidence he uses to support presented by the opposing side is
this claim seems general and outdated. In paragraph four, he “…more specific and thorough.”
mentions that one study took place in the 1970s. He also uses
phrases such as "many studies" and "other studies." While the The writer uses relevant and specific
points he makes are interesting, there are no specifics. One is left evidence from the source text to support
wondering just how outdated or reliable these studies are, and if the central claim (“In paragraph four, he
they even apply to the average American. Had he used less
mentions that one study took place in the
generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing.
1970s.” and“…studies from the 1970s…a
The second position is much better supported, especially study done in 2007.”).
compared to the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous
position. The writer's information is precise, and he seems to use Also, the writer evaluates the validity of
more studies than the first author. While the first author used the evidence offered by proponents by
studies from the 1970s, this one mentions a study done in 2007. calling into question its quality and
The specifics of each study also improve the quality and seeming timeliness (“However, the evidence he uses
validity of the arguments made. The writer gives the states in to support this claim seems general and
which the studies were conducted and the reasons why the
researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion. A focused evaluation of the validity of
While they are similar to those points brought up by the first the arguments in the source text and the
writer, this second position is far better supported through its use of specific evidence in support of an
organization and attention to detail. argument are qualities indicative of 2-
point responses for Trait 1.

Therefore, Response 7 earns a score of

2 for Trait 1.

To view the annotations to Traits 2 and

3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 93)

Trait 3 (Page 119)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 19
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation
The writer of this response offers a
Between the two positions arguing whether or not Daylight Saving statement of stance in the first paragraph
Time (DST) is useful in terms of energy consumption and safety, the (“…the arguement in favor of DST is beter
arguement in favor of DST is beter supported. The points that make supported.”) and provides reasons why
up the benefits possess evidence that provides a stronger (“…the benefits possess evidence that provides
arguement than that of the opposition. a stronger argument than that of the
The first point that the propponents of DST make is that it saves
roughly about 1 % of energy per day in people's homes. This means The central argument is supported with
that having longer days reduces the need to light up one's house at relevant and specific evidence, with clear
night. The opposition makes a point that having those longer hours citations included throughout the entire
means that people will be having their air conditioner units running response. The writer evaluates the validity
longer throughout the day, but that would happen regardless of the of the argumentation(“The opposition makes a
time. The reason for being that the sun is not controlled by DST; DST point that having those longer hours means
regulates the time so that more can be done with more sunlight.This that people will be having their air conditioner
means that the sun would radiate constant heat regardless of the units running longer throughout the day, but
time of day, warranting the longer use of air conditioner units. The that would happen regardless of the time.”).
The writer also provides examples of how
opposition stated that the cost of energy increased in Indiana over a
the argumentation could have been
three year period, but more evidence of this same fact in other
stronger (“…more evidence of this same fact
states would better support their arguement.
in other states would better support their
arguement” and“…if the opposition cited
The next point that the proposition makes in favor of DST is how safe
multiple other examples…their arguement
the streets have gotten for pedestrians and driver's alike over the
would hold more sway against DST.”).
past thirty years. For example, 8-11 % of all pedestrian fatalities have
diminished due to the existence of DST, while fatalities involving Overall, this response successfully
other vehicles has dropped 6-10%. The proposition found this generates a text-based argument and
evidence over a period of thirty years, which shows how the evaluates the validity of the arguments
longevity of DST has helped saved lives and may continue to do so. presented in the source text.
The opposition cites one case where 227 people where killed in
vehicle related accidents the week after DST began in comparison to Therefore, Response 8 earns a score of 2
the 65 the week prior; if the opposition cited multiple other for Trait 1.
examples in wide-ranging locations with the same facts and figures,
their arguement would hold more sway against DST. To view the annotations to Traits 2 and 3,
click the links below.
The propponents also make a third point of how people are victims
of crimes at a much lower rate during DST because they have more Trait 2 (Page 94)
time in the sun to get their business and other whatnot done. After
going to work or going to school, people have more time afterwards Trait 3 (Page 120)
to perform tasks like chores, or grocery shopping, all without the risk
of being mugged or otherwise attacked because of the extra hours
of daylight DST provides. The opposition does not have aarguement
that counteracts this one becuase logically it makes sense. Without
DST, people would most likely stay out later, thereby extending the
amount of time over which an indecent individual could cause
mayhem of some sort.

(response continues on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 20
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
The propponents of DST have decades worth of evidence in support of
DST that shows how it has been useful for many years. Although in
certain cases DST may be somewhat expensive to support and can
cause sometimes dire consequences due to the shift in time, it is the
responsibility of the citizens to make the necessary adjustments. Pay
more attention when driving, open a window, etc. These simple
changes would 5ave lives cut energy costs regardless of what
happened. If the opposition really wanted to prove its point, it would
conduct an experiment where a city stops implementing DST for at least
a month or more and compare automobile-related deaths and energy
consumption rates to the DST rates.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 21
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we The response establishes a
are in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we connection to the prompt by
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In including a statement of stance
that vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its in the opening paragraph
effects. In order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of (“Therefore, I argue against Daylight
those studies should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that Saving Time as a national
blatantly contradict each other: on one hand, for example, some studies measure.”).
say that energy use is decreased, but on the other hand, others say that
energy use is actually increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be The writer cites specific evidence
affected by daylight saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against to support this issue-based
stance throughout the response
Daylight Saving Time as a national measure.
(“DST could save as much as 1% in
energy costs.”) and effectively
The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the
evaluates the validity of the
research. As the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's argumentation within the source
stated that DST could save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that text (“I find that statement lacking
statement lacking for two reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could for two reasons. First, a 1% save
amount to a lot of energy, but the ultimate findings could be negligible; each day could amount to a lot of
that is, with a low percentage comes statistical uncertainty. Second, the energy, but the ultimate findings
1970's post date indicates that the research could be outdated. Now, we could be negligible; that is, with a
have many more electrical and different devices, and, more importantly, low percentage comes statistical
our world is different with such devices as computers and video games, uncertainty.”).
which could easily be used past daylight hours. So, there are dated
assumptions on that research. On that note, a similar study performed The writer also calls into
today could hold different results. In fact, a more recent 2007 study found question the timeliness of the
that energy use did not differ by DST standards, as the opposition against evidence provided (“If the benefits
DST states. Even more concerning, more recent studies in Indiana stated of DST are to be evaluated, they
that energy use greatly increased during that time. Since the opposition must arrive from a recent source.”).
against DST holds more recent evidence, I side with them on this issue.
Overall, the response addresses
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after the purpose of the task by
DST alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227 generating a text-based
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65 argument to evaluate the validity
are killed otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other of the argumentation within the
side is that, overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As source text.
an opponent might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full
analysis, though, the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be Therefore, Response 9 earns a
illustrated: that is, an 8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial score of 2 for Trait 1.
burst, as the opposition against DST points out. Furthermore, the
To view the annotations to Traits
discomforting source from that arrive from the fact that it came from
2 and 3, click the links below.
"three decades of research." In other words, the DST automobile fatality
issue has been carefully researched across a long period of time. While
Trait 2 (Page 96)
that is reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since that point. That
is, technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it must be
determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety measures
Trait 3 (Page 122)
or if those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the arguments for
DST. If the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive from a
recent source.
(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 22
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation
(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous page)

I find, in that case, that the arguments for DST seem little. It may be
that there is better current research for that issue, but it is thus far
unspecified. In that vein, arguments against DST hold more recent
research that should be trusted to a greater extent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 23
RLA ER Rubric – Trait 2

Trait 2 Anchor Responses and Annotations

Score Description
Trait 2: Development of Ideas and Organizational Structure E
2 ▪ contains ideas that are well developed and generally logical; most ideas are elaborated
upon F
▪ contains a sensible progression of ideas with clear connections between details and main
points G
▪ establishes an organizational structure that conveys the message and purpose of the
response; applies transitional devices appropriately H
▪ establishes and maintains a formal style and appropriate tone that demonstrate
awareness of the audience and purpose of the task J
▪ chooses specific words to express ideas clearly K

1 ▪ contains ideas that are inconsistently developed and/or may reflect simplistic or vague
reasoning; some ideas are elaborated upon
▪ demonstrates some evidence of a progression of ideas, but details may be disjointed or
lacking connection to main ideas
▪ establishes an organization structure that may inconsistently group ideas or is partially
effective at conveying the message of the task; uses transitional devices inconsistently
▪ may inconsistently maintain a formal style and appropriate tone to demonstrate an
awareness of the audience and purpose of the task
▪ may occasionally misuse words and/or choose words that express ideas in vague terms

0 ▪ contains ideas that are insufficiently or illogically developed, with minimal or no

elaboration on main ideas
▪ contains an unclear or no progression of ideas; details may be absent or irrelevant to the
main ideas
▪ establishes an ineffective or no discernable organizational structure; does not apply
transitional devices, or does so inappropriately
▪ uses an informal style and/or inappropriate tone that demonstrates limited or no
awareness of audience and purpose
▪ may frequently misuse words, overuse slang or express ideas in a vague or repetitious

Non-scorable Responses (Score of 0/Condition Codes)

▪ Response exclusively contains text copied from source text(s) or prompt
▪ Response shows no evidence that test-taker has read the prompt or is off-topic
▪ Response is incomprehensible
▪ Response is not in English
▪ Response has not been attempted (blank)

Note: The annotations to the rubric, E through K (with no letter I being used), appear on the next page of this

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 24
E The five bullets, or dimensions, in Trait 2 must be considered together to determine the score of
any individual response. No one dimension is weighted more than any other. Each score point
describes the same dimensions, but at varying levels of mastery.

F The first dimension relates to the depth and breadth of explanation exhibited in the response.
While support for ideas should come from the source texts (like in Trait 1), fully developed ideas
are often extended with additional evidence that builds upon central assertions. High-scoring
papers will tend to contain multiple ideas that are fully elaborated upon and help articulate a
central thesis. Responses that develop ideas insufficiently, unevenly, or illogically fall into the
lower score ranges with regard to this dimension.

G The second dimension focuses on how effectively the response builds from one idea to the next
as well as the degree in which details and central ideas are linked. High-scoring responses will
maintain coherence and a sense of progression that help convey the writer’s central thesis.
Responses at lower score points demonstrate an increasingly disjointed or unclear progression
of ideas. Details are increasingly unrelated to central ideas, or even absent.

H The third dimension relates to how well the response is organized. Though paragraphs may lend
structure to many responses, it is possible for a well- organized, logical, non-paragraphed
response to receive a high score. However, responses that contain circular, list-like, or scattered
organizational structure, as well as those that do not fully integrate effective transitions between
ideas, are often indicative of lower score points.

J The fourth dimension is associated with how well the response demonstrates an understanding
of audience and purpose. Responses that score highly in this dimension will establish and
maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of
argumentative writing.

K The fifth dimension focuses on word choice. Effective word choice does not necessarily suggest
that test-takers must employ a great deal of advanced vocabulary. Advanced vocabulary used
correctly is often associated with a higher score on Trait 2, but responses that reflect a precision
in word choice are just as likely to score well in this dimension. At lower score points, imprecise,
vague and/or misused words are more prevalent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 25
RLA ER Trait 2 Anchor Responses and Annotations

Test-taker anchor responses with annotated comments for Trait 2 appear below and continue through page 37.
Each of the responses was selected as an example of the particular score point (0, 1, or 2) for Trait 2.
However, each response was also scored for the other two traits. Links to Trait 1 and Trait 3 in the
“Annotation” column for each sample response provide the score and annotation for the two other traits.

Text from the responses that is quoted in the annotations for Trait 2 is highlighted in green in both the
annotations and in the test-taker response itself in order to help you quickly identify specific elements of each
response that helped SMEs score them appropriately. However, keep in mind that each response must be
considered as a whole, and these highlighted excerpts are notable mostly because they show specific
examples of qualities common to responses.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 26
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation

Pros-daylight savings time The writer uses an informal style (a

1. Because the days are longer and nights are longer, there is less list) that demonstrates limited
criminal activity, in that crime normally occurs at night. awareness of audience and
2. Driving home from work when it is daylight is safer, therefore saving purpose. The response lacks a
a lot of lives. clear progression of ideas, instead
3. The more sun, the less light. This saves on electricity. providing a list of pros and cons
about Daylight Saving Time which
functions as a simplistic summary
of the source text with no
1. People driving home from work is more likely to have accidents or kill elaboration.
a pedestrian during the fall and winter because around those times, it
gels dark quicker. Because the ideas are so
2. There is more use of air conditioning during the spring and summers insufficiently developed, no
months because the daylight hours are longer, therefore peoples discernible organizational structure
electricity bills are higher. is established.

As a whole, the response is

insufficiently developed,
inadequately organized, and lacks
a clear progression of ideas.

Therefore, Response 10 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 61)

Trait 3 (Page 124)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 27
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation

In this article, DST was regulated in the 1960s, and as far back in 1784 This relatively brief response
for those citizens in France. DST in the United Slates occur do not occur establishes a discernible but
in some cities in Arizona and ALL of Hawaii. The United States on the ineffective organizational structure.
other hand, has 3 time zones, Pacific, Central, Eastern. With that being It opens with background
said, researchers in the 1970s have found that DST saves an average of information about DST, but the
1% a day in energy costs. For instance.that1% of that only applies to subsequent paragraphs fail to
lighting and appliances. This follows Ben Franklin's argument well over provide a clear progression of
200 years ago. ideas.

The response lacks specificity, and

For those who support DST,they claim that the more sunlight, the
ideas are expressed in a vague
better. In this article.studies have indicated that more sunlight is also a
manner, as evidenced by
safely for those who are traveling from home to work or even those in paragraphs two and three, which
school. Researchers have indicated that there has been a reduction in present an overview of the central
crashes due to more sunlight. DST has also reduced crimes for those at claims made by the opposing sides
highly risk areas. of the debate (“…they claim that the
more sunlight, the better.” and“ DST
Residence in California, during a 3 year study have indicated that they has also reduced crimes…”). These
have spent dose to $9 million each year for energy and air pollution. ideas lack elaboration and include
only a general explanation.
In reading this article about DST, I must say that I am FOR DST because
not only do we get more sunlight, but it is also provides many safey for In the last paragraph, the writer
not only me, but as for the other people in my society. again mentions the central claim
and provides only a general
statement with no elaboration. As a
whole, the response is ineffectively
organized and insufficiently

Therefore, Response 11 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits

1 and 3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 62)

Trait 3 (Page 125)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 28
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation
A simplistic organizational structure
In regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is is established in the response. The
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. writer begins with a vague statement
This is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in of the main idea and a poorly
the United States and an idea that waS proposed over 200 years ago. If reasoned explanation.
DST waS a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it
would have been stopped long ago. The other three paragraphs are
devoted to a summary of the
advantages of DST, a summary of
Since different parts of the nation receive the amount of sunlight at
the arguments against DST, and a
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time time to ensure challenge to the opponents’
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970’s it was arguments, respectively.
proven that DST saved about 1% per day in energy costs. Studies have
also shown that traveling in daylight is safter and that three decades of While the summary of the
research have shown an 8-11% reduction in pedestrian accidents and advantages of DST is insufficiently
6-10%decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST developed and provides some
has also reduced crime because there are more people out and about evidence of a progression of ideas,
in sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark. the final two paragraphs lack these
qualities. The summary of the
The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question arguments against DST merely list
because there were more pedestrians killed the week following the three ideas from the source text and
end of DST. They also claim that the adjustment period is dangerous provides no elaboration.
because of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They
claim it doesn’t allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time The last paragraph, which
change as well as adjusting their clocks. challenges the opponents’ claims,
offers simplistic reasoning and lacks
appropriate formality (“If those are the
If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be
argments that are made then people
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time
just need to be more responsible if they
change. Go to bed an hour earlier to compensate for the change,
are having trouble adjusting with the
double check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the
time change.”).
correct time before you go to bed. The media does a good job of
informing the public of these changes and often reminds them to take
As a whole, the response is
the necessary precautions for the change. simplistically organized and
insufficiently developed.

Therefore, Response 12 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 63)

Trait 3 (Page 126)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 29
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight The writer establishes a discernable
Saving Time is better supported. Although both positions are well organizational structure in this response
organized and supported with several examples. the evidence by setting up a comparison of the two
supporting the view against DST is more specific and thorough. positions presented in the source text. In
the introduction, the writer establishes a
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to general stance (“Between the two
catch any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, positions in this article, the one against
safety, and crime rates, all of which are supposedly improved Daylight Saving Time is better supported.”).
through the use of DST. However, the evidence he use; to support
The second paragraph focuses on the
this claim seems general and outdated. In paragraph four, he
positive effects of DST and provides a
mentions that one study took place in the 1970s. He also uses
clear progression of ideas. Main points
phrases such as "many studies" and "other studies." While the
are generally developed within
points he makes are interesting .there are no specifics. One is left paragraphs, but supporting details are
wondering just how outdated or reliable these studies are, and if simplistic. The first part is a summary
they even apply to the average American. Had he used less and a new thought is presented about
generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing. the article in favor of DST (“One is left
wondering just how outdated or reliable
Tile second position is much better supported, especially these studies are…Had he used less
compared to the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous generalized phrases, he may have sounded
position. The writer's information is precise. and he seems to use more convincing.”).
more studies than the first author. While the first author used
studies from the 1970s, this one mentions a study done in 2007. The third paragraph focuses on the
The specifics of each study also improve the quality and seeming negative effects of DST, comparing and
validity of the arguments made. The writer gives the studies in contrasting both articles but is generally
which the studies were conducted and the reasons why the developed (“The writer’s information is
researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first precise, and he seems to use more studies
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the than the first author.”).
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion.
While they are similar to those points brought up by the first The conclusion is a general explanation
writer, this second position is far better supported through its of why the second position is better
organization and attention to detail. supported. The writer’s word choice is
adequate and the response’s tone is
appropriate for the audience. As a
whole, the response is generally
organized and focused, but the ideas
are unevenly developed.

Therefore, Response 13 earns a score

of 1 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1 and

3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 64)

Trait 3 (Page 127)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 30
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

There are many advantages to participating in daylight savings A simplistic organizational structure is
time than not having a DST established. Benjamin Franklin first established in the response. The writer
introduced the idea of daylight savings time to thee citizens in begins with a vague statement of stance
france back in 1784, but it wasnt implemented in the United and a brief background of DST.
States until 1918. He spoke on the idea of DST to help conserve
resources for tile war. The second paragraph provides a
summary of the advantages of DST and
is somewhat developed (“I am a
I am supporter a DST mainly for thee same reasons that were
supporter a DST mainly for thee same
stated in the passage.It promotes more of a safe environment on
reasons that were stated in the passage. It
them summer evenings to do more outdoor activites. Studies have
promotes more of a safe environment…”),
shown that more people are able to be out taking care of their
providing some evidence of a
business, chores, and errands after the work or school day and not
progression of ideas.
be exposed to more common after dark crimes that are
committed when the DST is not in effect. The times when DST is in The fourth paragraph is a continuation of
effect are the times that are children are out of school for their the previous one, as it includes a
summer vacations and more time is just felt needed in them discussion of the advantages of having
warmer months to get things done. more light and saving electricity, but this
idea lacks development. The writer then
I also agree with DST there is more electricity being saved due to challenges the opponents’ claims using
the sunlight. Which means people electric bills are smaller and so simplistic reasoning and with lapses in
much more energy is be conserved by the use of the sun heating appropriate formality (“I do not agree with
and lighting peoples homes. them accusations…”).

There are arguments that we in the Unites States should not The writer’s word choice is generally
practice DST due safety of the drivers and pedestrians. I do not adequate, but some vague language
agree with them accusations, simply because thee time of the day and reasoning is present within the
that is set back or ahead generates thee same number of people discussion of safety for drivers and
outside during that time .I dont think that the studies that were pedestrians.
done to support these accusations are not well experimented
As a whole, the response is
with. However I do agree with one thing the non supporters of
simplistically organized, and unevenly
DST believe and that is that it is a adjustment period that we all
developed, but it has an evident
must go through when we are practing DST only because our awareness of audience and purpose.
bodies isnt use to the early or late time but within a day or two
our bodies easily adjust to the change. Therefore, Response 14 earns a score
of 1 for Trait 2.
I do agree that DST has came a long way with making it easier to
implement the change in our daily lives without so much To view the annotations to Traits 1 and
confusion.With the U.S all on the same time change (such as the 3, click the links below.
date DST goes in and out of effect) it realty makes it more easier
to understand the time zone and the time around you. Instead of Trait 1 (Page 65)
each state impplememting there own dates and times that they
would like to participate in the daylight savings time. Trait 3 (Page 128)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 31
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

There will always be mixed reviews when discussing DST and its proposed An adequate organizational
impact on energy consumption and safety. Depending on who does the structure is established in this
investigation, to find out whether it does wreak havoc, many people are response, as it opens with the
faced with no choice. They have to set their clocks back, regardless. main idea about setting the
clocks back regardless of
Living in Hawaii without DST was cool. You never had to worry about following DST.
changing their clocks or remembering the adage “spring forward, fall
The writer begins with a poorly
back.” From my perspective, there seemed to be no change in violent
reasoned explanation of a
activities or safety concerns. I’m not sure about energy consumption
personal experience of living in
rates. But, in Hawaii hardly anyone uses air conditioning and if they are Hawaii. The writer’s own
home, they are usually outside or they are on the beach, where you have arguments lack development.
the sun to generate your light.
In the third, fourth and fifth
DST may reduce some crime but not adolescent crime. The time for this paragraphs the writer moves
type of crime is right after school, until dark. So. I'm not sure where they from one thought to the next
got this statistic from (benefits of DST, last paragraph). It should have without a clear thread of
been more specific as to what type of criminals they are talking about. development and continuity.

I have always hated DST. I don't believe the claims of saving energy or The writer does attempt to
having any effect on crime, either. I don't think that there is enough establish an argument against
research that can definitively say whether DST actually helps or not. I DST but offers simplistic
think it is just a gimmick that the government has us follow so we can be reasoning.
told what to do, yet again or falsely leading us to believe that energy
There is little use of transitions
consumption is going down. Bullarkey!
and idea development is uneven
throughout the response.
I think an updated research team needs to devlop more sophisticated
ways to detect the prevalence of safety and crime. The last time DST was As a whole the response
studied was back in the 1970's. More than 40 years ago! If they were to do demonstrates some evidence of
more research, why don’t they look at Hawaii or the parts of Arizona that a progression of ideas, but lacks
do not follow the DST rule? That would tell them what, if any, savings are connection to main ideas, and
happening and/or crime that Is being reduced by these factors. I think it is appropriate formality.
just weird that we have to adjust ourselves to different light/dark cycles to
save some electricity. Adjusting to that time change twice a year is Therefore, Response 15 earns a
mentally challenging and time some. People who struggle with seasonal score of 1 for Trait 2.
depression have an even harder time with these two occurrences each
year. To view the annotations to Traits
1 and 3, click the links below.
Being able to learn what it was like, for the first time in my life, to find out
what life was like without DST, was amazing. It felt so good to be able to Trait 1 (Page 66)
not worry of the time change and not having to adjust to the differences in
seasons. The sunlight stayed the sane throughout the year and I was able Trait 3 (Page 129)
to enjoy the sunlight all day without worrying that it would become dark
early in the Fall. It was just something else that I did not have to worry
about. Although, I did have to remember to change the battery in the fire
alarm, something that you usually do when the time changes. A minor
inconvenience to not having DST.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 32
Test-Taker Anchor Response15 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from previous page) (see comments on the previous

It is remarkable that we follow beliefs that were set in stone over 40
years ago. We should look at this issue and thoroughly conclude what is
best for us now, in this year 2012 .We need to stay present in the
technologies we have available to determine what our consumption
needs are and how to properly adjust to these changing inequalities.
More research would give us an updated outlook on what is needed
and what can be done to remedy any changes.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 33
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

In the articles that present the arguments from both critics and An adequate organizational
supporters of Daylight Saving Time and how they impact energy structure is established in this
consumption and safety, I believe that the position of those who response. It opens with a statement
support DST is better supported. of stance followed by background
information about DST. The
The concept of DST has a long history of research. It is not a new idea response then highlights the
just based on preserving the daylight's activities, “Benjamin Franklin, for positive aspects of DST, challenges
example, touted the idea of DST to citizens of France way back in the criticisms, and concludes with a
brief summary of the writer’s
1784!" In the USA !he conservation efforts for “resources of the war
effort ' was introduced in 1918. With moving the clock ahead an hour In
!he spring season and then moving the clock back In !he fall season A sensible progression of ideas is
allows those to ‘"maximize the benefits of the sun.” evident within the structure of the
· response, and most main points
Even though this idea was not accepted by aII, it was finally agreed are logically developed and
upon by Congress to have a uniformed date and time to put the DST in connected to supporting details. As
affect. This act is called the 'Uniform Time Act of 1966" to bring about an example, in touting the positive
clarity so that all who participate whould be on the same page. aspects of DST, the writer claims
that DST’s purpose is to “…help
This DST act is stated to help with energy costs, saving lives and possibly with energy costs, saving lives and
reduces crime. There are low percentages in these cases but any possibly reduces crime.” This
percentage can help the overall well-being of the US citizen. Research assertion is tied to developed
in the 70's say the DST "saved 1% per day in energy costs." Image the pieces of supporting evidence
savings now on technology that uses solar power as an energy source. (“Research in the ‘70’s say the DST
Thirty years of research stated that DST shows "8-11% reduction in ‘saved 1% per day in energy
crashes involving pedestrians and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for costs…Thirty years of research stated
vehicle occupants after the spring shift ... "Studies have also shown that that DST shows ‘8-11% reduction in
not being exposed to crimes that are more common after dark by crashes…’ Studies have also shown that
completing personal errands before or after work is another way DST is not being exposed to crimes that are
positively effecting citizens using the extened time of daylight to do more common after dark…is another
what they need to do. way DST is positively effecting
I believe that in the current years the costs of energy have gone up
because of new technology that requires more electricity not that DST
is somehow not effecting positively the savings of energy use. Think of
the costs if most did not use DST on top of the growing need for more
energy due to technology!
(comments continued on the next page)

Also the study of pedestrians killed prior to or after DST takes place
should not be soley weighed on DST Who knows the affects of other
components such as drug and alcohol use and how that plays a role in
pedestrians killed? Studies have also sown how anxiety and stress has
increased over the years due to the demands of jobs and lifestyles.
Doesn’t that play a role in those percentages, too?

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 34
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation
(response continued from the previous page) (comments continued from the previous page)

The opponents of DST state that a 3 year study of counties in Indiana The writer’s word choice is
showed that residents. "spent $8.6 million more each year for energy adequate for clarity, and the
and air pollution" due to increase after incorporating DST. But,does this response’s tone is evidence of an
study take into consideration that daylight is not the only cause for appropriate awareness of audience
energy or air pollution costs? What about how the ozone layer affects and purpose.
energy consumption and how technology has been a cause of air
pollution? Because of the condition of the sun and how pollution in Overall, the writer has produced a
combination with it affects the ozone layer, whether a state or city uses response that is generally
DST or not these effects of this combination would be taking place organized, focused, and developed
regardless. and is reflective of the qualities of a
2-level response for Trait 2.
Lastly, due to the amount of years that DST has been in affect most of
Therefore, Response 16 earns a
the citizens of the US are already well adjusted to the time frame. The
score of 2 for Trait 2.
media has helped more and more every year to remind those to adjust
their clocks when DST starts. Calendars are made with the information To view the annotations to Traits 1
already state as a reminder; the work place reminds its employees and and 3, click the links below.
even religious facilities and organizations remind their members of the
adjustment they must make sometimes a couple of weeks in advance. Trait 1 (Page 68)

The general public makes us of Daylight Savings Time to the best of Trait 3 (Page 131)
their ability and to the benefit of their personal schedules. I believe it
would be a great loss as well as completely confusing to go back to the
time when DST was not in place or for everyone to go on their on
accord to use it or not. As a country we work better when we are on
one accord with our businesses organizations who need to flow and
work together in unison.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 35
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

This article presents both opposing and proposing side to the issue of The writer establishes an
Daylight Savings Time (DST). Both sides argue that DST has an effect on adequate organizational
energy consumption. Opponents of DST cite studies that have shown there structure in this response,
is little to no effect on energy consumption based on a 2007 study beginning with a summary of
completed in the state of California. Another study based in Indiana actually the arguments on both sides,
showed that energy consumption increases each year due to DST; further and then discussing the
more, this study showed air pollution also increased. However, proponents evidence related to safety, and
of DST point to a study completed in 1970 that found DST reduced energy providing a developed analysis
costs by 1% per day. They also indicated Benjamin Franklin made an to close.
argument for DST to the French in 1784. Unfortunately, it appears they have
Within this structure is a
not considered that back in 1784 people needed daylight to be productive,
reasonable progression of
while now we have electricity that allows to work all through the night, if sufficiently developed ideas.
Paragraph 2 offers a thorough
The other reason people advocate for the use of DST is safety. Supporters of breakdown of the arguments
DST cite three decades of research that shows an 8 – 11% reduction in and evidence related to
pedestrian related accidents and an 6 – 10% reduction in vehicle only accidents involving vehicles
crashes after the spring shift to DST. However, they have not indicated the and pedestrians (“Supporters of
risk of injury when DST ends in the fall. Those against the use of DST cite DST cite three decades of
one study that showed an increase in pedestrian related accident research that shows an 8-11%
immediately after the end of DST in the fall. That study indicated 227 reduction in pedestrian related
pedestrians were killed the week following the end of DST, compared to only accidents and an 6-10% reduction
65 pedestrian fatalities the week before the end of DST. It was stated that in vehicle only crashes…However,
this abrupt change in daylight does not provide drivers and pedestrians they have not indicated the risk of
enough time to adjust to the difference. In contrast, if we did not have DST injury when DST ends…Those
to change would be gradual and allow both pedestrians and drivers the against the use of DST cite one
appropriate amount of time to adjust to the lower levels of sunlight. study that showed an increase in
pedestrian related accident…”).
The other factor of safety concerns is crime. One study of DST argues that it
actually reduced crime because during the evening hours when people are Paragraph 3 provides evidence
running errands after work the additional sunlight reduces their exposure to of the appropriate use of
crime, which is more common after dark. Unfortunately, the opponents of transitions (“The other factor of
DST have yet to cite any studies that show crime is not affected by DST. safety concerns is crime.” and“
Although, they did point to the fact that DST causes confusion to the people Unfortunately, the opponents of
that forget to adjust their clocks; therefore, the people do not show up on DST…”).
time to work or appointments.
The writer’s tone demonstrates
Both arguements have been backed by reputable studies; however, the an awareness of audience and
studies cited by the supporters of DST seem to be outdated. While the fact purpose, and the diction serves
that Benjamin Franklin was a proponent of DST is a significant reason for its to adequately express ideas.
As a whole, the response is
use; his reasonings for its use are obsolete in this day and age. Further
successfully organized,
more, the study that found DST actually saved energy was completed in
adequately focused, and
1970 and our energy consumption needs have changed drastically since mostly developed.
then. Also, the study that showed a decrease in pedestrian related accidents
and vehicle only related accidents indicated it was completed over a period Therefore, Response 17 earns
of three decades. However, it was not indicated when this study was a score of 2 for Trait 2.
completed, which brings into question the correlation between the current
figures and the figures

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 36
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the

previous page)
from the unidentified time period. While the opponents of DST were unable
to cite any studies that proved crime was unaffected by DST, the supporters To view the annotations to
of DST did not indicate when the study was completed. Therefore, it is hard Traits 1 and 3, click the links
to confirm those statistics are still valid in the present day. While both sides below.
of the arguement have compelling facts, I believe the opponents to DST
have provided a stronger case based on the facts given. Trait 1 (Page 69)

Trait 3 (Page 133)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 37
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

Daylight saving time is when everyone changes their clock to either an hour The response establishes an
ahead in the spring or an hour back in the fall to increase the amount of adequate organizational
sunlight you receive in your day. The system is used based on the seasons structure, opening with
chaing due to the tilt the earth is on as it orbits the sun. The tilt changes the background information about
intensity of sunlight received in different regions of the earth in different DST, then discussing the
times of the year. One of the original reasons that the United States decided advantages and disadvantages
to do day light saving time is due to the fact that in the spring farmers are of DST, and finally concluding
with a summative analysis.
harvesting their crops and this will give them the largest possible workload
This structure allows for a
they could complete in a day’s work. sensible progression of mostly
developed, generally logical
An advantage of day light saving time is not only can farmers increase the ideas.
amount of work in a day but also it will increase the length of summer days
while children are out of school. Having the extra hour everyday will give The writer provides a number of
children more time to play outside and decrease the changes of overweight advantages of DST in
children because their parents require them home when it gets dark. paragraph 2. Most of these
Summer is meant for relaxation whether it be by a pool or on the beach and advantages are fully
with the increased amount of sunlight there will be more time you can spend elaborated. For example, the
with your family outside. Also with the increased sunlight you will be able to writer claims that “[s]unlight
spend more time outdoor and won't have to be using your air conditioning all can…be looked as an angel
the time. While you are outside it can strongly reduce the amount of lights watching over you.” This main
that need to be on throughout your house and ultimately decrease your point is developed (“…it will
energy bill. Sunlight can also be looked as an angel watching over you dramaticlly decrease ‘their
because it will dramatically decrease “their exposure to crimes that are more exposure to crimes that are more
common after dark.” You can also feel much safer walking around with an “8- common after dark.’ You can also
11% reduction in crashes involving pedestrians” and while you are driving feel much safer walking around
with an “6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring with an ‘8-11% reduction in
shift to DST.” Since the beginning of time, the sun has always been looked at crashes involving pedestrians’ and
as a safe haven for travelers and a strong religious symbol for groups who while you are driving with an ‘6-
worship it and DST is just an other example of the importance of the sun to 10% decrease in crashes for
us. vehicle occupants…’”).

Unfortunately with the sun comes heat and that could cause your energy bill The writer’s word choices
to go up during spring day light saving time. During spring and summer adequately express ideas in the
months temperatures can hit an all time high and to stay cool you will turn up response, and a generally
your air conditioning to the max which can be a heavy load on your wallet. appropriate formality of tone is
Increased energy “in Indiana showed that residents of that state spent $8.6 maintained throughout. As a
whole, the response is
million more each year for energy, and air pollution increased after the state
organized, focused, and
switched to DST.” An increase that large every year can put a strain on fossil
fuels because coal is used to produce the majority of the country’s electricity.
Not only is coal a nonrenewable resource but it causes a lot of air pollution Therefore, Response 18 earns
when it is burned to be turned into electricity. If environmental factors are a score of 2 for Trait 2.
not a strong enough reason to stop using DST then the fact that “227
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, compared with To view the annotations to
65 pedestrians killed the week before DST ended” may change your mind. Traits 1 and 3, click the links
Having the time changed twice a year at a large amount of time is dangerous below.
because people have a hard time adapting to the change. DST causes many
people to be late to work the following day, unaware of the new driving Trait 1 (Page 71)
conditions, and overall they are put through a tough transition.
Trait 3 (Page 135)
(response continued on the next page)
2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 38
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation
(response continued from the previous page)
(see comments on the
previous page)
In the end, daylight saving time may seem like a pain to have to deal with
twice a year but if a man as smart as Benjamin Franklin thought it was a good
idea then there must be something right about it. There is far too much good
that comes out of the increased sunlight to take it away and if that means
adults need to be more aware of their surroundings then that is a price this
country should take. The extra hour increases economical growth for longer
work days and gives the youth a chance to enjoy their summer just a little bit
more and that should be well worth the hardship you may face transitioning.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 39
RLA ER Rubric –Trait 3

Score Description
Trait 3: Clarity and Command of Standard English Conventions L
2 ▪ demonstrates largely correct sentence structure and a general fluency that enhances clarity
with specific regard to the following skills: M
1)varied sentence structure within a paragraph or paragraphs
2)correct subordination, coordination and parallelism
3)avoidance of wordiness and awkward sentence structures
4)usage of transitional words, conjunctive adverbs and other words that support logic and
5) avoidance of run-on sentences, fused sentences, or sentence fragments
▪ demonstrates competent application of conventions with specific regard to the following skills:
1) frequently confused words and homonyms, including contractions
2) subject-verb agreement
3) pronoun usage, including pronoun antecedent agreement, unclear pronoun references,
and pronoun case
4) placement of modifiers and correct word order
5) capitalization (e.g., proper nouns, titles, and beginnings of sentences)
6) use of apostrophes with possessive nouns
7) use of punctuation (e.g., commas in a series or in appositives and other non-essential
elements, end marks, and appropriate punctuation for clause separation)
▪ may contain some errors in mechanics and conventions, but they do not interfere with
comprehension; overall, standard usage is at a level appropriate for on-demand draft writing. P

1 ▪ demonstrates inconsistent sentence structure; may contain some repetitive, choppy, rambling,
or awkward sentences that may detract from clarity; demonstrates inconsistent control over
skills 1-5 as listed in the first bullet under Trait 3, Score Point 2 above
▪ demonstrates inconsistent control of basic conventions with specific regard to skills 1 – 7 as
listed in the second bullet under Trait 3, Score Point 2 above
▪ may contain frequent errors in mechanics and conventions that occasionally interfere with
comprehension; standard usage is at a minimally acceptable level of appropriateness for on-
demand draft writing.

0 ▪ demonstrates consistently flawed sentence structure such that meaning may be obscured;
demonstrates minimal control over skills 1-5 as listed in the first bullet under Trait 3, Score
Point 2 above
▪ demonstrates minimal control of basic conventions with specific regard to skills 1 – 7 as listed
in the second bullet under Trait 3, Score Point 2 above
▪ contains severe and frequent errors in mechanics and conventions that interfere with
comprehension; overall, standard usage is at an unacceptable level for on-demand draft
▪ response is insufficient to demonstrate level of mastery over conventions and usage

*Because test-takers will be given only 45 minutes to complete Extended Response tasks, there is no
expectation that a response should be completely free of conventions or usage errors to receive a score of 2.

Non-scorable Responses (Score of 0/Condition Codes)

▪ Response exclusively contains text copied from source text(s) or prompt
▪ Response shows no evidence that test-taker has read the prompt or is off-topic
▪ Response is incomprehensible
▪ Response is not in English
▪ Response has not been attempted (blank)

Note: The annotations to the rubric, L through P appear on the next page of this guide. (Note that the
annotations do not use the letter O to avoid confusion with the number 0.)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 40
L As in the previous two traits, each of the three dimensions of Trait 3 must be weighed together to
determine the score. Each score point describes the same dimensions, but at varying levels of mastery.

M This dimension relates to sentence structure and variety. Scoring will focus only on these skills essential to
the development of sentence structure. High-scoring responses mix simple and compound sentences and
purposefully incorporate a variety of clauses to enhance overall fluidity. Repetitive, choppy, rambling,
and/or awkward sentence constructions are indicative of responses at the lower score points.

N The second dimension focuses on how well the response maintains specific conventions of standard
English. Responses will be scored on the basis of a test-taker’s demonstrated mastery over the particular
language skills listed in this dimension. Though there are many other conventions that come into play in a
test-taker’s writing, these essential skills are the ones on which they will be scored. Further, the longer the
response, the greater tolerance for errors. For example, 10 errors in a 10-line response will likely receive a
lower score than a response that contains 20 errors but is 60 lines long.

P The third dimension pertains to overall fluency with conventions and mechanics. In order to receive a
score higher than 1, test-takers must sustain their writing long enough to demonstrate their level of
proficiency with all the skills listed in the two previous dimensions. Then, writing samples are evaluated for
level of grammatical and syntactical fluency appropriate for on-demand, draft writing.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 41
Trait 3 Anchor Responses and Annotations

Test-taker anchor responses with annotated comments for Trait 3 appear below and continue through
page 52. Each of the responses was selected as an example of the particular score point (0, 1, or 2)
for Trait 3. However, each response was also scored for the other two traits. Links to Trait 1 and
Trait 2 in the “Annotation” column for each sample response provide the score and annotation for the
two other traits.

Text from the responses that is quoted in the annotations for Trait 3 is highlighted in magenta in both
the annotations and in the test-taker response itself in order to help you quickly identify specific
elements of each response that helped SMEs score them appropriately. However, keep in mind that
each response must be considered as a whole, and these highlighted excerpts are notable mostly
because they show specific examples of qualities common to responses. It is also important to note
that a test-taker does not need to apply conventions perfectly in order to receive a 2. Generally
speaking, responses that receive 0s are written in a manner that severely impedes the reader’s
understanding, and responses that receive 1s can cause the reader some difficulty but are generally

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 42
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] Annotation

ln my way its good because in DST is good for lot of people. The studies This brief response demonstrates
have indicated that traveling home from work or school in daylight is consistently flawed sentence
safer. Nearly three decades of research shows an 8-11% reduction in structure (“In my way its good because
crashes inviling pedestrains and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle in DST is good for a lot of people .”)
occupants after the spring shift to DST. ln sunlight we can finishes our and includes several fragments (“In
chores. In everything new things takes time to adjust. After some days studies only shows that too.”) and
went we feel this is the right thing. In studies only shows that too. Only run-on sentences.
one week after changing the clocks and before go back the clocks only
accidens happen after that its not for only one week we think what Sentences are largely incorrect,
about the rest of the weeks. If we see in everything its right or wrong. In awkward, or illogical and
my way DST is for lot of people. In way who dont like sun its natural way demonstrate a lack of fluency.
of light.
Minimal control of standard English
conventions is evident, particularly
with regard to frequently confused
words, punctuation, subject-verb
agreement, and modifier

These severe and frequent errors

interfere with comprehension (“If we
see in everything its right or wrong.”).

Therefore, Response 19 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 3.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 2, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 73)

Trait 2 (Page 98)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 43
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] Annotation

One of the first benefits of DST is one of the most important I think, the The response includes consistently
saving of electricity. Anytime we do this it helps the world as a whole, flawed and awkward sentences
Supporters of DST also claim that more sunlight saves lives. If the (“One of the first benefits of DST is one
studies are correct I would say they are right, three decades supports of the most important I think, the
research that 8-11% reduction in crashes involving pedertrains. And a 6- saving of electricity. . . And then we
10% decrese in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring DST, the have opponets of DST, right of the bat
preservation of life is always a very good thing. Similar logic states DST display an understandable point of
reduces crime because people are out completing chores after their view.”).
business or school day in sunlight,lessening their exposure to crimes
that are more comme after dark.lf this proves true then this is a positive Comma splices and sentence
for everyone,less crime is always a good thing.And then we have fragments are present.
opponets of DST,right of the bat display an understandable point of
view. Even thought one study in california indicated that DST had little Minimal control of standard English
or no effect on energy consumption.Other studies show that counties in conventions is evident throughout
indiana showed that residents of the state spent $8.6 million more each the response, specifically with
regard to capitalization,
year for energy.They are saying the main energy jump is due to
punctuation, and pronoun usage.
increased use of air conditioning as a result of maximing daylight
hours.Thats just indiana imagine what other states such as texas or Severe and frequent errors
arizona spend a year, I speculate these states because they are aried, interfere with comprehension (“If
dry and always hot.Further reserach shows air pollution has also the studies are correct I would say they
increased as a result of DST.Now the safty issue comes up again, in the are right, three decades…”).
yearly switch to and from DST.One study shows pedestrian fatalites
from cars incresed immediately after clocks were set back in the fall. Overall, standard usage in this
Arguments continue with another study that shows 227 pedestrains response is at an unacceptable
were killed in the week following the end of DST compared with 65 level for on-demand draft writing.
pedestrains killed the week before DST is also stated that the
adjusment period drivers endure each year is a dangerous time for Therefore, Response 20 earns a
pedestrains, and DST may be the reason. lnstaed of a gradual tranistion score of 0 for Trait 3.
in the morning or afternoon by just minutes of sunlight each day, the
immediate shift of one hour forward or backward fails to provide drives To view the annotations to Traits 1
and pedeestrains time to adjust.These opponets believe the and 2, click the links below.
consideration of cost and confusion are simply not worth all of the
trouble. With everything there are pros and cons no matter what, so in Trait 1 (Page 74)
the end we can only hope the good out weighs the bad.
Trait 2 (Page 99)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 44
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 0 [Trait 3] Annotation

First position would be the benefits of daylight savings time. The study This lengthy response
given talked about the issues of safety for those who get off work or demonstrates consistently flawed
school and the safety of traveling in the daylight verses night fall. The sentence structure (“First position
next point they make would be about the crime rate being down would be the benefits of daylight
because with the time changes it either is lighter later or darker sooner savings time.”).
(being it is still early enough for those to feel safe). They also talked
about the savings in the energy saved the number seemed a little low Sentences are somewhat varied,
but each amount helps. but run-ons and awkwardly
constructed sentences provide
The second position given was that those who argued against DST there evidence of a lack of overall
seemed to be more points given here verses those that were for but
let's review those points. They only reviewed California and Indiana The writer demonstrates minimal
verses the Country as a whole using the fact that people used more control of standard English
energy but is it the time they are talking about or was the weather just conventions with regard to
hotter during the time these studies were done?. frequently confused words,
capitalization, punctuation, and
In reference to the accident fatalties how would that tie into DST? Was pronoun usage.
it because people were rushing more or there was fatigue that took
place because of the time change? Were the people getting less sleep Severe errors interfere with
or hard to sleep due to the issues of not being able to adjust to the time comprehension and detract from
change? overall clarity.

These are all the questions that I would have after reading these As a whole, standard usage is at an
arguments against DST. They only state that it May be the reason not unacceptable level for on-demand
that they have proof or facts that this is cause of so many accidents and draft writing.
fatalities. How could the adjustment period effect how drivers drive
Therefore, Response 21 earns a
again is it because they are still sleep or tired when they have ended
score of 0 for Trait 3.
their day? I can't buy that part of the argument.
To view the annotations to Traits 1
I feel that with change no matter what or how there will be adjustment and 2, click the links below.
periods to deal with and always someone who will not want to have
change. I would like for those who depend on the day light to earn a Trait 1 (Page 75)
living to give their oponions about daylight savings time to hear a real
perspective from someone who has a lawn care business, cleaning Trait 2 (Page 100)
service, car wash, window washers and even the local and state
workers who repair our roads. Furthermore lets speak with those
farmers who rely on the daylight to be as productive as possible while
they still have it. I am sure they appreciate having that time to.

I think there is alot of benefit to daylight savings time that we could

speak on if we are really looking for positive feedback. I can see the
positive side for those who work all day and would love to just have
some daylight when their day was finished to spend some time with
their children in the park or to just be able to take that scroll or walk
while they feel secure with having that daylight.

We may also see where many who do work that 8-5 or 9-6 would be
less likely start the early after work happy hour when there is more

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 45
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

Does Daylight Savings Time really save energy or is it a myth? Many This brief response demonstrates
people seem to debate the issue of the practice's impact on energy mostly correct sentence structure,
consumption and safety. Supporters of DST have found several benifits. but it lacks sentence variety.
For example, in the 1970s research they found that DST saved about 1
percent per day in energy costs. Some supporters also claim that more The writer exhibits inconsistent
sunlight saves lives, because there are less crashes due to DST. Other control of standard English
studies have shown that crime is reduced. People are more likely to conventions with regard to
punctuation (“Although there are
complete tasks after their business or school day in sunlight, lessening
many supporters of this idea there are
their exposure to crimes that are more common after dark. These are
also many who disagree.”) and
just some of the benifits to DST.
pronoun usage.
Although there are many supporters of this idea there are also many These errors do not interfere with
who disagree. They argue many ideas of this whole DST idea. Some of comprehension, however, and this
there arguments stem from studies done more recently. The studies for response is at an acceptable level
California in 2007 show that DST had little to no effect on energy of appropriateness for on-demand
consumption. A three year study in Indiana showed that after they draft writing.
switched to DST it only increased pollution and energy consumption!
This only seemed to put a bad title on the whole DST idea. Then later on Therefore, Response 22 earns a
researchers began to questio the safety aspect of the yearly switch to score of 1 for Trait 3.
and from DST. When studying the safety they realized that more people
were dying due to getting hit in the week before DST ended and in the To view the annotations to Traits 1
following week. Drivers had to adjust drastically instead of a gradual and 2, click the links below.
transition in the morning or afternoon that they were used to.
Trait 1 (Page 76)
In conclusion, DST caused more confusion and deaths than not. With
the adjustment period for drivers, the common people on the street Trait 2 (Page 101)
just wernt safe. There are simply more cons to DST than benefits
making it just not worth it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 46
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time is a great help to everyone. Having more time to The response demonstrates
get things done in a day is never a bad thing. It saves on money and inconsistent sentence structure
electricity with longer lasting day hours. (“It’s rare to find someone going to
bed like an early bird.”).
Electricity is a big part of America. We need light for almost have the day
depending on what we're doing at home or work. It's rare to find Some sentences are awkward
someone going to bed like an early bird. People stay up late watching T.V and are evidence of a lack of
or finishing work and require light in some cases. DST extends the fluency (“It saves on money and
amount of daylight and makes it still light out at a late hour in spring. electricity with longer lasting day
People take advantage of this extra time and use it for all kinds of things. hours.”).

Not only does DST conserve electricity, it provides saftey to people in the The writer also demonstrates
inconsistent control of standard
day time. With more light in a day, traveling to and from places is much
English conventions, with specific
safer than in the fall where the days are dark at a very early time. With
regard to pronoun usage,
DST, there has been a reduction in pedestrian crashes by 8-11%. The punctuation, apostrophe usage,
same can be said about vehicle crashes which have been reduced by 6- and subject-verb agreement. (“We
10%. Something so minute as DST has made a greater impact than most need light for almost have the day. .
people would think. .” “Though a few may not use it, its
always there for someone’s
Some people however don't have the same thoughts about DST. Studies convenience.”).
in Indiana countered that instead of saving electricity, more had to be
used for air conditioning on a day with more light hours. This caused a These errors rarely interfere with
raise in air pollution as a result. Another study showed that instead of comprehension, and overall this
keeping drivers and pedestrians safe, the switch with DST in the fall put response is at an acceptable level
people in danger. The week before the end of DST, 227 pedestrians were of appropriateness for on-demand
killed in car accidents, along with 68 at the beginning week of DST. People draft writing.
just don't have enough time to adjust to the change, and some may
become a danger to themselves and others. Therefore, Response 23 earns a
score of 1 for Trait 3.
Daylight Savings Time has had good and bad effects on people who use it.
The pros and cons of this tool battle closely with one another. But in the To view the annotations to Traits
end DST does more good than harm. It's convenient and is really meant 1 and 2, click the links below.
to benefit everyone. It's become a part of our routine and to live without
it might be a difficult task. Though a few may not use it, its always there Trait 1 (Page 77)
for someone's convenience.
Trait 2 (Page 102)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 47
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

Every year we experience the daylight saving time change two times a year, The writer of this lengthy response
it is a change that most of us dread because during one of the time changes demonstrates inconsistency with
we lose an hour, so an hour of sleep or work or social time is taken away. correctly structuring sentences.
People become fortunate when when that time of the year comes where Sentences are generally varied, but
we are given an extra hour of either sleep, work or social time. Americans some are awkward (“People become
usually do not pay much attention in advance to daylight savings time, fortunate when when that time of the
unfortunately they usually just think about it the night before it happens. year comes where we are given an extra
hour of either sleep, work or social
People often never stop to think about the benefits of Daylight Saving Time, time.”).
they often just change their clocks then go about with their daily lives and
adapt to the changes as a result of the time change. The article discusses a Further, the response includes lapses
in control of standard English
few of the benefits that comes as a result of DST. One of the benefits is DST
conventions, with specific regard to
saved about 1 % perday in energy costs, this can ultimately help our nation
punctuation. While errors in the
preserve our resources. A large percentage of people can agree that they
response do not interfere with
feel safer when traveling in the daylight as opposed to night time, it is comprehension, they somewhat
easier for people to see what is on the road in front of them and they have detract from the overall clarity.
more time to anticipate what lies ahead of them. DST research also showed
that the spring shift was a way to reduced crashes involving other cars and Taken as whole, though, standard
pedestrians. A large majority of Americans definitely agree that the spring usage in the response is at a
change is a positive thing for Americans because even though they lose an generally acceptable level of
hour they are guaranteed one more hour of sunlight, and for the most part appropriateness for on-demand draft
Americans enjoy that extra hour to either be outside or enjoy the natural writing.
lighting that the sun has to offer.
Therefore, Response 24 earns a
It is also almost a guarantee that people dread the time of the year where score of 1 for Trait 3.
they lose an hour and the sun goes down earlier, so they lose the sun being
out and the natural lighting that is usually quite a benefit for most To view the annotations to Traits 1
Americans. As a result of the procrastination in preparing for this time and 2, click the links below.
change, a large majority of Americans spend a few days to a week
recovering from this change. This change can often cause people to Trait 1 (Page 78)
become forgetful of the time change. This can result in being late to a job,
class, or school. This can result in lack of sleep which can take a long time to Trait 2 (Page 103)
change and get back. The arguments against DST are stronger than the
arguments for the benefits of DST. I believe that this argument is right
when it begins dealing with the immediate change that is a result of DST,
Americans have to change their routine by one hour twice as year as
opposed to a gradual transition in the morning or afternoon. A gradual
transition would allow drivers, the working class, pedestrians, students, and
every one else going about their normal day a chance to change their
routine minimally rather than dramatically with a few minutes of
adjustment rather than one hour.

Both articles do an excellent job going in depth to explain their point of

view and the arguments for both sides. Both sides showed valuable points
that Americans do not consider when they change their clocks two times a
year. I do believe that the arguments against Daylight Saving Time did have
the stronger argument, I agreed with their points more and I believe that
Americans would better be able to relate to a small change of a few
minutes a day rather than an abrupt change twice a year.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 48
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

This article presents arguments from both supporters and critics of The response demonstrates largely
Daylight Saving Time who disagree about the practice's impact on correct sentence structure,
energy comsumption and safety. Both sides provide good support for including sentence variety and
their position, but the argument against Daylight Saving Time is avoidance of wordiness and
stronger and more complete. It responds to points made in the awkward sentence constructions
argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time and also incorporates (“The best-supported position in this
arguments of its own. article is the position against Daylight
Saving Time.”).
One of the arguments used by supporters of Daylight Saving Time is
that because there is more sun at the end of the day, there is lessneed The writer competently applies
standard English conventions with
for electricity and thus energy costs are lowered. A statistic is provided
regard to pronoun usage and
claiming Daylight Saving Time saves "about 1% per day in energy costs". punctuation. The response includes
However, that information is from research conducted in the 1970s, some errors, but they do not
which today is fairly outdated. The supporting argument presents data interfere with comprehension.
from other research findings on the subjects of car crashes and crime
rates, saying Daylight Saving time reduces the number of accidents and Overall, the standard usage is at an
instances of crime. These findings are again suspect because the dates appropriate level for on-demand
of the research are not clearly stated. The accident data is pulled from draft writing.
"three decade of research"; the identities of these decades are
unknown. The crime studies are not dated at all. Therefore, Response 25 earns a
score of 2 for Trait 3.
The argument against Daylight Saving Time is much more credibe. For
example, it provides the results of a much more recent (2007) study in To view the annotations to Traits 1
California. The study showed that Daylight Saving Time "had little or no and 2, click the links below.
effect on energy consumption that year", thus countering the argument
that Daylight Saving Time lowering energy use. Also, the results of Trait 1 (Page 79)
"recent" research provide evidence against the supposed safety aspect
of the yearly switch to and from Daylight Saving Time; more pedestrians Trait 2 (Page 104)
were killed by cars "immediately after clocks were set back in the fall"
and significantly fewer were killed the week before Daylight Saving
Time ended than the following week.

The best-supported position in this article is the position against

Daylight Saving Time. The argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time
contains data from outdated research experiments and does not
provide any counter arguments to the points made by other position.
The argument against Daylight Saving Time contains more credible
evidence and it also does a solid job of countering arguments made by
Daylight Saving Time supporters.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 49
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a natural routine for most people in the The writer of this response
USA. After years, or decades of use DST seems to be a basic part of life, demonstrates largely correct
every year you change your clocks. It might come as a surprise to some sentence structure and effectively
people then, to find out that there is controversy over DST, since many uses transitional words,
people do not even think about why we have DST. Nevertheless their is contributing to overall clarity in the
serious debate over DST, with supporters arguing that it imporves are response (“On the other hand,
lives, and opponents claiming that it does more harm than good. oppenents of DST show contradictory
studies demonstrating little or no
One of the largest benefits that supporters of daylight savings time reduction in energy use…”).
point out is that it saves money by reducing energy use nationwide. As
The response demonstrates a
evidence for this they use a research study showing that DST reduced
competent application of standard
national electricity use by around 1 %. But it is hard to see this as a
English conventions with regard to
serious benefit. 1 % is such a small change that it easily lies within the modifier placement, subject-verb
margin of error for a study of this size, making it likely that any agreement, pronoun usage, and
reduction in electricity use from DST is insignificant if it even exists. punctuation.

On the other hand, oppenents of DST show contradictory studies Very few errors are present, but
demonstrating little or no reduction in energy use after DST. This is they do not interfere with
supported by the meager 1% savings that DST supporters claim, comprehension.
showing that energy reduction is not effected any any important way by
DST. Several studies have even shown a significant increase in energy As a whole, the response is at an
costs after DST in certain areas, and also an increase in pollution, since appropriate level for on-demand
some appliances such as air conditioning are used more often during draft writing.
the day. This evidence refutes the claim that DST reduces energy use.
Therefore, Response 26 earns a
Another claim by supporters of DST is that automobile accidents are score of 2 for Trait 3.
reduced after DST, because people drive home from work while it is still
To view the annotations to Traits 1
light outside. The decrease in accidents has been shown to be as high as
and 2, click the links below.
10%, which is significant amount. There have also been reports of
decreased crime thanks to DST because people are out after dark less
Trait 1 (Page 80)
often, which is when most crimes occur.
Trait 2 (Page 105)
But there is research that shows these claims may not be accurate.
Opponents of DST point to studies showing that accidents increase
immediately after DST, one study showing an increase from 65
pedestrian deaths in the week before DST, to 227 deaths the week
after. This is most likely caused by fatigue in drivers who have a sudden
1 hour change in their sleep patterns. This rapid shift does not allow
time for the human body to adjust to a new sleep cycle, making DST a
potentially dangerous and confusing event.

Overall the evidence supporting DST is insufficient to show any major

benefit. In fact the majority of support or DST has been countered by
recent research showing that DST may cause more harm than it does
good. Until new evidence can be shown to uphold DST, the opponents
of DST seem fully justified in criticizing it's usefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 50
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we This relatively lengthy response
are in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we demonstrates largely correct
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In that sentence structure and variance
vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its effects. In and effectively employs transitional
order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of those studies words.
should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that blatantly contradict
Some wordiness is evident, but the
each other: on one hand, for example, some studies say that energy use is
writer achieves general fluidity in
decreased, but on the other hand, others say that energy use is actually
the response.
increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be affected by daylight
saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against Daylight Saving Time as a Standard English conventions are
national measure. competently applied throughout.

The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the research. Although the application of
As the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's stated that DST punctuation is somewhat
could save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that statement lacking for inconsistent, there is sufficient
two reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could amount to a lot of energy, but evidence of appropriate usage.
the ultimate findings could be negligible; that is, with a low percentage
comes statistical uncertainty. Second, the 1970's post date indicates that the Furthermore, the few errors
research could be outdated. Now, we have many more electrical and present do not interfere with
different devices, and, more importantly, our world is different with such overall comprehension.
devices as computers and video games, which could easily be used past
daylight hours. So, there are dated assumptions on that research. On that Overall, the response is at an
note, a similar study performed today could hold different results. In fact, a appropriate level for on-demand
draft writing.
more recent 2007 study found that energy use did not differ by DST
standards, as the opposition against DST states. Even more concerning,
Therefore, Response 27 earns a
more recent studies in Indiana stated that energy use greatly increased score of 2 for Trait 3.
during that time. Since the opposition against DST holds more recent
evidence, I side with them on this issue. To view the annotations to Traits 1
and 2, click the links below.
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after
DST alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227 Trait 1 (Page 81)
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65 are
killed otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other side Trait 2 (Page 106)
is that, overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As an
opponent might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full
analysis, though, the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be
illustrated: that is, an 8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial
burst, as the opposition against DST points out. Furthermore, the
discomforting source from that arrive from the fact that it came from "three
decades of research." In other words, the DST automobile fatality issue has
been carefully researched across a long period of time. While that is
reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since that point. That is,
technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it must be
determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety measures or
those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the arguments for DST. If
the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive from a recent

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 51
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
I find, in that case, that the arguments for DST seem little. It may be
that there is better current research for that issue, but it is thus far
unspecified. In that vein, arguments against DST hold more recent
research that could be trusted to a greater extent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 52
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

When Daylight Savings Time (DST) was first considered by Benjamin Franklin in This very lengthy response
1784 in France, there was not an immediate electrical need for the shift. People has largely correct sentence
were using candles and daylight to compensate for the darkness, which was not structure and is generally
always a great cost to those who made their own candles. By the time DST was fluent. The writer
actually implemented in 1918, electricity had evolved and both time and money demonstrates the ability to
were being spent on these household necessities instead of the production of effectively vary sentences
war materials. Families didn't have to work as hard to bring in extra money or (blending simple and
complex sentences) and
go without any food at night by instead saving in their energy costs.
employ transitions, both
contributing to overall clarity.
Initially, cities were given the choice as to whether or not they wanted to take
advantage of this new time system. These cities dictated when the time would Competent application of
change and by how much, which proved to be a disaster by the 1960's. So many standard English
cities across the country were operating on completely different time conventions is exhibited,
schedules, which mainly hindered the entertainment and travel schedules. If a including adherence to the
train were to leave New York City at 12:00 PM, they could arrive in St. Louis rules of capitalization and
only at 12:00 PM still based on their time preference! The time zones could not punctuation (“To fix this
be changed, however, and the eastern coast of the United States will still complication, Congress
always be three hours ahead of the west coast, regardless of an amount of DST. enacted the Uniform Time Act
of 1966, but yet this still did
To fix this complication, Congress enacted the Uniform Time Act of 1966, but not require all cities to adhere
yet this still did not require all cities to adhere to DST. It equalized when it was to DST.”).
supposed to go into effect, which made somewhat of a smoother transition.
Although to this day, there are still parts of Arizona and all of Hawaii that have Few errors are present, and
not converted to a DST system. These two areas are in fairly year-round steady they do not interfere with
temperatures, especially with their proximity to the equator, and both enjoy a overall comprehension.
healthy dose of sunshine on a regular basis.
As a whole, the response is
For years, scientists and research projects have weighed the benefits and costs at an appropriate level for
against one another. In the 1970's, it was determined that DST saves 1 % a day on-demand draft writing.
in energy costs. This goes along the lines of Benjamin Franklin's initial thought
Therefore, Response 28
process that more available sunlight decreases the need to rely on electricity. It
earns a score of 2 for Trait
was also noted that the increase in sunlight saved many lives. Of course, it has 3.
always been safer to travel to and from work or school during the day. Once
DST was utilized, there was between and 8 and 11 % decrease in fatal To view the annotations to
pedestrian accidents and between a 6 and 10% decrease in fatal vehicle Traits 1 and 2, click the links
accidents. The crime rates also decreased because people who were forced to below.
run errands or spend time outside during the night were not as exposed to the
criminal acts that primarily take place in the dark. Another benefit is within the Trait 1 (Page 82)
realm of safety issues. Before central heat and air, the natural weather patterns
dictated the temperature of homes. In northern and colder climates, families Trait 2 (Page 108)
had to burn fires sometimes overnight in order to keep themselves thoroughly
warm. In these wood-built homes, an unwatched fire can spark and set the
house on fire before anyone could wake up and escape. In the hot summers,
families kept their windows open to provide a breeze. This let in all different
kinds of diseases and illnesses that the families then became exposed

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 53
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the

previous page)

to, and in some cases died from. Or if a trusting family left their child's window
open at night, a criminal might take note of that pattern and find an
opportunity to kidnap the child or burglarize the home.

There are many people who theorize that the benefits do not outweigh the
costs by any means. In 2007, California conducted a study that determined that
during that year there was little to no energy conservation. Another three year
study in Indiana concluded that there was an $8.6 million increase of money
spent on energy, and that the surrounding air pollution increased dramatically.
It has been said that this is due to the increase of daylight in warmer climates,
resulting in an increased use of air conditioning. There is a pattern of pedestrian
fatalities increasing immediately after the switch to fall DST, primarily because it
becomes darker so much sooner, therefore drivers are not always as alert and
prepared to watch for a pedestrian. A study showed that there were 227
pedestrians killed in the fall time switch compared to 65 killed after the spring
time switch. Drivers are also unprepared for the abrupt time change. Instead of
the time change in the mronings being gradual and slight, going by just minutes
each day, it is the immediate one hour shift that causes disorientation and
adjustment for the drivers. In the fall, the hour that is moved backwards causes
early morning risers to be traveling in the dark when they are used to a more
sunny time clock. For the spring, those who are employed in predominantly
night-based jobs face glaring sunlight, and sometimes are delayed in the
completion of their projects. There are also those who simply forget about DST
all together, failing to adjust for the time change in their alarm clocks, and fall
into seeral different situations. By forgetting to change the alarm to be set at
midnight instead of 11 :00 PM, someone might wake up an hour later that
morning and rush to work, still late regardless. Or the opposite might occurr,
and someone is waking up an hour earlier than intended and become cranky.

It seems as though by the time we are well adjusted to the time change, it's
come around to that point in the year where we have to jump right back and
start all over again. This has caused a lifestyle that revolves heavily around
clocks and time schedules. Back in the early 1900's when this time change was
first being discovered and implemented, there weren't as many nighttime
hazards. Many people didn't own cars and walked everywhere, thereby
decrease the pedestrian versus vehicle collisions. The crime rates were almost
non-existent in these small communities where trust was everything. The only
thing that many people saw their nights as being good for was cooling off in
warm climates or sleeping peacefully. During those time periods, people rose
and slept by the sunlight. Alarm clocks, or even clocks in general, had yet to be
developed. Farmers rose when their bodies alerted them that they had slept
enough, worked hard until the sun went down, and slept again until it was
morning time. In this day and age, there are many

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 54
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on page 45, above)

people who work overnight jobs and extremely late shifts, and their
body clocks just don't have the ability to adjust to any particular natural
schedule. Especially for those in law enforcement or the medical fields,
where culture has deemed it necessary to remain awake at hours when
many parts of the world are fast asleep.

I personally believe that we don't need to rely on a scientific schedule

to determine when the sun goes up or down, and to regulate what we
set our clocks by. Nature should still be our guide, allowing for the
gradual adjustment that our bodies need to adapt to a time difference.
The same concept occurs with jet lag, and our bodies are unable to
catch up and realize we have changed time zones. Perhaps the areas of
the world that don't utilize this advanced time system are better off.
Maybe our ancestors had it right when they relied on senses and sights
to determine how to live their lives. The problem is, however, that now
that our world depends on these technologies and advancements, how
is there ever a way to just go back to the roots?

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 55
Automated Scoring of Constructed Response Items on the 2014 GED® Test

The 2014 GED® test contains four Constructed Response (CR) items: one 45-minute Extended
Response (ER) item on the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) module, one 25-minute
Extended Response (ER) item on the Social Studies module, and two 10-minute Short Answer (SA)
items on the Science module.

Logistically, the ER item in RLA is in its own separately-timed section of the test at the end of the first
half of the RLA module (prior to a 10-minute break) and the ER item in Social Studies is in its own
separately-timed section of the Social Studies module that appears as the last item on that test. The
Science Short Answer items are distributed within the 90-minute Science module and are not timed
separately—test-takers use their time-management skills to monitor their use of time on those items
and are given guidelines as to approximately how much writing is expected in those responses (the
test-taker is instructed to take up to about 10 minutes to read the question, and formulate, write, and
edit their answer).

It was a critical goal of GED Testing Service to incorporate CR items into the design of the 2014
GED® test because these types of items are a key method of assessing a test-taker's higher order
thinking skills as well as their skills in expressing themselves clearly in their own words. In order to
ensure that the results of testing are available to test-takers in the quickest timeframe possible
(because adults usually do not have the luxury of waiting days or weeks for their test results to be
finalized), the GED Testing Service will be scoring CR items using an automated scoring engine,
supplemented by human scorers as necessary, described in more detail below.

Great strides have been made in automated scoring over the last decade, and the use of automated
scoring is intended to replicate the human scoring process. However, the automated scoring engine
will need to be supplemented by human scorers in certain circumstances. Automated scoring is not
fully developed to do reliable scoring in the area of mathematics, and so GED Testing Service elected
not to incorporate constructed response items into the Mathematical Reasoning test. There are hopes
that in the future, however, we will be able to build those item types into the test as the technology
develops and matures.

The description that follows applies equally to all CR items, whether ER or SA.

During the item development process, experts in automated scoring are involved from the outset,
rather than being brought into the process after items have already been authored. This collaborative
consultation and review helps to ensure that responses have a high likelihood of being able to be
reliably scored by the automated engine. For example, questions that do not provide adequate
instruction to the test-takers about the information that they should include in their answers
sometimes produce a wide and/or unpredictable range of responses that both people and computers
can have difficulty in scoring consistently. Creating item stems that focus the test-taker on the specific
expectations of the item is important so that the item can both validly assess the intended content
specification and also have a high probability of being scored appropriately and reliably both by
humans and computer.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 56
Once items have been written, reviewed by both scoring and content experts, and finalized, they are
field-tested. In the case of the initial forms for the 2014 GED ® test, thousands of test-takers in
locations across the US in the summer and fall of 2012 participated in the field-testing. The test-
takers that were recruited to participate matched the profile of our adult GED ® test-taking
population. At the conclusion of field testing, the written responses to the CR items were examined
and a sample of test-taker responses was selected for each of the items. Teams of content experts
reviewed the responses in a process known as "rangefinding." The purpose of rangefinding is to
determine range and variety of responses that fulfill each score point as defined on the rubric that is
very carefully constructed and designed to guide the overall evaluation of responses. This standard
best-practice procedure for scoring of constructed response items results in the selection of exemplar
responses at each score point. These responses are used to build anchor sets—human scorers’
official guide that is used in evaluating test-taker responses), practice sets (sets of responses used in
training human scorers), and qualification sets (sets of responses human scorers must score in
agreement with rangefinding scores in order to qualify for appropriately and reliably score constructed

When these materials have been compiled and when scorer training is complete, all of the test-taker
responses from the field test are scored by humans, using the “double read with resolution”
approach. This scoring model entails each and every response being read and scored independently
by no fewer than two individuals. If the scores applied by the two different scorers are in exact
agreement, the score for that response is final. If the two scores differ by only a single point, they are
averaged and rounded up, effectively resulting in acceptance of the higher score point. If the scores
differ by more than one point (“non-adjacent scores”), the response is read by a scoring leader (an
expert scorer) who determines the correct score for that response in a process called “resolution.”
Because the ER items are scored across three key traits, each of which contains multiple dimensions
that are weighed together in a compensatory fashion, each ER response is actually read by no fewer
than six people. That is, each scorer is trained to score only one rubric trait, and two scorers trained
on each of the three traits read each response. Therefore, it is possible for a single ER response to
be read by up to 9 people, if the first two scores on all three traits are non-adjacent. This process
ensures that the human scoring process produces the highest quality results and data.

When the scoring of all of the responses generated through field-testing is complete, a team of
content experts, psychometricians and automated scoring experts reviews the range of scores for
each constructed response item. At that time, some items are rejected because they do not meet the
minimum criteria for inclusion on any operational GED® test or GED Ready® Official Practice
Test. Items that survive this process then are passed along to the scoring organization to train the
automated scoring engine. Several hundred scored responses for each item are fed into the
automated scoring engine. Then, several hundred more scored responses are used to test the
reliability of scores generated by the automated engine. The engine evaluates each response on over
100 different dimensions in relation to the score that that response was given. Through this training
and testing procedure, the automated engine "learns" how to score the items and is then able to
replicate the scoring that was done by humans. Once this process is complete, data from the
replication process is reviewed, and occasionally, if the scoring is determined to be insufficiently
reliable to be used on an operational GED® test during this data review, some items may be allocated
for use on the GED Ready® only since the CR items on the practice test are always scored by

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 57
Only constructed response items that successfully survive the entirety of this process are placed on
operational GED® test forms. When the test goes live in 2014, test-takers will respond to the
constructed response items and their responses will be fed into the automated engine for scoring
immediately upon completion of each individual content area test. Of course, there will be a slight
delay in submission of responses for scoring in some testing situations, such as with tests
administered within the corrections system, in which the testing center is Internet independent. In
these situations, additional steps need to be taken to upload the raw testing data (e.g., the test-takers’
responses themselves) via a secure Internet connection.

Based on the experience of GED Testing Service with automated scoring during the field testing and
other test development processes, we expect the vast majority of test-taker responses (most likely
95% or greater) to be reliably scored by the automated scoring engine—in a process that is
completed in nanoseconds. However, as with any process that involves the variability present in
people’s writing, there will be responses that the automated scoring engine will recognize as not
fitting any type of response that was previously seen in the training of the engine. For example, an
extremely short response that uses a great deal of advanced vocabulary might be unusual and
therefore would be automatically flagged by the automated scoring engine as an “outlier” in need of
human intervention for scoring. These outlier responses are securely routed electronically to a
network of human scorers who have been trained to score the item using the anchor items and
training sets created during the rangefinding process, as well as the scoring rubric that is used to
provide overall guidance to the scoring process. These human scorers score the test-taker response
using the "double read with resolution" framework that was also used to score the field test

Although the human scoring process is efficient, it does require additional time. The GED Testing
Service has committed to returning test results and a score report to test-takers within 3 hours of the
completion of each test. Of course, the vast majority of results would actually be ready immediately
because of advantage of the speed of the automated scoring, but, in order to manage test-taker
expectations and avoid situations in which one test-taker at a site receives a score immediately while
another test-taker does not, a 3-hour delay has been built into the process of delivering test scores.

Additional quality control procedures have also been built into the automated scoring system to
ensure that test-takers receive reliable and valid scores from this process.

First, when the test was initially launched in 2014, the program implemented a process known as the
“Initial Analysis Period” (IAP). The purpose of the IAP was to provide final validation of the automated
scoring engine and its performance with the adult population of GED ® test-takers. During the IAP, all
CR responses were scored both by the automated scoring engine and by human scorers (using the
“double-read with resolution” model as appropriate). This ensured that all test-takers were being
evaluated fairly and that the automated scoring engine was operating properly.

Second, an audit procedure is conducted on an on-going basis, in which a percentage of all test-taker
responses scored by the automated engine will be reviewed by human scorers. This audit is in
addition to the scoring of "outliers" described above and helps to ensure the ongoing accuracy of the

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 58
Because of the extreme care that GED Testing Service is taking with implementation of the
automated scoring engine, in combination with human scoring and audit procedures, we are highly
confident that our approach will produce high quality results with reliable and valid test scores for our
test-takers. Due to ongoing involvement of human scorers in the scoring process (through the IAP,
evaluation of outlier responses, the audit procedure, and the automatic rescore), the database of
known response types will grow over time. This expanded response base will be used to periodically
retrain the automated scoring engine to further improve its performance.

Finally, another key benefit of using the automated scoring engine technology is that it allows GED
Testing Service to integrate specific feedback on test-takers’ performance on the extended response
and short answer items right into the standard score report—a useful new feature that has never
been possible in the past with the paper-based scoring system. This valuable process is part of GED
Testing Service’s effort to create a more learner-based testing system that will help guide test-takers
to continuously improve their performance.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 59
Remaining Annotated Trait Scores

Scores and Annotations – Trait 1 Anchor Responses 10-28

Pages 61 through 82 provide the scores and annotations for Trait 1 for Anchor Responses 10 through
28. Text supporting the score determination for Trait 1 is highlighted in yellow in both the response
and the annotation.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 60
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

Pros-daylight savings time This brief response does not

1. Because the days are longer and nights are longer, there is less attempt to create an argument,
criminal activity, in that crime normally occurs at night. simply listing several points for and
2. Driving home from work when it is daylight is safer, therefore saving against Daylight Saving Time taken
a lot of lives. directly from the source text. There
3. The more sun, the less light. This saves on electricity. is no analysis and no evaluation of
the validity of sources. The writer
demonstrates minimal
understanding of the task.
1. People driving home from work is more likely to have accidents or kill
a pedestrian during the fall and winter because around those times, it Therefore, Response 10 earns a
gels dark quicker. score of 0 for Trait 1.
2. There is more use of air conditioning during the spring and summers
months because the daylight hoursarelonger, therefore peoples To view the annotations to Traits 2
electricity bills are higher. and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 27)

Trait 3 (Page 124)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 61
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

In this article, DST was regulated in the 1960s, and as far back in 1784 Although the writer attempts to
for those citizens in France. DST in the United Slates occurdo not occur create an argument in the last
in some cities in Arizona and ALL of Hawaii. The United States on the sentence (“I must say that I am FOR
other hand, has 3 time zones, Pacific, Central, Eastern. With that being DST”), the rest of the response fails
said, researchers in the 1970s have found that DST saves an average of to analyze the issues raised by the
1% a day in energy costs. For instance.that1% of that only applies to source text or to evaluate the
lighting and appliances. This follows Ben Franklin's arguement well over validity of the argumentation.
200 years ago. Several sentences in the response
are copied almost directly from the
text (“researchers in the 1970s have
For those who support DST,they claim that the more sunlight, the
found that DST saves an average of 1%
better. In this article.studieshave indicated that more sunlight is also a
a day in energy costs,” “This follows
safely for those who are traveling from home to work or even those in
Ben Franklin's argument well over 200
school. Researchers have indicated that there has been a reduction in
years ago”). Overall the response
crashes due to more sunlight. DST has also reduced crimesfor those at
demonstrates minimal
highly risk areas.
understanding of the given
Residence in California, during a 3 year study have indicated that they
have spent dose to $9 million each year for energy and air pollution. Therefore, Response 11 earns a
score of 0 for Trait 1.
In reading this article aboutDST, I must say that I am FOR DST because
not only dowe get more sunlight, but it is also provides many safeyfor To view the annotations to Traits 2
not only me, but as for the other people in my society. and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 28)

Trait 3 (Page 125)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 62
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

In regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is The writer provides an issue-based
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. This statement of stance in the opening
is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in the paragraph (“…daylight savings is
United States and an idea that waSproposed over 200 years ago. If DST beneficial is best supported by the
waS a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it benefits of daylight savings time.”).
would have been stopped long ago. In paragraph 2, the writer
incorporates textual evidence to
Since different parts of the nation recievethe amount of sunlight at support this general assertion (“In
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time timeto ensure the 1970’s it was proven that DST
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970’s it was saved about 1% per day in energy
proven that DST saved about 1% per day in energy costs. Studies have costs. Studies have also shown that
also shown that traveling in daylight is safterand that three decades of traveling in daylight is safter and that
research have shown an 8-11% reduction in pedestrian accidents and 6- three decades of research have shown
10%decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST has an 8-11% reduction in pedestrian
also reduced crime because there are more people out and about in accidents…”).
sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark.
A short summary of the opposing
arguments is provided in paragraph
The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question
4, and in the final paragraph the
because there weremore pedestrians killed the week following the end
writer uses simplistic reasoning to
of DST. They also claim thatthe adjustment period is dangerous because
challenge the validity of the claims
of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They claim it made by the opposition, arguing
doesn’t allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time change that there is a simple solution (“If
as well as adjusting their clocks. those are the argments that are made
then people just need to be more
If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be responsible if they are having trouble
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time adjusting with the time change. Go to
change. Go to bed anhour earlier to compensate for the change, double bed an hour earlier to compensate for
check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the correct time the change, double check and triple
before you go to bed. The media does a good job of informing the public check your clock…”).
of these changes and often reminds them to take the necessary
precautions for the change. Overall, the response provides an
argument, supports it with some
evidence from the source text, and
offers a partial analysis of the

Therefore, Response 12 earns a

score of 1 for Trait 1.

To view the annotations to Traits 2

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 29)

Trait 3 (Page 126)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 63
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight Saving This response generates a text-
Time is better supported. Although both positions are well organized based argument and establishes a
and supported with several examples. the evidence supporting the view purpose that is connected to the
against DST is more specific and thorough. prompt (“…the one against Daylight
Saving Time is better supported.”).
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to catch It establishes the argument against
any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, safety, and crime DST, claiming that the evidence
rates, all of which are supposedly improved through the use of DST. presented by the opposing side is
However, the evidence he uses to support this claim seems general and “…more specific and thorough.”
outdated. In paragraph four, he mentions that one study took place in
The writer uses relevant and
the 1970s. He also uses phrases such as "many studies" and "other
specific evidence from the source
studies." While the points he makes are interesting .there are no
text to support the central claim (“In
specifics. One is left wondering just how outdated or reliable these
paragraph four, he mentions that one
studies are, and if they even apply to the average American. Had he
study took place in the 1970s.”
used less generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing.
and“…studies from the 1970s…a study
done in 2007.”).
Tile second position ismuch better supported, especially compared to
the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous position. The writer's Also, the writer evaluates the
information is precise. and he seems to use more studies than the first validity of the evidence offered by
author. While the first author used studies from the 1970s, this one proponents by calling into question
mentions a study done in 2007. The specifics of each study also improve its quality and timeliness (“However,
the quality and seeming validity of the arguments made. The writer the evidence he uses to support this
gives the studies in which the studies were conducted and the reasons claim seems general and outdated.”).
why the researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the A focused evaluation of the validity
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion. While of the arguments in the source text
they are similar to those points brought up by the first writer, this and the use of specific evidence in
second position is far better supported through its organization and support of an argument are qualities
attention to detail. indicative of 2-point responses for
Trait 1.

Therefore, Response 13 earns a

score of 2 for Trait 1.

To view the annotations to Traits 2

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 30)

Trait 3 (Page 127)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 64
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

There are many advantages to participating in daylight savings time Although the writer attempts to
than not having a DST established. Benjamin Franklin first introduced generate an argument that has
the idea of daylight savings time to thee citizens in franceback in 1784, some connection to the prompt (“I
but it wasntimplemented in the United States until 1918. He spoke on am supporter a DST mainly for thee
the idea of DST to help conserve resources for tile war. same reasons that were stated in the
passage. It promotes more of a safe
I am supporter a DST mainly for thee same reasons that were stated in environment”), there is limited
the passage.It promotes more of a safe environment on them summer analysis of the issues or evaluation
evenings to do more outdoor activites. Studies have shown that more of the validity of the argumentation
people are able to be out taking care of their business, chores, and in the source text.
errands after the work or school day and not be exposed to more
For example, paragraph 2 refers to
common after dark crimes that are committed when the DST is not in
studies mentioned in the text, but
effect. The times when DST is in effect are the times that are children
fails to distinguish between
are out of school for their summer vacations and more time is just felt supported or unsupported claims.
needed in them warmer months to get things done. Paragraphs 3 and 4 rely solely on
the writer’s opinion (“I also agree with
I also agree with DST there is more electricity being saved due to the DST there is more electricity being
sunlight. Which means people electric bills aresmaller and so much saved due to the sunlight,” “Ido not
more energy is be conserved by the use of the sun heating and lighting agree with them accusations”).
peoples homes.
Overall, the response is simplistic
There are arguments that we in the Unites States should not practice and limited.
DST due safety of the drivers and pedestrians. I do not agree with them
accusations, simply because thee time of the day that is set back or Therefore, Response 14 earns a
ahead generates thee same number of people outside during that time score of 1 for Trait 1.
.I dont think that the studies that were done to support these
accusations are not well experimented with. However I do agree with To view the annotations to Traits 2
one thing the non supporters of DST believe and that is that it is a and 3, click the links below.
adjustment period that we all must go through when we are practing
DST only because our bodies isntuse to the early or late time but within Trait 2 (Page 31)
a day or two our bodies easily adjust to the change.
Trait 3 (Page 128)
I do agree that DST has came a long way with making it easier to
implement the change in our daily lives without so much
confusion.With the U.S all on the same time change (such as the date
DST goes in and out of effect) it realty makes it more easier to
understand the time zone and the time around you. Instead of each
state impplememtingthere own dates and times that they would like to
participate in the daylight savings time.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 65
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

There will always be mixed reviews when discussing DST and its The response contains an implied
proposed impact on energy consumption and safety. Depending on argument that is never made
who does the investigation, to find out whether it does wreak havoc, explicit other than via the writer’s
many people are faced with no choice. They have to set their clocks opinion (“I have always hated DST.”).
back, regardless.
Although there are attempts to
Living in Hawaii without DST was cool. You never had to worry about evaluate the argumentation in the
source text, these remain mainly at
changing their clocks or remembering the adage “spring forward, fall
a simplistic level and again are
back.” From my perspective, there seemed to be no change in violent
primarily in reference to the writer’s
activities or safety concerns. I’m not sure about energy consumption
own experience (“I don't believe the
rates. But, in Hawaii hardly anyone uses air conditioning and if they are
claims of saving energy or having any
home, they are usually outside or they are on the beach, where you
effect on crime, either.”).
have the sun to generate your light.
However, despite a mix of textual
DST may reduce some crime but not adolescent crime. The time for this and non-textual (“they are usually
type of crime is right after school, until dark. So. I'm not sure where outside or they are on the beach”)
they got this statistic from (benefits of DST, last paragraph). It should references, there are several
have been more specific as to what type of criminals they are talking instances in which the writer
about. identifies potential problems with
the data cited in the text (“It should
I have always hated DST. I don't believe the claims of saving energy or have been more specific as to what
having any effect on crime, either. I don't think that there is enough type of criminals they are talking
research that can definitively say whether DST actually helps or not. I about.” and “I think an updated
think it is just a gimmick that the government has us follow so we can research team needs to devlop more
be told what to do, yet again or falsely leading us to believe that energy sophisticated ways to detect the
consumption is going down. Bullarkey! prevalence of safety and crime.”).
Because of these, a score of 1 is
I think an updated research team needs to devlop more sophisticated warranted.
ways to detect the prevalence of safety and crime. The last time DST
was studied was back in the 1970's. More than 40 years ago! If they Therefore, Response 15 earns a
were to do more research, why don’t they look at Hawaii or the parts of score of 1 for Trait 1.
Arizona that do not follow the DST rule? That would tell them what, if
any, savings are happening and/or crime that Is being reduced by these To view the annotations to Traits 2
factors. I think it is just weird that we have to adjust ourselves to and 3, click the links below.
different light/dark cycles to save some electricity. Adjusting to that
time change twice a year is mentally challenging and time some. Trait 2 (Page 32)
People who struggle with seasonal depression have an even harder
time with these two occurrences each year. Trait 3 (Page 129)

Being able to learn what it was like, for the first time in my life, to find
out what life was like without DST, was amazing. It felt so good to be
able to not worry of the time change and not having to adjust to the
differences in seasons. The sunlight stayed the sane throughout the
year and I was able to enjoy the sunlight all day without worrying that it
would become dark early in the Fall. It was just something else that I
did not have to worry about. Although, I did have to remember to
change the battery in the fire alarm, something that you usually do
when the time changes. A minor inconvenience to not having DST.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 66
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from previous page) (see comments on the previous

It is remarkable that we follow beliefs that were set in stone over
40years ago. We should look at this issue and thoroughly conclude what
is best for us now, in this year 2012 .We need to stay present in the
technologies we have available to determine what our consumption
needs are and how to properly adjust to these changing inequalities.
More research would give us an updated outlook on what is needed
and what can be done to remedy any changes.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 67
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation
In paragraph 1, the writer of this
In the articles that present the arguments from both critics and response generates a text-based
supporters of Daylight Saving Time and how they impact energy argument that is clearly connected
consumption and safety, I believe that the position of those who to the prompt (“I believe that the
support DST is better supported. position of those who support DST is
better supported”).
The concept of DST has a long history of research. It is not a new idea Subsequent paragraphs elaborate
just based on preserving the daylight's activities, “Benjamin Franklin, for on this argument and cite mainly
example, touted the idea of DST to citizens of France way back in relevant and specific evidence from
1784!" In the USA !he conservation efforts for “resources of the war the source text. Paragraph 2
effort ' was introduced in 1918. With moving the clock ahead an hour In quotes the article directly: “With
!he spring season and then moving the clock back In !he fall season moving the clock ahead an hour In
allows those to ‘"maximize the benefits of the sun.” [t]he spring season and then moving
the clock back In[t]he fall season allows
Even though this idea was not accepted by aII, it was finally agreed those to ‘maximize the benefits of the
upon by Congress to have a uniformed date and time to put the DST in sun.’”
affect. This act is called the 'Uniform Time Act of 1966" to bring about
The writer then evaluates the
clarity so that all who participate whould be on the same page.
validity of the argumentation in the
source text, questioning the results
This DST act is stated to help with energy costs, saving lives and possibly of cited research and providing
reduces crime. There are low percentages in these cases but any alternative explanations for these
percentage can help the overall well-being of the US citizen. Research results: “But, does this study take into
in the 70's say the DST "saved 1% per day in energy costs." Image the consideration that daylight is not the
savings now on technology that uses solar power as an energy source. only cause for energy or air pollution
Thirty years of research stated that DST shows "8-11% reduction in costs? What about how the ozone
crashes involving pedestrians and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for layer affects energy consumption and
vehicle occupants after the spring shift ... "Studies have also shown that how technology has been a cause of air
not being exposed to crimes that are more common after dark by pollution?”
completing personal errands before or after work is another way DST is
positively effecting citizens using the extened time of daylight to do Although the writer’s opinions are
what they need to do. woven into the response, overall
his or her purpose is realized.
I believe that in the current years the costs of energy have gone up
because of new technology that requires more electricity not that DST Therefore, Response 16 earns a
is somehow not effecting positively the savings of energy use. Think of score of 2 for Trait 1.
the costs if most did not use DST on top of the growing need for more
energy due to technology! To view the annotations to Traits 2
and 3, click the links below.
Also the study of pedestrians killed prior to or after DST takes place
should not be soley weighed on DST Who knows the affects of other Trait 2 (Page 34)
components such as drug and alcohol use and how that plays a role in
pedestrians killed? Studies have also sown how anxiety and stress has Trait 3 (Page 131)
increased over the years due to the demands of jobs and lifestyles.
Doesn’t that playa role in those percentages, too?

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 68
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

This article presents both opposing and proposing side to the issue of The writer explicitly states a
Daylight Savings Time (DST). Both sides argue that DST has an effect on text-based argument in the last
energy consumption. Opponents of DST cite studies that have shown there sentence of the response:
is little to no effect on energy consumption based on a 2007 study “While both sides of the
completed in the state of California. Another study based in Indiana actually arguement have compelling facts,
showed that energy consumption increases each year due to DST; further I believe the opponents to DST
more, this study showed air pollution also increased. However, proponents have provided a stronger case
of DST point to a study completed in 1970 that found DST reduced energy based on the facts given.”
costs by 1% per day. They also indicated Benjamin Franklin made an
argument for DST to the French in 1784. Unfortunately, it appears they have The preceding paragraphs use
not considered that back in 1784 people needed daylight to be productive, mainly relevant and specific
evidence from the text to
while now we have electricity that allows to work all through the night, if
analyze the issues, first
discussing energy use, then
pedestrian safety, and finally
The other reason people advocate for the use of DST is safety. Supporters of crime.
DST cite three decades of research that shows an 8 – 11% reduction in
pedestrian related accidents and an 6 – 10% reduction in vehicle only In each case, the writer
crashes after the spring shift to DST. However, they have not indicated the evaluates the claims: “Both
risk of injury when DST ends in the fall. Those against the use of DST cite arguements have been backed by
one study that showed an increase in pedestrian related accident reputable studies; however, the
immediately after the end of DST in the fall. That study indicated 227 studies cited by the supporters of
pedestrians were killed the week following the end of DST, compared to only DST seem to be outdated.” The
65 pedestrian fatalities the week before the end of DST. It was stated that writer also makes reasonable
this abrupt change in daylight does not provide drivers and pedestrians inferences about underlying
enough time to adjust to the difference. In contrast, if we did not have DST assumptions: “…the study that
to change would be gradual and allow both pedestrians and drivers the found DST actually saved energy
appropriate amount of time to adjust to the lower levels of sunlight. was completed in 1970 and our
energy consumption needs have
The other factor of safety concerns is crime. One study of DST argues that it changed drastically since then.”
actually reduced crime because during the evening hours when people are
running errands after work the additional sunlight reduces their exposure to This response demonstrates a
crime, which is more common after dark. Unfortunately, the opponents of focused evaluation of the
DST have yet to cite any studies that show crime is not affected by DST. validity of the arguments in the
Although, they did point to the fact that DST causes confusion to the people source text and uses specific
that forget to adjust their clocks; therefore, the people do not show up on evidence in support of an
time to work or appointments. argument, qualities that
indicate a 2-point response.
Both arguements have been backed by reputable studies; however, the
Therefore, Response 17 earns
studies cited by the supporters of DST seem to be outdated. While the fact
a score of 2 for Trait 1.
that Benjamin Franklin was a proponent of DST is a significant reason for its
use; his reasonings for its use are obsolete in this day and age. Further To view the annotations to
more, the study that found DST actually saved energy was completed in Traits 2 and 3, click the links
1970 and our energy consumption needs have changed drastically since below.
then. Also, the study that showed a decrease in pedestrian related accidents
and vehicle only related accidents indicated it was completed over a period Trait 2 (Page 36)
of three decades. However, it was not indicated when this study was
completed, which brings into question the correlation between the current Trait 3 (Page 133)
figures and the figures
(response continued on the next page)
2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 69
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the

previous page)
from the unidentified time period. While the opponents of DST were unable
to cite any studies that proved crime was unaffected by DST, the supporters
of DST did not indicate when the study was completed. Therefore, it is hard
to confirm those statistics are still valid in the present day. While both sides
of the arguement have compelling facts, I believe the opponents to DST
have provided a stronger case based on the facts given.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 70
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

Daylight saving time is when everyone changes their clock to either an hour Although not stated explicitly,
ahead in the spring or an hour back in the fall to increase the amount of the writer provides an
sunlight you receive in your day. The system is used based on the argument in the final
seasonschaing due to the tilt the earth is on as it orbits the sun. The tilt paragraph: “In the end, daylight
changes the intensity of sunlight received in different regions of the earth in saving time may seem like a pain
different times of the year. One of the original reasons that the United States to have to deal with twice a year
decided to do day light saving time is due to the fact that in the spring but if a man as smart as
farmers are harvesting their crops and this will give them the largest possible Benjamin Franklin thought it was
workload they could complete in a day’s work. a good idea then there must be
something right about it.”
An advantage of day light saving time is not only can farmers increase the
amount of work in a day but also it will increase the length of summer days The first paragraph contains a
while children are out of school. Having the extra hour everyday will give basic introduction to the topic
of DST, followed by two long
children more time to play outside and decrease the changes of overweight
paragraphs that include both
children because their parents require them home when it gets dark.
relevant and text-based as
Summer is meant for relaxation whether it be by a pool or on the beach and well as irrelevant and opinion-
with the increased amount of sunlight there will be more time you can spend based evidence for both the
with your family outside. Also with the increased sunlight you will be able to pro and con positions. In
spend more time outdoor and won't have to be using your air conditioning all paragraph 2, the writer cites
the time. While you are outside it can strongly reduce the amount of lights details from the text
that need to be on throughout your house and ultimately decrease your concerning safety, making
energy bill. Sunlight can also be looked as an angel watching over you reasonable inferences from
because it will dramatically decrease “their exposure to crimes that are more these statistics but also
common after dark.” You can also feel much safer walking around with an “8- including irrelevant comments
11% reduction in crashes involving pedestrians” and while you are driving (“Summer is meant for relaxation
with an “6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring whether it be by a pool or on the
shift to DST.” Since the beginning of time, the sun has always been looked at beach…”). In the third
as a safe haven for travelers and a strong religious symbol for groups who paragraph, the writer
worship it and DST is just an other example of the importance of the sun to discusses the disadvantages
us. of DST, especially the
relationship between DST and
Unfortunately with the sun comes heat and that could cause your energy bill energy use, again citing
to go up during spring day light saving time. During spring and summer specific information from the
source text.
months temperatures can hit an all time high and to stay cool you will turn up
your air conditioning to the max which can be a heavy load on your wallet.
Although there is limited
Increased energy “in Indiana showed that residents of that state spent $8.6 discussion of the validity of
million more each year for energy, and air pollution increased after the state the argumentation in the
switched to DST.” An increase that large every year can put a strain on fossil source text, these two
fuels because coal is used to produce the majority of the country’s electricity. paragraphs provide an
Not only is coal a nonrenewable resource but it causes a lot of air pollution analysis of the issue from
when it is burned to be turned into electricity. If environmental factors are which the writer draws his or
not a strong enough reason to stop using DST then the fact that “227 her conclusion.
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, compared with
65 pedestrians killed the week before DST ended” may change your mind.
Having the time changed twice a year at a large amount of time is dangerous
because people have a hard time adapting to the change. DST causes many
people to be late to work the following day, unaware of the new driving
conditions, and overall they are put through a tough transition.

(response continues on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 71
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) Therefore, Response 18

earns a score of 2 for Trait 1.
In the end, daylight saving time may seem like a pain to have to deal with
twice a year but if a man as smart as Benjamin Franklin thought it was a good To view the annotations to
idea then there must be something right about it. There is far too much good Traits 2 and 3, click the links
that comes out of the increased sunlight to take it away and if that means below.
adults need to be more aware of their surroundings then that is a price this
country should take. The extra hour increases economical growth for longer Trait 2 (Page 38)
work days and gives the youth a chance to enjoy their summer just a little bit
more and that should be well worth the hardship you may face transitioning. Trait 3 (Page 135)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 72
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

ln my way its good because in DST is good for lot of people. The studies This brief response contains no
have indicated that traveling home from work or school in daylight is clear argument, and while it is
safer. Nearly three decades of research shows an 8-11% reduction in related to the topic of DST, it lacks
crashes invilingpedestrains and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle direction and purpose.
occupants after the spring shift to DST.ln sunlight we can finishes our
chores. In everything new things takes time to adjust. After some days There is an attempt to cite details
went we feel this is the right thing. In studies only shows that too. Only from the source text, but these are
simply copied without evaluation or
one week after changing the clocks and before go back the clocks only
analysis (“a 6-10% decrease in crashes
accidens happen after that its not for only one week we think what
for vehicle occupants after the spring
about the rest of the weeks. If we see in everything its right or wrong. In
shift to DST”). The response
my way DST is for lot of people.In way who dont like sun its natural way
contains no discussion of the
of light. validity of the argumentation in the
source text.

For these reasons, the response

meets the criteria for a score of 0
for Trait 1.

Therefore, Response 19 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 1.

To view the annotations to Traits 2

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 98)

Trait 3 (Page 43)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 73
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

One of the first benefits of DST is one of the most important I think, the Although the response
saving of electricity. Anytime we do this it helps the world as a whole, demonstrates an attempt to
Supporters of DST also claim that more sunlight saves lives.Ifthe studies connect to the topic of the source
are correct I would say they are right, three decades supports research text, it contains no argument or
that 8-11% reduction in crashes involving pedertrains.And a 6-10% clear purpose, nor any evaluation
decrese in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring DST, the of the validity of the argumentation.
preservation of life is always a very good thing. Similar logic states DST
The last sentence (“With everything
reduces crime because people are out completing chores after their
there are pros and cons no matter
business or school day in sunlight,lessening their exposure to crimes that
what, so in the end we can only hope
are more comme after dark.lf this proves true then this is a positive for
the good out weighs the bad”)
everyone,less crime is always a good thing.And then we have opponets of
suggests that the writer has not
DST,right of the bat display an understandable point of view. Even
fully understood the task
thought one study in california indicated that DST had little or no effect requirements. The long paragraph
on energy consumption.Other studies show that counties in indiana reiterates information from the text,
showed that residents of the state spent $8.6 million more each year for but without analysis of the two
energy.They are saying the main energy jump is due to increased use of positions.
air conditioning as a result of maximing daylight hours.Thats just indiana
imagine what other states such as texas or arizona spend a year,I Overall, the minimal analysis and
speculate these states because they are aried, dry and always hot.Further lack of argument meet the criteria
reserach shows air pollution has also increased as a result of DST.Now the for a score point of 0 for Trait 1.
safty issue comes up again,in the yearly switch to and from DST.One
study shows pedestrian fatalites from cars incresed immediately after Therefore, Response 20 earns a
clocks were set back in the fall.Arguments continue with another study score of 0 for Trait 1.
that shows 227 pedestrains were killed in the week following the end of
DST compared with 65 pedestrains killed the week before DST is To view the annotations to Traits 2
also stated that the adjusment period drivers endure each year is a and 3, click the links below.
dangerous time for pedestrains, and DST may be the reason.lnstaed of a
gradual tranistion in the morning or afternoon by just minutes of sunlight Trait 2 (Page 99)
each day, the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward fails to
provide drives and pedeestrains time to adjust.These opponets believe Trait 3 (Page 44)
the consideration of cost and confusion are simply not worth all of the
trouble.With everything there are pros and cons no matter what, so in
the end we can only hope the good out weighs the bad.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 74
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

First position would be the benefits of daylight savings time. The study Although not stated explicitly, the
given talked about the issues of safety for those who get off work or writer does generate a text-based
school and the safety of traveling in the daylight verses night fall. The argument towards the end (“I think
next point they make would be about the crime rate being down there is alot of benefit to daylight
because with the time changes it either is lighter later or darker savings time that we could speak on if
sooner(being it is still early enough for those to feel safe). They also we are really looking for positive
talked about the savings in the energy saved the number seemed a little feedback.”) that is preceded by a
low but each amount helps. mixture of relevant and irrelevant
The second position given was that those who argued against DST there
seemed to be more points given here verses those that were for but The writer makes an attempt to
evaluate the validity of the
let's review those points. They only reviewed California and Indiana
argumentation in the source text,
verses the Country as a whole using the fact that people used more
but in a somewhat simplistic
energy but is it the time they are talking about or was the weather just
manner: “in the energy saved the
hotter during the time these studies were done?. number seemed a little low but
each amount helps.”
In reference to the accident fatalties how would that tie into DST? Was
it because people were rushing more or there was fatigue that took The writer also asks questions of
place because of the time change? Were the people getting less sleep the claims that show an attempt to
or hard to sleep due to the issues of not being able to adjust to the time analyze the sources: “They only
change? reviewed California and Indiana verses
the Country as a whole using the fact
These are all the questions that I would have after reading these that people used more energy but is it
arguments against DST. They only state that it May be the reason not the time they are talking about or was
that they have proof or facts that this is cause of so many accidents and the weather just hotter during the time
fatalities. How could the adjustment period effect how driversdrive these studies were done?”
again is it because they are still sleep or tired when they have ended
their day? I can't buy that part of the argument. Overall the response demonstrates
an implicit argument with limited
I feel that with change no matter what or how there will be adjustment analysis of the source text.
periods to deal with and always someone who will not want to have
change. I would like for those who depend on the day light to earn a Therefore, Response 21 earns a
living to give their oponions about daylight savings time to hear a real score of 1 for Trait 1.
perspective from someone who has a lawn care business, cleaning
service, car wash, window washers and even the local and state To views the annotations to Traits 2
and 3, click the links below.
workers who repair our roads. Furthermore lets speak with those
farmers who rely on the daylight to be as productive as possible while
they still have it. I am sure they apperciatehaving that time to.
Trait 2 (Page 100)

I think there is alot of benefit to daylight savings time that we could Trait 3 (Page 45)
speak on if we are really looking for positive feedback. I can see the
positive side for those who work all day and would love to just have
some daylight when their day was finished to spend some time with
their children in the park or to just be able to take that scroll or walk
while they feel secure with having that daylight.

We may also see where many who do work that 8-5 or 9-6 would be
less likely start the early after work happy hour when there is more

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 75
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 0 [Trait 1] Annotation

Does Daylight Savings Time really save energy or is it a myth? Many In the last of the three paragraphs,
people seem to debate the issue of the practice's impact on energy the writer makes an attempt to
consumption and safety. Supporters of DST have found several benifits. create an argument (“There are
For example, in the 1970s research they found that DST saved about 1 simply more cons to DST than benefits
percent per day in energy costs. Some supporters also claim that more making it just not worth it.”), but this
sunlight saves lives, because there are less crashes due to DST. Other paragraph is preceded by two
studies have shown that crime is reduced. People are more likely to paragraphs that simply reiterate
complete tasks after their business or school day in sunlight,lessening claims made in the text for each
their exposure to crimes that are more common after dark. These are position.
just some of the benifits to DST.
There is little to no analysis of the
issues raised and no attempt to
Although there are many supporters of this idea there are also many evaluate the validity of the
who disagree. They argue many ideas of this whole DST idea. Some of argumentation in the source text.
there arguments stem from studies done more recently. The studies for
California in 2007 show that DST had little to no effect on energy While the response does exhibit a
consumption. A three year study in Indiana showed that after they connection to the prompt, it is at a
switched to DST it only increased pollution and energy consumption! minimal level.
This only seemed to put a bad title on the whole DST idea. Then later on
researchers began to questio the safety aspect of the yearly switch to Therefore, Response 22 earns a
and from DST. When studying the safety they" realized that more score of 0 for Trait 1.
people were dying due to getting hit in the week before DST ended and
in the following week. Drivers had to adjust drastically instead of a To view the annotations to Traits 2
gradual transition in the morning or afternoon that they were used to. and 3, click the links below.

In conclusion,DST caused more confusion and deaths than not. With Trait 2 (Page 101)
the adjustment period for drivers,the common people on the street just
wernt safe. There are simply more cons to DST than benefits making it Trait 3 (Page 46)
just not worth it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 76
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 1] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time is a great help to everyone. Having more time to In the last paragraph, the writer
get things done in a day is never a bad thing. It saves on money and generates an argument (“But in the
electricity with longer lasting day hours. end DST does more good than harm.”)
that is based on the evidence laid
Electricity is a big part of America. We need light for almost have the out in the preceding four
day depending on what we're doing at home or work. It's rare to find paragraphs.
someone going to bed like an early bird. People stay up late watching
T.V or finishing work and require light in some cases. DST extends the The writer uses some evidence
amount of daylight and makes it still light out at a late hour in spring. from the source text (“With DST,
People take advantage of this extra time and use it for all kinds of there has been a reduction in
things. pedestrian crashes by 8-11%.”) and
some irrelevant personal
observations (“It's rare to find
Not only does DST conserve electricity, it provides saftey to people in
someone going to bed like an early
the day time. With more light in a day, traveling to and from places is
bird.”), but there is minimal
much safer than in the fall where the days are dark at a very early time.
evaluation of the validity of the
With DST, there has been a reduction in pedestrian crashes by 8-11%.
argumentation or sources in the
The same can be said about vehicle crashes which have been reduced text.
by 6-10%. Something so minute as DST has made a greater impact than
most people would think. Ultimately, the writer’s position is
based more on opinion than on
Some people however don't have the same thoughts about DST. analysis and as such is only
Studies in Indiana countered that instead of saving electricity, more had partially effective.
to be used for air conditioning on a day with more light hours. This
caused a raise in air pollution as a result. Another study showed that Therefore, Response 23 earns a
instead of keeping drivers and pedestrians safe, the switch with DST in score of 1 for Trait 1.
the fall put people in danger. The week before the end of DST, 227
pedestrians were killed in car accidents, along with 68 at the beginning To view the annotations to Traits 2
week of DST. People just don't have enough time to adjust to the and 3, click the links below.
change, and some may become a danger to themselves and others.
Trait 2 (Page 102)
Daylight Savings Time has had good and bad effects on people who use
it. The pros and cons of this tool battle closely with one another. But in Trait 3 (Page 47)
the end DST does more good than harm. It's convenient and is really
meant to benefit everyone. It's become a part of our routine and to live
without it might be a difficult task. Though a few may not use it, its
always there for someone's convenience.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 77
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

Every year we experience the daylight saving time change two times a year, it The writer of this response
is a change that most of us dread because during one of the time changes we generates a text-based
lose an hour, so an hour of sleep or work or social time is taken away. People argument, although it is
become fortunate when when that time of the year comes where we are given buried in the third paragraph
an extra hour of either sleep, work or social time. Americans usually do not and then reiterated in the
pay much attention in advance to daylight savings time, unfortunately they final paragraph: “The
usually just think about it the night before it happens. arguments against DST are
stronger than the arguments for
People often never stop to think about the benefits of Daylight Saving Time, the benefits of DST.” This
they often just change their clocks then go about with their daily lives and connects directly to the
prompt and is supported by
adapt to the changes as a result of the time change. The article discusses a few
mainly relevant citations from
of the benefits that comes as a result of DST. One of the benefits is DST saved
the source text, albeit with
about 1 % perday in energy costs, this can ultimately help our nation preserve some irrelevant personal
our resources. A large percentage of people can agree that they feel safer opinion.
when traveling in the daylight as opposed to night time, it is easier for people
to see what is on the road in front of them and they have more time to The writer demonstrates
anticipate what lies ahead of them. DST research also showed that the spring some analysis of the claims
shift was a way to reduced crashes involving other cars and pedestrians. A and makes reasonable
large majority of Americans definitely agree that the spring change is a positive inferences from them (“One of
thing for Americans because even though they lose an hour they are the benefits is DST saved about
guaranteed one more hour of sunlight, and for the most part Americans enjoy 1 % perday in energy costs, this
that extra hour to either be outside or enjoy the natural lighting that the sun can ultimately help our nation
has to offer. preserve our resources”).

It is also almost a guarantee that people dread the time of the year where they Ultimately the writer bases
lose an hour and the sun goes down earlier, so they lose the sun being out and his or her position primarily
the natural lighting that is usually quite a benefit for most Americans. As a on opinion, but overall the
result of the procrastination in preparing for this time change, a large majority response meets the criteria
of Americans spend a few days to a week recovering from this change. This for a score point of 2 for
change can often cause people to become forgetful of the time change. This Trait 1.
can result in being late to a job, class, or school. This can result in lack of sleep
which can take a long time to change and get back. The arguments against DST Therefore, Response 24
earns a score of 2 for Trait 1.
are stronger than the arguments for the benefits of DST. I believe that this
argument is right when it begins dealing with the immediate change that is a
To view the annotations to
result of DST, Americans have to change their routine by one hour twice as Traits 2 and 3, click the links
year as opposed to a gradual transition in the morning or afternoon. A gradual below.
transition would allow drivers, the working class, pedestrians, students, and
every one else going about their normal day a chance to change their routine Trait 2 (Page 103)
minimally rather than dramatically with a few minutes of adjustment rather
than one hour. Trait 3 (Page 48)
Both articles do an excellent job going in depth to explain their point of view
and the arguments for both sides. Both sides showed valuable points that
Americans do not consider when they change their clocks two times a year. I
do believe that the arguments against Daylight Saving Time did have the
stronger argument, I agreed with their points more and I believe that
Americans would better be able to relate to a small change of a few minutes a
day rather than an abrupt change twice a year.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 78
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation
The writer generates a clear text-
This article presents arguments from both supporters and critics of based argument in the first
Daylight Saving Time who disagree about the practice's impact on paragraph (“Both sides provide good
energy comsumption and safety. Both sides provide good support for support for their position, but the
their position, but the argument against Daylight Saving Time is argument against Daylight Saving Time
stronger and more complete. It responds to points made in the is stronger and more complete.”).
argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time and also incorporates Even here, the response
arguments of its own. demonstrates an analysis of the
argumentation in the source text.
One of the arguments used by supporters of Daylight Saving Time is
that because there is more sun at the end of the day, there is lessneed In the next paragraph, the writer
further analyzes the validity of the
for electricity and thus energy costs are lowered. A statistic is provided
claims: “However, that information is
claiming Daylight Saving Time saves "about 1% per day in energy costs".
from research conducted in the 1970s,
However, that information is from research conducted in the 1970s,
which today is fairly outdated.” The
which today is fairly outdated. The supporting argument presents data
paragraph raises points made in
from other research findings on the subjects of car crashes and crime
the text and then examines them
rates, saying Daylight Saving time reduces the number of accidents and one by one.
instances of crime. These findings are again suspect because the dates
of the research are not clearly stated. The accident data is pulled from In the third paragraph, the writer
"three decade of research"; the identities of these decades are performs the same kind of analysis
unknown. The crime studies are not dated at all. on the arguments against DST,
even comparing sources that
The argument against Daylight Saving Time is much more credibe. For address the same issue to
example, it provides the results of a much more recent (2007) study in determine which is most credible:
California. The study showed that Daylight Saving Time "had littleor no “…a much more recent (2007) study in
effect on energy consumption that year", thus countering the argument California. The study showed that
that Daylight Saving Time lowering energy use. Also, the results of Daylight Saving Time ‘had littleor no
"recent" research provide evidence against the supposed safety aspect effect on energy consumption that
of the yearly switch to and from Daylight Saving Time; more pedestrians year’, thus countering the argument
were killed by cars "immediately after clocks were set back in the fall" that Daylight Saving Time lowering
and significantly fewer were killed the week before Daylight Saving energy use.”
Time ended than the following week.
Overall the response generates a
The best-supported position in this article is the position against strong argument, cites specific
Daylight Saving Time. The argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time evidence, evaluates that evidence,
contains data from outdated research experiments and does not and makes reasonable inferences.
provide any counter arguments to the points made by other position.
The argument against Daylight Saving Time contains more credible Therefore, Response 25 earns a
score of 2 for Trait 1.
evidence and it alsodoes a solid job of countering arguments made by
Daylight Saving Time supporters.
To view the annotations to Traits 2
and 3, click the links below.

Trait 2 (Page 104)

Trait 3 (Page 49)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 79
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a natural routine for most people in the The response contains a clear text-
USA. After years, or decades of use DST seems to be a basic part of life, based argument, which is stated in
every year you change your clocks. It might come as a surprise to some the final paragraph: “Overall the
people then, to find out that there is controversy over DST, since many evidence supporting DST is insufficient
people do not even think about why we have DST. Nevertheless their is to show any major benefit.” The
serious debate over DST, with supporters arguing that it imporves are writer builds towards this position
lives, and opponents claiming that it does more harm than good. using relevant and specific
evidence from the source text,
One of the largest benefits that supporters of daylight savings time evaluating each piece of evidence
point out is that it saves money by reducing energy use nationwide. As for credibility and validity.
evidence for this they use a research study showing that DST reduced
In paragraph 2, which begins a
national electricity use by around 1 %. But it is hard to see this as a focus on the issue of energy
serious benefit. 1 % is such a small change that it easily lies within the savings, the writer states that
margin of error for a study of this size, making it likely that any “1 % is such a small change that it
reduction in electricity use from DST is insignificant if it even exists. easily lies within the margin of error for
a study of this size, making it likely that
On the other hand, oppenents of DST show contradictory studies any reduction in electricity use from
demonstrating little or no reduction in energy use after DST. This is DST is insignificant if it even exists,”
supported by the meager 1% savings that DST supporters claim, and goes on to observe in
showing that energy reduction is not effected any any important way by paragraph 3 that “This evidence
DST. Several studies have even shown a significant increase in energy refutes the claim that DST reduces
costs after DST in certain areas, and also an increase in pollution, since energy use.” This level of analysis
some appliances such as air conditioning are used more often during comparing the two positions in the
the day. This evidence refutes the claim that DST reduces energy use. source text is maintained
throughout the response.
Another claim by supporters of DST is that automobile accidents are
reduced after DST, because people drive home from work while it is still Therefore, Response 26 earns a
light outside. The decrease in accidents has been shown to be as high as score of 2 for Trait 1.
10%, which is significant amount. There have also been reports of
decreased crime thanks to DST because people are out after dark less To view the annotations to Traits 2
often, which is when most crimes occur. and 3, click the links below.

But there is research that shows these claims may not be accurate. Trait 2 (Page 105)
Opponents of DST point to studies showing that accidents increase
immediately after DST, one study showing an increase from 65 Trait 3 (Page 50)
pedestrian deaths in the week before DST, to 227 deaths the week
after. This is most likely caused by fatigue in drivers who have a sudden
1 hour change in their sleep patterns. This rapid shift does not allow
time for the human body to adjust to a new sleep cycle, making DST a
potentially dangerous and confusing event.

Overall the evidence supporting DST is insufficient to show any major

benefit. In fact the majority of support or DST has been countered by
recent research showing that DST may cause more harm than it does
good. Until new evidence can be shown to uphold DST, the opponents
of DST seem fully justified in criticizing it'susefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 80
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we The response establishes a
are in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we connection to the prompt by
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In that including a statement of stance in
vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its effects. In the opening paragraph (“Therefore,
order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of those studies I argue against Daylight Saving Time as
should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that blatantly contradict a national measure.”).
each other: on one hand, for example, some studies say that energy use is
decreased, but on the other hand, others say that energy use is actually The writer cites specific evidence
increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be affected by daylight to support this issue-based stance
saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against Daylight Saving Time as a throughout the response (“DST
national measure. could save as much as 1% in energy
costs.”) and effectively evaluates
the validity of the argumentation
The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the research.
within the source text (“I find that
As the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's stated that DST
statement lacking for two reasons.
could save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that statement lacking for
First, a 1% save each day could
two reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could amount to a lot of energy, but
amount to a lot of energy, but the
the ultimate findings could be negligible; that is, with a low percentage
ultimate findings could be negligible;
comes statistical uncertainty. Second, the 1970's post date indicates that the
that is, with a low percentage comes
research could be outdated. Now, we have many more electrical and
statistical uncertainty.”).
different devices, and, more importantly, our world is different with such
devices as computers and video games, which could easily be used past
The writer also calls into question
daylight hours. So, there are dated assumptions on that research. On that the timeliness of the evidence
note, a similar study performed today could hold different results. In fact, a provided (“If the benefits of DST are
more recent 2007 study found that energy use did not differ by DST to be evaluated, they must arrive from
standards, as the opposition against DST states. Even more concerning, a recent source.”).
more recent studies in Indiana stated that energy use greatly increased
during that time. Since the opposition against DST holds more recent Overall, the response addresses
evidence, I side with them on this issue. the purpose of the task by
generating a text-based argument
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after to evaluate the validity of the
DST alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227 argumentation within the source
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65 are text.
killed otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other side
is that, overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As an Therefore, Response 27 earns a
opponent might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full score of 2 for Trait 1.
analysis, though, the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be
illustrated: that is, an 8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial To view the annotations to Traits 2
burst, as the opposition against DST points out. Furthermore, the and 3, click the links below.
discomforting source from that arrive from the fact that it came from "three
decades of research." In other words, the DST automobile fatality issue has Trait 2 (Page 106)
been carefully researched across a long period of time. While that is
reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since that point. That is, Trait 3 (Page 51)
technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it must be
determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety measures or
those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the arguments for DST. If
the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive from a recent

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 81
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

When Daylight Savings Time (DST) was first considered by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 in Despite an extended
France, there was not an immediate electrical need for the shift. People were using introduction that lays out the
candles and daylight to compensate for the darkness, which was not always a great
cost to those who made their own candles. By the time DST was actually implemented
history of DST without
in 1918, electricity had evolved and both time and money were being spent on these addressing the prompt, the
household necessities instead of the production of war materials. Families didn't have writer does conclude with an
to work as hard to bring in extra money or go without any food at night by instead argument that is based mainly
saving in their energy costs. on the source text but is
expressed obliquely as an
Initially, cities were given the choice as to whether or not they wanted to take opinion: “I personally believe that we
advantage of this new time system. These cities dictated when the time would change don't need to rely on a scientific
and by how much, which proved to be a disaster by the 1960's. So many cities across
schedule to determine when the sun
the country were operating on completely different time schedules, which mainly
hindered the entertainment and travel schedules. If a train were to leave New York goes up or down, and to regulate what
City at 12:00 PM, they could arrive in St. Louis only at 12:00 PM still based on their we set our clocks by.”
time preference! The time zones could not be changed, however, and the eastern
coast of the United States will still always be three hours ahead of the west coast, Paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 contain
regardless of an amount of DST. the main discussion of the topic;
in these paragraphs, the writer
To fix this complication, Congress enacted the Uniform Time Act of 1966, but yet this cites primarily relevant and
still did not require all cities to adhere to DST. It equalized when it was supposed to go
into effect, which made somewhat of a smoother transition. Although to this day,
specific information from the text
there are still parts of Arizona and all of Hawaii that have not converted to a DST to weigh the pro- and anti-DST
system. These two areas are in fairly year-round steady temperatures, especially with positions. The analysis of the
their proximity to the equator, and both enjoy a healthy dose of sunshine on a regular argumentation relies mainly on
basis. reasonable inferences rather
than evaluation of the sources.
For years, scientists and research projects have weighed the benefits and costs against
one another. In the 1970's, it was determined that DST saves 1 % a day in energy
While the response contains
costs. This goes along the lines of Benjamin Franklin's initial thought process that more
available sunlight decreases the need to rely on electricity. It was also noted that the
some irrelevant comments (“Or if
increase in sunlight saved many lives. Of course, it has always been safer to travel to a trusting family left their child's
and from work or school during the day. Once DST was utilized, there was between window open at night, a criminal might
and 8 and 11 % decrease in fatal pedestrian accidents and between a 6 and 10% take note of that pattern and find an
decrease in fatal vehicle accidents. The crime rates also decreased because people opportunity to kidnap the child or
who were forced to run errands or spend time outside during the night were not as burglarize the home.”), for the most
exposed to the criminal acts that primarily take place in the dark. Another benefit is part it establishes a purpose
within the realm of safety issues. Before central heat and air, the natural weather
connected to the prompt.
patterns dictated the temperature of homes. In northern and colder climates, families
had to burn fires sometimes overnight in order to keep themselves thoroughly warm.
In these wood-built homes, an unwatched fire can spark and set the house on fire Therefore, Response 28 earns a
before anyone could wake up and escape. In the hot summers, families kept their score of 2 for Trait 1.
windows open to provide a breeze. This let in all different kinds of diseases and
illnesses that the families then became exposed To view the annotations to Traits
2 and 3, click the links below.
(response continued on the next page)

Trait 2 (Page 108)

Trait 3 (Page 53)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 82
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous page)

to, and in some cases died from. Or if a trusting family left their child's window
open at night, a criminal might take note of that pattern and find an
opportunity to kidnap the child or burglarize the home.

There are many people who theorize that the benefits do not outweigh the
costs by any means. In 2007, California conducted a study that determined
that during that year there was little to no energy conservation. Another three
year study in Indiana concluded that there was an $8.6 million increase of
money spent on energy, and that the surrounding air pollution increased
dramatically. It has been said that this is due to the increase of daylight in
warmer climates, resulting in an increased use of air conditioning. There is a
pattern of pedestrian fatalities increasing immediately after the switch to fall
DST, primarily because it becomes darker so much sooner, therefore drivers
are not always as alert and prepared to watch for a pedestrian. A study
showed that there were 227 pedestrians killed in the fall time switch
compared to 65 killed after the spring time switch. Drivers are also unprepared
for the abrupt time change. Instead of the time change in the mronings being
gradual and slight, going by just minutes each day, it is the immediate one
hour shift that causes disorientation and adjustment for the drivers. In the fall,
the hour that is moved backwards causes early morning risers to be traveling
in the dark when they are used to a more sunny time clock. For the spring,
those who are employed in predominantly night-based jobs face glaring
sunlight, and sometimes are delayed in the completion of their projects. There
are also those who simply forget about DST all together, failing to adjust for
the time change in their alarm clocks, and fall into seeral different situations.
By forgetting to change the alarm to be set at midnight instead of 11 :00 PM,
someone might wake up an hour later that morning and rush to work, still late
regardless. Or the opposite might occurr, and someone is waking up an hour
earlier than intended and become cranky.

It seems as though by the time we are well adjusted to the time change, it's
come around to that point in the year where we have to jump right back and
start all over again. This has caused a lifestyle that revolves heavily around
clocks and time schedules. Back in the early 1900's when this time change was
first being discovered and implemented, there weren't as many nighttime
hazards. Many people didn't own cars and walked everywhere, thereby
decrease the pedestrian versus vehicle collisions. The crime rates were almost
non-existent in these small communities where trust was everything. The only
thing that many people saw their nights as being good for was cooling off in
warm climates or sleeping peacefully. During those time periods, people rose
and slept by the sunlight. Alarm clocks, or even clocks in general, had yet to be
developed. Farmers rose when their bodies alerted them that they had slept
enough, worked hard until the sun went down, and slept again until it was
morning time. In this day and age, there are many

(response continues on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 83
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 1] Annotation

(response continues from the previous page) (see comments above)

people who work overnight jobs and extremely late shifts, and their
body clocks just don't have the ability to adjust to any particular natural
schedule. Especially for those in law enforcement or the medical fields,
where culture has deemed it necessary to remain awake at hours when
many parts of the world are fast asleep.

I personally believe that we don't need to rely on a scientific schedule

to determine when the sun goes up or down, and to regulate what we
set our clocks by. Nature should still be our guide, allowing for the
gradual adjustment that our bodies need to adapt to a time difference.
The same concept occurs with jet lag, and our bodies are unable to
catch up and realize we have changed time zones. Perhaps the areas of
the world that don't utilize this advanced time system are better off.
Maybe our ancestors had it right when they relied on senses and sights
to determine how to live their lives. The problem is, however, that now
that our world depends on these technologies and advancements, how
is there ever a way to just go back to the roots?

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 84
Scores and Annotations – Trait 2 Anchor Responses 1-9 & 19-28

Pages 86 through 108 provide the Trait 2 scores and annotations for Anchor Responses 1 – 9 and
Anchor Responses 19 – 28. Text supporting the score determination for Trait 2 is highlighted in
green in both the response and the annotation.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 85
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score 0: [Trait 2] Annotation

The changing to daylight saving time twice a year is quite confusing to a The response is primarily
lot of people, especially at the time right before and after the change. A presented as lists of positive and
person can become upset when they forget to change their clock each negative points about DST taken
time. And some bosses penalize the employees when they are late, either straight from the text or from
which only makes it more agrivating. More accidents can also happen in the test-taker’s own assumptions
rushing,when you forget to change all of your clocks. It would be even (“you could miss your flight”), not as a
more confusing in Arizona, due to the fact every one in that state does logical progression of ideas within
an organized structure. While there
not follow the dylight saving time change. Some times when running
are details, they do not support
late you could miss your flight and loose a full day of work, if travel is
clearly stated main ideas, and
needed in your job.
some are irrelevant (“A person can
become upset when they forget to
Adopting this process, and time zones, was developed purposely to
change their clock”). The writer uses
conserve energy, and make it safer to travel from work or errands, and
no transitional devices to compare
to arrive home before dark. To have the majority of the time when it is the positions.
dark outside, to be in your home and sleeping, has been shown to be
safer and to conserve energy. Many people have difficulty driving at Therefore, Response 1 earns a
nite, as it is not as easy to see their surroundings. Conserving energy in score of 0 for Trait 2.
the areas that utilize the most energy, saves not only energy, but
money. Hopefully the cost of implimenting this practice is offset by the To view the annotations to Traits 1
savings in energy and accidents. And, possibly. if there is an increase in and 3, click the links below.
energy consumption, it is because people are able to run more errands
and get more done in each day to make for a better life for them and Trait 1 (Page 12)
their family.
Trait 3 (Page 112)
I think, now that we are use to the daylight saving time, it will be best to
continue with it, as it is safer, and saving energy.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 86
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score 1: [Trait 2] Annotation

Every year, most Americans adjust their clocks ahead in the spring and back in the The writer makes an attempt to
fall, and the debate goes on. organize his or her ideas by
including an introduction that sets a
When Benjamine Franklin first "touted" the idea in 1784, is was not and could not context for the debate and then
have been an "energy saving" idea. There was no mass use energy supply or numerically listing the arguments
usage at that time. Since then, there has been a globalization of the energy we made both for and against DST.
use to heat, cool, light, and move about. With it comes a cost and certain risks. Following that, the writer makes an
When looking at DST, we first have to look at the benefits, second the risk, effort to evaluate the arguments.
There are few actual paragraphs,
compare both and decide whether it is beneficial to the majority.
however, so the writer’s message is
not effectively conveyed. In
Thoughts for; addition, the ideas are not well
1 ) it allows for later daylight hours during the longer daylight months connected to each other, there are
2) somestudies show that it has a crime reducing effect no transitional devices, and the
3) some studies show it has an energy reducing effect tone varies between appropriately
4) some studies show that it has a traffic safety effect formal (paragraph2) and overly
casual (“I’m sure you can conclude
Thoughts against; which side I’m on”).
1) because not all municipalities are required to participate, it causes confusion
2) there are studies that suggest any energy reduction from lights not in use is Therefore, Response 2 earns a
more than offset by increased usage from air conditioners score of 1 for Trait 2.
3) another study concluded that traffic safety effects were the opposite and that
pedestrian fatalities were up over 300% the week after "returning to standard To view the annotations to Traits 1
time" and 3, click the links below.

When putting all these facts together, we need to look at the underlying Trait 1 (Page 13)
conditions in the studies. There are a lot of missing pieces ti this puzzle
Trait 3 (Page 113)
1) in the trafic studies, what is the ratio of pedestrians killed to pedestrians on the
street. It is not mentioned how many pedestrians mayor may not be walking in
colder weather when DST is not in effect. Nor does it look at whether or not
pedestrian trafic is increased the week following DST

2) the energy issue. Back in the 1950's and 60's when this was debated for
standardization, there was not the demand for energy consumption from air
conditioners. The percentage of homes that even had one was considerably
smaller, and most that were out there, were just a window unit or something
similar. Now almost every home has a central system of some sort, with even
older homes being retro-fitted.

3) to compare crime statistics from winter to summer is, at best, ludicrous. you
can only compare summer to summer and winter to winter

4) DST does not make the day longer, it only makes it so that the daylight is later
in the day.
Time is growing short, and therefor I will not be able to complete this debate, but
I'm sure you can conclude which side I'm on. DST, althought maybe at one time
was useful, has outlived that usefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 87
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score 0: [Trait 2] Annotation

They say daylight savings time is a great thing. It gives daylight for the The response shows no
children to go to school in the morning. It allows for longer daylight further discernable organizational structure
into the fall season. With DST they say moving ahead one hour in the spring to convey the writer’s argument.
helps with getting daylight for travel to and from work/school. It is true that There is an underlying message
if we as a nation are giong to use daylight savings time then everyone should that DST is confusing and
do it on the same day at the same time (or as close to the same time as you unnecessary (“We really should stop
can get) .... using it”), but this is not clearly
stated and there are few if any
I don't get where it helps at all - we are in a dusky period for the children to details from the text to support it.
go to school in the morning and all of a sudden we fall back by one hour and The response reads as a stream of
consciousness based on the
this does nt' help. Then the children are really in the dark - they say by 7 am
writer’s experiences rather than a
being the old 8 am it makes it lighter - but it doesn't really work. It helps for
logical and purposeful attempt to
a couple weeks maybe. By December; January and February and even some build an argument.
if not all of march you go to school/work in the dark and come home in the
dark. That was always terrible. This is for the people who go to work Therefore, Response 3 earns a
between 6 AM and 8 AM and get out of work between 4 PM and 6 PM. It score of 0 for Trait 2.
was very disappointing to go to work in the dark and then it was dark when
you got out. It was like you never really see daylight. It doesn't really help To view the annotations to Traits 1
with the electrical consumption - how could it. During the winter months we and 3, click the links below.
have more darkness anyway and it makes no difference for that. It does get
confusing when we jump ahead an hour as if you forget to change your Trait 1 (Page 14)
clocks you are late to work, school, church or any where else you need to be.
Because the time jumped ahead and you forgot to change your clocks - you Trait 3 (Page 114)
think its 7 and its really 8. So you have lost an hour already in your day.
There's nothing worse then forgetting to set your clocks and then you arrive
at church, school, work or an appointment late or have missed the whole
thing. DST is really more confusing then helpful. I wish we all just stayed the
same time all year long. Just pick one of the times back or forward and leave
all states at that time. It also then doesn't get so confusing if you have
relatives in another state or your going to travel to another state on what
time it is. Did they change their time or not. Its confusing enough about
which time zone your in and what the time is without worrying about DST.

It would be true that crime would come down alittle if we just had our usual
daylight and none of this change the time to adjust the daylight and/or

Driving could be a problem - that is why the sunlight bothers people in the
morning with driving all of a sudden you switch the time by an hour and it
really makes a difference. A gradual transition in the morning and afternoon
of minutes for the sunlight each day would be better. DST was thought to be
great back in the 1700's when times were different and things were more
simplistic. There weren't cars and times to be at work, school so early in the
morning. They wanted it to help with conserving resources for the war
effort. Back when it was thought of or started made sense - but times have
changed and now its time to not have it. We really should stop using it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 88
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score 0: [Trait 2] Annotation
A simplistic organizational structure
ln regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is is established in the response. The
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. This writer begins with a vague
is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in the statement of the main idea and a
United States and an idea that was proposed over 200 years ago. If DST poorly reasoned explanation.
was a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it would
have been stopped long ago. The other three paragraphs are
devoted to a summary of the
advantages of DST, a summary of
Since different parts of the nation recieve the amount of sunlight at
the arguments against DST, and a
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time time to ensure challenge to the opponents’
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970's it was arguments, respectively.
proven that DST saved about 1 % per day in energy costs. Studies have
also shown that traveling in daylight is safter and that three decades of While the summary of the
research have shown an 8-11 % reduction in pedestrian accidents and 6- advantages of DST is insufficiently
10% decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST has developed and provides some
also reduced crime because there are more people out and about in evidence of a progression of ideas,
sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark. the final two paragraphs lack these
qualities. The summary of the
The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question arguments against DST merely lists
because there were more pedestrians killed the week following the end three ideas from the source text and
of DST. They also claim that the adjustment period is dangerous because provides no elaboration.
of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They claim it
doesn't allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time change The last paragraph, which
as well as adjusting their clocks. challenges the opponents’ claims,
offers simplistic reasoning and lacks
appropriate formality (“If those are
If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be
the argments that are made then
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time
people just need to be more
change. Go to bed an hour earlier to compensate for the change, double
responsible if they are having trouble
check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the correct time
adjusting with the time change.”).
before you go to bed. The media does a good job of informing the public
of these changes and often reminds them to take the necessary
As a whole, the response is
precautions for the change. simplistically organized and
insufficiently developed.

Therefore, Response 4 earns a

score of 0 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 15)

Trait 3 (Page 115)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 89
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score 1: [Trait 2] Annotation

Daylight Saving Time's benefits outweigh its perceived ill-effect. While The writer demonstrates evidence
correlation does not necessarily equal causation in scientific of a progression of ideas,
discussions, it is more logical and demonstrable that Daylight Saving organizing paragraphs by topic with
Time is a boon to both public safety and energy efficiency. This is readily appropriate transitions between
apparent through both quantitative data and common sense, as several them (“Most importantly, the human
surveys and Benjamin Franklin himself can attest. Or would have element”). The writer starts
attested. paragraphs two and three with
similar wording (“On the surface”
On the surface of the matter at hand (the surface of the Earth), we are “Beneath the surface”) that ties the
at our best with the Sun squarely above, illuminating both our actions two together. While some ideas are
elaborated upon, such as
and driving records. Common sense dictates that the more we spurn
paragraph 3’s discussion of energy,
this fact of natural order, the more energy and human lives we waste.
others reflect simplistic reasoning
As noted by "Benefits of DST," the only things appropriate to darkness
(“the only things appropriate to
are crime and indecency. If anyone argues for increasing our exposure
darkness are crime and indecency”) or
to these injustices, they are probably not arguing with reason on their
are not well connected to the main
side (although it may be difficult to tell in low-light conditions). ideas (“to define the whole would be
unscientific and, more importantly,
Beneath the surface (of the matter, not of Earth), we need only look to unamerican”).
the numbers of these ambiguous surveys conducted by such
institutions as "many" and "other." Daylight Saving Time is statistically Therefore, Response 5 earns a
sound and economically friendly. A one percent reduction in energy score of 1 for Trait 2.
cost is nothing to scoff at when our demand is so high. Detractors and
their "theories" will have to use more than a single state's usage
statistics to refute this. Indiana and California may only be outliers in To view the annotations to Traits 1
the grand scheme of things, and to use one isolated subsystem to and 3, click the links below.
define the whole would be unscientific and, more importantly,
unamerican. Trait 1 (Page 16)

Most importantly, the human element. Carbon. Measurable drops in Trait 3 (Page 116)
vehicle-pedestrian or vehicle-vehicle crashes should be all the more
impactful to any who align themselves against Daylight Saving Time.
There is no logic inherent to the claim that DST hurts people when it is
only during its removal that more are hurt. If there are more fatalities
once clocks are set back in the Fall, then the answer is not to rid
ourselves of Daylight Saving Time, but to mitigate these circumstances
by implementing gradual change or else finding a more reasonable date
to revert back to normalcy.

Granted, changing your clocks can be an inconvenience. But two small

instances of convenience cannot outweigh the benefits expressed by
studies more germane to DST's overall effect. There are certainly
improvements that could be made, and perhaps DST isn't appropriate
for every location. Ultimately, however, decades of research and
centuries of advocation shouldn't be ruled out by a few studies more
narrow in scope.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 90
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score 1: [Trait 2] Annotation

The two articles are opposites of each other, they both contradict the The response demonstrates an
other one. The passage starts out with a simple overview and a brief attempt to develop a progression of
history to get the reader in the right mindset. It gives a brief historical ideas, describing first the pro-DST
background and mentions that Ben Franklin was a supporter of Daylight position and then the anti position,
Savings Time. I think that little part about Ben could influence a reader reiterating and expressing opinions
or two. Most people like Ben Franklin and everyone knows he was about the points made in the
smart, so why not agree with him? source text. However, these ideas
generally reflect simplistic
reasoning (“Nobody wants anyone to
Paragraph two goes on to talk about the confusion Daylight Savings
die so why not use Daylight Savings,
Time casued by the open choice of having it or when Daylight Savings
right?”) or are vague (“Paragraph
Time debuted. Cities being able to choose whether or not they
four makes some really strong points
participated in Daylight Savings probably wasn't the best idea as they
for the use of Daylight Savings Time”).
soon learned when the confusion started. Cities with different time
While word choice is generally
zones would be extremely confusing to travellers and transportation appropriate, in some places the
schedules as the article mentioned. Imagine trying to coordinate flight writer expresses ideas ineffectively
arrival and departure times if every city was on a different time! (“Cities being able to choose whether
or not they participated in Daylight
Paragraph three follows up paragraph two and gives a solution. It Savings probably wasn't the best idea
mentions the Uniform Time Act of 1966 and how it remedied the as they soon learned when the
situation. The act probably cleared most things up except for the states confusion started”).
who don't even choose to use Daylight Savings Time, like Hawaii and
parts of Arizona. Therefore, Response 6 earns a
score of 1 for Trait 2.
On page two the benefits of Daylight Savings Time are described and
backed up with statistics. Statistics always look good in an argument, To view the annotations to Traits 1
even if they aren't that good of a statistic it still makes the paper look and 3, click the links below.
smarter and more official. It starts off by explaining what some studies
have found. It states that about 1% per day of energy costs is saved by Trait 1 (Page 17)
using Daylight Savings Time. This is a good point and definitely helps out
with the pro-DST side. At the end of the paragraph it mentions Ben Trait 3 (Page 117)
Franklin again which really helps out the argument. Paragraph four
makes some really strong points for the use of Daylight Savings Time.

Another strong point for using DST is the claim that sunlight saves lives.
Nobody wants anyone to die so why not use Daylight Savings, right?
The claim is backed up by another good statistic from nearly three
decades of research on the subject. The statistic shows that there was
an 8%-11 % reduction in crashes involving pedestrians after the spring
shift to DST. That's good, who would be against that?

DST also reduces crime according to other studies. This is very good
backup for using DST because nobody likes crime. DST reduces crime
according to those studies. I'm not sure I totally believe that, it sounds a
bit unproven but it's not a bad point. I could see how it makes sense but
I just don't really think an hour of daylight would have that much of an
impact on crime.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 91
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
On page three the counter argument is made. This is for the opponents
of Daylight Savings. This argument almost completely contradicts the
pro-DST argument. They throw in statistics directly opposite of the
former argument. I'm not sure which one to believe. In paragraph seven
the author starts out by citing a study done in 2007 claiming that
Daylight Savings Time had little or no effect on energy consumption.
This directly contradicts the pro-DST argument stating that DST saved
1% of energy a day. How is the reader is supposed to know which one
to believe? The second stat in the same paragraph says that Indiana
actually spent more money due to DST. Maybe it's different for
different states, after all, the climate can vary greatly from state to
state. Maybe some states benefit from DST and some are harmed by it.
The paragraph also says air pollution increased when DST was
implemented. There can't be any correlation between those two, I
really don't see how it's possible for an hour of daylight to noticeably
increase air pollution.

Paragrpah eight gets into the safety aspect of DST and once again
comes in with a completely contradictory statement from the pro-DST
argument. The anti-DST says that pedestrian fatality increased as clocks
were set backin the fall. This is one statement that I could see being
true. People could be confused from the time change and less aware or
more tired leading to more injuries. People could just not be used to
the hour less of daylight too. I could see where that could come into
play. The adjustment period drivers endue could very well be a
dangerous time for pedestrians. The hour difference can throw
pedestrians and drivers off alike. Pedestrians could be paying less
attention and same with drivers.

The final paragraph argues straight confusion costs people. This one I
agree with most because there have been multiple times when I woke
up at the wrong time due to DST. Overall all though the pro-DST
argument is better organized, more effective, and more concise. It's a
tough choice but after reading this essay I'd have to go with the pro-
DST side.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 92
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score 1: [Trait 2] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight The writer establishes a discernable
Saving Time is better supported. Although both positions are well organizational structure in this response
organized and supported with several examples, the evidence by setting up a comparison of the two
supporting the view against DST is more specific and thorough. positions presented in the source text. In
the introduction, the writer establishes a
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to general stance (“Between the two
catch any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, positions in this article, the one against
safety, and crime rates, all of which are supposedly improved Daylight Saving Time is better supported.”).
through the use of DST. However, the evidence he uses to support
this claim seems general and outdated. In paragraph four, he The second paragraph focuses on the
positive effects of DST and provides a
mentions that one study took place in the 1970s. He also uses
clear progression of ideas. Main points
phrases such as "many studies" and "other studies." While the are generally developed within
points he makes are interesting, there are no specifics. One is left paragraphs, but supporting details are
wondering just how outdated or reliable these studies are, and if simplistic. The first part is a summary
they even apply to the average American. Had he used less and a new thought is presented about
generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing. the article in favor of DST (“One is left
wondering just how outdated or reliable
The second position is much better supported, especially these studies are…Had he used less
compared to the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous generalized phrases, he may have sounded
position. The writer's information is precise, and he seems to use more convincing.”).
more studies than the first author. While the first author used
studies from the 1970s, this one mentions a study done in 2007. The third paragraph focuses on the
The specifics of each study also improve the quality and seeming negative effects of DST, comparing and
validity of the arguments made. The writer gives the states in contrasting both articles but is generally
which the studies were conducted and the reasons why the developed (“The writer’s information is
researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first precise, and he seems to use more studies
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the than the first author.”).
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion.
While they are similar to those points brought up by the first The conclusion is a general explanation
writer, this second position is far better supported through its of why the second position is better
organization and attention to detail. supported. The writer’s word choice is
adequate and the response’s tone is
appropriate for the audience. As a
whole, the response is generally
organized and focused, but the ideas
are unevenly developed.

Therefore, Response 7 earns a score of

1 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1 and

3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 19)

Trait 3 (Page 119)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 93
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score 2: [Trait 2] Annotation

Between the two positions arguing whether or not Daylight Saving Time The writer has established an
(DST) is useful in terms of energy consumption and safety, the organizational structure that clearly
arguement in favor of DST is beter supported. The points that make up conveys his or her message, first
the benefits possess evidence that provides a stronger arguement than stating a position and then
that of the opposition. analyzing specific points for and
against that position one by one.
The first point that the propponents of DST make is that it saves roughly There are clear connections
between the details and the main
about 1 % of energy per day in people's homes. This means that having
ideas and a sensible progression
longer days reduces the need to light up one's house at night. The from one idea to the next. For
opposition makes a point that having those longer hours means that example, paragraph 2 is devoted to
people will be having their air conditioner units running longer the issue of whether DST saves
throughout the day, but that would happen regardless of the time. The energy, paragraph 3 focuses on
reason for being that the sun is not controlled by DST; DST regulates the pedestrian and traffic safety, and
time so that more can be done with more sunlight.This means that the paragraph 4 focuses on crime.
sun would radiate constant heat regardless of the time of day, Within each of these paragraphs,
warranting the longer use of air conditioner units. The opposition the writer cites details from the
stated that the cost of energy increased in Indiana over a three year source text and then elaborates on
period, but more evidence of this same fact in other states would them. Overall, the tone is
better support their arguement. appropriate to the purpose of the
The next point that the proposition makes in favor of DST is how safe
the streets have gotten for pedestrians and driver's alike over the past Therefore, Response 8 earns a
thirty years. For example, 8-11 % of all pedestrian fatalities have score of 2 for Trait 2.
diminished due to the existence of DST, while fatalities involving other
To view the annotations to Traits 1
vehicles has dropped 6-10%. The proposition found this evidence over a
and 3, click the links below.
period of thirty years, which shows how the longevity of DST has helped
saved lives and may continue to do so. The opposition cites one case Trait 1 (Page 20)
where 227 people where killed in vehiclerelated accidents the week
after DST began in comparison to the 65 the week prior; if the
Trait 3 (Page 120)
opposition cited multiple other examples in wide-ranging locations with
the same facts and figures, their arguement would hold more sway
against DST.

The propponents also make a third point of how people are victims of
crimes at a much lower rate during DST because they have more time in
the sun to get their business and other whatnot done. After going to
work or going to school, people have more time afterwards to perform
tasks like chores, or grocery shopping, all without the risk of being
mugged or otherwise attacked because of the extra hours of daylight
DST provides. The opposition does not have aarguementthat
counteracts this one becuase logically it makes sense. Without DST,
people would most likely stay out later, thereby extending the amount
of time over which an indecent individual could cause mayhem of some

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 94
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
The propponents of DST have decades worth of evidence in support
of DST that shows how it has been useful for many years. Although in
certain cases DST may be somewhat expensive to support and can
cause sometimes dire consequences due to the shift in time, it is the
responsibility of the citizens to make the necessary adjustments. Pay
more attention when driving, open a window, etc. These simple
changes would 5ave lives cut energy costs regardless of what
happened. If the opposition really wanted to prove its point, it would
conduct an experiment where a city stops implementing DST for at
least a month or more and compare automobile-related deaths and
energy consumption rates to the DST rates.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 95
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score 2: [Trait 2] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we The response contains an
are in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we organizational structure that
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In successfully conveys the message
that vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its of the writer. It begins with an
effects. In order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of introduction to the topic that clearly
those studies should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that expresses the writer’s argument
blatantly contradict each other: on one hand, for example, some studies and then develops that argument
logically over the following
say that energy use is decreased, but on the other hand, others say that
energy use is actually increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be
affected by daylight saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against Each paragraph carefully analyzes
Daylight Saving Time as a national measure. specific text-based points. For
example, paragraph 2 focuses on
The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the discrepancies in the research on
research. As the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's energy use and DST, citing details
stated that DST could save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that from the source text and then
statement lacking for two reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could analyzing them. Paragraph 3 does
amount to a lot of energy, but the ultimate findings could be negligible; the same with research on safety
that is, with a low percentage comes statistical uncertainty. Second, the issues.
1970's post date indicates that the research could be outdated. Now, we
have many more electrical and different devices, and, more importantly, There are transitional devices that
our world is different with such devices as computers and video games, link ideas effectively.
which could easily be used past daylight hours. So, there are dated
assumptions on that research. On that note, a similar study performed The writer maintains a formal style
and appropriate tone throughout.
today could hold different results. In fact, a more recent 2007 study found
that energy use did not differ by DST standards, as the opposition against
Therefore, Response 9 earns a
DST states. Even more concerning, more recent studies in Indiana stated score of 2 for Trait 2.
that energy use greatly increased during that time. Since the opposition
against DST holds more recent evidence, I side with them on this issue. To view the annotations to Traits 1
and 3, click the links below.
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after
DST alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227 Trait 1 (Page 22)
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65
are killed otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other Trait 3 (Page 122)
side is that, overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As
an opponent might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full
analysis, though, the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be
illustrated: that is, an 8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial
burst, as the opposition against DST points out. Furthermore, the
discomforting source from that arrive from the fact that it came from
"three decades of research." In other words, the DST automobile fatality
issue has been carefully researched across a long period of time. While
that is reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since that point. That
is, technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it must be
determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety measures
or if those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the arguments for
DST. If the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive from a
recent source.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 96
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
I find, in that case, that the arguments for DST seem little. It may be
that there is better current research for that issue, but it is thus far
unspecified. In that vein, arguments against DST hold more recent
research that should be trusted to a greater extent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 97
Test-Taker Anchor Response 19 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation

ln my way its good because in DST is good for lot of people. The studies The one-paragraph response has
have indicated that traveling home from work or school in daylight is an ineffective organizational
safer. Nearly three decades of research shows an 8-11% reduction in structure. While the writer makes
crashes invilingpedestrains and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle an attempt to build on the idea
occupants after the spring shift to DST.ln sunlight we can finishes our expressed in the first sentence, the
chores. In everything new things takes time to adjust. After some days progression of ideas within the
went we feel this is the right thing. In studies only shows that too. Only paragraph is neither clear nor
logical. The response lacks
one week after changing the clocks and before go back the clocks only
connections between main points
accidens happen after that its not for only one week we think what and details, and because it is so
about the rest of the weeks. If we see in everything its right or wrong. In brief, there is no development of
my way DST is for lot of people.In way who dont like sun its natural way the writer’s message.
of light.
Therefore, Response 19 earns a
score of 0 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 3, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 73)

Trait 3 (Page 43)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 98
Test-Taker Anchor Response 20 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation

One of the first benefits of DST is one of the most important I think, the The response begins with an
saving of electricity.Anytime we do this it helps the world as a ineffective statement about the
whole,Supporters of DST also claim that more sunlight saves lives.lf the benefits of DST, followed by an
studies are correct I would say they are right, three decades supports unclear progression of ideas that
research that 8-11% reduction in crashes involving pedertrains.And a 6- are not well connected to each
10% decrese in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring DST, the other except by general topic. The
preservation of life is always a very good thing.Similar logic states DST writer has included many details
from the source text, but not in
reduces crime because people are out completing chores after their
support of a central argument.
business or school day in sunlight, lessening their exposure to crimes Rather, the details reiterate the
that are more comme after dark.lf this proves true then this is a positive points made in the text.
for everyone,less crime is always a good thing.And then we have
opponets of DST,right of the bat display an understandable point of Overall the response shows a lack
view. Even thought one study in california indicated that DST had little of coherent organizational structure
or no effect on energy consumption.Other studies show that counties in and a minimal elaboration of ideas.
indiana showed that residents of the state spent $8.6 million more each
year for energy.They are saying the main energy jump is due to Therefore, Response 20 earns a
increased use of air conditioning as a result of maximing daylight score of 0 for Trait 2.
hours.Thats just indiana imagine what other states such as texas or
arizona spend a year,1 speculate these states because they are aried, To view the annotations to Traits 1
dry and always hot.Further reserach shows air pollution has also and 3, click the links below.
increased as a result of DST.Now the safty issue comes up again,in the
yearly switch to and from DST.One study shows pedestrian fatalites Trait 1 (Page 74)
from cars incresed immediately after clocks were set back in the fall.
Arguments continue with another study that shows 227 pedestrains Trait 3 (Page 44)
were killed in the week following the end of DST compared with 65
pedestrains killed the week before DST is also stated that the
adjusment period drivers endure each year is a dangerous time for
pedestrains, and DST may be the reason.lnstaed of a gradual tranistion
in the morning or afternoon by just minutes of sunlight each day, the
immediate shift of one hour forward or backward fails to provide drives
and pedeestrains time to adjust.These opponets believe the
consideration of cost and confusion are simply not worth all of the
trouble.With everything there are pros and cons no matter what, so in
the end we can only hope the good out weighs the bad.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 99
Test-Taker Anchor Response 21 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

First position would be the benefits of daylight savings time. The study The response contains an
given talked about the issues of safety for those who get off work or organizational structure that is only
school and the safety of traveling in the daylight verses night fall. The partially effective at conveying the
next point they make would be about the crime rate being down writer’s message. Although the
because with the time changes it either is lighter later or darker writer begins by laying out topics
sooner(being it is still early enough for those to feel safe). They also sequentially (“First position would
talked about the savings in the energy saved the number seemed a little be…” “The second position given…”),
low but each amount helps. overall the progression of ideas is
The second position given was that those who argued against DST there
The writer uses the first three
seemed to be more points given here verses those that were for but paragraphs to describe and
let's review those points. They only reviewed California and Indiana question the claims made in the
verses the Country as a whole using the fact that people used more source text for the pro- and anti-
energy but is it the time they are talking about or was the weather just DST positions. The rest of the
hotter during the time these studies were done?. response contains a mixture of
opinion (“I feel that with change no
In reference to the accident fatalties how would that tie into DST? Was matter what or how there will be
it because people were rushing more or there was fatigue that took adjustment periods to deal with”) and
place because of the time change? Were the people getting less sleep somewhat simplistic analysis of the
or hard to sleep due to the issues of not being able to adjust to the time issues (“Furthermore lets speak with
change? those farmers who rely on the daylight
to be as productive as possible”).
These are all the questions that I would have after reading these
arguments against DST. They only state that it May be the reason not Therefore, Response 21 earns a
that they have proof or facts that this is cause of so many accidents and score of 1 for Trait 2.
fatalities. How could the adjustment period effect how driversdrive
again is it because they are still sleep or tired when they have ended To view the annotations to Traits 1
their day? I can't buy that part of the argument. and 3, click the links below.

I feel that with change no matter what or how there will be adjustment Trait 1 (Page 75)
periods to deal with and always someone who will not want to have
change. I would like for those who depend on the day light to earn a Trait 3 (Page 45)
living to give their oponions about daylight savings time to hear a real
perspective from someone who has a lawn care business, cleaning
service, car wash, window washers and even the local and state
workers who repair our roads. Furthermore lets speak with those
farmers who rely on the daylight to be as productive as possible while
they still have it. I am sure they apperciatehaving that time to.

I think there is alot of benefit to daylight savings time that we could

speak on if we are really looking for positive feedback. I can see the
positive side for those who work all day and would love to just have
some daylight when their day was finished to spend some time with
their children in the park or to just be able to take that scroll or walk
while they feel secure with having that daylight.

We may also see where many who do work that 8-5 or 9-6 would be
less likely start the early after work happy hour when there is more

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 100
Test-Taker Anchor Response 22 – Score: 0 [Trait 2] Annotation

Does Daylight Savings Time really save energy or is it a myth? Many The organizational structure of the
people seem to debate the issue of the practice's impact on energy response can be described as a
consumption and safety. Supporters of DST have found several benifits. summary of the positions taken in
For example, in the 1970s research they found that DST saved about 1 the source text followed by a brief
percent per day in energy costs. Some supporters also claim that more conclusion in which the writer
sunlight saves lives, because there are less crashes due to DST. Other chooses one position. As such,
studies have shown that crime is reduced. People are more likely to there is minimal elaboration of
main ideas and limited progression
complete tasks after their business or school day in sunlight,lessening
from one idea to the next.
their exposure to crimes that are more common after dark. These are
just some of the benifits to DST. There are relevant details from the
source text, but these are
Although there are many supporters of this idea there are also many insufficiently developed.
who disagree. They argue many ideas of this whole DST idea. Some of
there arguments stem from studies done more recently. The studies for Therefore, Response 22 earns a
California in 2007 show that DST had little to no effect on energy score of 0 for Trait 2.
consumption. A three year study in Indiana showed that after they
switched to DST it only increased pollution and energy consumption! To access the annotations to Traits
This only seemed to put a bad title on the whole DST idea. Then later on 1 and 3, click the links below.
researchers began to questio the safety aspect of the yearly switch to
and from DST. When studying the safety they realized that more people Trait 1 (Page 76)
were dying due to getting hit in the week before DST ended and in the
following week. Drivers had to adjust drastically instead of a gradual Trait 3 (Page 46)
transition in the morning or afternoon that they were used to.

In conclusion,DST caused more confusion and deaths than not. With

the adjustment period for drivers,the common people on the street just
wernt safe. There are simply more cons to DST than benefits making it
just not worth it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 101
Test-Taker Anchor Response 23 – Score: 1 [Trait 2] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time is a great help to everyone. Having more time to The writer demonstrates an attempt
get things done in a day is never a bad thing. It saves on money and to organize ideas into a logical
electricity with longer lasting day hours. structure, but with limited success.
The first three paragraphs lay out
Electricity is a big part of America. We need light for almost have the the benefits of DST and the fourth
day depending on what we're doing at home or work. It's rare to find enumerates its negative aspects as
someone going to bed like an early bird. People stay up late watching described in the source text.
However, there is little elaboration
T.V or finishing work and require light in some cases. DST extends the
upon the ideas presented, and the
amount of daylight and makes it still light out at a late hour in spring. discussion of pros and cons can be
People take advantage of this extra time and use it for all kinds of described as lists rather than a
things. progression of ideas.

Not only does DST conserve electricity, it provides saftey to people in Overall, the organizational structure
the day time. With more light in a day, traveling to and from places is is only partially effective at
much safer than in the fall where the days are dark at a very early time. conveying the writer’s message.
With DST, there has been a reduction in pedestrian crashes by 8-11%.
The same can be said about vehicle crashes which have been reduced Therefore, Response 23 earns a
by 6-10%. Something so minute as DST has made a greater impact than score of 1 for Trait 2.
most people would think.
To view the annotations to Traits 1
Some people however don't have the same thoughts about DST. and 3, click the links below.
Studies in Indiana countered that instead of saving electricity, more had
to be used for air conditioning on a day with more light hours. This Trait 1 (Page 77)
caused a raise in air pollution as a result. Another study showed that
instead of keeping drivers and pedestrians safe, the switch with DST in Trait 3 (Page 47)
the fall put people in danger. The week before the end of DST, 227
pedestrians were killed in car accidents, along with 68 at the beginning
week of DST. People just don't have enough time to adjust to the
change, and some may become a danger to themselves and others.

Daylight Savings Time has had good and bad effects on people who use
it. The pros and cons of this tool battle closely with one another. But in
the end DST does more good than harm. It's convenient and is really
meant to benefit everyone. It's become a part of our routine and to live
without it might be a difficult task. Though a few may not use it, its
always there for someone's convenience.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 102
Test-Taker Anchor Response 24 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

Every year we experience the daylight saving time change two times a year, it The response demonstrates an
is a change that most of us dread because during one of the time changes we organizational structure that
lose an hour, so an hour of sleep or work or social time is taken away. People conveys the writer’s message and
become fortunate when when that time of the year comes where we are given purpose clearly.
an extra hour of either sleep, work or social time. Americans usually do not
pay much attention in advance to daylight savings time, unfortunately they After a brief introduction to DST,
usually just think about it the night before it happens. the writer describes the benefits of
DST and includes details from the
source text in a logical progression.
People often never stop to think about the benefits of Daylight Saving Time, The third paragraph assesses the
they often just change their clocks then go about with their daily lives and negative aspects of DST, again
adapt to the changes as a result of the time change. The article discusses a few citing the text and connecting the
of the benefits that comes as a result of DST. One of the benefits is DST saved details to the main point. The
about 1 % perday in energy costs, this can ultimately help our nation preserve conclusion refers to both positions
our resources. A large percentage of people can agree that they feel safer and then states the writer’s
when traveling in the daylight as opposed to night time, it is easier for people conclusion.
to see what is on the road in front of them and they have more time to
anticipate what lies ahead of them. DST research also showed that the spring The paragraphs flow logically from
shift was a way to reduced crashes involving other cars and pedestrians. A one to another and for the most
large majority of Americans definitely agree that the spring change is a positive part maintain a consistent and
thing for Americans because even though they lose an hour they are appropriate tone.
guaranteed one more hour of sunlight, and for the most part Americans enjoy
that extra hour to either be outside or enjoy the natural lighting that the sun Therefore, Response 24 earns a
has to offer. score of 2 for Trait 2.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

It is also almost a guarantee that people dread the time of the year where they
and 3, click the links below.
lose an hour and the sun goes down earlier, so they lose the sun being out and
the natural lighting that is usually quite a benefit for most Americans. As a Trait 1 (Page 78)
result of the procrastination in preparing for this time change, a large majority
of Americans spend a few days to a week recovering from this change. This
Trait 3 (Page 48)
change can often cause people to become forgetful of the time change. This
can result in being late to a job, class, or school. This can result in lack of sleep
which can take a long time to change and get back. The arguments against DST
are stronger than the arguments for the benefits of DST. I believe that this
argument is right when it begins dealing with the immediate change that is a
result of DST, Americans have to change their routine by one hour twice as
year as opposed to a gradual transition in the morning or afternoon. A gradual
transition would allow drivers, the working class, pedestrians, students, and
every one else going about their normal day a chance to change their routine
minimally rather than dramatically with a few minutes of adjustment rather
than one hour.

Both articles do an excellent job going in depth to explain their point of view
and the arguments for both sides. Both sides showed valuable points that
Americans do not consider when they change their clocks two times a year. I
do believe that the arguments against Daylight Saving Time did have the
stronger argument, I agreed with their points more and I believe that
Americans would better be able to relate to a small change of a few minutes a
day rather than an abrupt change twice a year.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 103
Test-Taker Anchor Response 25 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

This article presents arguments from both supporters and critics of The response is clear, logical, and well
Daylight Saving Time who disagree about the practice's impact on organized. Beginning with a direct
energy comsumption and safety. Both sides provide good support for statement of the writer’s position, the
their position, but the argument against Daylight Saving Time is response develops the argument in a
stronger and more complete. It responds to points made in the sensible progression from one idea to
argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time and also incorporates the next.
arguments of its own.
The body of the text is divided into two
paragraphs addressing the claims for
One of the arguments used by supporters of Daylight Saving Time is and against DST; each paragraph
that because there is more sun at the end of the day, there is lessneed contains relevant details that connect
for electricity and thus energy costs are lowered. A statistic is provided directly to the writer’s main points.
claiming Daylight Saving Time saves "about 1% per day in energy costs".
However, that information is from research conducted in the 1970s, The response contains appropriate
which today is fairly outdated. The supporting argument presents data transitions that effectively convey the
from other research findings on the subjects of car crashes and crime writer’s message.
rates, saying Daylight Saving time reduces the number of accidents and
instances of crime. These findings are again suspect because the dates The tone is formal throughout,
of the research are not clearly stated. The accident data is pulled from demonstrating the writer’s awareness
"three decade of research"; the identities of these decades are of audience and purpose.
unknown. The crime studies are not dated at all.
Therefore, Response 25 earns a score
The argument against Daylight Saving Time is much more credibe. For of 2 for Trait 2.
example, it provides the results of a much more recent (2007) study in
To view the annotations to Traits 1 and
California. The study showed that Daylight Saving Time "had littleor no
3, click the links below.
effect on energy consumption that year", thus countering the argument
that Daylight Saving Time lowering energy use. Also, the results of
Trait 1 (Page 79)
"recent" research provide evidence against the supposed safety aspect
of the yearly switch to and from Daylight Saving Time; more pedestrians
Trait 3 (Page 49)
were killed by cars "immediately after clocks were set back in the fall"
and significantly fewer were killed the week before Daylight Saving
Time ended than the following week.

The best-supported position in this article is the position against

Daylight Saving Time. The argument in favor of Daylight Saving Time
contains data from outdated research experiments and does not
provide any counter arguments to the points made by other position.
The argument against Daylight Saving Time contains more credible
evidence and it alsodoes a solid job of countering arguments made by
Daylight Saving Time supporters.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 104
Test-Taker Anchor Response 26 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a natural routine for most people in the The writer has established an
USA. After years, or decades of use DST seems to be a basic part of life, organizational structure in the
every year you change your clocks. It might come as a surprise to some response that presents his or her
people then, to find out that there is controversy over DST, since many argument clearly and successfully.
people do not even think about why we have DST. Nevertheless their is
serious debate over DST, with supporters arguing that it imporves are After a brief introduction to the
lives, and opponents claiming that it does more harm than good. controversy surrounding DST, the
writer logically lays out the claims
and evidence from the source text
One of the largest benefits that supporters of daylight savings time for both the pro- and anti- positions
point out is that it saves money by reducing energy use nationwide. As in a sensible progression from one
evidence for this they use a research study showing that DST reduced to the next.
national electricity use by around 1 %. But it is hard to see this as a
serious benefit. 1 % is such a small change that it easily lies within the There are clear connections
margin of error for a study of this size, making it likely that any between the details and the main
reduction in electricity use from DST is insignificant if it even exists. points, as in paragraph 5, which
begins with a statement about
On the other hand, oppenents of DST show contradictory studies contradictory research and then
demonstrating little or no reduction in energy use after DST. This is cites information from the text
supported by the meager 1% savings that DST supporters claim, supporting this point.
showing that energy reduction is not effected any any important way by
DST. Several studies have even shown a significant increase in energy An appropriately formal style
costs after DST in certain areas, and also an increase in pollution, since suitable to the task is maintained
some appliances such as air conditioning are used more often during throughout the response.
the day. This evidence refutes the claim that DST reduces energy use.
Transitional devices (“On the other
hand…”) are used consistently and
Another claim by supporters of DST is that automobile accidents are
reduced after DST, because people drive home from work while it is still
light outside. The decrease in accidents has been shown to be as high as Therefore, Response 26 earns a
10%, which is significant amount. There have also been reports of score of 2 for Trait 2.
decreased crime thanks to DST because people are out after dark less
often, which is when most crimes occur. To view the annotations to Traits 1
and 3, click the links below.
But there is research that shows these claims may not be accurate.
Opponents of DST point to studies showing that accidents increase Trait 1 (Page 80)
immediately after DST, one study showing an increase from 65
pedestrian deaths in the week before DST, to 227 deaths the week Trait 3 (Page 50)
after. This is most likely caused by fatigue in drivers who have a sudden
1 hour change in their sleep patterns. This rapid shift does not allow
time for the human body to adjust to a new sleep cycle, making DST a
potentially dangerous and confusing event.

Overall the evidence supporting DST is insufficient to show any major

benefit. In fact the majority of support or DST has been countered by
recent research showing that DST may cause more harm than it does
good. Until new evidence can be shown to uphold DST, the opponents
of DST seem fully justified in criticizing it'susefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 105
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we are The response contains an
in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we organizational structure that
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In that successfully conveys the message
vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its effects. In of the writer. It begins with an
order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of those studies introduction to the topic that clearly
should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that blatantly contradict expresses the writer’s argument
each other: on one hand, for example, some studies say that energy use is and then develops that argument
logically over the following
decreased, but on the other hand, others say that energy use is actually
increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be affected by daylight
saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against Daylight Saving Time as a Each paragraph carefully analyzes
national measure. specific text-based points. For
example, paragraph 2 focuses on
The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the research. As discrepancies in the research on
the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's stated that DST could energy use and DST, citing details
save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that statement lacking for two from the source text and then
reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could amount to a lot of energy, but the analyzing them.
ultimate findings could be negligible; that is, with a low percentage comes Paragraph 3 does the same with
statistical uncertainty. Second, the 1970's post date indicates that the research research on safety issues.
could be outdated. Now, we have many more electrical and different devices,
and, more importantly, our world is different with such devices as computers There are transitional devices that
and video games, which could easily be used past daylight hours. So, there are link ideas effectively.
dated assumptions on that research. On that note, a similar study performed
today could hold different results. In fact, a more recent 2007 study found that The writer maintains a formal style
and appropriate tone throughout.
energy use did not differ by DST standards, as the opposition against DST
states. Even more concerning, more recent studies in Indiana stated that
Therefore, Response 27 earns a
energy use greatly increased during that time. Since the opposition against score of 2 for Trait 2.
DST holds more recent evidence, I side with them on this issue.
To view the annotations to Traits 1
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after DST and 3, click the links below.
alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227 pedestrians
were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65 are killed Trait 1 (Page 81)
otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other side is that,
overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As an opponent Trait 3 (Page 51)
might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full analysis, though,
the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be illustrated: that is, an
8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial burst, as the opposition
against DST points out. Furthermore, the discomforting source from that arrive
from the fact that it came from "three decades of research." In other words,
the DST automobile fatality issue has been carefully researched across a long
period of time. While that is reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since
that point. That is, technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it
must be determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety
measures or those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the
arguments for DST. If the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive
from a recent source.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 106
Test-Taker Anchor Response 27 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
I find, in that case, that the arguments for DST seem little. It may be that
there is better current research for that issue, but it is thus far unspecified. In
that vein, arguments against DST hold more recent research that could be
trusted to a greater extent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 107
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

When Daylight Savings Time (DST) was first considered by Benjamin Franklin In general, the response is
in 1784 in France, there was not an immediate electrical need for the shift. organized and contains ideas that
People were using candles and daylight to compensate for the darkness, are well developed and logical.
which was not always a great cost to those who made their own candles. By
the time DST was actually implemented in 1918, electricity had evolved and The paragraphs most connected to
both time and money were being spent on these household necessities the prompt (4, 5, and 6) show a
instead of the production of war materials. Families didn't have to work as sensible progression of ideas that
convey the writer’s message.
hard to bring in extra money or go without any food at night by instead saving
Paragraph 4 introduces the
in their energy costs. comparison of the two positions
outlined in the source text: “For
Initially, cities were given the choice as to whether or not they wanted to take years, scientists and research projects
advantage of this new time system. These cities dictated when the time have weighed the benefits and costs
would change and by how much, which proved to be a disaster by the 1960's. against one another.” Following this
So many cities across the country were operating on completely different statement, the writer elaborates on
time schedules, which mainly hindered the entertainment and travel the topics of energy costs, vehicle
schedules. If a train were to leave New York City at 12:00 PM, they could safety, and crime, which are the
arrive in St. Louis only at 12:00 PM still based on their time preference! The three main issues raised in the text.
time zones could not be changed, however, and the eastern coast of the
United States will still always be three hours ahead of the west coast, For the most part, the response
regardless of an amount of DST. maintains an appropriately formal
To fix this complication, Congress enacted the Uniform Time Act of 1966, but
yet this still did not require all cities to adhere to DST. It equalized when it Therefore, Response 28 earns a
was supposed to go into effect, which made somewhat of a smoother score of 2 for Trait 2.
transition. Although to this day, there are still parts of Arizona and all of
Hawaii that have not converted to a DST system. These two areas are in fairly To view the annotations to Traits 1
year-round steady temperatures, especially with their proximity to the and 3, click the links below.
equator, and both enjoy a healthy dose of sunshine on a regular basis.
Trait 1 (Page 82)
For years, scientists and research projects have weighed the benefits and
costs against one another. In the 1970's, it was determined that DST saves 1 Trait 3 (Page 53)
% a day in energy costs. This goes along the lines of Benjamin Franklin's initial
thought process that more available sunlight decreases the need to rely on
electricity. It was also noted that the increase in sunlight saved many lives. Of
course, it has always been safer to travel to and from work or school during
the day. Once DST was utilized, there was between and 8 and 11 % decrease
in fatal pedestrian accidents and between a 6 and 10% decrease in fatal
vehicle accidents. The crime rates also decreased because people who were
forced to run errands or spend time outside during the night were not as
exposed to the criminal acts that primarily take place in the dark. Another
benefit is within the realm of safety issues. Before central heat and air, the
natural weather patterns dictated the temperature of homes. In northern and
colder climates, families had to burn fires sometimes overnight in order to
keep themselves thoroughly warm. In these wood-built homes, an unwatched
fire can spark and set the house on fire before anyone could wake up and
escape. In the hot summers, families kept their windows open to provide a
breeze. This let in all different kinds of diseases and illnesses that the families
then became exposed

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 108
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
to, and in some cases died from. Or if a trusting family left their child's
window open at night, a criminal might take note of that pattern and find an
opportunity to kidnap the child or burglarize the home.

There are many people who theorize that the benefits do not outweigh the
costs by any means. In 2007, California conducted a study that determined
that during that year there was little to no energy conservation. Another
three year study in Indiana concluded that there was an $8.6 million increase
of money spent on energy, and that the surrounding air pollution increased
dramatically. It has been said that this is due to the increase of daylight in
warmer climates, resulting in an increased use of air conditioning. There is a
pattern of pedestrian fatalities increasing immediately after the switch to fall
DST, primarily because it becomes darker so much sooner, therefore drivers
are not always as alert and prepared to watch for a pedestrian. A study
showed that there were 227 pedestrians killed in the fall time switch
compared to 65 killed after the spring time switch. Drivers are also
unprepared for the abrupt time change. Instead of the time change in the
mronings being gradual and slight, going by just minutes each day, it is the
immediate one hour shift that causes disorientation and adjustment for the
drivers. In the fall, the hour that is moved backwards causes early morning
risers to be traveling in the dark when they are used to a more sunny time
clock. For the spring, those who are employed in predominantly night-based
jobs face glaring sunlight, and sometimes are delayed in the completion of
their projects. There are also those who simply forget about DST all together,
failing to adjust for the time change in their alarm clocks, and fall into seeral
different situations. By forgetting to change the alarm to be set at midnight
instead of 11 :00 PM, someone might wake up an hour later that morning and
rush to work, still late regardless. Or the opposite might occurr, and someone
is waking up an hour earlier than intended and become cranky.

It seems as though by the time we are well adjusted to the time change, it's
come around to that point in the year where we have to jump right back and
start all over again. This has caused a lifestyle that revolves heavily around
clocks and time schedules. Back in the early 1900's when this time change
was first being discovered and implemented, there weren't as many
nighttime hazards. Many people didn't own cars and walked everywhere,
thereby decrease the pedestrian versus vehicle collisions. The crime rates
were almost non-existent in these small communities where trust was
everything. The only thing that many people saw their nights as being good
for was cooling off in warm climates or sleeping peacefully. During those time
periods, people rose and slept by the sunlight. Alarm clocks, or even clocks in
general, had yet to be developed. Farmers rose when their bodies alerted
them that they had slept enough, worked hard until the sun went down, and
slept again until it was morning time. In this day and age, there are many

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 109
Test-Taker Anchor Response 28 – Score: 2 [Trait 2] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments above)

people who work overnight jobs and extremely late shifts, and their
body clocks just don't have the ability to adjust to any particular natural
schedule. Especially for those in law enforcement or the medical fields,
where culture has deemed it necessary to remain awake at hours when
many parts of the world are fast asleep.

I personally believe that we don't need to rely on a scientific schedule

to determine when the sun goes up or down, and to regulate what we
set our clocks by. Nature should still be our guide, allowing for the
gradual adjustment that our bodies need to adapt to a time difference.
The same concept occurs with jet lag, and our bodies are unable to
catch up and realize we have changed time zones. Perhaps the areas of
the world that don't utilize this advanced time system are better off.
Maybe our ancestors had it right when they relied on senses and sights
to determine how to live their lives. The problem is, however, that now
that our world depends on these technologies and advancements, how
is there ever a way to just go back to the roots?

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 110
Scores and Annotations – Trait 3 Anchor Responses 1-18

Pages 112 through 135 provide the Trait 3 scores and annotations for Anchor Responses 1–18. Text
supporting the score determination for Trait 3 is highlighted in magenta in both the response and the

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 111
Test-Taker Anchor Response 1 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

While the sentence structure is

The changing to daylight saving time twice a year is quite confusing to a varied, some sentences are
lot of people, especially at the time right before and after the change. A awkward and wordy (“To have the
person can become upset when they forget to change their clock each majority of the time when it is dark
time. And some bosses penalize the employees when they are late, outside, to be in your home and
which only makes it more agrivating. More accidents can also happen in sleeping, has been shown to be
safer and to conserve energy”).
rushing,when you forget to change all of your clocks. It would be even
There are also several errors in
more confusing in Arizona, due to the fact every one in that state does
mechanics and conventions that
not follow the dylight saving time change. Some times when running
interfere with clarity, including
late you could miss your flight and loose a full day of work, if travel is homonym confusion (“loose”
needed in your job. instead of “lose”) and problems with
parallelism (“I think, now that we
Adopting this process, and time zones, was developed purposely to are use to the daylight saving time,
conserve energy, and make it safer to travel from work or errands, and it will be best to continue with it, as
to arrive home before dark. To have the majority of the time when it is it is safer, and saving energy”).
dark outside, to be in your home and sleeping, has been shown to be Overall, however, this response is
safer and to conserve energy. Many people have difficulty driving at at an acceptable level of
nite, as it is not as easy to see their surroundings. Conserving energy in appropriateness for on-demand
the areas that utilize the most energy, saves not only energy, but draft writing.
money. Hopefully the cost of implimenting this practice is offset by the
savings in energy and accidents. And, possibly. if there is an increase in Therefore, Response 1 earns a
energy consumption, it is because people are able to run more errands score of 1 for Trait 3.
and get more done in each day to make for a better life for them and
To view the annotations to Traits 1
their family.
and 2, click the links below.
I think, now that we are use to the daylight saving time, it will be best to
Trait 1 (page 12)
continue with it, as it is safer, and saving energy.
Trait 2 (page 86)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 112
Test-Taker Anchor Response 2 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

Every year, most Americans adjust their clocks ahead in the spring and back in Where there are complete
the fall, and the debate goes on. sentences in this response,
they are fairly well crafted
When Benjamine Franklin first "touted" the idea in 1784, is was not and could (“When putting all these facts
not have been an "energy saving" idea. There was no mass use energy supply together, we need to look at the
or usage at that time. Since then, there has been a globalization of the energy underlying conditions in the
we use to heat, cool, light, and move about. With it comes a cost and certain studies”). However, some are
risks. When looking at DST, we first have to look at the benefits, second the awkward and have problems
risk, compare both and decide whether it is beneficial to the majority. in parallelism and pronoun
use (“When looking at DST, we
Thoughts for; first have to look at the benefits,
1 ) it allows for later daylight hours during the longer daylight months second the risk, compare both
2) some studies show that it has a crime reducing effect and decide whether it is
3) some studies show it has an energy reducing effect beneficial to the majority”).
4) some studies show that it has a traffic safety effect
Most of the response is
written as bullet points, so in
Thoughts against;
these sections there is very
1) because not all municipalities are required to participate, it causes
little sentence variety and an
confusion absence of capitalization,
2) there are studies that suggest any energy reduction from lights not in use punctuation, and transitional
is more than offset by increased usage from air conditioners words.
3) another study concluded that traffic safety effects were the opposite and
that pedestrian fatalities were up over 300% the week after "returning to The response is at an
standard time" acceptable level of
appropriateness for on-
When putting all these facts together, we need to look at the underlying demand draft writing.
conditions in the studies. There are a lot of missing pieces ti this puzzle
Therefore, Response 2 earns
1) in the trafic studies, what is the ratio of pedestrians killed to pedestrians on a score of 1 for Trait 3.
the street. It is not mentioned how many pedestrians mayor may not be
walking in colder weather when DST is not in effect. Nor does it look at To view the annotations to
whether or not pedestrian trafic is increased the week following DST Traits 1 and 2, click the links
2) the energy issue. Back in the 1950's and 60's when this was debated for
standardization, there was not the demand for energy consumption from air
Trait 1 (Page 13)
conditioners. The percentage of homes that even had one was considerably
smaller, and most that were out there, were just a window unit or something Trait 2 (Page 87)
similar. Now almost every home has a central system of some sort, with even
older homes being retro-fitted.

3) to compare crime statistics from winter to summer is, at best, ludicrous.

you can only compare summer to summer and winter to winter

4) DST does not make the day longer, it only makes it so that the daylight is
later in the day.
Time is growing short, and therefor I will not be able to complete this debate,
but I'm sure you can conclude which side I'm on. DST, althought maybe at
one time was useful, has outlived that usefullness.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 113
Test-Taker Anchor Response 3 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

They say daylight savings time is a great thing. It gives daylight for the While there is some sentence
children to go to school in the morning. It allows for longer daylight further variety, most sentences are
into the fall season. With DST they say moving ahead one hour in the spring simple or are awkward and/or
helps with getting daylight for travel to and from work/school. It is true that inappropriately punctuated (“It
if we as a nation are giong to use daylight savings time then everyone does get confusing when we jump
should do it on the same day at the same time (or as close to the same time ahead an hour as if you forget to
as you can get) .... change your clocks you are late to
work, school, church or any where
I don't get where it helps at all - we are in a dusky period for the children to else you need to be”).
go to school in the morning and all of a sudden we fall back by one hour
and this does nt' help. Then the children are really in the dark - they say by The writer shows inconsistent
7 am being the old 8 am it makes it lighter - but it doesn't really work. It control over such basic
conventions as use of
helps for a couple weeks maybe. By December; January and February and
punctuation (Did they change
even some if not all of march you go to school/work in the dark and come
their time or not.) and frequently
home in the dark. That was always terrible. This is for the people who go to
confused words/homonyms
work between 6 AM and 8 AM and get out of work between 4 PM and 6 (“DST is really more confusing then
PM. It was very disappointing to go to work in the dark and then it was dark helpful” “which time zone your
when you got out. It was like you never really see daylight. It doesn't really in”).
help with the electrical consumption - how could it. During the winter
months we have more darkness anyway and it makes no difference for The response shows a
that. It does get confusing when we jump ahead an hour as if you forget to minimally acceptable level of
change your clocks you are late to work, school, church or any where else appropriateness for on-demand
you need to be. Because the time jumped ahead and you forgot to change draft writing.
your clocks - you think its 7 and its really 8. So you have lost an hour already
in your day. There's nothing worse then forgetting to set your clocks and Therefore, Response 3 earns a
then you arrive at church, school, work or an appointment late or have score of 1 for Trait 3.
missed the whole thing. DST is really more confusing then helpful. I wish we
all just stayed the same time all year long. Just pick one of the times back or To view the annotations to
forward and leave all states at that time. It also then doesn't get so Traits 1 and 2, click the links
confusing if you have relatives in another state or your going to travel to below.
another state on what time it is. Did they change their time or not. Its
confusing enough about which time zone your in and what the time is Trait 1 (Page 14)
without worrying about DST.
Trait 2 (Page 88)
It would be true that crime would come down alittle if we just had our
usual daylight and none of this change the time to adjust the daylight
and/or darkness.

Driving could be a problem - that is why the sunlight bothers people in the
morning with driving all of a sudden you switch the time by an hour and it
really makes a difference. A gradual transition in the morning and
afternoon of minutes for the sunlight each day would be better. DST was
thought to be great back in the 1700's when times were different and
things were more simplistic. There weren't cars and times to be at work,
school so early in the morning. They wanted it to help with conserving
resources for the war effort. Back when it was thought of or started made
sense - but times have changed and now its time to not have it. We really
should stop using it.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 114
Test-Taker Anchor Response 4 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

ln regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is With a couple of exceptions (e.g.,
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. the first sentence), the writer
This is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in generally demonstrates correct
the United States and an idea that was proposed over 200 years ago. If sentence structure, for the most
DST was a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it part avoiding wordiness, run-on
would have been stopped long ago. sentences, and other problems that
would interfere with clarity.
Since different parts of the nation recieve the amount of sunlight at
There are several errors in
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time time to ensure mechanics and conventions,
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970's it was including instances of word
proven that DST saved about 1 % per day in energy costs. Studies have confusion (eminent/imminent) and
also shown that traveling in daylight is safter and that three decades of incorrect use of apostrophes
research have shown an 8-11 % reduction in pedestrian accidents and (its/it’s; suns light), but overall the
6-10% decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST response is at a level appropriate
has also reduced crime because there are more people out and about for on-demand draft writing.
in sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark.
Therefore, Response 4 earns a
The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question score of 2 for Trait 3.
because there were more pedestrians killed the week following the end
of DST. They also claim that the adjustment period is dangerous To view the annotations to Traits 1
because of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They and 2, click the links below.
claim it doesn't allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time
change as well as adjusting their clocks. Trait 1 (Page 15)

If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be Trait 2 (Page 89)
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time
change. Go to bed an hour earlier to compensate for the change,
double check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the
correct time before you go to bed. The media does a good job of
informing the public of these changes and often reminds them to take
the necessary precautions for the change.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 115
Test-Taker Anchor Response 5 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Daylight Saving Time's benefits outweigh its perceived ill-effect. While The sentence structure, mechanics,
correlation does not necessarily equal causation in scientific and conventions are largely correct
discussions, it is more logical and demonstrable that Daylight Saving throughout, making the response
Time is a boon to both public safety and energy efficiency. This is readily clear and comprehensible overall.
apparent through both quantitative data and common sense, as several
surveys and Benjamin Franklin himself can attest. Or would have The writer uses a variety of
attested. sentence types that on the whole
avoid wordiness and awkward
On the surface of the matter at hand (the surface of the Earth), we are
at our best with the Sun squarely above, illuminating both our actions There are no run-on sentences,
and driving records. Common sense dictates that the more we spurn and the fragments are used
this fact of natural order, the more energy and human lives we waste. intentionally, if not completely
As noted by "Benefits of DST," the only things appropriate to darkness effectively (“…as several surveys and
are crime and indecency. If anyone argues for increasing our exposure Benjamin Franklin himself can attest.
to these injustices, they are probably not arguing with reason on their Or would have attested.”).
side (although it may be difficult to tell in low-light conditions).
There are few if any errors in
Beneath the surface (of the matter, not of Earth), we need only look to punctuation, subject-verb
the numbers of these ambiguous surveys conducted by such agreement, or apostrophe use.
institutions as "many" and "other." Daylight Saving Time is statistically
sound and economically friendly. A one percent reduction in energy Overall, standard usage is at a
cost is nothing to scoff at when our demand is so high. Detractors and level appropriate for on-demand
their "theories" will have to use more than a single state's usage draft writing.
statistics to refute this. Indiana and California may only be outliers in
the grand scheme of things, and to use one isolated subsystem to Therefore, Response 5 earns a
define the whole would be unscientific and, more importantly, score of 2 for Trait 3.
To view the annotations to Traits 1
and 2, click the links below.
Most importantly, the human element. Carbon. Measurable drops in
vehicle-pedestrian or vehicle-vehicle crashes should be all the more Trait 1 (Page 16)
impactful to any who align themselves against Daylight Saving Time.
There is no logic inherent to the claim that DST hurts people when it is
Trait 2 (Page 90)
only during its removal that more are hurt. If there are more fatalities
once clocks are set back in the Fall, then the answer is not to rid
ourselves of Daylight Saving Time, but to mitigate these circumstances
by implementing gradual change or else finding a more reasonable date
to revert back to normalcy.

Granted, changing your clocks can be an inconvenience. But two small

instances of convenience cannot outweigh the benefits expressed by
studies more germane to DST's overall effect. There are certainly
improvements that could be made, and perhaps DST isn't appropriate
for every location. Ultimately, however, decades of research and
centuries of advocation shouldn't be ruled out by a few studies more
narrow in scope.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 116
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

The two articles are opposites of each other, they both contradict the With some exceptions, the writer
other one. The passage starts out with a simple overview and a brief demonstrates a general command
history to get the reader in the right mindset. It gives a brief historical of Standard English conventions.
background and mentions that Ben Franklin was a supporter of Daylight
Savings Time. I think that little part about Ben could influence a reader The sentences show variety,
or two. Most people like Ben Franklin and everyone knows he was transitional words are used
smart, so why not agree with him? (“Another strong point for using
DST…”), and there are few
Paragraph two goes on to talk about the confusion Daylight Savings punctuation errors.
Time casued by the open choice of having it or when Daylight Savings
There are several examples of run-
Time debuted. Cities being able to choose whether or not they on sentences or comma splices
participated in Daylight Savings probably wasn't the best idea as they (“I'm not sure I totally believe that, it
soon learned when the confusion started. Cities with different time sounds a bit unproven but it's not a
zones would be extremely confusing to travellers and transportation bad point.” “Maybe it's different for
schedules as the article mentioned. Imagine trying to coordinate flight different states, after all, the climate
arrival and departure times if every city was on a different time! can vary greatly from state to state.”),
but these do not greatly interfere
Paragraph three follows up paragraph two and gives a solution. It with comprehension.
mentions the Uniform Time Act of 1966 and how it remedied the
situation. The act probably cleared most things up except for the states Overall, standard usage is
who don't even choose to use Daylight Savings Time, like Hawaii and appropriate for on-demand draft
parts of Arizona. writing.

On page two the benefits of Daylight Savings Time are described and Therefore, Response 6 earns a
backed up with statistics. Statistics always look good in an argument, score of 2 for Trait 3.
even if they aren't that good of a statistic it still makes the paper look
smarter and more official. It starts off by explaining what some studies To view the annotations to Traits 1
have found. It states that about 1% per day of energy costs is saved by and 2, click the links below.
using Daylight Savings Time. This is a good point and definitely helps out
with the pro-DST side. At the end of the paragraph it mentions Ben Trait 1 (Page 17)
Franklin again which really helps out the argument. Paragraph four
makes some really strong points for the use of Daylight Savings Time. Trait 2 (Page 91)

Another strong point for using DST is the claim that sunlight saves lives.
Nobody wants anyone to die so why not use Daylight Savings, right?
The claim is backed up by another good statistic from nearly three
decades of research on the subject. The statistic shows that there was
an 8%-11 % reduction in crashes involving pedestrians after the spring
shift to DST. That's good, who would be against that?

DST also reduces crime according to other studies. This is very good
backup for using DST because nobody likes crime. DST reduces crime
according to those studies. I'm not sure I totally believe that, it sounds a
bit unproven but it's not a bad point. I could see how it makes sense but
I just don't really think an hour of daylight would have that much of an
impact on crime.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 117
Test-Taker Anchor Response 6 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
On page three the counter argument is made. This is for the opponents
of Daylight Savings. This argument almost completely contradicts the
pro-DST argument. They throw in statistics directly opposite of the
former argument. I'm not sure which one to believe. In paragraph seven
the author starts out by citing a study done in 2007 claiming that
Daylight Savings Time had little or no effect on energy consumption.
This directly contradicts the pro-DST argument stating that DST saved
1% of energy a day. How is the reader is supposed to know which one
to believe? The second stat in the same paragraph says that Indiana
actually spent more money due to DST. Maybe it's different for
different states, after all, the climate can vary greatly from state to
state. Maybe some states benefit from DST and some are harmed by it.
The paragraph also says air pollution increased when DST was
implemented. There can't be any correlation between those two, I
really don't see how it's possible for an hour of daylight to noticeably
increase air pollution.

Paragrpah eight gets into the safety aspect of DST and once again
comes in with a completely contradictory statement from the pro-DST
argument. The anti-DST says that pedestrian fatality increased as clocks
were set backin the fall. This is one statement that I could see being
true. People could be confused from the time change and less aware or
more tired leading to more injuries. People could just not be used to
the hour less of daylight too. I could see where that could come into
play. The adjustment period drivers endue could very well be a
dangerous time for pedestrians. The hour difference can throw
pedestrians and drivers off alike. Pedestrians could be paying less
attention and same with drivers.

The final paragraph argues straight confusion costs people. This one I
agree with most because there have been multiple times when I woke
up at the wrong time due to DST. Overall all though the pro-DST
argument is better organized, more effective, and more concise. It's a
tough choice but after reading this essay I'd have to go with the pro-
DST side.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 118
Test-Taker Anchor Response 7 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight The writer demonstrates a clear
Saving Time is better supported. Although both positions are well command of the conventions of
organized and supported with several examples, the evidence Standard English.
supporting the view against DST is more specific and thorough.
The response overall avoids wordy
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to catch or awkward sentence structure and
any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, safety, and crime contains a variety of sentence
rates, all of which are supposedly improved through the use of DST.
However, the evidence he uses to support this claim seems general and The writer also maintains correct
outdated. In paragraph four, he mentions that one study took place in subordination and parallelism and
the 1970s. He also uses phrases such as "many studies" and "other avoids run-on sentences or
studies." While the points he makes are interesting, there are no fragments.
specifics. One is left wondering just how outdated or reliable these
studies are, and if they even apply to the average American. Had he There are no apparent problems
used less generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing. with subject-verb agreement,
pronoun use, capitalization, or
The second position is much better supported, especially compared to punctuation.
the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous position. The writer's
information is precise, and he seems to use more studies than the first Standard usage is at a level
author. While the first author used studies from the 1970s, this one appropriate for on-demand draft
mentions a study done in 2007. The specifics of each study also improve writing.
the quality and seeming validity of the arguments made. The writer
gives the states in which the studies were conducted and the reasons Therefore, Response 7 earns a
score of 2 for Trait 3.
why the researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the
To view the annotations to Traits 1
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion. While and 2, click the links below.
they are similar to those points brought up by the first writer, this
second position is far better supported through its organization and Trait 1 (Page 19)
attention to detail.
Trait 2 (Page 93)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 119
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Between the two positions arguing whether or not Daylight Saving Time For the most part, the response
(DST) is useful in terms of energy consumption and safety, the shows a command of Standard
arguement in favor of DST is beter supported. The points that make up English conventions that
the benefits possess evidence that provides a stronger arguement than demonstrates the writer’s ability to
that of the opposition. express him- or herself clearly.

The first point that the propponents of DST make is that it saves roughly There are some errors in sentence
structure (for example, the last
about 1 % of energy per day in people's homes. This means that having
sentence in paragraph 3 contains a
longer days reduces the need to light up one's house at night. The comma splice), but there is a
opposition makes a point that having those longer hours means that general avoidance of awkward
people will be having their air conditioner units running longer phrasing and/or wordiness.
throughout the day, but that would happen regardless of the time. The
reason for being that the sun is not controlled by DST; DST regulates the There are several errors in
time so that more can be done with more sunlight.This means that the apostrophe use (“for pedestrians and
sun would radiate constant heat regardless of the time of day, driver's alike”), subject-verb
warranting the longer use of air conditioner units. The opposition agreement (“while fatalities involving
stated that the cost of energy increased in Indiana over a three year other vehicles has dropped”), and
period, but more evidence of this same fact in other states would comma use (“These simple changes
better support their arguement. would [s]ave lives cut energy costs
regardless of what happened”), but
The next point that the proposition makes in favor of DST is how safe overall these do not interfere with
the streets have gotten for pedestrians and driver's alike over the past comprehension.
thirty years. For example, 8-11 % of all pedestrian fatalities have
diminished due to the existence of DST, while fatalities involving other Standard usage is at a level
vehicles has dropped 6-10%. The proposition found this evidence over a appropriate for on-demand draft
period of thirty years, which shows how the longevity of DST has helped writing.
saved lives and may continue to do so. The opposition cites one case
where 227 people where killed in vehiclerelated accidents the week Therefore, Response 8 earns a
after DST began in comparison to the 65 the week prior; if the score of 2 for Trait 3.
opposition cited multiple other examples in wide-ranging locations with
the same facts and figures, their arguement would hold more sway
To view the annotations to Traits 1
against DST.
and 2, click the links below.
The propponents also make a third point of how people are victims of Trait 1 (Page 20)
crimes at a much lower rate during DST because they have more time in
the sun to get their business and other whatnot done. After going to
Trait 2 (Page 94)
work or going to school, people have more time afterwards to perform
tasks like chores, or grocery shopping, all without the risk of being
mugged or otherwise attacked because of the extra hours of daylight
DST provides. The opposition does not have aarguementthat
counteracts this one becuase logically it makes sense. Without DST,
people would most likely stay out later, thereby extending the amount
of time over which an indecent individual could cause mayhem of some

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 120
Test-Taker Anchor Response 8 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
The propponents of DST have decades worth of evidence in support of
DST that shows how it has been useful for many years. Although in
certain cases DST may be somewhat expensive to support and can
cause sometimes dire consequences due to the shift in time, it is the
responsibility of the citizens to make the necessary adjustments. Pay
more attention when driving, open a window, etc. These simple
changes would 5ave lives cut energy costs regardless of what
happened. If the opposition really wanted to prove its point, it would
conduct an experiment where a city stops implementing DST for at least
a month or more and compare automobile-related deaths and energy
consumption rates to the DST rates.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 121
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

lssues like Daylight Saving Time are arbitrary conventions, and, as such, we This relatively lengthy
are in control of its inputs; that is, society determines the way in which we response demonstrates largely
measure time, and nature only plays a role in the light and darkness. In that correct sentence structure and
vein, research studies are needed in order to fully understand its effects. In variance and effectively
order to make a proper assessment, the full methodology of those studies employs transitional words.
should be evaluated. Here, though, are conclusions that blatantly contradict
each other: on one hand, for example, some studies say that energy use is Some wordiness is evident, but
the writer achieves general
decreased, but on the other hand, others say that energy use is actually
fluidity in the response.
increased. Both could be right: certain areas may be affected by daylight
saving time differently. Therefore, I argue against Daylight Saving Time as a Standard English conventions
national measure. are competently applied
The rejection of the measure arrives from the discrepances in the research.
As the proponents of DST point out, research in the 1970's stated that DST Although the application of
could save as much as 1 % in energy costs. I find that statement lacking for punctuation is somewhat
two reasons. First, a 1 % save each day could amount to a lot of energy, but inconsistent, there is sufficient
the ultimate findings could be negligible; that is, with a low percentage evidence of appropriate usage.
comes statistical uncertainty. Second, the 1970's post date indicates that the Furthermore, the few errors
research could be outdated. Now, we have many more electrical and present do not interfere with
different devices, and, more importantly, our world is different with such overall comprehension.
devices as computers and video games, which could easily be used past
daylight hours. So, there are dated assumptions on that research. On that Overall, the response is at an
note, a similar study performed today could hold different results. In fact, a appropriate level for on-
demand draft writing.
more recent 2007 study found that energy use did not differ by DST
standards, as the opposition against DST states. Even more concerning,
Therefore, Response 9 earns a
more recent studies in Indiana stated that energy use greatly increased score of 2 for Trait 3.
during that time. Since the opposition against DST holds more recent
evidence, I side with them on this issue. To view the annotations to
Traits 1 and 2, click the links
Even more discomforting, the amount of crashes actually spikes just after below.
DST alterations. As the opposition against DST states, in one study, 227
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, but only 65 are Trait 1 (Page 22)
killed otherwise. That seems to be largely a significant issue. The other side
is that, overall, DST causes an 8-11 % reduction in total fatalities. As an Trait 2 (Page 96)
opponent might state, that would greatly offset fatalities. To make a full
analysis, though, the amount of concrete amount of fatalities needs to be
illustrated: that is, an 8- 11 % reduction may not be as high as that initial
burst, as the opposition against DST points out. Furthermore, the
discomforting source from that arrive from the fact that it came from "three
decades of research." In other words, the DST automobile fatality issue has
been carefully researched across a long period of time. While that is
reassuring in many cases, cars have changed since that point. That is,
technology has improved since three decades ago. So, it must be
determined whether or not fatalities are caused by extra safety measures or
if those are controlled for, and that is not specified in the arguments for DST.
If the benefits of DST are to be evaluated, they must arrive from a recent

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 122
Test-Taker Anchor Response 9 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
I find, in that case, that the arguments for DST seem little. It may be
that there is better current research for that issue, but it is thus far
unspecified. In that vein, arguments against DST hold more recent
research that should be trusted to a greater extent.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 123
Test-Taker Anchor Response 10 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

Pros-daylight savings time While the response is brief, the

1. Because the days are longer and nights are longer, there is less writer does demonstrate some
criminal activity, in that crime normally occurs at night. command of Standard English.
2. Driving home from work when it is daylight is safer, therefore saving
a lot of lives. Sentences for the most part are
3. The more sun, the less light. This saves on electricity. well constructed, although
inconsistently so.
There are errors in subject-verb
1. People driving home from work is more likely to have accidents or kill
agreement (“People driving home
a pedestrian during the fall and winter because around those times, it
from work is more likely”) and
gels dark quicker.
apostrophe use (“therefore peoples
2. There is more use of air conditioning during the spring and summers
electricity bills are higher”).
months because the daylight hoursarelonger, therefore peoples
electricity bills are higher. Standard usage is at a minimally
acceptable level of appropriateness
for on-demand draft writing.

Therefore, Response 10 earns a

score of 1 for Trait 3.

To view the annotations to Traits 1

and 2, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 61)

Trait 2 (Page 27)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 124
Test-Taker Anchor Response 11 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

In this article, DST was regulated in the 1960s, and as far back in 1784 The response demonstrates
for those citizens in France. DST in the United Slates occurdo not occur inconsistent sentence structure and
in some cities in Arizona and ALL of Hawaii. The United States on the inconsistent control over basic
other hand, has 3 time zones, Pacific, Central, Eastern. With that being conventions.
said, researchers in the 1970s have found that DST saves an average of
1% a day in energy costs. For instance.that1% of that only applies to There are errors in comma use
lighting and appliances. This follows Ben Franklin's arguementwell over (“The United States on the other hand,
200 years ago. has 3 times zones”) and subject-verb
agreement (“DST in the United States
For those who support DST,they claim that the more sunlight, the occur do not occur in some cities”) and
problems with word order that
better. In this article.studieshave indicated that more sunlight is also a
occasionally interfere with
safely for those who are traveling from home to work or even those in
school. Researchers have indicated that there has been a reduction in
crashes due to more sunlight. DST has also reduced crimesfor those at Standard usage is at a minimally
highly risk areas. acceptable level of appropriateness
for on-demand draft writing.
Residence in California, during a 3 year study have indicated that they
have spent dose to $9 million each year for energy and air pollution. Therefore, Response 11 earns a
score of 1 for Trait 3.
In reading this article aboutDST, I must say that I am FOR DST because
not only dowe get more sunlight, but it is also provides many safeyfor To view the annotations to Traits 1
not only me, but as for the other people in my society. and 2, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 62)

Trait 2 (Page 28)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 125
Test-Taker Anchor Response 12 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

In regards to the argument of whether or not daylight savings is With a couple of exceptions (e.g.,
beneficial is best supported by the benefits of daylight savings time. the first sentence), the writer
This is something that has been implemented for almost 100 years in generally demonstrates correct
the United States and an idea that waSproposed over 200 years ago. If sentence structure, for the most
DST waS a eminent threat to the well being of the citizens of the U.S. it part avoiding wordiness, run-on
would have been stopped long ago. sentences, and other problems that
would interfere with clarity.
Since different parts of the nation recievethe amount of sunlight at
There are several errors in
different times of the day it makes sense to adjust time timeto ensure mechanics and conventions,
that all can take full advantage of the suns light. In the 1970’s it was including instances of word
proven that DST saved about 1% per day in energy costs. Studies have confusion (eminent/imminent) and
also shown that traveling in daylight is safterand that three decades of incorrect use of apostrophes
research have shown an 8-11% reduction in pedestrian accidents and 6- (its/it’s; suns light), but overall the
10%decrease in vehicle related accidents. Along the same logic DST has response is at a level appropriate
also reduced crime because there are more people out and about in for on-demand draft writing.
sunlight. Crimes are more common after dark.
Therefore, Response 12 earns a
The argument against DST states that safety is brought into question score of 2 for Trait 3.
because there weremore pedestrians killed the week following the end
of DST. They also claim thatthe adjustment period is dangerous because To view the annotations to Traits 1
of the immediate shift of one hour forward or backward. They claim it and 2, click the links below.
doesn’t allow sufficient time for people to adjust with the time change
as well as adjusting their clocks. Trait 1 (Page 63)

If those are the argments that are made then people just need to be Trait 2 (Page 29)
more responsible if they are having trouble adjusting with the time
change. Go to bed anhour earlier to compensate for the change, double
check and triple check your clock to ensure its set for the correct time
before you go to bed. The media does a good job of informing the
public of these changes and often reminds them to take the necessary
precautions for the change.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 126
Test-Taker Anchor Response 13 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Between the two positions in this article, the one against Daylight The writer demonstrates a clear
Saving Time is better supported. Although both positions are well command of the conventions of
organized and supported with several examples. the evidence Standard English.
supporting the view against DST is more specific and thorough.
The response overall avoids wordy
The first position makes some valid points, ones that are sure to catch or awkward sentence structure and
any reader's attention. The writer brings up expenses, safety, and crime contains a variety of sentence
types. The writer also maintains
rates, all of which are supposedly improved through the use of DST.
correct subordination and
However, the evidence he use; to support this claim seems general and parallelism and avoids run-on
outdated. In paragraph four, he mentions that one study took place in sentences or fragments.
the 1970s. He also uses phrases such as "many studies" and "other
studies." While the points he makes are interesting .there are no There are no apparent problems
specifics. One is left wondering just how outdated or reliable these with subject-verb agreement,
studies are, and if they even apply to the average American. Had he pronoun use, capitalization, or
used less generalized phrases, he may have sounded more convincing. punctuation.

Tile second position is much better supported, especially compared to Standard usage is at a level
the somewhat lacking arguments of the previous position. The writer's appropriate for on-demand draft
information is precise. and he seems to use more studies than the first writing.
author. While the first author used studies from the 1970s, this one
mentions a study done in 2007. The specifics of each study also improve Therefore, Response 13 earns a
the quality and seeming validity of the arguments made. The writer score of 2 for Trait 3.
gives the studies in which the studies were conducted and the reasons
To view the annotations to Traits 1
why the researches believed they got those results. Also, like the first
and 2, click the links below.
author, the issues of which he writes are ones that will catch the
reader's attention: energy consumption, safety, and confusion. While
Trait 1 (Page 64)
they are similar to those points brought up by the first writer, this
second position is far better supported through its organization and
Trait 2 (Page 30)
attention to detail.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 127
Test-Taker Anchor Response 14 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation
The response contains many errors
There are many advantages to participating in daylight savings time in sentence structure and
than not having a DST established. Benjamin Franklin first introduced conventions that occasionally
the idea of daylight savings time to thee citizens in franceback in 1784, interfere with comprehension. For
but it wasntimplemented in the United States until 1918. He spoke on example, the last sentence is a
the idea of DST to help conserve resources for tile war. sentence fragment and also
confuses “there” with “their”
I am supporter a DST mainly for thee same reasons that were stated in (“Instead of each state
the passage.It promotes more of a safe environment on them summer impplememtingthere own dates and
evenings to do more outdoor activites. Studies have shown that more times that they would like to
people are able to be out taking care of their business, chores, and participate in the daylight savings
errands after the work or school day and not be exposed to more time”).
common after dark crimes that are committed when the DST is not in
There are many awkward
effect. The times when DST is in effect are the times that are children
sentences that make it difficult for
are out of school for their summer vacations and more time is just felt
the reader to understand the
needed in them warmermonths to get things done. writer’s intentions (“Which means
people electric bills aresmaller and so
I also agree with DST there is more electricity being saved due to the much more energy is be conserved by
sunlight. Which means people electric bills aresmaller and so much the use of the sun heating and lighting
more energy is be conserved by the use of the sun heating and lighting peoples homes”).
peoples homes.
Overall, standard usage is at a
There are arguments that we in the Unites States should not practice minimally acceptable level of
DST due safety of the drivers and pedestrians. Ido not agree with them appropriateness for on-demand
accusations, simply because thee time of the day that is set back or draft writing.
ahead generates thee same number of people outside during that time
.I dont think that the studies that were done to support these Therefore, Response 14 earns a
accusations are not well experimented with. However I do agree with score of 1 for Trait 3.
one thing the non supporters of DST believe and that is that it is a
adjustment period that we all must go through when we are practing To view the annotations to Traits 1
DST only because our bodies isntuse to the early or late time but within and 2, click the links below.
a day or two our bodies easily adjust to the change.
Trait 1 (Page 65)
I do agree that DST has camea long way with making it easier to
implement the change in our daily lives without so much Trait 2 (Page 31)
confusion.With the U.S all on the same time change (such as the date
DST goes in and out of effect) it realty makes it more easier to
understand the time zone and the time around you. Instead of each
state impplememtingthere own dates and times that they would like to
participate in the daylight savings time.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 128
Test-Taker Anchor Response 15 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

There will always be mixed reviews when discussing DST and its proposed On the whole, the response
impact on energy consumption and safety. Depending on who does the demonstrates a command of
investigation, to find out whether it does wreak havoc, many people are Standard English conventions
faced with no choice. They have to set their clocks back, regardless. that allows the writer to convey
his or her message clearly. The
Living in Hawaii without DST was cool. You never had to worry about response contains a variety of
changing their clocks or remembering the adage “spring forward, fall back.” sentence structures with few
awkward sentences. There are
From my perspective, there seemed to be no change in violent activities or
no run-on sentences or
safety concerns. I’m not sure about energy consumption rates. But, in fragments, other than those
Hawaii hardly anyone uses air conditioning and if they are home, they are used intentionally for effect
usually outside or they are on the beach, where you have the sun to (“More than 40 years ago!”).
generate your light.
There are few if any punctuation
DST may reduce some crime but not adolescent crime. The time for this errors or problems with pronoun
type of crime is right after school, until dark. So. I'm not sure where they use or subject-verb agreement.
got this statistic from (benefits of DST, last paragraph). It should have been
more specific as to what type of criminals they are talking about. Standard usage is at a level
appropriate for on-demand
I have always hated DST. I don't believe the claims of saving energy or writing.
having any effect on crime, either. I don't think that there is enough
research that can definitively say whether DST actually helps or not. I think Therefore, Response 15 earns
it is just a gimmick that the government has us follow so we can be told a score of 2 for Trait 3.
what to do, yet again or falsely leading us to believe that energy
consumption is going down. Bullarkey! To view the annotations to
Traits 1 and 2, click the links
I think an updated research team needs to devlop more sophisticated ways
to detect the prevalence of safety and crime. The last time DST was studied
Trait 1 (Page 66)
was back in the 1970's. More than 40 years ago! If they were to do more
research, why don’t they look at Hawaii or the parts of Arizona that do not
follow the DST rule? That would tell them what, if any, savings are
Trait 2 (Page 32)
happening and/or crime that Is being reduced by these factors. I think it is
just weird that we have to adjust ourselves to different light/dark cycles to
save some electricity. Adjusting to that time change twice a year is
mentally challenging and time some. People who struggle with seasonal
depression have an even harder time with these two occurrences each

Being able to learn what it was like, for the first time in my life, to find out
what life was like without DST, was amazing. It felt so good to be able to
not worry of the time change and not having to adjust to the differences in
seasons. The sunlight stayed the sane throughout the year and I was able
to enjoy the sunlight all day without worrying that it would become dark
early in the Fall. It was just something else that I did not have to worry
about. Although, I did have to remember to change the battery in the fire
alarm, something that you usually do when the time changes. A minor
inconvenience to not having DST.

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 129
Test-Taker Anchor Response15 – Score: 1 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from previous page) (see comments on the previous

It is remarkable that we follow beliefs that were set in stone over
40years ago. We should look at this issue and thoroughly conclude what
is best for us now, in this year 2012 .We need to stay present in the
technologies we have available to determine what our consumption
needs are and how to properly adjust to these changing inequalities.
More research would give us an updated outlook on what is needed
and what can be done to remedy any changes.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 130
Test-Taker Anchor Response 16 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

In the articles that present the arguments from both critics and Despite confusion between “affect”
supporters of Daylight Saving Time and how they impact energy and “effect” throughout, the
consumption and safety, I believe that the position of those who response demonstrates fluency
support DST is better supported. with Standard English conventions
that allows the writer to convey his
The concept of DST has a long history of research. It is not a new idea or her message clearly.
just based on preserving the daylight's activities, “Benjamin Franklin, for
While there are some problems
example, touted the idea of DST to citizens of France way back in
with comma use, these appear to
1784!" In the USA !he conservation efforts for “resources of the war be typographical errors rather than
effort ' was introduced in 1918. With moving the clock ahead an hour In errors resulting from a lack of
!he spring season and then moving the clock back In !he fall season control of basic conventions.
allows those to ‘"maximize the benefits of the sun.”
· For the most part, sentences are
Even though this idea was not accepted by aII, it was finally agreed varied and avoid awkwardness,
upon by Congress to have a uniformed date and time to put the DST in and appropriate transitions are
affect. This act is called the 'Uniform Time Act of 1966" to bring about used to help support logic.
clarity so that all who participate whould be on the same page.
There are few if any problems with
This DST act is stated to help with energy costs, saving lives and possibly pronoun usage, modifiers, or
reduces crime. There are low percentages in these cases but any punctuation.
percentage can help the overall well-being of the US citizen. Research
in the 70's say the DST "saved 1% per day in energy costs." Image the Standard usage is at a level
savings now on technology that uses solar power as an energy source. appropriate for on-demand draft
Thirty years of research stated that DST shows "8-11% reduction in
crashes involving pedestrians and a 6-10% decrease in crashes for
Therefore, Response 16 earns a
vehicle occupants after the spring shift ... "Studies have also shown that score of 2 for Trait 3.
not being exposed to crimes that are more common after dark by
completing personal errands before or after work is another way DST is To view the annotations to Traits 1
positively effecting citizens using the extened time of daylight to do and 2, click the links below.
what they need to do.
Trait 1 (Page 68)
I believe that in the current years the costs of energy have gone up
because of new technology that requires more electricity not that DST Trait 2 (Page 34)
is somehow not effecting positively the savings of energy use. Think of
the costs if most did not use DST on top of the growing need for more
energy due to technology!

Also the study of pedestrians killed prior to or after DST takes place
should not be soley weighed on DST Who knows the affects of other
components such as drug and alcohol use and how that plays a role in
pedestrians killed? Studies have also sown how anxiety and stress has
increased over the years due to the demands of jobs and lifestyles.
Doesn’t that playa role in those percentages, too?

(response continued on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 131
Test-Taker Anchor Response16 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continued from the previous page) (See comments on the previous
The opponents of DST state that a 3 year study of counties in Indiana
showed that residents. "spent$8.6 million more each year for energy
and air pollution" due to increase after incorporating DST. But,does this
study take into consideration that daylight is not the only cause for
energy or air pollution costs? What about how the ozone layer affects
energy consumption and how technology has been a cause of air
pollution? Because of the condition of the sun and how pollution in
combination with it affects the ozone layer, whether a state or city uses
DST or not these effects of this combination would be taking place

Lastly, due to the amount of years that DST has been in affect most of
the citizens of the US are already well adjusted to the time frame. The
media has helped more and more every year to remind those to adjust
their clocks when DST starts. Calendars are made with the information
already state as a reminder; the work place reminds its employees and
even religious facilities and organizations remind their members of the
adjustment they must make sometimes a couple of weeks in advance.

The general public makes us of Daylight Savings Time to the best of

their ability and to the benefit of their personal schedules. I believe it
would be a great loss as well as completely confusing to go back to the
time when DST was not in place or for everyone to go on their on
accord to use it or not. As a country we work better when we are on
one accord with our businesses organizations who need to flow and
work together in unison.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 132
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

This article presents both opposing and proposing side to the issue of Daylight For the most part, the response
Savings Time (DST). Both sides argue that DST has an effect on energy demonstrates a general fluency
consumption. Opponents of DST cite studies that have shown there is little to and command of Standard English
no effect on energy consumption based on a 2007 study completed in the state conventions.
of California. Another study based in Indiana actually showed that energy
consumption increases each year due to DST; further more, this study showed The writer uses a variety of
air pollution also increased. However, proponents of DST point to a study sentence types and, with a few
exceptions, generally avoids
completed in 1970 that found DST reduced energy costs by 1% per day. They
awkwardness and wordiness.
also indicated Benjamin Franklin made an argument for DST to the French in
1784. Unfortunately, it appears they have not considered that back in 1784 Commas and other punctuation are
people needed daylight to be productive, while now we have electricity that used correctly and appropriately,
allows to work all through the night, if needed. and there are few or no errors in
subject-verb agreement, pronoun
The other reason people advocate for the use of DST is safety. Supporters of usage, placement of modifiers, or
DST cite three decades of research that shows an 8 – 11% reduction in use of apostrophes.
pedestrian related accidents and an 6 – 10% reduction in vehicle only crashes
after the spring shift to DST. However, they have not indicated the risk of injury The standard usage in the
when DST ends in the fall. Those against the use of DST cite one study that response is at a level appropriate
showed an increase in pedestrian related accident immediately after the end of for on-demand draft writing.
DST in the fall. That study indicated 227 pedestrians were killed the week
following the end of DST, compared to only 65 pedestrian fatalities the week Therefore, Response 17 earns a
before the end of DST. It was stated that this abrupt change in daylight does score of 2 for Trait 3.
not provide drivers and pedestrians enough time to adjust to the difference. In
To view the annotations to Traits 1
contrast, if we did not have DST to change would be gradual and allow both
and 2, click the links below.
pedestrians and drivers the appropriate amount of time to adjust to the lower
levels of sunlight.
Trait 1 (Page 69)
The other factor of safety concerns is crime. One study of DST argues that it
Trait 2 (Page 36)
actually reduced crime because during the evening hours when people are
running errands after work the additional sunlight reduces their exposure to
crime, which is more common after dark. Unfortunately, the opponents of DST
have yet to cite any studies that show crime is not affected by DST. Although,
they did point to the fact that DST causes confusion to the people that forget to
adjust their clocks; therefore, the people do not show up on time to work or

Both arguements have been backed by reputable studies; however, the studies
cited by the supporters of DST seem to be outdated. While the fact that
Benjamin Franklin was a proponent of DST is a significant reason for its use; his
reasonings for its use are obsolete in this day and age. Further more, the study
that found DST actually saved energy was completed in 1970 and our energy
consumption needs have changed drastically since then. Also, the study that
showed a decrease in pedestrian related accidents and vehicle only related
accidents indicated it was completed over a period of three decades. However,
it was not indicated when this study was completed, which brings into question
the correlation between the current figures and the figures

(response continues on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 133
Test-Taker Anchor Response 17 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continues from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
from the unidentified time period. While the opponents of DST were unable to
cite any studies that proved crime was unaffected by DST, the supporters of
DST did not indicate when the study was completed. Therefore, it is hard to
confirm those statistics are still valid in the present day. While both sides of the
arguement have compelling facts, I believe the opponents to DST have provided
a stronger case based on the facts given.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 134
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

Daylight saving time is when everyone changes their clock to either an hour Overall, the response demonstrates
ahead in the spring or an hour back in the fall to increase the amount of a command of Standard English
sunlight you receive in your day. The system is used based on the conventions.
seasonschaing due to the tilt the earth is on as it orbits the sun. The tilt
changes the intensity of sunlight received in different regions of the earth in The writer uses a variety of
different times of the year. One of the original reasons that the United States sentence types and employs
decided to do day light saving time is due to the fact that in the spring transitional words that contribute to
clarity (“In the end…”). There is
farmers are harvesting their crops and this will give them the largest possible
some wordiness (“Having the extra
workload they could complete in a day’s work.
hour everyday will give children more
time to play outside and decrease the
An advantage of day light saving time is not only can farmers increase the
changes of overweight children
amount of work in a day but also it will increase the length of summer days
because their parents require them
while children are out of school. Having the extra hour everyday will give
home when it gets dark.”), but in
children more time to play outside and decrease the changes of overweight
general sentences exhibit fluency
children because their parents require them home when it gets dark.
and express the writer’s message
Summer is meant for relaxation whether it be by a pool or on the beach and clearly.
with the increased amount of sunlight there will be more time you can spend
with your family outside. Also with the increased sunlight you will be able to There are few errors in pronoun
spend more time outdoor and won't have to be using your air conditioning all usage, subject-verb agreement, or
the time. While you are outside it can strongly reduce the amount of lights punctuation.
that need to be on throughout your house and ultimately decrease your
energy bill. Sunlight can also be looked as an angel watching over you Standard usage in the response is
because it will dramatically decrease “their exposure to crimes that are more at a level appropriate for on-
common after dark.” You can also feel much safer walking around with an “8- demand draft writing.
11% reduction in crashes involving pedestrians” and while you are driving
with an “6-10% decrease in crashes for vehicle occupants after the spring Therefore, Response 18 earns a
shift to DST.” Since the beginning of time, the sun has always been looked at score of 2 for Trait 3.
as a safe haven for travelers and a strong religious symbol for groups who
worship it and DST is just an other example of the importance of the sun to To view the annotations to Traits 1
us. and 2, click the links below.

Trait 1 (Page 71)

Unfortunately with the sun comes heat and that could cause your energy bill
to go up during spring day light saving time. During spring and summer
months temperatures can hit an all time high and to stay cool you will turn up Trait 2 (Page 38)
your air conditioning to the max which can be a heavy load on your wallet.
Increased energy “in Indiana showed that residents of that state spent $8.6
million more each year for energy, and air pollution increased after the state
switched to DST.” An increase that large every year can put a strain on fossil
fuels because coal is used to produce the majority of the country’s electricity.
Not only is coal a nonrenewable resource but it causes a lot of air pollution
when it is burned to be turned into electricity. If environmental factors are
not a strong enough reason to stop using DST then the fact that “227
pedestrians were killed in the week following the end of DST, compared with
65 pedestrians killed the week before DST ended” may change your mind.
Having the time changed twice a year at a large amount of time is dangerous
because people have a hard time adapting to the change. DST causes many
people to be late to work the following day, unaware of the new driving
conditions, and overall they are put through a tough transition.

(response continues on the next page)

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 135
Test-Taker Anchor Response 18 – Score: 2 [Trait 3] Annotation

(response continues from the previous page) (see comments on the previous
In the end, daylight saving time may seem like a pain to have to deal with
twice a year but if a man as smart as Benjamin Franklin thought it was a good
idea then there must be something right about it. There is far too much good
that comes out of the increased sunlight to take it away and if that means
adults need to be more aware of their surroundings then that is a price this
country should take. The extra hour increases economical growth for longer
work days and gives the youth a chance to enjoy their summer just a little bit
more and that should be well worth the hardship you may face transitioning.

2014 GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test: Extended Response Resource Guide for Adult Educators Page 136

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