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Venissa was both anxious and happy about the meeting today. There were two
reasons for it 1.) She would basically be free from all debts. No more payments
to be made to P'Pakin. 2.) The meeting was a tricky one. The clients today were
a bit difficult to deal with. She had known about the meeting even before the
conference. She had prepared for the meeting about 2 weeks back but at that
time she didn't know the clients they were going to deal with. The deal was
proposed to the prospective client during the conference and she came to know
on the day her finals ended about the clients so she fixed the details of the
meeting and made the presentation according to the preferences of her clients.
It was a big deal and very important. This was the part she was anxious about.

This meeting consisted of a businessman from South Korea. He was not

associated with the underworld. Oh did I mention that this meeting was a part
of the normal and not the underworld. 2 mafia families were convinced during
the conference.

Venissa was very good at business. She could get the trickiest of clients to agree
with her proposal using her charms like Phoenix and can use her fist like Phayu
if things go wrong. She also can easily track down information of her clients like
a pro like Mangkorn. She was a mix of all these qualities which made her a great
businesswoman. This is why Pakin trusted her so much and she has been taking
care of business in Italy for him and has cracked multiple deals over time and
popularized the circuit and ring successfully.


I finally reached the company building. Exactly 30 minutes away from the
meeting. I was greeted by the employees while going up. I went to the
reception. I am wearing an all black outfit with a black mask and black bag
completely against the dress code. Doesn't matter. People are used to seeing
me like this. I have special permission top enter the company. They all know me
as a relative of P'Pakin who visits sometimes to gain experience.
I took my cabin's keycard from P'Ann(receptionist). No one has really seen my
face here except some high official clients. I can't risk people knowing my face
and recognising me on the streets. I am still in highschool. They will doubt the
company's future if they know it is in the hands of a high school student and will
assume I got in due to some connections and that will not look good. People
here know that the company is handled by a representative of P'Pakin

I took the lift to be exclusively used by me andP'Pakin. It opens by our

fingerprints. The meeting is on the 30thfloor on the same floor as my cabin. It
was purposefully designed this way inorder to minimise my interaction with
other officials. I just communicate withhis lawyers for contracts and his
subordinates and I conduct the meetings whichconsist of only me and P'Pakin
and no other employee.

I work here at the company during weekends and holidays. I spend my nights
here during weekends except when I have gigs. This is the reason my cabin has a
bathroom and closet for me to get ready for meetings like this one. The closet
here is bought by P'Athit. He has a good fashion sense but also very expensive
one. He says that you got to look presentable and he left no room for
arguments. I will not admit it aloud but I miss Gear and him. 

The only advantage of those damn nightmares is the fact that I get lots of hours
to work otherwise I would actually managing all my part time jobs and gigs and
working for P'Pakin. The training of a bodyguard has also helped me a lot in
being alert and staying active. Everything has its own pros and cons. 

I needto hurry now and get ready otherwise I will be late for the meeting and
beinglate doesn't exactly leave a very good first impression. Actually I have
made adeal with the south Korean company before. The problem is the two
mafia families.If you're wondering how is the meeting this late and how are
people stillworking at this hour? This is because employees have been
appointed in two shiftswhich prevents from the pressure falling on one set of
employees. The meetingis being conducted late because it was convenient for
the south Korean clientand the mafias don't mind late hours.

Fun fact about the meeting today I am dealing with 3 clients and I don't know
anything about one of the mafia family. P'Pakin said that all I need to know is
that they belong to one of the greatest clan both in underworld and the outside
and I will be fine. Well I can adjustments on spot.

Time skip to the meeting time.

Conference room.

Venissa POV:

WOW It's my last meeting here. The contract terminates after this. I just need to
get the deal today. 5 mins to the meeting. I am sitting beside P'Pakin. He is
really annoying today. No matter how many times I ask him about the clients
but he is not willing to reveal the mystery client. Ugh! "Get ready for a big 'I told
you so'  when we don't get the deal just because of your stubbornness. If you tell
me I can make amendments as per required." "not working ven, try this with
someone else. I know you will be able to do it. Have some confidence." I snorted
at the last bit, "more like over confidence." "you need to have more confi—oh
welcome Mr. Kim Beom-soo"

Mr. Kim Beom-soo is one of the leading entrepreneurs in the world. He is a

middle aged man with a warm personality. I had worked with him a couple
times more and the meetings have been quite successful. He arrived with his
secretory, Mr. Lee Jae-young.

"welcome sir! Its nice meeting you again." I said extending my hand. He smiled
at me and said shaking my hand lightly, "oh its always a pleasure working with
you. I believe your idea will be great." I smiled a little in acknowledgement.

The arrived guests settled down and the glass door was opened by a man in
black looking like a bodyguard. Looking carefully I noticed the badge was way
too familiar. Oh it was the theerapanyakul symbol. Great. Now I know why he
didn't tell me about the mystery client. I turned to look at him and he gave me a

Pa and dad entered and I went forward to shaketheir hands and 'introduce
myself'. As I was about to shake their hands twomore people entered. Uncle
macau and Uncle caz. Damn I thought uncle caz doesn'tlike Italy with all the
history. He last entered Italy when he was stillworking for that ass. Shit do they
know who I am? Did Pa and dad tell them?

Macau POV:

We just closed a deal in US when hia called. He wanted us to come for a meeting
in Italy. He knows caz doesn't like the place but if hia is calling us then it must be
something really important. I asked caz if he would be okay and he said the
same thing.

So here we are standing infront of Pakin's company's conference room to fix a

deal. No matter how many times I asked hia about why did he call us in this
country out of all especially when he and p'pete are already here. It better be
worth it. I am not going to leave hia if we called us in the one place my husband
resents for a stupid deal.

(A/N: oh you will find out if its worth it or not)

I enter the room after hia with caz following me. Thank god he hasn't shown any
signs of discomfort yet. He is actually quite pleased to be back in its home
country. He was telling me about his childhood memories. This is a good sign.

As I entered, I was greeted with a young looking girl not more than 20 years of
age. He had a really familiar face. Way too similar to our Ven. I guess this is
because of her death anniversary approaching. I am hallucinating. I miss her. I
miss cooking for her playing with her and braiding her hair. I miss listening to
her talk, eating ice creams late at night so that P'Pete wouldn't notice. People
say that with time it becomes easier to deal with grief but here I am ten years
later missing her the same. I guess we become better at masking it with time.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and that bought me out of my head before I start
tearing up. I saw that I had been staring at the girl who was now standing infront
of me with her extended to me. "welcome sir. Venissa."

Venissa POV:

The look on Uncle Cao's face showed that he didn't know. That clears explains
the confusion. He looked between me and dad and it was getting awkward. We
have been standing at the door for 5 minutes and the look of pure astonishment
on his face was something.
" Sir?" I called again to get him out of his trance. I swear I am related to
mysterious people. Next time P'Pakin does something like this I am running
After a few minutes of awkward and questionable handshakes we all settled
down at the table. Now I am more scared. From what i have found about the
Theerapanyakuls over the past few days it is that Uncle caz is quite the
businessman and is very particular about the details. Great if we don't get the
deal now you bet i am yelling at P'Pakin.

"Let's wait for five mintues for our last client. If they don't arrive by the time we
will start without them"

The next people to arrive were Mr. Pathak Pingmueang, one of the mafias from
Thailand who according to my researches are also in the vehicle business. He
arrived with his son, Dunk Patak Pingmuang. His nickname is Gun. He is a 25
year old spoiled brat and a criminal and a pedophile. I wanted to snap his neck
for what he did to sky that day. I am just holding back because I promised sky.
He doesn't remember me but I do.

I don't like the way he checked me out and had a smug look on his face. If he
dares to mess with me again i doubt he will be able to move his lips again.

None the less, I shook the hand of the father-son pair. Senior Pingmueang was a
money minded person who would sell his own son for his money and
reputation. Like father, like son. Luckily, I had locked quite a few deals with the
pair both in the underworld and here at the company and the old man had
developed quite a liking towards me because all the prior deals have brought
him immense profit.

The meeting today was for the opening of a couple new boxing arena and racing
tracks in South Korea. I had this idea as we had multiple people from South
Korea who participated in matches here and it would be profitable to establish a
new one there. It was a large project so we came up with this idea to get
investors from the most established businessmen in the above-mentioned
country. So here are the investors which also include my "family", Can I really
call them mine? How long before I am abandoned again?
The fuck am I thinking I should start the meeting. Act professional venissa you
have done it multiple times you can do it!

I put on a smile and walked towards the meeting table at the centre.

"Good evening gentlemen. I am sorry for the delay. Let us get started. Infront of
you are the reference sheets of today's deal with the number and other
necessary information. I am going to start the presentation now." After a small
nod from P'Pakin, I started the projector which rolled down and the lights went
dim. "So, the agenda of today's meeting.........

After an hour,


We were halfway through the meeting. I stopped projecting and the lights were
back on. Till now it has been good. Uncle caz asked some challenging and witty
questions as expected but thankfully I could answer all of them nicely. I mean
he looked satisfied.

"So, you can ask any questions that you may have till now." I looked around and
I maybe imagining things but I am pretty sure I saw a glint of pride in dad's eyes.
My parents just smiled at me. Okay I cannot freak out back to the meeting.
Focus Venissa.

"Why do you think you are capable of leading a big project like this? And why
should we listen to a girl like you?" I turned my head towards the owner of the
voice. As expected, it was Gun. It's the first time he opened his mouth during the
entire meeting and that also to sprout nonsense. I looked into his eyes mustered
a small smile and spoke, "I don't think I am obliged to you give an explanation
about why I deserve this and how capable I am. If you have any questions
regarding the terms of the DEAL you can ask away and if its just your male ego
that refuses you to be in a project lead by a female, you are more than welcome
to leave. Thank you." He was about to get up and say something maybe punch
me but his father glared at him. He sat back down. "Just what I thought." "If
there is nothing else let's take a break for 45 minutes have dinner and meet back
here. Thankyou, gentlemen."
Everyone got up and left except my family and P'Pakin. I saw gun glaring at me.
This was fun.

"You all are not leaving?" "No, we are having dinner here. Join us. I ordered
food." "no I have got work to complete. Get an energy drink delivered to my
office." "When will you eat?" "later"

I got up, bowed to everyone and left after replying to P'Pakin.


“Where did you find such a gem, pakin? I am really impressed with her witty
responses and knowledge about business and her confidence? Mind blowing.
The way she answered that brat. She looks so young. Damn her parents must be
proud to have such an intelligent daughter.”

“Oh, you should ask your brother-in-law that question, alacazio.”

“What do you mean by that?” it was macau who asked the question this time.
He looked at me with disbelief and turned to look at his P’Pete.

 “she’s our angel and we are very proud of her. She’s the smartest.” Pete replied
whose eyes were already filled with tears and had a proud smile on his face. I
swear I have not seen this couple cry so much in all the years I have known them
than I have in the last few days.

“how c..a..n t..hat be th..ou?” macau stuttered with tears streaming down his
face. His husband was running his hand down his back with a facial expression
of pure astonishment.

“We do not have time for this let’s eat now.” I spoke. “I want to meet her.”
Macau said ignoring my words. Guess no one is eating anymore let’s ask her to
be put in the refrigerator or distribute it in the office.

“c’mon I will take you to her office.”

wow i disappeared for a long time didnt i? i am sorry for deleting this chapter i
needed to write more before uploading it. i hope someone is still reading and
waiting for updates. i am sorryy for making you wait this long. comment you view
on gun and their encounter below. reading comments inspires me to write more.
thank you everyone and happy reading!!

and venissa is  a boss bitch!!

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