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Cloud Computing Benefits of cloud computing

Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and Cloud Computing has numerous advantages. Some of them are
accessing the applications online. It offers online data storage, listed below:
infrastructure and application.
1. One can access applications as utilities, over the
Characteristics of cloud computing Internet.
There are four key characteristics of cloud computing. They are Manipulate and configure the application online at any
shown in the following diagram: time.
2. It does not require to install a specific piece of software
1. On demand self-service to access or manipulate cloud application.
Cloud Computing allows the users to use web services and 3. Cloud Computing offers online development and
resources on demand. One can logon to a website at any time and deployment tools, programming runtime environment
use them. through Platform as a Service model.
4. Cloud resources are available over the network in a
2. Broad network access manner that provides platform independent access to
Since Cloud Computing is completely web based, it can be any type of clients.
accessed from anywhere and at any time. 5. Cloud Computing offers on-demand self-service. The
resources can be used without interaction with cloud
3. Resource pooling service provider.
Cloud Computing allows multiple tenants to share a pool of
resources. One can share single physical instance of hardware, There are several challenges and disadvantages of cloud
database and basic infrastructure. computing, including:

4. Rapid elasticity 1. Security: Storing data and applications on remote

It is very easy to scale up or down the resources at any time. servers can make them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
Resources used by the customers or currently assigned to
customers are automatically monitored and resources. It makes it 2. Internet dependency: Cloud computing services need
possible internet connection which can be a problem in case of
poor network.
5. Measured service
In this service cloud provider controls and monitors all the 3. Reliability: Cloud services may be subject to outages or
aspects of cloud service. Resource optimization, billing, and downtime, which can impact the availability of data and
capacity planning etc. depend on it. applications.

To help clarify how cloud computing has changed the nature of 4. Compliance: Organizations may have to comply with
commercial system deployment, consider these three examples: various regulations, such as HIPAA or PCI-DSS, which
 Google: In the last decade, Google has built a can be difficult to do in a cloud environment.
worldwide network of datacenters to service its search
engine. In doing so Google has captured a substantial 5. Latency: Accessing data and applications over the
portion of the world’s advertising revenue. That revenue internet can result in latency, which can impact
has enabled Google to offer free software to users based performance.
on that infrastructure and has changed the market for ============================================
user-facing software. This is the classic Software as a Security: Security refers to the measures that are taken to protect
Service. systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access or attacks.
In the context of cloud computing, security is a critical concern,
 Azure Platform: By contrast, Microsoft is creating the as organizations need to ensure that their data is safe and secure
Azure Platform. It enables .NET Framework when it is stored or processed on a third-party provider's servers.
applications to run over the Internet as an alternate
platform for Microsoft developer software running on Trust: Trust refers to the confidence that organizations have in
desktops. the ability of a cloud provider to secure their data and maintain
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their systems.
 Amazon Web Services: One of the most successful Trust is an important factor in the adoption of cloud computing,
cloud-based businesses is Amazon Web Services, which as organizations need to be confident that their data is being
is an Infrastructure as a Service offering that lets you handled responsibly.
rent virtual computers on Amazon’s own infrastructure.
============================================== Privacy: Privacy refers to the protection of personal information
from unauthorized disclosure or use. In the context of cloud
computing, privacy is a concern as organizations may be hesitant
to store sensitive data on a third-party provider's servers due to
concerns about data privacy. It is important for cloud providers
to have strong privacy policies in place to reassure users that
their data is being handled responsibly.
Explain cloud service models / Reference model 2. Abstraction: PaaS offer a way to deploy and manage
applications on the cloud rather than a virtual machine on
top of which the IT infrastructure is built and configured.
3. Automation: PaaS deploy the applications automatically.
4. Cloud services: Provide services for creation, delivery,
monitoring management, reporting of applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS): This is the highest level of cloud

computing, where users can access and use applications over the
Internet, without the need to install and run them on their own
computers. SaaS providers host and maintain the applications,
and users can access them through a web browser or other client
software. SaaS is often delivered on a subscription basis, and is
typically used for business applications such as customer
relationship management and enterprise resource planning.
Some examples:
a. Gmail
b. Google drive c. Dropbox
d. WhatsApp

Characteristics of SaaS:
1. The product sold to customer is application access.
Cloud service models refer to the different levels at which cloud 2. The application is centrally managed.
computing services are provided to users. There are three main 3. The service delivered is one-to-many.
cloud service models: 4. The service delivered is an integrated solution delivered
on the contract, which means provided as promised.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This is the most basic level
of cloud computing, where users can rent computing
Deployment models
infrastructure such as servers, storage, and networking resources
NIST Cloud computing also has 4 deployment models, which are
on an as-needed basis. IaaS providers offer a range of
as follows:
infrastructure resources that can be accessed over the Internet,
and users are responsible for installing and configuring their own
1. Public
operating systems, applications, and middleware.
This is the model where cloud infrastructure and resources are
Some examples:
given to the public via a public network. These models are
1. Amazon Web Services (AWS),
generally owned by companies that sell cloud services.
2. Microsoft Azure,
3. Google Compute Engine (GCE)
2. Private
This is the model where cloud infrastructure and resources are
There are the following characteristics of IaaS -
only accessible by the cloud consumer. These models are
1. Resources are available as a service o Services are
generally owned by cloud consumers themselves or a third party.
highly scalable
2. Dynamic and flexible
3. Community
3. GUI and API-based access
This is the model where a group of cloud consumers might share
4. Automated administrative tasks
their cloud infrastructure and resources as they may have the
same goal and policies to be achieved. These models are owned
Platform as a Service (PaaS): This is a higher level of cloud
by organizations or third-party.
computing, where users can build and deploy applications on top
of a cloud-based platform. The platform provides the underlying
4. Hybrid
infrastructure, as well as development tools and services, to
This model consists of a mixture of different deployment models
allow users to focus on building and running their applications.
like public, private, or community. This helps in the exchange of
PaaS providers typically offer a range of development tools, such
data or applications between various models.
as databases, programming languages, and integration services,
to support the development and deployment of applications.
Examples of Cloud Computing Reference Model Apart From
Some examples:
a. Google App Engine
 IBM Architecture
 Oracle Architecture
Characteristics of PaaS:  HP Architecture
1. Runtime framework: The runtime framework executes  Cisco Reference Architecture
end-user code according to the policies set by the user
and the provider. ======================================
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
It is a stage in the evolution of application development and/or Cloud Computing Virtualization
integration. It defines a way to make software components
reusable using the interfaces. Cloud computing is used to While It is used to make
provide pools and automated various simulated
resources that can be environments through a
accessed on-demand. physical hardware system.

While virtualization setup is

Cloud computing setup is simple as compared to cloud
tedious, complicated. computing.

While virtualization is low

Cloud computing is high scalable compared to cloud
scalable. computing.

There are two major roles within Service-oriented Architecture: While virtualization is less
1. Service provider: The service provider is the maintainer of the Cloud computing is Very flexible than cloud
service and the organization that makes available one or more flexible. computing.
services for others to use. To advertise services, the provider can
publish them in a registry, together with a service contract that
specifies the nature of the service, how to use it, the requirements In the condition of disaster
for the service, and the fees charged. recovery, cloud computing While it relies on single
relies on multiple machines. peripheral device.
2. Service consumer: The service consumer can locate the service
metadata in the registry and develop the required client ==============================================
components to bind and use the service. Virtualization
Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share a single
Advantages of SOA physical instance of a resource or an application among multiple
Platform independent: SOA allows making a complex customers and organizations. It does by assigning a logical name
application by combining services picked from different sources, to a physical storage and providing a pointer to that physical
independent of the platform. resource when demanded.

Availability: SOA facilities are easily available to anyone on Server virtualization: This involves creating virtual versions of
request. physical servers, allowing multiple operating systems to run on a
single physical server.
Reliability: SOA applications are more reliable because it is easy
to debug small services rather than huge codes Desktop virtualization: This involves creating virtual versions of
desktop computers, allowing users to access their desktops
Scalability: Services can run on different servers within an remotely.
environment, this increases scalability
Storage virtualization: This involves creating virtual versions of
Disadvantages of SOA storage devices, allowing multiple storage devices to be accessed
as if they were a single device.
High overhead: A validation of input parameters of services is
done whenever services interact this decreases performance as it Network virtualization: This involves creating virtual versions of
increases load and response time. networks, allowing multiple virtual networks to be created on a
single physical network.
High investment: A huge initial investment is required for SOA.
Application virtualization: This involves creating virtual versions
Complex service management: When services interact, they of applications, allowing them to run on any platform without the
exchange messages to tasks. the number of messages may go in need for installation.
millions. It becomes a cumbersome task to handle many
messages. Hardware virtualization: This involves creating virtual version of
hardware devices, allowing multiple operating systems to share
===================================== the same physical hardware.
A hypervisor is a software that enables virtualization by creating
and managing virtual machines (VMs). It acts as a "mediator"
between the physical hardware and the virtual machines,
allowing multiple VMs to share the same hardware resources.
The hypervisor allows each VM to run its own operating system
and applications, as if they were running on their own physical
machine. There are two types of hypervisors:

Type 1 hypervisors, also known as native or bare-metal

hypervisors, run directly on the host's physical hardware. This
means that they have direct access to the underlying hardware
resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage. This allows for a
more efficient use of resources and better performance, as there
is less overhead. Examples of Type 1 hypervisors include
VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Citrix Hypervisor.

Type 2 hypervisors, also known as hosted hypervisors, run on top

of a host operating system. This means that they use the
resources of the host operating system to create and manage
virtual machines. This can result in more overhead and less
efficient use of resources. Examples of Type 2 hypervisors
include Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Workstation.

In general, Type 1 hypervisors are more suitable for enterprise

environments, while Type 2 hypervisors are more suitable for
development and testing environments.


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