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Always- When I wake up, I always pray.

Usually- I usually have orange juice.

Rarely- I rarely have breakfast.
Never- I never drink tea.
Barely- I barely ate today.
Traditional- traditional clothing
Typical- typical American food. / typical
Grammar: Present simple
(I,you,we,they) – (Have)

I have toast for breakfast
You have toast for breakfast
We have toast for breakfast
They have toast breakfast..
I am Dania. I am 22 years old. I have
toast for breakfast.

Negative –
No, I don’t have rice for breakfast.
No, You don’t have rice for breakfast
No,we don’t have rice for breakfast
I ……. Toast for breakfast
1. Have
2. Eat

I …. Tea for dinner

1. Have
2. Drink
I …… ( not eat) fish for breakfast
1. Don’t have
2. Don’t eat
Present simple Verbs: sleep, Drink, Eat,
Look, Pray, Play, work, write, study,
I drink coffee. Then, I play with
mohammed. Then, I drink green tea.
I sleep at 9 pm.
I drink water
You drink water
We drink water
They drink water
I/you/we/they- Don’t+verb+ Noun
I don’t drink coffee = I do not drink
You don’t study.
We don’t eat breakfast.
They don’t play.

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