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This study delves into the diverse world of yoga, examining various types of
yoga and the profound contributions of great personalities that have shaped and
enriched the practice over time. Yoga, an ancient spiritual and philosophical
tradition originating in India, encompasses numerous paths, each offering
unique approaches to self-realization and spiritual growth. The different types
of yoga explored in this study include Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja/
Ashtanga Yoga, Karma Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Sankhya
The first part of the study provides an in-depth understanding of each type of
yoga, elucidating their historical origins, philosophies, practices, and benefits.
Bhakti Yoga revolves around devotion and love for the divine, Jnana Yoga
involves intellectual inquiry and wisdom, Raja Yoga integrates all aspects of
yoga practice by emphasizes a systematic eight-limbed path to spiritual
evolution, Karma Yoga promotes selfless service and action, Hatha Yoga,
known for physical postures and breath control, lays the groundwork for various
other yoga styles. Mantra Yoga emphasizes the use of sacred sounds or mantras
to quiet the mind and cultivate spiritual awareness, while Laya Yoga focuses on
awakening dormant spiritual energy within individuals, Sankhya Yoga is one of
the six classical schools of Indian philosophy and serves as a theoretical
foundation for many aspects of yoga.

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