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Positfon _Nectox_, velocity , Aveterabion D veloct ty wilh vespece te fixed frome a “Serer F t (Grenwiat Jyamne) el’ 2 PED _yrafetory drame of ‘“eference ‘Ploy fixed foint 0 ~eferece 8 & Ty, deg. | : “do He LE = C056 & Sn & = Sloe &, +aseg, 3 e Me & 5 bo = ey ds de : Trig VER F2EL —SResTbton vee 0 : ° ae a velocity A ole Wile i aS it a Pe mosenk ; Cy FYE : aa ee a a el w clostty ith sieepect lo. moving front 4 - (w" Jeena) reFeram(er ist a ae yore _— OY PostHon “eh ange 8 T4 tee fame is Oving , | forrnih —_ ag martk ‘ i ‘ “Velodk, Venue fy tee Fer is indepen the toortinate system provided. coordirat stent ateached’ fe come: deemed); . 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A Pane, “sm buts along a chveabeey | ‘shelly 7 te bros gf “stem go € be wilh 9 tneveastn wile “dn gexttont E “tg “velaked te prec Fo by Ce Fog sts speed AE F fe Nand ig feweasing at -vake 6 7 expess VE veledieg and: _ acederab ron fo a) CaxbesFan (oosdinakes, b) cylindbittal: oosdrates,. A Ie \ aig 6: ey seo ATP 1) vy ser tid rammed" as general Mokion petween — hems 4) A wo dimensional Plonat yelalive motion I ‘ =— 4 oF pevw een Svacnes © ue Can tro Gg a fnotfor f a frame tohere To Re dive ction af Cc, 1S. nok Changing A AY: Z Sin O a) | €, Js |-s%8 cose |! fj? & wos oF, + 8i00 E " t oat SY = Canales tes BH = ~ 64 Ke yy ° 2 w = 6€ dey) . me de {4 ! : 7) A. two Dimensional Creaeral ™0Gi00 -bla- boy -fisnes: : ‘ ‘ tohen wo frames wahere have & Ceri, motion ~elabtve ts ‘then. ae; ey! dip 7 ea c Wofq % ‘ tly not 4 dg C y May, {S. defined - ab angulasy Velocity of frome 2 ah a cohole & aot tox Frankia, [ine element in ib | TE oe — to Caled ad Taskantaseous — arpig—ef—vatakion Points along Yastantancows eis % ~etakiog: déi) ” fa ie Aig e, fe aay tes As \) § dé . % A - [Bs fe _ : & : © Rag= ey angulorr acceterakio 1 Hy = Baad) be esd sddDeS EVE ~ =5 Chang € in ¥ 6 —> change fo 8 Coriolis @ oe = eel, fein) 40, + Lo a. 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Tak Fag, Hine drone # eq) Coat ee rs ¥, es Noy, 42 [4 % ele! ee Ny, AN), | * a Vey dv = at a xt a Pla " Oph _—_ *Plo AiffenentiaBn cercidertng,, frase d 4 _Fl, 7 de Py - “as + Ploy ~O & © tort wespecé to me os A $-¥H | 5 ad ac), A very speciot doses Metter Ho GI bog wir vespect. to A Frame? ‘ ‘ Here we cll sludy a VOR special cour 4, Udevetand the Motion fA mrigid body. mo * Vv . —_ -> p =N ‘ . IS ete ai gt 5 » ae aac g | Herne. the frome 2 Teself Cocider as 7 aid body: —lhe- Feosbicte P attached te frome » tithes hoy, Btn gh = fo ~ 7 ‘ Rye Oe + 6 > ar * Pay x x Po!) + y ; a ae x, ' “Wie fans = l Genet a3 Vo}, » oly 4 > we @ay, > we Cie By Nowotng | Hep uecbord eg tnd Sep AtcelexetPon "eft One PorkicCe : 7 ; a “gid body. Te ts voted, that .,*E Point 0! is usually taken as tate & ass ef the ~cigid body R- Wate Ady ‘Rigid body * moter » Con be Aecompesed a -{pure translabfon (code 8 mats) ¢ Rluze elit | Tr Positfon , & fancl Poo of S- Yep sto b —dTeageat novral b Inoxeral frome, 7 oA, MoO 5 &O. &@ ai hg Pe vadius ct Curvature | a length, mot vector tae a toe Can define Omit normal vector ak * = FE dee 5 Be ds Rewfose Re Ba ds mn, wae. TR tormal ec tos é, Rs dettoed, ab | o> ~ & KE T A + A enuakive && sche? = y the “Plane: -foxmed by, “Re vectows & | & 16 Called 0 scultabing Saosne Plane, & ALL de» forettn te _ EG Use, vectors = ‘> To Show +Rak;. ee | f° ane Perpend feeder nw ~ ey =I ag Gt eds “€; do one! ae fe AEE ae “de et de Li » ds A t td& provided dee 3 “ds +0 . J= 7 Tasos of Congo Ys dxe) : Ph oe : ceed Myo ae ely Vela = S| (8) je ae J, de “dea “Time dependent * on “constant 75! Tadependeot on framer ah _ . Nery? S&O 6s = a lo na oth i & = ¢ oe See aE ~ 8 See + Stet as aS sree pesivative > brane - _ Av p\(at\ +4 ae Arc i dt mas xy al dst é\ssusa ng Panameter Ct b& be Lime “t =f@y a? edie cc ; de ah “F Se) =a se , =3 i) ey F Qe fot Go 2 @ = e [az ~ Us ep ' WWl=s > || Lew ies -4ai) | dal x. ae}, S2 =o. a iy ee The above derivation vertox small @ was, ateached te Grarne & teday's class we dA Aves rot [e any we ference frome: - Obbe&y dA wher ety > vec fos 2 3 b | By =S aig i ch ee eral < a oad dei e : e; tat ey e ode ‘ nt 3 o” 2 dal gra Xe dai | et 2 lé ae #8 =, dl > > Ww a, lo ’ 2/0 PS, ‘ Hy) see fhe Fone g 4 .: *Fereye i) Coordinate Soy a a : Bayi = vg i =6 € : ak ) Mig = Sal i oe = Ape Ve: yn ig age +B 8 way, = GE = FBS HOF Ge - 7 “za a 6 a and V Relationship between Uy Vie neva! Ce LO=0 unt =0 day = da atta ot atl al br Gx) —® da ee ely = ae IF Be Od. -0 at Pon = a RE re Felating augular accelera! “frarnes: By- Aefettton, ‘ Ks S Sas ‘Wy, Se (®,) 4 ols), 7 4 xf ss —> “24 Fe Pale tse P AG) [= dE ae meen eg al, = Se) sean Pete = Way, Tey ae tine . deivaliue & tothe EG tabion = O° ‘ ae a ris « + 5 « > ae anes Al, . zy * %, a = Aal,)| 44 (@ BML PL, 1 ! cers > =a a, we knows Wal ce. sien f Se, + . F poxenal tage frase frome . ] Ne Sell =1 > Vey=r Jia) tf Wage SMa [ele L, es ia @® what i Positfon vector Ty @ ea he ef Some Parameter T . \ @ Tyo he Hb De Sle = Fh ae ct 0 Bt K 5 2 R= SL det a [ayy a7 / 0 = ae & = [Pd dso de. Lal (as ee \ ae . KN f te ade ry 4442) ac yee Path tosdinate. Syscem a eet Ta many Cases tie” Pats Travelled by a Particle ° May be Known te ud » A motorbike moving on | Paxabolic Path Ys x? Jo Such cases the — y. Pesitfon — vector : } a yx : Yr? 7% ay | ray Femplictly depend on. the Giafectory - fellewoed by a Panticle (S)- ” ¢ feagental, noxrmal, “ wectos a= bijectory Gh The Postticle Aleag the fate Pe rodius Coating Positton veto’ ithe “ Ponttele “follocatng. a ‘Bajectory g se : : we defme the following _vecboxst I) A unt ‘tangential vector *” Ta Path coordinate System, Graf ectory Ts koowo- HT Position veckoy teafectory nt shoe” ®\ Skew Synmetge Se |. ffese sho of fey “Sin (ese Of } . 0 oO} & a Matrixes ” y ayy (2), v -sfor 0 [Aj = ~O Ain Qs a2 0 “5 “7%3 43. 0 a -al,Fe A Az _ 23 +426, +My Cs fer Skea Syrome, Gi cfiag era Clemente 266, Me Ey _ftose SnO® Oo e, / Es \ “| Sho cose 0 @° & o oy {C8 . - Skew Syometic mabixe yy @ a Mente ax (a ON w = Vi | efor Ce se [4] X¥ =] 0 ~aw ay Mio 4B 1 Fass Bt 0 agg 2°20 dene rug M3; 0 a = a & ~ “ss “ “£496 +p Os for Skea Syrome, ir eliag ora elements Bog, Ne gna % frame a) when welatfue — molten Eetween them is “Gavhtia as] 26 de ly Mote? frames over here axe rigid body eratntion ~ has nore fie not is ding ti (ee a veclow Hel “Vaw” acco tohene i, Fo, ae bagtes yeckor sffvee Neo coplanast vector .at& ‘the Point Can ye chosen Co bE basis _ve cto q dry Vettor fan be eypres— Uniquely expressed. ‘as a Nineo™ nation of these : rg ~N br “Ug bs Wsbs & V is basis bie % basis \ vector +. aken in Game order is falled Tytad * stem ‘fhe y In cartesian, , Coordinate sy i,k Veckoxs ae Le o-e the vectoy A makes an Me LBP Usk Li,k ie wepresented as" — ae Axi + ay 3? 4a.k ae pr H@e-EVE

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